FFormerormer hhockeyockey ggreatreat BBobbyobby HHullull meetsmeets E e n a yyoungoung ffanan aatt tthehe O CCrownrown & AAnchor.nchor. E e Rk FFREEa TTake One CCoommmunitymunity Advisor SSEPTEMBEREPTEMBER 22007007 — VVOL.OL. 5 NNO.O. 9 CCIRC.IRC. 77,000,000 CommunityAdvisor.NET The biggest democracy deficit Nuclear Power Santa in August? It’s Whitecourt’s 4th Annual Toy Run. See p. 24. The following is based on Post-Op the American system, but the Energy Alberta president same basic monetary dynam- and co-chair Wayne Henuset ics are in place in Canada stated the decision to build and around the world. the $6.8 billion nuclear plant in the Peace River region (See Nuclear page 21) By Ellen Brown J.D. t has been called “the most HHaveave YourYour SaySay Iastounding piece of sleight of hand ever invented.” The Last month’s poll - Do you trust the information you’re getting (Continued page 19) on nuclear power? a) - Yes from both sides - 23.7% b) - No from Trail Blazers - The both sides - 37.3% c) Mostly from Early Trappers both sides - 18.6% d) Believe Researched and compiled proponents mostly - 16.9% e) Believe opponents mostly - 3.4%. by Linda Horyn This month’s poll - Do you plan ince man fi rst stepped to vote in upcoming Municipal Sinto this beautiful forest election? a) Yes b) No there has been trapping. In Vote at CommunityAdvisor.NET this area, wolf, lynx, coyote, MMonthlyonthly QuizQuiz fox, muskrat, beaver, fi sh- What is the correct spelling? er, marten, mink, otter and a) Able to be seen; “di sur na squirrels thrived. The native bel” b) Bungling or unlucky people were the fi rst trap- person; “shle meel” c) Awkward and tactless; “gohsh” (Continued page 8) Trappers at Tony Creek during the early 1900’s Answers on page 30. AAllll MMonthonth LLongong TTALKALK TTOO A TTOPOP PPRODUCER!!RODUCER!! MMIDTOWNIDTOWN MMALLALL LIQUOR WWEEKLYEEKLY DDRAWSRAWS TTopop PProducerroducer 22006006 TTopop SSellereller 22006006 WWhitecourt’shitecour t’s fforor EEDMONTONDMONTON TTopop LListerister 22006006 OOnlynly IIndoorndoor MallMall EESKIMOSSKIMOS UNLIMITED CCheckheck ooutut tthehe nnewew TTICKETS!!!ICKETS!!! 7778-89897 8 - 8 9 8 9 sstorestores aandnd eextensivextensive Great Selection, Great Service, Great Prices rrenovations!enovations! CCOLDESTOLDEST BBEEREER OOnene SStoretore BBayay & OOfficeffice OONN TTHEHE PPLANETLANET 7778-667878-6678 SSpacepace FFOROR RRENT!!!ENT!!! Patrick Carew 44927927 -51-51 AAve.ve. OOpenpen 1100 aamm ttoo 1111 ppmm ddailyaily EEachach oofffi ccee iindependentlyndependently CContactontact CCarl:arl: ((780)780) 778-1459778-1459 MMountainountain SShoppinghopping SStriptrip ccell:ell: 7778-005378-0053 oownedwned & ooperatedperated PAGE 2 Community Advisor SEPTEMBER 2007 CAIS Program Agriculture is the lifeblood of many communities in White- court-Ste. Anne. Ensuring that our agriculture industry remains vibrant and sustainable is an im- portant part of our government’s mandate. Allowing producers to effi - ciently apply for funding through the Canadian Agricultural Income Stabilization (CAIS) program is an important part of ensuring sustainability. Alberta producers can now fi le their CAIS forms EEYEWEARYEWEAR & online using the myAFSC web- site. By fi ling online, produc- ers will improve the quality and VVISIONISION CARECARE scope of their information, and should experience improved pro- CCENTREENTRE cessing turnaround times. myAFSC is a secure website that allows producers to check the processing status of their CAIS application, view their his- torical information and now fi le their supplementary forms via CAIS eForms. It also allows us- NOW ers to validate the data upfront before submitting. CAIS, a federal-provincial program, helps producers pro- tect their operations from small and large drops in income, and is available to eligible farmers re- OPEN gardless of the commodities they produce. In June, federal, pro- vincial, and territorial agricul- ture ministers agreed to replace CContactontact LLensens SSpecialistpecialist CAIS with a new business risk management suite of programs that are more responsive, pre- dictable, and bankable for farm- UUpp ttoo 550%0% OOffff ers. myAFSC and eForms will continue as online resources for fi ling and tracking claims. DDesigneresigner FFramesrames Information on activating myAFSC accounts and CAIS is available via e-mail at myafsc@ BBookook fforor AnAn EyeEye ExaminationExamination Today!Today! afsc.ca or by calling 1-877-744- 7900. Producers can access the myAFSC website at https:// my.afsc.ca/myAFSC. 7780-706-354480-706-3544 If you would like to discuss this, or any other provincial mat- ter, please contact me at (780) IIff busybusy callcall 780-706-3592780-706-3592 415-9473. Keep in touch. George VanderBurg, MLA MMidtownidtown MMallall SEPTEMBER 2007 Community Advisor PAGE 3 Back to Earth Pilot: Have you ever fl own in a small plane before? Norma: No, I have not. Pilot: Well, here is some chewing gum. It will help to keep your ears from popping. Pilot (after the plane landed): Did the gum help? Norma: Yes. It worked fi ne. The only trouble is I can’t get Serving the it out of my ears. oilfi eld for Prisoner’s Dilemma over 30 years. A man was sent to prison for 20 years. He was so bored while in there; he found an ant and decided to teach it tricks - like beg, play dead, roll over, jump hair etc. He served his Call: (780) 778-6220 time and was released. He took his ant with him in a match- box. The fi rst place he went was to a bar. He sat down, took out WHITECOURT the matchbox and emptied out the ant. He then said to the guy beside him, “you are not gonna DECKING & RAILING believe what this ant can do”. Why repaint the deck year after year? He showed him all the tricks and the guy was impressed. MAKE IT LAST! He told him that he could make a fortune with the ant. The guy with the ant was excited and called the bartender WEATHERDEK S.T.A.R. over and said “you see that ant?” Waterproof, Vinyl Aluminum The bartender put his fi nger on the ant, twisted it and said Decking Railing Systems “sorry sir it won’t happen again.” 5 year warranty 20 yr. warranty. Back to School Fees 778-2336 Cell: 706-9406 4735-51 Ave. On the fi rst day of college, the Dean addressed the stu- dents: “The female dormitory is out-of-bounds for all male stu- dents, and the male dormitory to the female students. Any- body caught breaking this rule will be fi ned $20 the fi rst time. anadu Studio The second time you will be fi ned $60. A third time will cost X you a fi ne of $180. Are there any questions?” A male student inquired, “How much for a season Jewellery pass?” Derek Alexander The Little Literalist Teacher: Craig, what is the chemical formula for water? Leather Purses Craig: H I J K L M N O. Styles Now In Teacher: What are you talking about? Craig: Yesterday you said it’s H to O. 4907 - 51 Ave, Whitecourt - 778-6097 Football Fever Gamblers Crazy George’s How are you getting on with your football, Anonymous Audio & Installs Devin, asked his Dad?” 8:00 pm every Tuesday > Car Starters Devin smiled with United Church pride and said “Pretty 5201 50 Street > Great Car Audio good Dad. The coach said I was one of the Call Sue > Home Theatre team’s greatest draw- backs!” 778-6230 5112 - 50 Ave. - (Across from 7 - 11) - 778-4554 PAGE 4 Community Advisor SEPTEMBER 2007 FOR PRINCIPLED, EFFECTIVE partnership with the Whitecourt Chamber of Commerce, LEADERSHIP, this offi ce would develop the mandate & strategy for economic development while also providing services to ELECT LARRY McCONNELL assist small businesses here in Whitecourt. - small business development and support MAYOR - downtown revitalization - a unifi ed voice with all stakeholders in our Now, more than ever, we need the economic future - the creation of a Task Force whose aim it is to decisive leadership in Town Hall that attract a diversity of industries to Whitecourt will see us through the challenges of - That’s Larry’s plan! today and provide for our security Community Development; and prosperity in the future. Larry believes that there are needs in the community that have to be met. Larry’s vision for the future calls for the planning and development of a community centre Who is Larry McConnell? containing; Larry is; - a library, - A proud Father - youth centre, - A resident of Whitecourt for 26 years - a skate park - A past President of both the Chamber of Commerce - and arena for the youth of Whitecourt. and the Rotary Club In today’s world, with the challenges our youth face, - A Lawyer and businessman for 26 years, elected a it has never been more important to make this investment bencher with the Alberta Law Society in 2002, and appointed in their development. Queens Council in 2004. With a strong commitment to youth; Larry believes - Began his professional career fi rst as a Teacher from that we have to plan today for a brighter future for 1966 – 1977 before entering law Whitecourt. Larry believes that with a diversity of multi - Currently serves Whitecourt as a Town Councillor level programs for our kids, positive activities can serve Hobbies; Larry is a Pilot and an unabashed dog lover. as an alternative to the negative infl uences we see here everyday. On Public Daycare: Larry believes that in today’s world, we often need two Mayors Seniors and Youth Advisory Councils; incomes coming into our homes. Families should never have Seniors to settle for less than the best daycare for their children, and With Larry’s belief in the strength of people and ideas that government should take a leadership role in providing he proposes the creation of the Mayor’s Seniors Advisory these services to ensure the safety of our children while we Committee.
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