E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 18, 2001 No. 100 Senate The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was APPOINTMENT OF ACTING propriations bill. We are now on the en- called to order by the Presiding Offi- PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE ergy and water bill. Last week we cer, the Honorable EVAN BAYH, a Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The cleared almost 60 nominations. When ator from the State of Indiana. clerk will please read a communication we finish the energy and water appro- to the Senate from the President pro priations bill today, whatever time that might be, we are going to go to PRAYER tempore (Mr. BYRD). The legislative clerk read the fol- the nomination that has an assigned The Chaplain, Dr. Lloyd John lowing letter: time, the nomination of John Graham. Ogilvie, offered the following prayer: It is a contentious issue. When we fin- U.S. SENATE, Almighty God, we thank You for this PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, ish that item, we will go to the Trans- new day in which we have the privilege Washington, DC, July 18, 2001. portation appropriations bill. to serve You. Our ultimate goal is to To the Senate: I hope all Members work together. As please You by seeking Your guidance, Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, Senator DASCHLE and I talked last following it faithfully, and giving You of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby night, these appropriations bills don’t appoint the Honorable EVAN BAYH, a Senator belong to the Democrats or the Repub- all the glory. You have called us to be from the State of Indiana, to perform the du- servant-leaders. And so we spread out licans. They are ours. The President is ties of the Chair. leaving for Europe today for a very im- before You the challenges and respon- ROBERT C. BYRD, sibilities of this day. We thank You for President pro tempore. portant set of meetings. He needs these Your presence all through the day. appropriations bills as much as any- Mr. BAYH thereupon assumed the body in the country, if not more. Guide the Senators’ thinking and chair as Acting President pro tempore. speaking. May their convictions be I hope we will have people offering based on undeniable truth You have de- f amendments. Yesterday we had one fined in their minds and in the negotia- RECOGNITION OF THE ACTING amendment offered. That was accepted tions and debates. Bless the Senators MAJORITY LEADER by the managers of the bill. We need to as they work together to arrive at so- move forward. I hope we can do that The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- today around 10:30. lutions so much greater than they pore. The acting majority leader is rec- f could arrive at alone. Help them to ognized. draw on Your wisdom, Your pene- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME trating discernment, and Your indomi- f table courage. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- SCHEDULE pore. Under the previous order, the The life and dedication of Senator Mr. REID. Mr. President, today the leadership time is reserved. Paul Coverdell lives on as a stunning Senate will conduct 1 hour of morning f example of this quality of leadership. business for the memorial on the 1-year We remember the Senator with pro- anniversary of the death of our col- MORNING BUSINESS found gratitude today on the anniver- league, Senator Paul Coverdell. At The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- sary of his graduation to heaven. 10:30, the Senate will resume consider- pore. Under the previous order, there is And thus, we reaffirm our own com- ation of the energy and water appro- now a period for the transaction of mitment: ‘‘One life to live, t’will soon priations bill. Rollcall votes are ex- morning business not to extend beyond be past; only what’s done for Your pected throughout the day on amend- the hour of 10:30 a.m., with Senators glory will last.’’ Amen. ments to energy and water. The Senate permitted to speak therein for up to 10 may also consider several Executive minutes each. f Calendar nominations after we finish Also, under the previous order, the energy and water. time until 10:30 a.m. shall be under the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE We have had good bipartisan activity control of the Republican leader or his in the Senate in recent days. We have designee. The Honorable EVAN BAYH led the worked our way through some difficult f Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: bills. Senator STEVENS and Senator BYRD worked through the contentious IN MEMORY OF SENATOR PAUL I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the COVERDELL United States of America, and to the Repub- supplemental appropriations bill, and lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Senator BURNS and Senator BYRD, Mr. REID. Mr. President, I will take indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. again, worked through the Interior ap- a few minutes to talk about Paul ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S7831 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:35 Dec 20, 2013 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 J:\ODA425\1997-2008-FILES-4-SS-PROJECT\2001-SENATE-REC-FILES\RECFILES-NEW\S mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY S7832 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE July 18, 2001 Coverdell. There were a number of oc- I was flattered and have appreciated dealt with their colleagues in the Sen- casions in Washington, and once at the being involved in the group. We have ate. Democratic National Convention in done some things to recognize Paul Paul had a deep sense of humility, Chicago, that someone walked up to Coverdell: the Peace Corps building, a tireless spirit, and ready humor. In me and said: Senator Coverdell. facility in Georgia. But those Demo- fact, whenever I think of him, I always Now, I always pictured myself as crats who have worked with Paul smile, not only in appreciation for more of a Robert Redford type—that is Coverdell on the State and Federal what he did but the meetings we had what I expect to see in the mirror, but level know what a good person he was. almost always ended with a laugh be- it never turns out that way. Factually, Senator ZELL MILLER had so much con- cause I liked to pick at him, actually. I am not the Paul Coverdell type, not a fidence in Paul Coverdell’s judgment As many people recall, I even had a real big bruiser of a person. I guess that Paul Coverdell’s chief of staff is nickname for him because as a Senator that is why, perhaps, Paul Coverdell ZELL MILLER’s chief of staff. and as a member of our leadership—ac- and I got along so well. We were a lot I miss Paul Coverdell. He wasn’t tually after only having been in the alike. When we think of the great ora- somebody with whom I socialized. We Senate for 4 years he was elected to the tors of the Senate, Daniel Webster and didn’t go out to ball games together or Republican leadership—we kind of had Everett Dirksen, we don’t think of movies or dinner, but we spent a lot of a rule that if there was a job to be done Paul Coverdell. But when we think of time being Senators together. I will al- that no other leader wanted to do, we those Senators who were able to get ways remember the service of that shy, could always call on Paul. He reminded things done, he was one of those. That somewhat reserved man, the Senator me of the commercial about the little boy named Mikey. The other kids is why when Senator LOTT had a dif- from Georgia, Paul Coverdell. ficult legislative and dangerous assign- Mr. President, I suggest the absence wouldn’t eat the cereal and they would ment on the Senate floor, we would see of a quorum. shove it over to Mikey; and say, ‘‘Give it to Mikey, he’ll try anything.’’ Well, Paul Coverdell. The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- He was almost a shy man. He was not pore. The clerk will call the roll. I called him Mikey because I knew he boisterous, loud, or aggressive in his The senior assistant bill clerk pro- would try anything and he would do it actions, but he was effective in his ac- ceeded to call the roll. with great spirit and enthusiasm. That is the kind of utility player he was. tions. I spent lots of time on the Sen- Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I ask unan- That is the kind of commitment, that ate floor trying to work issues out with imous consent the order for the is the kind of willingness to work and him. When we had the bankruptcy bill quorum call be dispensed with. do the jobs that other Senators would or the education bill, with scores of The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- not do that makes this place really amendments, he and I would try to pore. Without objection, it is so or- function the way it should. work through them, trying to move the dered. Mr. LOTT. Mr. President, I rise today Paul was a Senator and legislator in legislation along. Georgia, but he was from Missouri Paul and I worked on many difficult to honor and celebrate the life of a dear where he received a journalism degree.
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