THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE LEWIS & CLARK TRAIL HERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC. VOL. 12 NO. 1 MARCH 1986 "Rest, Rest, Perturbed Spirit" Paul Russell Cutright Writes About the Death of Meriwether Lewis - See Page 7 President Wang's THE LEWIS AND CLARK TRAIL Message HERITAGE FOUNDATION, INC. By the time you read this issue of WPO, the 1986 annual meeting of Incorporated 1969 under Missouri General Not-For-Profit Corporation Act IRS Exemption the Foundation will be only about Certificate No. 501 (C)(3) - Identification No. 51-0187715 six months away. I hope that wher­ OFFICERS - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ever you live in these wonderful President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President United States, you have arranged your travel schedule this summer to L Edwin Wang John E. Foote H. J ohn Montague include participation in the Foun­ 6013 St. Johns Ave. 1205 Rimhaven Way 2864 Sudbury Ct. dation's Eighteenth Annual Meet­ Minneapolis. MN 55424 Billings, MT 59102 Marietta. GA 30062 ing on August 16-19 at Oregon and Edrie Lee Vinson, Secretary John E. Walker, Treasurer Washington places of special inter­ P.O. Box 1651 200 Market St .. Suite 1177 est to Lewis and Clark enthusiasts. Red Lodge, MT 59068 Portland, OR 97201 You will find details of our August's Ruth E. Lange, Membership Secretary, 5054 S. W . 26th Place, Portland, OR 97201 activities in Annual Meeting Chair­ man Malcolm Buffum's story on DIRECTORS page 3, this issue of WPO. Malcolm and his 1986 Annual Meeting Com­ Harold 8illian Winifred C . George James P. Ronda Villanova, PA St. Louis, MO Youngstown. OH mittee are hard at work on a pro­ Robert Bivens Gary E. Moulton Ralph H. Rudeen gram that will be of great interest to Great Falls. MT Lincoln, NE Olympia. WA us all. Robert C. Carriker Donald F. Nell Arthur F. Shipley Along with WPO's November issue, Spokane, WA Bozeman, MT Bismarck. ND Roy D . Craft Charles C. Patton Robert L Taylor you received a listing of members Stevenson. WA Springfield. IL Washington, DC who serve on one, or more, of the Foundation's several committees. William P. Sherman immediate Past President is a Foundation Director Whether you are a committee mem­ PAST PRESIDENTS - DIRECTORS EX OFFICIO ber or not, if you have a suggestion of any kind for one of those commit­ Edwynne P. Murphy, 1970 Gary Leppart, 1974-75 Bob Saindon. 1979-80 St. Louis. Missouri Butte. Montana Helena, Montana tees, please make that suggestion E.G. Chuinard, M.D .. 1971 Wilbur P. Werner. 1975-76 Irving W. Anderson. 1980-81 known to the chairperson of the ap­ Tigard. Oregon Cut Bank. Montana Portland, Oregon propriate committee. If your sugges­ John Greenslit. 1972 Clarence H. Decker. 1976-77 V . Strode Hinds. 1981-82 tion does not seem to fit any of the Lansing, M ichigan East Alton, Illinois Sioux City, Iowa Foundation Committees listed, then Lynn Burris. 1972-1973 Gail M . Stensland. 1977-78 Hazel Bain, 1982-83 please phone or write to me about it. Topeka, Kansas Fort Benton. Montana Longview. Washington I am grateful for suggestions al­ Robert E. Lange, 1973-74 Mitchell Doumit, 1978-79 Arlen J . Large, 1 983-84 ready received from a number of Portland. Oregon Cathlamet. Washington Washington. D.C. members regarding possible im­ William P. Sherman, 1984-85 Portland. Oregon provement of Foundation activities including special suggestions for ABOUT THE FOUNDA T/ON future Annual Meetings. The purpose of the l ewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation. Inc .. is to stimulate nationally: public interest Copies of mailings have come re­ in m atters relating to the Lewis and Clark Expedition; the contributions to American history made by the expedition members; and events of time and place concerning and following the expedition which are of cently to my attention which indi­ historical import to our nation. The Foundation recognizes the value of tourist·oriented programs. and suooorts activities which enhance the eniovment and understandino of the Lewis and Clark srorv. The scoce cate that certain Foundation Com­ of the activities of the Foundation are broad and diverse, and include involvement in pursuits w hich, in the mittees are moving along excep­ judgment of the Directors are. of historical worth or contemporary social values, and c ommensurate with the heritage ot Lewis and Clark . The actiyities of the National Foundation are intended to compliment and tionally well with their assigned supplem ent those of state and local Lewis and Clark interest groups. The Foundation may appropriately recognize and honor individuals or groups for: art works of distinction; achievement in the broad field of and assumed responsibilities. I am Lewis and Clark historical research: writing: or deeds which promote the general purpose and scope of hopeful a nd confident that all activities of the Foundation. Membership in the organization comprises a broad spectrum of Lewis and Cl ark enthusiasts including Federal, State. and local government officials, historians, scholars, and others Foundation Committees are func­ of wide ranging Lewis and Clark interests. Officers of the Foundation are elected from the membership. The Annual Meeting of the Foundation is traditionally held during August. the birth month of both Meriwether tioning well whether or not evi­ l ewis and William Clark. T he meeting place is rotated among the States, and tours generally are arranged to dence of their work is being made visit sites In the area of the Annual Meeting which have historic association with the Lewis and Clark Expedition. known to me through copies of doc­ uments which come to my desk for WE PROCEEDED ON ISSN 0275-6706 E.G. CHU/NARD. M.O., FOUNDER purview. Above all, I am most fa­ vorably impressed with plans under We Proceeded On is the official publication of the Lewis and Clark Trail Heritage Foundation, way for the Foundation's Annual Inc . The publication's name is derived from the phrase which appears repeatedly in the Meeting. collective journals of the famous Expedition. PUBL/CA TIONS COMMITTEE On a recent vacation period, includ­ ing Christmas and New Years holi­ Robert E. Lange, Editor and Committee Chairman. 6054 S.W . 26th Place. Portland. OR days, Astrid and I were privileged 97201 to be with our son and his family Irving W . Anderson E.G. Chuinard Box LC-196 Lewis & Clark College 16537 S.W . Summerfield Lane who live in Hawaii. Our son, a Lt. Portland. OR 97219 Tigard. OR 97223 Col. in the USAF, is stationed at Camp Smith, a Joint Command Paul R. Cut right Donald Jackson Gary E. Moulton station. While there, our son and I 312 Summit Avenue 3920 Old Stage Road Love Library - Univ. Nebraska Jenkintown, PA 19046 Colorado Springs. CO 80906 Lincoln, NE 68588 visited the library of one of the na­ val bases on Oahu. I was much dis­ Bob Saindon Wilbur P. Werner 172 Briarwood P.O. Box 438 appointed to observe that the base Helena, MT 59601 Cut Bank, MT 59427 library had only one book on Lewis and Clark: In the Footsteps of Lew- -2- We Proceeded On, March 1986 President's Message dues notice in that fashion. May I tion members would much prefer to (Continued) encourage all members to be aware have Clarence with us still, we can­ is and Clark, by Gerald S. Snyder. I of the importance Of prompt pay­ not but be reminded of our own ul­ paused to wonder how many other ment of those dues. Moreover, while timate and inevitable journey and U.S. military bases in the U.S. and you are about the payment of your our need to provide for the Founda­ around the globe also have a quite own dues, why not consider also the tion beyond our lifetime. Clarence limited exposure to Lewis and Clark payment of a gift membership for made a timely provision in his will book selections? A future project for one, or more, of your friends and well before his passing. That provi­ the Foundation could be a concerted relatives in order that they too may sion has enabled the Foundation to effort by it to obtain funding for the become aware of and join in Foun­ share generously in his estate. placement of Lewis and Clark pub­ dation activities. lications in libraries of the U.S. That's all the news for now from a bases at home and also overseas. During the month of January, the part of the country which is becom­ Foundation received a check in the ing better known than ever because For many, if not most, Foundation amount of $33,000 from Wedge of National Public Radio's broad­ members, payment by them of their Bank, Alton Bank and Trust Co., casts about the mythical communi­ annual dues becomes a perfunctory from the Clarence H. Decker Trust. ty of Lake Wobegon. and timely function. Unfortunately, That check represents the substan­ there are some Foundation mem­ tial part of the Decker Trust for bers who do not respond to their the L&CTHF. While all Founda- Ed Wang; President Lewis & Clark on the Columbia and at the Great River's Estuary To Be Theme and Interpretation at the Foundation's 18th Annual Meeting - August 16-20, 1986 - By Malcolm S. Buffum1 27, 1805 - February 20, 1806) "Salt buses will take attendees across the Works" or "Saltmaker's Camp". Columbia River via the nearly four An exciting and interesting pro­ The site, preserved by the Oregon mile long interstate bridge to gram is taking shape for the Foun­ Historical Society early in the cen­ Washington State. Here at land's dation's 18th Annual Meeting tury, is located in present-day south end at Cape Disappointment the which will take place in Oregon, Seaside, and is now a satellite site Expedition first visited the actual August 16-20, 1986.
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