Teoretičeskaâ i prikladnaâ nauka Theoretical & Applied Science 11 (79) 2019 International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science Founder: International Academy of Theoretical & Applied Sciences Published since 2013 year. Issued Monthly. International scientific journal «Theoretical & Applied Science», registered in France, and indexed more than 45 international scientific bases. Editorial office: http://T-Science.org Phone: +777727-606-81 E-mail: [email protected] Editor-in Chief: Hirsch index: Alexandr Shevtsov h Index RISC = 1 (78) Editorial Board: 1 Prof. Vladimir Kestelman USA h Index Scopus = 3 (38) 2 Prof. Arne Jönsson Sweden h Index Scopus = 4 (21) 3 Prof. Sagat Zhunisbekov KZ - 4 Assistant of Prof. Boselin Prabhu India - 5 Lecturer Denis Chemezov Russia h Index RISC = 2 (61) 6 Senior specialist Elnur Hasanov Azerbaijan h Index Scopus = 7 (11) 7 Associate Prof. Christo Ananth India h Index Scopus = - (1) 8 Prof. Shafa Aliyev Azerbaijan h Index Scopus = - (1) 9 Associate Prof. Ramesh Kumar India h Index Scopus = - (2) 10 Associate Prof. S. Sathish India h Index Scopus = 2 (13) 11 Researcher Rohit Kumar Verma India - 12 Prof. Kerem Shixaliyev Azerbaijan - 13 Associate Prof. Ananeva Elena Pavlovna Russia h Index RISC = 1 (19) 14 Associate Prof. Muhammad Hussein Noure Elahi Iran - 15 Assistant of Prof. Tamar Shiukashvili Georgia - 16 Prof. Said Abdullaevich Salekhov Russia - 17 Prof. Vladimir Timofeevich Prokhorov Russia - 18 Researcher Bobir Ortikmirzayevich Tursunov Uzbekistan - 19 Associate Prof. Victor Aleksandrovich Melent'ev Russia - 20 Prof. Manuchar Shishinashvili Georgia - ISSN 2308-4944 1 1 © Сollective of Authors 9 7 7 2 3 0 8 4 9 4 1 9 5 © «Theoretical & Applied Science» International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science Editorial Board: Hirsch index: 21 Prof. Konstantin Kurpayanidi Uzbekistan h Index RISC = 8 (67) International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 11 (79), 722. Philadelphia, USA Impact Factor ICV = 6.630 Impact Factor ISI = 0.829 based on International Citation Report (ICR) The percentage of rejected articles: ISSN 2308-4944 1 1 9 7 7 2 3 0 8 4 9 4 1 9 5 ISRA (India) = 4.971 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630 ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940 Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260 JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350 QR – Issue QR – Article SOI: 1.1/TAS DOI: 10.15863/TAS International Scientific Journal Theoretical & Applied Science p-ISSN: 2308-4944 (print) e-ISSN: 2409-0085 (online) Year: 2019 Issue: 11 Volume: 79 Published: 30.11.2019 http://T-Science.org Abror Niyazovich Gadayev Samarkand state architectural-building institute Professor of the Department of “Water supply, waste water and water resources protection”, candidate technical sciences, professor [email protected] Dilnora Umirzakovna Ganiyeva Samarkand state architectural-building institute, Trainee the teacher [email protected] STUDY OF THE INFLUNCING FACTORS TO THE WATER WELL CAPACITY Abstract: In Uzbekistan and other Central Asian countries mostly use ground waters and researches related to solve their problem show how they are urgent. It requests a sustainable management and rational using of ground waters. This article devoted to the increasing of the efficiency of water well which is the first part of the water supply system. Also sustainable water resources management is the main goal of the researches and investigations. Key words: well, water supply, water intake, filter, lowering the static water level, productivity, pipeline. Language: English Citation: Gadayev, A. N., & Ganiyeva, D. U. (2019). Study of the influncing factors to the water well capacity. ISJ Theoretical & Applied Science, 11 (79), 601-604. Soi: http://s-o-i.org/1.1/TAS-11-79-119 Doi: https://dx.doi.org/10.15863/TAS.2019.11.79.119 Scopus ASCC: 2216. Introduction 4 zones on both sides of the Big Uzbek Highway. For In the course of consistent and large-scale many years, the wear of salts and corrosive elements reforms in all sectors of the economy, much attention on well filters and inlet channels leads to their is paid to the water supply of the population and depletion, which leads to failures in the water supply production, as well as to the sustainable use of system. available water resources. Naturally, increasing Dakhbet water intake facilities provide about demand for water complicates the capacity of water 30% of Samarkand city consumers with clean supply systems, their technical improvement and their drinking water. Basically, this facility will provide the management. As a result of the growing demand for Octyabrskaya and Gormolplant water stations with underground water intake facilities, they are faced drinking water in the area of the city's railway station, with new, modern, reliable and stable operational part of Microdistricts A and B, as well as in Sogdiana. requirements. Sustainability conditions also increase Of the 30 artesian wells available at the water body, consumer water demand and process reliability. 23 are in working condition, 3 are in reserve and 4 are The Dakhbet water intake facility we are under repair[1]. There are two indoor pools for storing considering is a water production complex of water water, a secondary lift pump station, a chlorination intake facilities serving the Samarkand city water station and an administration building. This supply system, which contains 30 medium-sized installation has a capacity of the water well as 153 artesian wells. Dakhbet water intake facilities are cubic meters per hour and a total capacity of the located on the left bank of the Zarafshan river and in station is 3519 m3 of water per hour[2]. The problem Philadelphia, USA 601 ISRA (India) = 4.971 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630 ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940 Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260 JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350 of reducing production rate in unproductive or a) For injection wells: inefficient wells was identified, and below we will analyze the main causes of this condition. 푆푙 ≈ −(0,3. .0,5)푚 + 퐻 − 퐻퐻 − 훥퐻푓, м (1) where: Н - water pressure in the layers, m; Analysis of the main reasons for the decline in Нн - distance from the dynamic water level to the well productivity. lowest point of the pump, m; Well wear is analyzed to reduce their level and 훥Нf - is the pressure loss of the water flowing decrease specific production rate. This requires through the layer, and its value is determined by the hydraulic calculations of the well for the initial and resistance of the filter and surrounding rocks to the postoperative periods. The main purpose of the flow. hydraulic calculation of wells: m - is the thickness of the water supply layer, m; • determination of well flow rate; Hydraulic calculation of wells is recommended • detection of a decrease in the static water table using the following images (Figure 1). 1 - filter; 2 - in the well during operation; pump electric motor; 3 - pump shell; 4 - well walls; 5 • determine the interaction between wells - water-transmitting pipeline; 6 - pipeline route; 7 - operating in the same layer. static layer; 8 - dynamic layer; A is the length of the A limited decrease in the static water level in the engine; B - pump size; B is the distance from the top well - Sl, the water consumption set by the project, that of the pump to ground layer level. is, the amount of water consumed by the consumer depends on QT. In the calculations, the initial values of SЧ can be found using the following expressions[3]: Figure 1. The design scheme of artesian wells. Well production is determined based on the main where: k - is the volatile rock that forms the characteristics of the aquifer and the details of the aquifer coefficient, m / day; well. The water supply layer is under pressure, and the m - is the thickness of the water layer, m; movement of water in the layer is stable[4]. If the s - reduction of the static water level in the well, influence of external factors affects the distribution of m; the wells, it is advisable to study them separately and r - is the radius of the well, m; determine their share in reducing production. When R - the influencing radius of the well, m; determining the water capacity of artesian wells, it is 푅 = 10 ⋅ 푆 ⋅ √푘, м (3) necessary to take into account the above parameters It will also increase water demand in the coming and their special effects. Now consider a specific case years, improve preparation technology, use the latest of well production. information technologies for monitoring wells, Water flow in an artesian well operating in a modern water pumps, filters and changes in stable layer of water movement is determined by the groundwater flow rates, and also improve the expression Dupuis[5]: relationship between the consumer and the water for these layers: supply system, water-saving incentives and changes 2.73⋅푘⋅푚⋅푠 м3 in water tariffs in relation to other resources[6]. 푄 = 푅 , ⁄ (2) 푙푔 푑. 푟 Based on the foregoing data, the authors analyzed the location of the wells, the distance Philadelphia, USA 602 ISRA (India) = 4.971 SIS (USA) = 0.912 ICV (Poland) = 6.630 ISI (Dubai, UAE) = 0.829 РИНЦ (Russia) = 0.126 PIF (India) = 1.940 Impact Factor: GIF (Australia) = 0.564 ESJI (KZ) = 8.716 IBI (India) = 4.260 JIF = 1.500 SJIF (Morocco) = 5.667 OAJI (USA) = 0.350 between them, as well as the details of the water - a decrease in the daily influx of fresh water supply layer, which are the main structures in the into the reservoir due to a decrease in the flow rate and complex of Dakhbet water intake facilities.
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