Lt Governor Lays Foundation for Rs 24.4 Cr Durga Bhawan at Shri Mata

Lt Governor Lays Foundation for Rs 24.4 Cr Durga Bhawan at Shri Mata

! " ! ! ! JAMMU, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19 , 2021 VOL. 37 | NO.227 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] | | Price : Rs. 2.00 Lt Governor lays foundation for Rs 24.4 cr Durga J&K DGP orders action against cop involved in thrashing journos Bhawan at Shri Mata Vaishno Devi Shrine during Muharram procession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