Contents Telektronikk Future Mobile Phones Volume 101 No. 3/4 – 2005 1 Guest editorial – Future Mobile Phones; ISSN 0085-7130 Do Van Thanh Editor: Per Hjalmar Lehne 3 The mobile phone: Its evolution from a communication device to a universal companion; Do Van Thanh and Ivar Jørstad (+47) 916 94 909 [email protected] 22 Mobile telephone history; Tom Farley Editorial assistant: 35 Mobile phones and fashion in post-modernity; Gunhild Luke Leopoldina Fortunati (+47) 415 14 125 [email protected] 49 Interest in future net-based services for a sample of Norwegian interviewees; Rich Ling Editorial office: Telenor R&D 60 Mobile multimedia and users: On the domestication of mobile multimedia; NO-1331 Fornebu Ilpo Koskinen and Esko Kurvinen Norway 69 Infrastructure for a mobile workforce; (+47) 810 77 000 Ole Tom Seierstad [email protected] www.telektronikk.com 78 Flexible service integration with BREW; Richard Savage Editorial board: Berit Svendsen, Vice President Telenor 85 What’s next in mobile telephony and will it succeed? Nordic Nigel Wilcox Ole P. Håkonsen, Professor NTNU 96 OMTP – Open Mobile Terminal Platform; Oddvar Hesjedal, CTO Kyivstar GSM Lars Wendt and Do Van Thanh Bjørn Løken, Director Telenor Nordic 100 Reading emails on mobile phones; Graphic design: Do Van Thanh, Ivar Jørstad and Tore Jønvik Design Consult AS (Odd Andersen), Oslo 123 Fetching home music – Sending photos home; Layout and illustrations: Do Van Thanh, Ivar Jørstad and Do Van Thuan Gunhild Luke and Åse Aardal, Telenor R&D 131 The role of RFID in the mobile phone; Juan Carlos Lopez Calvet Prepress and printing: Rolf Ottesen Grafisk Produksjon, Oslo 143 Future management of mobile phones; Do Van Thanh, Anne Marte Hjemås, Anders Bjurgård and Øystein Christian Løken Circulation: 3,600 155 From personal mobility to mobile personality; Matthias Wagner, Marko Luther, Robert Hirschfeld, Wolfgang Kellerer and Anthony Tarlano 165 The Virtual Device – The future mobile phone? Do Van Thanh and Ivar Jørstad Networks on networks Connecting entities through networks – in Special technological, societal and personal terms – enables telecommunication. Networks occur on 175 IP-based resource discovery in fixed and mobile networks; different levels, form parts of larger networks, Paal E. Engelstad and Geir Egeland and exist in numerous varieties. The artist Odd Andersen visualises the networks on networks by drawing interconnected lines with different 195 Terms and acronyms in Future Mobile Phones widths. Curved connections disturb the order and show that networks are not regular but are adapted to the communication needs. Per H. Lehne, Editor in Chief Guest editorial – Future mobile phones DO VAN THANH In technology, things are quite often turned upside phone chipsets which are smaller in size and consume down and become the opposite of what they were less power. These chipsets contribute to the standard- originally meant to be. Hardware components of isation of the mobile phone’s hardware. Parallel to computers are becoming “softer” and more replace- this is the emergence of open and “de-facto” standard able than software components. Telephones go wire- operating systems based on Linux for mobile phones less while televisions get “wired” through cable. The like Monte Vista, Trolltech, BlueCat, etc. Even native Do Van Thanh mobile terminal, which was originally meant as a Java operating systems like Savaje have appeared. is Senior peripheral device, has become very central in the This forces the established mobile phone operating Research mobile telecommunication world. Indeed, from a systems like Symbian, Windows Smartphone, Pal- Scientist at Telenor R&D rather heavy and unpractical mobile station, the mOS to provide open and standardised APIs. The mobile terminal has evolved to becoming a handy fundaments for open and computer-oriented phones device that has found its way to the heart of more are hence laid, but it may not be desirable that mobile and more people. The mobile phone is getting more phones become pure computers which are vulnerable advanced every day in terms of functionality and to virus attacks. Indeed, the minimum requirement is offers; in addition to telephony, valuable services that no matter what happens, a phone should, at least, like messaging, contact, calendar, mobile commerce, function as a phone, i.e. be able to make and receive gaming, etc. are available The mobile phone is incor- calls. This calls for a new architecture where security porating more and more gadgets like digital camera, is seriously taken into account. MP3 player, memory stick, remote control, etc. It is becoming more visible to the user and offering greater This is one of the activities of the OMTP (Open user experience with higher resolution screen, better Mobile Terminal Platform), an operator initiative to sound quality, easier navigation facility, etc. It is no open and standardise mobile phones. Another major longer considered as a communication device, but goal of the OMTP is the operator’s customisation more as a jewel that one is expressing oneself with. across heterogeneous mobile phones, i.e. to define a uniform user experience across different mobile The battle in the mobile telecommunication world is phones. But, the mobile operators are not the only nowadays very much more over the mobile phone players that want to have something to say on the than on the mobile network. The competition is no mobile phones. The first and most obvious player is longer between telecom manufacturers like Nokia, the user who wants to personalise his mobile phone SonyEricsson, Motorola, Samsung, etc., but the tele- according to his preferences. Next is the third party com operators are also starting to show interest in service provider that delivers its services on the influencing both the functionality and appearance of mobile phone and may want to customise to differen- the mobile phones. Some major telecom operators tiate with other service providers. Last, but definitely such as Vodafone, Orange, T-mobile, etc. view cus- not least, is the enterprise that is the employer of the tomisation of mobile phones as a decisive differentia- user, the payer of the mobile subscription and most tion since the mobile phones are what the customers often the owner of the mobile terminal. The enter- see and want to pay for. Another motivation for join- prise may or may not want to have company logo ing the battle of mobile terminals is the dissatisfac- or colour on the mobile display. However, they will tion on the fragmentation of the hardware compo- probably want to have the right to approve the appli- nents and the incompatibility of the operating system cations running on the mobile phone in the same way and software platforms. These constitute one of the that they select and grant the installation of the clients major hindrances to the promotion and acceptance of running on the employee’s laptop that communicate advanced data services. Indeed, the mobile operators remotely with the servers on the company’s intranet tend to be in favour of the evolution of the mobile ter- and behind the firewalls. minal from a black box to an open and standard com- puter where software applications can be installed or Will the mobile phones continue to be distributed in removed on demand. the market in the same way as today with most of the functionalities and features decided by the mobile Another factor that favours the “opening” of the phone manufacturer? Will the user have the possibil- mobile phone is the advance in micro technology that ity to buy separately the hardware and software com- has enabled the production of high-integration mobile ponents and tailor their own mobile phone as in the Telektronikk 3/4.2005 ISSN 0085-7130 © Telenor ASA 2006 1 case of the PC? Will the operator or the enterprise The paper about OMTP – Open Mobile Terminal do the assemblage and customisation of the mobile Platform – summarizes international activities that for phones? Actually, nobody can predict what will hap- the first time ever focus solely on the mobile phone. pen in the future. The most reasonable solution may As the mobile phone evolves to be more than a tele- be a “multi ownership” scheme where each player phone, more interesting data services are emerging. owns one part of the mobile phone. But for this to While one paper describes how emails can be made happen, the future mobile must have a new and sound available on the mobile phone, the other explains how architecture that provides autonomy, adequate secu- the user can fetch music from his home PC to his rity and privacy to each owner at the same time as the mobile phone and send home the photos from his scarce resources of the mobile phone are shared in an mobile phone. The usage and role of RFID on mobile optimal way. There are surely many technology chal- phones are also covered in one paper. lenges but the major obstacles seem to be political and economical making the future scenery in the This issue concludes with a view on the future with mobile phone arena quite unclear. three articles. The first one presents a future device management system that is capable of providing The objective of this issue of Telektronikk is to shed dynamic and complex management operations on light on the state-of the art of the mobile phone but heterogeneous mobile phones. Another predicts that also its history and future. The issue will provide mobile personality will replace personal mobility that views on technologies, user’s requirements, social allows the mobile user to develop her own online per- consequences and economic aspects of the mobile sonality in terms of personal preference, usage and phone. This Telektronikk issue on future mobile service profiles over time, as well as the offered ser- phones opens with a recapitulation of the mobile vices to acquire a unique proactive behaviour.
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