Reviews 43 the determination and the limit of every thing: in his The Well-Wrought Urn (1947). Agamben’s this is the good’ (98). poetry in the sense of poetry so defined by Agam- The Isha Upanishad too gestures to the veiled ben himself and quoted at the beginning of this face of God. Agamben does not acknowledge this review, should remain veiled since Agamben’s Upanishad in his works till date. Had a Hindu is a literature of replenishment, to quote the theologian from a developing world made this American novelist, John Barth (b. 1930). elision, then she or he would be called a plagiarist. Subhasis Chattopadhyay Colebrook and Maxwell also do not credit Ved- Theologian and Psychoanalyst anta while studying Agamben. Yet, all the while Assistant Professor of English Agamben is moving towards his Karman (2017) Narasinha Dutt College, Howrah which is very Hindu in tone and quotes the Shaiva agamas. Thus Agamben’s refusal to acknowledge Kierkegaard’s Journals Hinduism in his earlier works is especially jarring while Claire Colebrook and Jason Maxwell may be and Notebooks, Volume 9: too entrenched in white academia to bother with Journals NB26–NB30 a religion from a poorer nation rendered poor by Søren Kierkegaard the aggression of their ancestors. Edited by Niels Jørgen Nonetheless, the ingenuity of Agamben lies in Cappelørn, Alastair his disjuncture from the works of materialists like Hannay, Bruce H Kirmmse, Michael Hardt (b. 1960) and Antonio Negri (b. David D Possen, Joel D S 1933) whose ‘Spinozist Marxist project’ stresses on Rasmussen, and Vanessa immaterial labour … [now] subjected to exter- nal technologies of production. New commu- Rumble nicative systems have enabled the possibility of Princeton University Press, 41 William Street, Princeton, a new self-forming humanity [unlike Stephen New Jersey 08540, usa. Web- Greenblatt’s concept of ‘self-fashioning’ during site: https://press.princeton.edu. the European Renaissance]. Sovereign power 2017. 800 pp. $150. hb. isbn has now been rendered immanent. … But Agam- 9780691172415. ben has quite a different conception of Spinozist ierkegaard’s Journals are endlessly entertain- immanence that is not about the sovereign split ing and illuminating. Volume 9’s value lies in between ‘power to …’ and ‘power over’ becom- Kinsights that are precisely worth our time since ing humanity’s own. Whereas Marxism gener- they are unsettling. ally regards the world as that which is negated or Kierkegaard’s observations about the press labored upon in order for humanity to become now appear to be so true that one needs to quote conscious of itself, and whereas Hardt and Negri him at some length: [in their book Empire] see the process of global I [Kierkegaard] have shown that the view of the immaterial labor as one in which humanity pro- ‘daily press’ that has prevailed up until now entirely duces itself through itself (by communally af- misses the point. The press has been understood as fecting itself in a mode of positive expression follows: the major premise is that the daily press and creation), Agamben’s Spinozism is far more is good; the minor premise is that it sometimes passive and … is a surrender to not owning one causes injury by being misused to propagate lies self, and an openness to one immanent life that and evil, etc. What I am aiming at, however, is is not subject to the sovereign mode of recogniz- this: the daily press is evil, especially with respect ing a properly human political being at the ex- to minor matters, simply and solely on the basis pense of an abandoned bare life (144). of the power of dissemination. In minor matters it Claire Colebrook and Jason Maxwell’s book is is an entirely disproportionate means of commu- timely but in the final analysis, is a heresy of par- nication, and in this respect it is a kind of lunacy aphrase so feared by Cleanth Brooks (1906–94) that tends to turn society into a madhouse, just PB June 2020 519 44 Prabuddha Bharata as, e.g., laying a railroad track back and forth, up of what occupies him infinitely: the ethical (187). and down, over a terrain the size of a square mile The dystopic situation that Kierkegaard wrote would be a kind of madness and, far from benefit- of is more relevant today when we do not want to ing people, would confuse everything. No, dissem- pause and think for ourselves but would rather be ex- ination is an evil in and of itself. … Very few people cited by paid news. We do not want to philosophise could bear the monstrous publicity engendered by and engage with the hard questions of philosophy, the sort of dissemination that is at the disposal of but rather we want to be endlessly entertained. It the press, and certainly least of all when the press is easier this way. Unlike self-proclaimed puritans is used to point things out in this way. … Even the and other censor-mongers, Kierkegaard through- most thick-skinned man would need superhuman out his works stresses the need for the freedom of powers to be capable of bearing the press directed the press as earlier John Milton (1608–74) did in his at him like this for a long period of time, infiltrat- polemical tract Areopagitica (1644). Kierkegaard’s ing the smallest details of his life. Such dissemina- theories about communication and the press should tion is an evil in and of itself (432–3). find place in all Media Studies’s courses. Today’s press is no longer a press dominated by With this volume under review and other vol- newspapers and journals. We read news through umes in this series published by the Princeton apps and more often than not, through good old University Press and the Søren Kierkegaard Re- gossip on social media. The distinction between search Center at the University of Copenhagen, news, edited and worthy of reflection, and slan- Denmark, we have enough material in English der are erased now. All news has become now the which can be used for fashioning morally respon- proverbial ‘bad news’. News has become the lowest sible journalism which is once again marked by common denominator of the dissemination of ideas ethical concerns. Most extant theories of mass precisely because what goes by the textual register communication are amoral and therefore, need ‘news’ is a very ephemeral, topical unidimensional the foundational morality that is to be found claptrap about nothing which really matters in the within the works of Kierkegaard. The editors and long run. This leads to what Kierkegaard sees as in- translators of these Journals have done something sane and inane anarchy for if one knows God, then impossible—they have written volumes which one knows that the medium is not the message; will eventually open up Kierkegaard studies as an cannot ever be any message. The medium through independent domain in its own right. The quoted which God speaks is rooted in the ethical. It is this passage above makes a strong case against kanga- ethical which will later occupy Emmanuel Levinas roo trials by social media trolls. (1906–95) and even, Alasdair McIntyre (b. 1929): A[ugustine] indeed did incalculable damage. The medium, the sole medium, through which The entirety of Christian doctrine has, over the God communicates with ‘humanity’, the only centuries, sought support in him―and he has thing he will talk about with humanity, is: the confused the concept of ‘faith’. ethical. But in order to speak ethically of the eth- A[ugustine] quite simply revived the Pla- ical (and if one does not speak of it ethically, it tonic-Aristotelian understanding, the whole is not the ethical―and on the other hand, God Greek, pagan, philosophical understanding of must, after all, surely be assumed to be the master faith―and this has been his contribution to of speaking ethically of the ethical) it is necessary Xnty [Christianity], in roughly the same way that everything else be absolutely relegated to the as Saxo Grammaticus, according to Peer De- level of infinite unimportance. Stick to the point, gn’s explanation, enriched the Latin language stick to the point, is the watchword, stick to the by introducing, for example, such formulations point―that is, stick to the ethical. If the people as ‘a dun-colored horse’, equus blakkatus (437). who are being addressed call an apple a pear― Then Kierkegaard goes on to point out the fol- well, who cares? There is really no time to waste lowing about Augustine: time by informing them, bien, the ethicist also Nor is it true, as is so often said, that Augus- calls an apple a pear, for he is just as able to speak tine was a thinker ‘who feared no [logical] 520 PB June 2020 Reviews 45 consequences’. For example, it is reported that, Augustine’s writings without circumspection: as a consequence of assuming the necessity of For to be a respectable man in an evil world in baptism for salvation, he argued for the eternal such a way that the evil world regards him as a damnation of small children. respectable man is eo ipso to be disrespectable Yes, but let us pause and look more closely. in one way or another. And to conceal oneself Augustine says: they go to hell―but to the mild- as best one can in order to be permitted to live est hell. Great God, and this is supposed to be a well in an evil world is to be an accomplice and thinker, a thinker of eminent and fearless con- to evade service to the good (321–2).
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