'#. ^--V*! Presented to the m LIBRARY ofthe \\\ UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO VICTORIA COLLEGE LIBRARY "W (Courtiers and uvountes a V'.J^y ^^:sm-L-A \ {Memoirs of the Court of France Wiîh Contemporary and (Modem Illustrations Colleded from the French [^Q.itiofia! ^^^rchives Léon Vallée UBRARIAN AT THE BIBLIOTHEQUE NATION Al F Madame Sophie ÊKà«f hVg. ilercier. Park Soaeie des ^btbiwpnues New York {Menill &- ^aker iMx aiiiqOi^ dmfifafiM f Courtiers and Favourites of T{qyalty (Memoirs of the Court of France IVith Contemporary and {Modem Illustrations CoUeâfed from the French U^ational ^Archives BY Léon Vallée LIBRARIAN AT THE BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE (Memoirs of "'Duke de T^ichelieu In Three Volumes Vol. II Paris Société des 'Bibliophiles New York (Merrill & ^Baker — EDITION "DU "PETIT TRIANON Ltmitea to One Tnousana Sets >'» U4^ .snuriJaa .M o1 uailarloiH ab eiuQ sdi lo leliôJ arit J?.niÊ§Ê anoiïÊiaqo oJ gniitabi Letter of the Duke de Richelieu to M. Betliune, referring to opérations against the King of Prussia I I i i 5 ^ LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS VOLUME II Madame Sophie. Frontispiece pagb Baron de Montesquieu ......... 16 In thb Time of the Regency . .20 Louis XV at the Time of His Accession to the Throne of France 24 The Duchess Mazabin 96 The Royal Hunt 134 Louis XIV and La Valllère 262 The King's Favourite 308 Marie Leczinska, Wife of Louis XV 334 MEMOIRS OF MARSHAL DUKE DE RICHELIEU BY M. F, BARRIERE — T able of Contents. VOLUME II. CHAPTER XXXVII. The Sulpicians wish to deprive parliament of ail knowlege of ec- clesiastical affairs.—The address of Abbé Pucelle.—Parlia- ment goes to Marly and is not received.—The exclamations of Cardinal de Fleury. — Severity of the king toward parlia- ment. —A song of Maurepas. .1 CHAPTER XXXVIII. Religions dissensions. —The frivolity of the French people. Fashionable games.—A song about Fleury.—Inquisition di- rected against some of the ecclesiastics. , . .16 CHAPTER XXXIX. Character of King Louis XV. from the time of his majority to the time of the death of Cardinal de Fleury.—His bashful- ness.—His love of quiet life.—His natural apathy.—Begin- nings of his famous suppers in the small dining-room.—He accustoms ail his courtiers to abject submission. —The dis- tinction between the différent réceptions in his apartments. After his twentieth year an entire absence of feelings of affec- tion is noticed in him.—He writes to his former governess to prove to her that he was naturally tender-hearted. —Charac- ter of Queen Maria, his wife.—She loses crédit at court. Cardinal de Fleury deprives ail her favorites of favors.—The anecedote of the one hundred louis offered by the cardinal that she might play cavagnole after she had given to the poor ail her ready money. —Anecdote of Cardinal de Nangis, her favorite. .23 — ii TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XL. Anecdotes relative to Louis XV. and Queen Maria prior to the infidelities of the king.—Circumstances which lead up to thèse infidelities.—The fickle amours of the king.— Mlle, de Charolais, Mme. de Rohan. —The secret court of the king in 1732.—Nocturnal excursions of the king in 1736 during the confinement of the queen.—Curious adventure of Mme. Paulmier. • • • • .40 CHAPTER XLL The intrigues of court nobles to give the king a recognized mis- tress after they had learned of the adventure of Mme. Paul- mier.—Character of Mme. Portail rebuffed by Louis.—In- trigues of Mme. the Duchess de Fleury, De Bontemps, of Lebel, and Mme. Tencin to secure a permanent mistress for the king. —Attention is turned to Mme. Mailly. 44 CHAPTER XLH. Anecdotes concerning the Mailly family.—The morals of the high French nobility before its depravity in the court of the kings. her —Character of Mme. de Nesle, née Coligny ; of daugh- ter-in-law, née La Porte-Mazarin and mother of the four famous favorites of Louis XV. .47 CHAPTER XLHL Character of courtiers and valets that corrupted Louis XV. when he w^as twenty-two years of âge. — Character of Bachelier and Le Bel, valets-de-chambre.—Lazure dismissed. —Mme. de Tencin commissioned with the duty of selecting a mistress. Mme. de Mailly is preferred and the reason why.— The infi- delities of Louis XV. laid on the queen. —Conjugal anecdotes of the late king and queen. '5° CHAPTER XLIV. Character and portrait of Mme. de Mailly.—Her disinterested- ness.—Her first interview with Louis XV. in his private cham- ber.—The modesty of Louis XV. —The boldness of Bache- lier. —Anecdote of the Marquis de Puysieux, first lover of Mme. de Mailly.— Infidelities of the king. —His libertinism. The boldness and repartee of Courtenvaux. -59 — TABLE OF CONTENTS. 111 CHAPTER XLV. Character of Mme. de Mailly before and after the déclaration of the favors of the king.—Ambition of her sister, a pensionnaire in the Abbey of Port-Royal.—Mme, de Mailly invites her to her home. —She pleases Louis XV.—She is declared second mistress in 1739.—She is married to the Marquis de Vinti- mille.—Anecdote of the Castle of Madrid where Mme. de Charolais received the newly-married couple.—Acquisition of Choisy for the pleasures of the king.—Character and sketch of Mme. de Vintimille.—Her genius and her ambition. Fleury jealous and ill at ease.—The plan is conceived in his faction of ruining the new favorite and her confinement is awaited. «65 CHAPTER XLVI. Death and sketch of the Duke de la Trémoille, first gentleman Chamberlain.— Anecdotes prior to the appointment of Duke de Fleury to this position.— Court cabals.—Intrigues of Car- dinal de Fleury and the tvi^o favorites. —Cardinal de Fleury retires in a fit of sulks to Issy, as was his wont.—The alarm of the tvi^o sisters. —Anecdotes about Mme. de Mailly.— The cardinal in refusing a favor for his nephew compels Mme. de Vintimille to accord it to him.— Embarrassment of the king. —Fleury appointed first Chamberlain. • 72) CHAPTER XLVII. Cardinal de Fleury and Mme. de Vintimille, both jealous, care- fully viratch each other. —Birth of M. de Vintimille.—Death of his mother.—Sorrow of the king.—He is for a long time tormented byher picture.—His gloomy character.—Intrigues of the court in their endeavor to give him new mistresses. The king remains faithful to Mme. de Mailly. —He retires with her into the secret apartments. —Portrait of Meuse, his " confidant and his favorite.—Stories of his private life in his inner household. —Jealousy of the court, and utterances against Meuse.—Jealousy of Maurepas.—Anecdotes. 81 CHAPTER XLVIII. Fleury exiles Mme. de Prie, the former favorite of M, le Duc, prime minister, to Courbépine.—The tragic end of Mme. de Prie.—M. le Duc, the prime minister, exiled to Chantilly. 92 — IV TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER XLIX. Death of Mme. de Mazarin, grandmother of Mme. de Mailly, of Mme. de La Tournelle, and of Mme. de Flavacourt,—Mau- repas, his wife and his heirs, drive thèse two last-named ladies from the house.—A peculiar strategy resorted to by Mme. de Flavacourt.—A character sketch. —She is driven by Maurepas from the home of her grandmother, and being without a father and mother she goes and takes a seat in a sedan chair in the midst of the court of the princes.—The Duke de Gesvres finds her there and brings her to the court by order of the king, with her sister De La Tournelle. —She pardons M. and Mme. de Maurepas.—Resentment of Mme. de La Tournelle. —The origin of the open enmity between Mme. de La Tournelle and M. and Mme. de Maurepas. Neutrality of Mme. de Flavacourt. .96 CHAPTER L. The rise of the house of d'Aiguillon.—The opposition of the peers of France. —The rise and character of the Duke d'Agenois, afterwards a celebrated minister.—He loves Mme. de La Tournelle.—The king also loves her. — Intrigues and charac- ter of the Duke de Richelieu, favorite of Louis XV.—History of his love affairs.—His cbnduct toward vi^omen.—He serves the king, and is served by him in his love intrigues.—Strata- gems and plots to thwart the courtship of Mme. de La Tour- nelle and the Duke d'Agenois, and to help on the liaisons between Louis and that lady. ..... 102 CHAPTER LL The intrigues of the Duke de Richelieu to separate Mme. de La Tournelle from his nephew, d'Agenois, and how he encour- aged a liaison betvi^een the king and her. —Strange stratagem of a lady of Languedoc, who won the love of this d'Agenois. —The intercepted letters sent to Mme. de La Tournelle, who listens tothe king.—Thedismissalof Mme. de Mailly isprom- ised her. —Fleury and Maurepas in league to circumvent Mme. de La Tournelle and retain Mme. de Mailly at court. Pusillanimity of the queen. — îvlme. de Mailly gives her place to her sister. ....... 109 — TABLE OF CONTENTS. V CHAPTER LU. The progress of the passion of Louis XV. for Mme. de La Tour- nelle.—Stratagem of the favorite to hâve her sister, Mailly, dismissed.—The plan of Mme. de Flavacourt,—Mme. de Mailly is fînally exiled.—Her deep sorrow,— Triumph of Ma- dame de La Tournelle at Choisy. —She still resists the de- sires of the king in order that she may accomplish her designs.—Maurepas avenges himself by the production of sarcastic songs.—The last efforts of Cardinal de Fleury. The feelings of the king concerning the public opinion of his love. .118 CHAPTER Lin. Study of the character of Louis XV. after leaving the tutelage of Cardinal de Fleury at the âge of thirty-three years.
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