THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ANNUAL SPRING CONGREGATION FOR THE CONFERRING OF DEGREES TUESDAY, MAY NINETEENTH AND WEDNESDAY, MAY TWENTIETH NINETEEN HUNDRED AND FIFTY-NINE After the Congregation Ceremony on both days, tea will be served in the Brock Memorial Building. O CANADA O Canada! Our Home and Native Land! True patriot-love in all thy sons command. With glowing hearts we see thee rise, The True North, strong and free, And stand on guard, 0 Canada, We stand on guard for thee. O Canada, glorious and free! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! O Canada, we stand on guard for thee! 2 MUSICAL PROGRAMME by Professor Leslie G. R. Crouch 3 Programme of Ceremony on Tuesday, May 19 0 CANADA INVOCATION by THE REVEREND WILLIAM BUCKINGHAM REMARKS by ALBERT EDWARD GRAUER Chancellor of the University of British Columbia CONFERRING OF HONORARY DEGREES by THE CHANCELLOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF LAWS ARNOLD DAVIDSON DIJNTON CHARLES EDWIN ODEGAARD INTRODUCTION OF THE CONGREGATION SPEAKER by NORMAN A. M. MACKENZIE President of the University of British Columbia CONGREGATION ADDRESS by CHARLES EDWIN ODEGAARD CONFERRING OF DEGREES IN COURSE by THE CHANCELLOR GOD SAVE THE QUEEN Reception in Brock Hall. 4 THE UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE Banvilie, Marcel, B.Sc. (Montreal), Quebec Physics Thesis: “Sur Ia fheorie de l’aimontation spontanee d’une substance fèrro mognetique aux basses temperatures”. Calkin, Parker Emerson, B.S. (Tufts Coil.), United States Geology Thesis: “The Geology of Lummi and Eliza Islands Whatcom Coqnty, Washing ton”. Daniel, Michael John, B.A. (Brit. Col.), England Zoology Thesis: “Organ Weight-Body Weight Interrelationships in the Fokiiily Mus telidae: (Order Carnivora)”. Gatzke, Arnold Leo, B.A. (Brit. Coi.), Vancouver Chemistry Thesis: “Arylcarbonium Ions in Solution”. Hubscher, Arthur Ronald, BA. (Brit. Col.), Victoria Chemisiry Thesis: “The Action of Carbon Monoxide and Hydrogen on Deoxybenzoin Oxime and on 2-Acetonophthone Oxime”. Jena, Prafulia Kumar, B.Sc., M.Sc. (Utkal), India Metallurgy Thesis: “The Oxidation of Carbon by Lead Oxide-Silica Melts”. Money, Peter Lawrence, B.Sc. (McGill), Quebec Geology Thesis: “The Geology of Hawkesbury Island Skeena Mining Division, British Columbia”. Nagai, Martha, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Haney Neurology Thesis: “Investigation of Striate Cortico—Geniculate Fibres”. Pringie, John Peter Scott, B.A. (Cambridge), England Chemistry Thesis: “Colour Centres in Alkali Metal Azides”. Rogers, Ian Henry, B.Sc. (Queen’s Univ. of Belfast), Ireland Chemistry Thesis: “The Acid Compound of Jute Hernicellulose”. V Scott, Darcy Lon, B.Sc. (Oklahoma), Alberta V Geology Thesis: “Geology of the Wasootch Creek, Map-Area Alberta”. Todd, Mary-Elizabeth, B.A. (Brit. Col.), Victoria Zoology Thesis: “The Influence of Temperature and Salinity on Heat Tolerance in Two Grapsoid Crabs, Hemigrapsus nudus and Hemigropsus oregane sis,’. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF APPLIED SCIENCE Bennett, William Frederick, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), West Vancouver Electrical ‘Engineering Thesis: “An Audio-Frequency Sweep Generator”. Boulding, John David Richardson, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Cot.), Vancouver Electrical Engineering Thesis: “An Analogue Method of Function Generation Using a Magnetic Drum”. Chandrasekharan, Kuppanna, B.Sc. (Madras), B.Sc., (Bombay), India Chemical Engineering Thesis: “Some Measurements of Heat Transfer to Air Flawing Parallel to a Tube Bundle in Square Array”. Cox, Kenneth Edward, B.Sc. (imperial Coil.), Vancouver Chemical Engineering Thesis: “Diffusion of Gases”. 5 Croil, Thomas Arnold, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Coli, Edmonton Chemical Engineering Thesis: “Equilibrium Studies on Pure Compounds: Normal Propyl Alcohol”. Davis Keith Gordon, B.Sc. (Birmingham), England Mining and Metallurgy Thesis: “Slip Continuity Across Grain Boundaries in Aluminum”. De Verteuil, Georges Francois, B.A. (Cambridge), Trinidad Chemical Engineering Thesis: “THE VISCOSITY OF LIQUIDS (a) Normal Octanol at Atmospheric Pressure (b) An Equipment for High Pressures”. Dey, Walter Ross, B.A.Sc. (Brit Col.), North Vancouver Chemical Engineering Thesis: “Corrosion Studies Under Dynamic Conditions”. Olsen, William Charles, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ontario Engineering Physics Thesis: “The Measurement of the Angular Correlation of Internal Pairs Produced in Light Nuclei”. Pritchard, John Robert Gilbertson, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Victoria Electrical Engineering Thesis: “Demodulator Compensating Networks” Vanderpuye, Nee Attoh, B.Sc. (Washington), Ghana Metallurgy Thesis: “The Effect of Small Additions of Titanium on the Incubation Period of Isothermally Transformed Zirconium-Niobium Alloy”. Wootton, George Claude, B.A.Sc. (Brit. Col.), Ontario Metallurgy Thesis: “The Effect of Primary Silicon Refinement on the Microstructure and Properties of Hypereutectic Aluminum-Silicon Alloys”. THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE Campbell, William Earl, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Agricultural Mechanics Thesis: “Some Physical Characteristics and Exposure Loss Estimates of Pea Vine Silage in a Horizontal Silo”. Gubbels, Gerard Hubert, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Victoria Horticulture Thesis: “Responses of the Strawberry to Maleic Hydrazide and Gibberellic Acid”. Guccione, Gioacchino Maria, Cert. di Laurea (Florence), Vancouver Plant Science Thesis: “Some Effects of Temperature on Flower Production, Compatibility Relations and Pollen Development in Certain Lines of the Tamatd (Lycopersicon esculentum. Mill.)” Mullick, Dharam Bir, B.Sc. (University of Delhi), India Agronomy Thesis: “The Physiology and Genetics of the Pigments of Barley (l-fordeum vulgare L). II. Studies of the Anthocyanins Pigments”. Pohjakas, Kaijo, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Agricultural Mechanics Thesis: “The Use of a Monomolecular Film to Retard Evaporation From Water Surfaces”. Schaedle, MichiI, B.S.A. (Brit. CoI.), Vancouver Soil Science Thesis: “A Study of the Growth of Douglas Fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) Seedlings”. Stewart, Earl Walker, B.S.A. (Brit. Col.), Salmon Arm Agricultural Economics Thesis: “A Basis for the Tax Assessment of Orchards in the Okanagan Valley of British Columbia”. 6 THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF EDUCATION Lorimer, Charles, B.A. (Manitoba), B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), Vancouver Mentha, Jean-Pierre Charles. L. ès Sc.Soc. (Geneva), Victoria Sanford, Robert Morley, B.A., B.Ed. (Brit. Col.), North Vancouver Toombs, Wilbert Nelson, B.A., B.Ed. (Saskatchewan), Saskatchewan CLASSIFICATION: (H) Honours. (1) FirstClass. (2) Second Class. (P) Passed. (C) Completed for B.Com. in combined course with Law. 7 THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF APPLIED SCIENCE CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Auld, Robert George, Vancouver (2) Kiss, Mart, Vancouver (2) Bothner, Vyrn Malcolm, Vancouver (1) McDonald, Thomas John, Vancouver (2) Caswell, John Edwin, Ontario (2) Prough, James Robert, Vancouver (2) Dayson, Philip Leslie,. Vancouver (2) Seller, Ronald, Richmond (2) Johnston, Thomas Richard, Vancouver (1) Topham, Gordon Alexander, Burnaby (2) CIVIL ENGINEERING Alexander, Charles William, Montador, Andrew John, Wellington (P) North Vancouver (P) McLean, John Allen, Vancouver (P) Baynes, Duncan Cameron, Newshom, Arthur Donald, Royal Oak (2) West Vancouver (I’) Nickel, Jacob Stanley, Vancouver (P) Beulah, Peter Fredric, Victoria (2) Oldham, William Koye, Vancouver (1) Bridgman, Edward Donald, Vancouver (P) Payne, Carl Allan, Victoria (2) Cameron, David Michael, Vancouver (P) Rae, James Archiebald Bud, Slocan (2) Coulter, Douglas Earl, Vancouver (P) Richmond, Kenneth Marvin, Vancouver (2) Fremont, John Norman, Campbell River (P) Robson, Cyril Michael Beaumont, Victoria (P) Hackaroy, John Alfred, Langley (P) Ross, George Fraser, Vancouver (2) Higgins, Melvin Robert, Pitt Meadows (2) Shields, Peter Alexander, Vancouver (P) Irvine, Bruce Whitmee, Campbell River (2) Stewart, Gordon Kelvin, Alberta (2) Laker, Edwin Tenterden, Victoria (P) Stewart, Wilfrid Donald, Vancouver (2) Leslie, George Dennis, Calgary (I’) Stolz, Herbert Josef, Vancouver (2) London, Tampion Arthur, Watson, John Alexander, Alberta (P) West Vancouver (2) Wedler, John Walter, Sardis (2) Lowood, John Dennis, Duncan (2) Wilson, Kenneth Charles, Vancouver (H) Lund, Earl Albert, Prince George (2) Wong, Edmund Theodore, Vancouver (P) Massey, George Edward, Kamloops (2) Wood, Raymond John, Vancouver (P) ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Abell, Harvey Chris Neil, Vancouver (P) Jezioranski, Joseph Stanisiaw, Vancouver (2) Beardsell, Kenneth Arthur, Vancouver (2) Kruchio, Paul, Vancouver (2) Bell, William Norman Peter, Vancouver (P) Kules, Charles Eric, Vancouver (2) Bernstein, Lawrence Arnold, Vancouver (2) Liggins, Allan, North Surrey (2) Brooks, Gary Caulderwood, North Surrey (2) Louie, Edward Gung Lun, Alberta (2) Brown, Peter Montgomery, Alberta (2) Maddison, Rodney Ralph, Vancouver (2) Clark, Stanley Ross, Nanaimo (H) Mazzuca, Edward James, Vancouver (P) Davies, Robert Melville, Nelson (P) MacDonald, John Spencer, Ernstsohn, Felix Alvis Karl, Vancouver (2) New Westminster (H) Forrest, Douglas Raymond, Vancouver (H) McLennan, Donald James, Courtenoy (P) Fraser, David John, West Vancouver (P) Ornik, Len Ladislav, Vancouver (2) Gammie, Alexander Poison, Lytton (2) Ounpuu, Evald, Richmond (2) Hadwin, Donald Frederick, Shalaith (P) Polata, Bohumil, Vancouver (2) Hahn, Joachim Erich, Vancouver (2) Sage, Glen Henry, Vancouver (2) Harding, Patrick John Ronald, Silverton (2) Sakamoto, Roy Yoshiro, Vancouver (2) Hatton, James Eric, Cranberry Lake (2) Saperstein, Manuel Joseph, Vancouver (P) Heaslip, David Ewen, Nanaimo (P) Shearing, Cyril Garth, Victoria (2)
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