.. Home of Ih. News CIVILIAN DEFENSE NEEDS YOUR. HELP * * * ross,'e CALL TU. 54600 ews AND VOLUNTEER 99 'KercbeVal TV. 1.6900 Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes VOLUME 12-NO. 15 Entered all Second Class Matter 5e Per Copy at the Post Office at Detroit, Mich. GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, APRIL 12, 1951 $3,00 Per Year Fully Paid Circulation . I DEADLINES Voluntee'rs Can Hardly Wait for Clean-Up Week Many Pupils ~ ...... r~" IPittman Enlisting 0/ the Affected By WEEK Shifted Lines As Compiled by th~ Advisors to Aid In Gross~ Pointe NeW$ Construction, of New Build- Thursday, April 5 ings Makes Changes Neces- JULIUS and ETHEL ROSEN- Defense Program sary to Avoid Crowding BERG were sentenced to death today for stealing atomic bomb The Grosse Pointe Board of Chief Air Raid Warden Estimates As Many As secrets for Russia. Their execu~ 3,000 Education at its regular meet- tion set for week of May 21, Residents May Be Taking Part ing held on April 6 formally Judge Irving R. Kaufman, who sentenced them, said their crime In His Organization adopted boundaries for ele.- was worse than murder and he ment.ary and junior high would be violating the trust of Chief Air Raid Warden Lansing Pittman, whose appoint- school districts which will be- the American people if he ment was announced last week, has announced that he has come effective with the open. showed mercy. made good progress in set~ing up an ad.visory co~itt.ee, in.l! of school next September. • • • the first step in. the .establIshment of a large ol'gamz~tlOn Franklin D. Dougherty, Presi- GENERAL MACARTHUR is which will be spread through the whole Grosse Pomte- dent of the Board of Education. quoted in a London paper as say- Harper \Voods area. 0 stated that with the opening of ing the defeat of Red China Making Personal Contacts R t L ed several new schools next year. would be easy if the UN would . Mr. Pittman re~eased a ~artial en 1 S many changes. in existing bound- "take the wraps off my corn- lIst of names he 1S contactmg to aries have been necessary. He mand."lflie is said to have stated serve on the advisory group and Lzeft d by said that at this time it is im- that a sea blockade of China and expressed confidence that all of e possible to determine how many bombing raids on its railroads them would accept. G P F of the new schools and additions would soon reduce it to impo- Included are: John C. Holley, 'arms will be ready for occupancy next tence. Jerome Remick, Jr., John C. • • September. .. Kenower, David E. Burgess, Now Being Built BATTLE- WORN GI's are to be Frank Parker, A. C. Ledya!"d, At present the following build- replaced in Korea. Will be sent Council Votes for Decontrol Sher:wood Reekie, Lem W. ings are under construction: the home for rest period and then Bowen, Ernest Kanzler, William Following Public Hearing in Parcells Junior High School, and assigned to stations in this coun- K. Muir; William Clay Ford, Municipal Building the New Kerby, the Monteith try. Fresh troops to be sent to Januarius A. Mullen, Harold R. and the Poupard Elementary Korea to replace them. .. .. .. Boyer, David W. Rust, John The' Grosse Pointe Farms Schools. Work on all of these Chandler, Milton J. Boyd, Victor Council voted Monqay night buildings is progressing well and GOV. HENRY F. SCHRICKER Van Hulle, Theodore McGraw clamped an anti-gambling lid on to decontrol all rents in that the Board is hopeful that several and Robert Edgar. , of these units will be ready by all of Indiana today. Issues state To Pick Assistants city. The action of the coun- next September. Plans are now ban on slot machines and all The next step in Mr. Pittma~'s cil was taken following a pubw being made to house the children forms of gambling devices. .. plans calls for the ,appointment lie hearing attended by about to be served by these various of a chief air raid warden for 20 landlords. \ schools according to the boundar- EDGAR LEROY BRYANT, each of the separate municipali- brother of the late Ml'S. Henry The Farms will now notify the ies described below. ties in the District. These will FlJrd, seeks to break her will and Housing Expediter in Washington Due to the many uncertanties help select two assistants each, claim all of her $10,000,000 estate of its official action. The decon- involved in the completion of Ol.~ man and one WOf.,an. for himself. Says she promised trol will become effective when these buildings, parents will be rollo,,~'ing these appointments to leave him everything she had. the Expediter informs the local kept informed as to their pro:" it will be necessary to zone the He was not mentioned in her officials of approval of the action. gress. Definite plans relative 'to entire area on a per capita basis. will. City Bas Decontrolled their opening will be announced Zone captains will be picked and • • • it will be their duty to sign up The City of Grosse Pointe is later. Friday, ApriJ 6 "' block wardens. the only other .local municipality Two Unchang-ed GENERAL MacARTHUR has . I::;- .''. '-'J!:~'3•.Santee:Plemr.. Mr. Pittman ~stimates ,that which has decontrolled rents. Boundaries for all elementary again kicked over the govern": '._.... .. , . ..~ ..,', .~" ..'.. when the entire'.air.~Ii4Q.~rden G.rosse Pointe Park requested a school districts hayeq~e.n .c~g:-..::.:. ment traces by applauding Re-' .\.\'" Me1llbers and prospective m'embers of the Gold and .-the Blue Hi'Y organizati'ons at Grosse Pointe High School organization is properlyhset up, blanket increase, but the Wayne ed for next ~~~~,: •.tni!':;,re~.i publican Senator Martin's de. will be transported,.in trucks tq,. various'Q'acantlots, ~ th~ ;~ommunity ..onSaturday~ April 21, when thE7ywill illaugu- it may involve as many as 3,000 County Hent Advisory Board has ception of Trombly and Richard. mands for the use of Chiang Kai rate Clean-Up. We~k by' ~idd:ing..;suc1r 'pioperties .of. unsi'g htli.rubbish.~y'ing out th~s brand new ,Gr:osse J(qint~ City residents of the district. withheld any recommendation to A complete description of ele- Shek's Nationalists Chinese troops collection truck, and lining up garden .fo61s;with driver NICK ZAUNER' at the wheel, are'DAN WEBB, TOM'LAMB, On Tuesday Mr. Pittman an- the Housing Expediter. mentary school districts is given in Korea. Also says he is con- TOM PFEIFLE, BILL REXFORD:; SKIPOBOLD, BOB LAW, NORM LASCA, PETE DAVIDSON, TOM WILLIAMS nounced that.invitations to serve The Wayne County Board has at the end of this article. vinced fate of Europe will be de- and JOHN FILDEW. on the 'Advisory Committee had been sending representatives to In order to relieve the enrol1- - cided by the war in Asia. ,<So ~------------- been accepted by Messrs. Hol.1ey, the Park Municipal Building on ment in Maire School which has ..· .. ',. \ . U d J Remick, Kenowfr, Burgess, Ed- Thursdays to listen to individual become overcrowded, the pupils requests from landlords and ten- who live on the two streets of JrER30~~~E~~l1s~~n~~~~:~~ FBI Catches All Residelits rge to oin Public School '~~~e:a~~[;, ~r~a~~st,R~~~~~ ants for adjustments. Audubon and Whittier, from Jef- was sentenced to spend 70 years e dler and Boyd. Present Law Extended ferson to Mack, will be trans- Th S ht I A I CI U D T h G ferred from the Maire to the ~vroan ~~;;~~~~r~7,f~om~~~~~~ ' ,ug, oug ,n nnua ean- P fIVe eac ers et co~~cstifh~eo~~~r~e:: ~~te~leb~~ The present federal rent con- Defer District next year. trol law which was to have ex- ~~~Jd~~~i~s ~~~: ~~~~dai~o~eSi:t: ~a~e~~~~ they would also agree pired on March 31 was extended One Small Change For' Holdup Set for April 21'Through 29 Salary Raise to June 30 by Congress. The local Only one small change has tached to the ~xhaust. Hattma.n ------ l option provision for decontrol been made in the Kerby School had ~educed hIS blonde, beaut1- I R d d t J 'I U d Garden Clubs Municipalities Stude~ts and Many Organi- Mock Attack ,.Set still exists. District for next year. The streets ful w1fe, Sydney, 25. eman e 0 al n er I , . Board of Education' Adopts I There has been talk that when ,between' the center of ~oross .. .. • $10 000 Bond in Connec. zations Banding Together to Guarantee N S h d I ff .F N t M d Congres~ ge.ts around 1.0 passing Road and t.he rear lo~ lme on The US is going to rotount a I I • W'th Ph'll Success of This Year's Campaig~ ew c e u e A ecting or ex on ay powerful radio station on a fast, tlon, I os All Members of Staff a new bIll, 1t might decontrol all the south slde of Lexmgton and rents established by local decon- Colonial Court South, are now ocean-going freighter for use in Robbery "Clean Up and Shine Anniversary Time!" is this year's at The mock A-homb attack trol or blanket increases. included in the Kerby School Dis- its campaign for truth against the slogan adopted by the Grosse Pointe Garden Club Council The Grosse Pointe Board of scheduled 'by the State office of trict. With the opening of the Civilian Defense will get-'under- Communist world.
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