-••« WE DO and Surrounding Town* OUR PART Told Fearlessly and Without Bla» RED BANK REGISTER u.u.d Weekly. tinUrri m Htoand-Ului Mmtei »t the Po»t» VOLUME LVIII, NO. 5. offlc. at Bed Honk. N. J- uuder the Act of March S, 1870. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1935. Biibaoi'lplloa J>rtco"| Om Kear It.(ID. Six Uontht ji.oo. 'Single Copj «c PAGES 1 TO 12. BOY SAV1SI) FROM I>BOWNING. Fair Haven Fair Death Prevents New Houses On Mainstay Will Pay SPEAKER-CLEE AT HOLMDEL Harold S. Allen Quick Work by Highlands Squad Militant Essex County Assemblyman Getting Ready For Starts Saturday Family Reunion Bovlvea Seven-Year-Qld Child, Tracts At Belf ord $280,560 In Cash U> Glvo Address at Forum. Chosen President Warren Curtis, seven years old, Rev. Lester H, Oltfj of Newarlt, National Regatta New York Relatives, Who Had had a narrow escape *rom drownliig speaker of the house of assembly of Annual Event for Benefit of Fire Tuesday morning at Highlands when Thirteen Applications (or Loans First Series of Red Bank Build- Succeeds William A. Miller as Company Will Run from July Planned SurpriteJVwit on Mrs. for Construction and Other Now Jersey, will speak' 'at Theron Course for Outboard Race* May j he stepped from a sand bur into deep ing and Loan Association Will McCamphell's sylvan forum at Holm- Chamber of Commerce Head be Changed So More Can Seo 27 to August 3 Inclusive— Edward Reillyf Sadly Sur- , water. Men nearby brought the boy Work on Baysidc Heights and del Sunday afternoon. His topic will out of the water and in the mean- Mature Next Week, With a —Other Officers Elected Last Events From Borough Public Amateur Contests. prised to Hear ot Her Death. Water View Developments. bo "Tho Challenge of Tomorrow." time a call had been sent In for the Value of $302,000. Because of the controversy which Friday. Docks. Tho annual fair or Iho Fair Hav_-_ Mrs. Marguerite Shanlon, Mrs. Highlands First Aid squad. The Thirteen applications for loans The Mr.it aeries of the Mainstay has been waged between Rev. Mr. Mary O'Donald and Alfred Marlus prompt administration of a pulmotor IJarold S. Allen, electrical contrac- What promises to bo tho bl-wnsat firo company will open on Saturday under the better housing plan of Building and Loan association ' of Clee and Governor Harold G. Hoff- tor and proprietor of Allen's Electric night pf, Uiis week and will closo the and their eleven children, all of New revived the boy. He was put In the tho Federal Housing Adininietration man over the state spies tax much power boat, regatta the eastorn «tateg ambulance and tnltnn to the Mon- Red Bank will, mature July 31, Shop at IS White street, was elected following Saturday, August 3. ThYorke , were Monday visitors of Ed- huvo been mudo for new construc- amounting to $302,000, of which interest Is manifested in the coming has seen la recent years, la rapidly mouth Memorial hospital at Long president of the Rod Bank Chamber taking form here on the bank* of firemen huve been busy for several ward J. Reilly, who lives with Mr. tion, improvements and repairs on $2S(l,r,G0 will be distributed in cash. address. Due to a misunderstand- of Commerce at a regular moetln^ and Mra. C. H. Darby of Monmouth Branch where he received further the Baystde Heights and Water ing It was erroneously announced tho North Shrewsbury river The weeks with preparations for the treatment and was sent home. Mortgages of $10,400 will be cancelled o* the board of directors last Friday, ovent, which has grown in popular street. They visited Mt. Olivet cem- View sections of Hcl/ord. J. Craw- that Rev. Mr. Clee would speak at scene of the famoua Gold Cup and ami share, loans of $11,040 will b? July 19. Other officers ineludo My- National Sowopstakes regattas of the lty every year and is now one of the etery, after -which Mr. Roilly ontcr- His parents live In Jereey City and ford Compton and his associates, paid. There are 135 shareholders the forum last Sunday. ron V. Browh, first vico president; important mid-Hummer functions of talnad them at dinner at the Molly are in Highlands on a vacation. who developed tht;sti tracts, aro co- yoars from 1928-1932, will again this who will receive the benefit ol their Morris H. Jacks, second vice presi- "" -' the running of thl, huge this locality.. Pitcher hotel. operating with the better housing systematic saving for the past eleven dent; Abrani M. Krldel, treasuror Several innovations will feature Mrs. Slianlon, Mrs. O'Donald and program and Mr. Compton has tak- years and nine months. and Mrs. Mildred Congdon, secr'e- Mr. Marlua aro nieces.and nephews en contracts to build several houses. Red Bank Woman t ly. In former years,, tho Red Bank this yciir'u fair. -Outstanding among Two Houses Moved Tiie association waa organized Oc- Yacht club sponsored these roKat- them will bo the amateur nlgh£ cor of tho late Mrs. Reilly, who died last He states that those applying for tofcer 31, 1023, nnd the financial state- May 3, and they had not heard of loans have received every assistance as but thla year" the entire commun- tests, which will bo held every nigh mum at the close at Its last fiscal Made Will In 1934 lty, through other Yacht and Boat Dancers, singers, comedians, o her death. Their father, Louis Mar- To New Locations from the FHA and that only about year showed It to bo In an excep- ius, a brother of Mrs. Reilly, woe c ub3 and Civic and Fraternal asso- chestrus, Impersonators and othi three weeka are required to con- tionally strong condition, with as- The Late Mrs. Catherine M. ciations aro working together to put entertainers are Invited by the Hr burned to death with his wife at New Dwellings Sold by the Red Bank Bummnte auch a transaction. sets of 51,209,034.50 The association over the heavy two-day schedule to men to compete for cash prizes. At York thirty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. A few weeks ago Mr. Compton hfi:3 bvf'n operated on a very con- Throckmorton Left Bulk of oe given on Saturday and Sunday, Marius's children had never seen Board of Education Were Slid tho closo of the fair all tho winners Over Soaped and Oiled Tim- bought three six-room bungalows on servative basis nn'd It. maintains a Her Estate to Her Daughter, August 17 and 18. All the finances will participate in a grand finale. their aunt, Mrs. Roilly. Ninth street on the Wai or View substantial cash balance nt all times. Mrs. M. Pauline Tilton. necessary are* available and with Thoso wishing to enter the contests They had intended to look her up bers—A Profit of $300. tract, between Leonard ville road The mitturrd shares will be paid many prominent boate already prom- should register at Harry B. KurtlB'a for many years, but had put it off and Route 30, from the Ever Ready without borrowing any money. The late Mrs. Catherine M. Throck- ised, It Is expected that thla regatta until they had all grown up, married, The two hoiwea -which the Red. will draw by far the biggest specta- storo at Fair Haven. building and , loan association of It is expected- that the second morton of Broad street, one of tho and had families of their own. About Bank board of education recently sold Newark. Last week he sold one of tor fleet to bo seen anywhere this A. pica to tho residents of Fal on Bridge avenue to Charles Menna series will mature about January. oldest residents of Red Bank, made year. Haven and adjoining communities t six months ago they located her the bungalows (o Alviro Lopoa of her will March 7, 1931. With the ex- % while Mr. and Mrs. Keilly were liv- and Vincenzo Mazza for $100 each r Last May a new series was started co-operato with the firemen to make New York for $4,700. Tho lot is , )0-and tho^e who wish to join may do ception of two bequests of $25 to Jen- Tentative schedules call for all ing at Llttlo Silver. They communi- have been moved to new locations. xlOO feet and a garage^ is on the tho fair a success was mado at Mon- Tho land which they occupied will bo so. Another series will open in No- nie Carter and Robert Hemphill, both classes of outboards, both amateur day night's council mooting by Coun cated with tho Reilly family, but place. Negros, she left' her estate to her and professional 135 and 225 cublo- failed to give their address BO that, used to build an addition to the River vember. oilman Arthur B. Sickles, chairmar street schoolhouse, Sixteen carpenters, two masona, For somn time past the association daughter, Mrs. M. Paulino Tilton, inch hydroplanes, and, of course the when Mra. Reilly died, her husband three painters, two plumbers and who was made executrix of the will. of the lire committee and presldont Mr. Menna made a proiit of $300 has been making conservative loans race for tho famous National $3000 of the flro. company. He said ho would was unable to notify them. six laborers arc employed on new The witnesses were Jamea L. Tilton Sweepstakes trophy. A very hand- Monday they decided to surprise on the house which he bought by for new construction up to $3,000, like to soo everyone turn out and houses which Mr.
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