TV-RADIO LIFE March 20 8:30 4 Frontiers of Faith duce, growth, metabolism and movement of all animal life from "The Mall Ill Black," with Leif Ericson and 1.ili Darves. The man down through the rodents. TV TIPS story of a Stalin-like dictator on 4 American Forum-30m. "ADVENTURE," (2) 12:30 p.m. Charles Col- his deathbed who calls for a ingwood, host, presents William D. Clark priest and meets a violent end 5 Garden Chats-30m. when the people find it ouL who discusses life in its most complex 7 Faith for Today-30m. and simplest forms. N\ ill) Bev. William Fugal, 9:00 4 Youth Wants to Know 8 Contest Carnival "THE SEARCH." (2) 1:30 p.m. Today's 10 Frontiers of Faith 13 Sunday Matinee program tells the story of a city's tran- 13 Film-90m. sition and how a university many miles -Mister 1)rake•s Duck" with Doug- away is helping the city find new an- "Passkey To Danger" with Rape las Fairbanks Jr. and Yolande swers to its race relations. Richmond and Adele Mara. Donlan. 9:15 2 Program Previews 1:00 2 American Week-30m. "COLLEGE PRESS CONFERENCE," (7) 8 Industry On Parade-15m. Eric Sevareid with analysis of the 1:30 p.m. Harold E. Stassen is guest to- 9:25 2 Give Us This Day weeks news. day. 9:30 2 Light of Faith 4 Princeton '55-30m. "CAVALCADE OF BOOKS." (2) 3:30 p.m. 4 American Inventory-30m. S Movie Theater Today's guests are Reverend John A young college professor takes "I-toad Tu The Big House" with Fletcher Flee, Episcopal chaplain of the un the problem of raising em- John Shelton und Ann lloran. University of Southern California, Floyd ployee morale and interest in a 7 Message of the Master-30m Clymer, publisher of books on motor cars and Lewis DeWohl. niitiv‘estern manufacturing plant 8 Zoorama-30m. in "The Human Equation." 11 Neville-30m. "HALL OF FAME.' (4) 5:00 p.m. Sarah Televespers-ISm. Wurld-famous author, lecturer and Churchill stars in "Soldier's Bride." 10 Hi Jinx-60m. teacher discusses the use of imagi- "YOU ARE THERE." (2) 6:00 p.m. Walter 9:45 8 Bible Class-15m. nation to bring man's dreams to Cronkite presents "D-Day,' a recreation completion. of June 6, 1944. 11 Morning Serenade 1:15 10 Dude Bob-Western Movie "PEPSI-COLA PLAYHOUSE." (7) 7:30 p.m. 9:55 11 KTTV News "Randy Bides Alone" with John Sallie Brophy and Herbert Rudley star 10:00 2 Lamp Unto My Feet WaYne. in "A Husband Disappears." "Ludie Brooks," the drama about 1:30 2 The Search-30m. minister, grieving over the death chartes Itomine. narrator, presents "TOAST OF THE TOWN." (2) 8:00 p.m. of his daughter who loses his hr. Hermann Lung of Fisk Univer- Ed Sullivan presents Sarah Vaughn, Sam ability tu pray. then regains It. sity who explains how Eisk's Race Levenson, Tony and Sally DeMarco, the 4 Mr. Wizard-30m. Relation Department provides the , Dartmouth Glee Club and Wlades bird Dun Herbert shows Betty that tools whereby a community in- I act. terested in improving its inter- what you think you see is not al- "COMEDY HOUR," (4) 8:CO p.m. Gordon group relations can begin doing ways what you really see as they MacRae, host presents Cornet Wilde, su. Today's program points out look into the science of optical Jean Wallace, Kaye Ballard and Caterina ill LI 510115. the transition which Baltimore, Maryland is making with the help Valente. 8 Let There Be Light of the University, 11 Sunday With Sandy-30m. "GENERAL ELECTRIC TH EAT ER." (2) 4 Faith of Our Children-30m. 9:00 p.m. Madeleine Carroll stars in "The 10:15 5 Federal Income Tax Eleanor Powell presents a religious Bitter Choice." 10:30 2 Look Up and Live program for children. "PHILCO TV PLAYHOUSE," (4) 9:CO p.m. 4 Early Movie 7 College Press Conference Jack Warden stars in "Shadow of the "Char] ie Chan In Monte Carlo" Harold E. Stassen, Director of For- Champ." cc th Warner Oland. eign Operations Adniinlst15tlO Is i guest today. "STAGE 7.V (2) 9:30 p.m. Pat O'Brien start 3 In God We Trust-30m. in "The Greatest Man In the World." 8 What's Your Trouble? a Lone Ranger-30m. 10 Mr. Wizard 11 A Home to Live In 1:45 9 Building for Peace "Somebody Up There Likes Me," 11 Daryl Harpa Show by Rocky Graziano. Floyd Clymer. 13 Short Story-30m. 2:00 2, 8 Omnibus-90m. publisher of books un motor cars With Alistair Cook, host. 10:45 8 Faith for Today who discusses his recent book 4 This Is the Life-Film-30m. "Floyd Clytner's Historical Motor 11:00 2 News of the Day "Beauty Fur Ashes." Scrapbook." Also present is Lewis 5 Church in the Home 7 Super Circus-30m. beW obi who reviews "The Spear" Iteligiuus services l.1.0/11 KTLA. Claude Kirchner and Mary Hart- and Neil Petree who discusses the 10 Oswald Cartoons-30m. line present the Ivanuvs, a Bul- book "The Changing Market." 11 Great Churches of the garian male trio who perform 4 Norvell Gillespie tricks on the horizontal Bar, Golden West-60m. 8 You Are There-30m. Bella Eremo. noted SWISS juggler. From the Florence Heights the Two Dollies. French girls, a 10 Words and Music-30m. Methodist Church of Los Angeles. Hungarian act with Luna and her 3:45 9 Feature Film-75m. 13 Morning Matinee canine pets and a clown act. Ity Bystander" with Faye "G.I. War Brides" with Anna Lee 9 Channel 9 Movie Enwrsou, and James Ellison. "The Private Affairs of Bel Ami" 4:00 2 Chronoscope 11:15 2 Operation Safety with George Sanders, Angela With Larry Le Sueur, editor. 8 Western Theater Lansbury and Aun Dvorak, 4, 10 Juvenile Jury-30m. 11:30 2 Face the Nation-30m. 11 Rabbi Magnin-30m. Mrs. "Bou" Anders tells about her unusual occupation and how she 10 Realty Review-30m. 13 Film-60m. "Song Of The Sierras" with Jinarny happened to produce a play on 12:00 2 Big Picture-30m. M'akely. Broadway when she Was 19. 4 Background-30m. 2:30 4 Teen Age Trials 5 Twin Movies Pearl Buck today tells how she "The Scarf" with John Ireland and tried to help is Chinese couple, but Twin Movies-90m. Mercedes NIcCumbridge. Joseph C. Harsch and Roger "t_lu- Admiral Was A Lady" with 7 Gordon's Garden-30m. Kennedy also appear. Edmond O'Brien and Wanda Hendrix, Disneyland-30m. 5 Ask the Doctor-30m. 7 Channel Seven Cinema Walt Disney, host, presents a re- Martym moderator, with a "It igh Conquest" with Gilbert peat telecast of "Operation Under- panel of experts who discuss • Roland. sea." The story of the nlming of the picture "20,000 1.eagues Under medical problem. 10 Circle 10 Ranch 7 "770" On TV-30m. the Sea," with narration by Win- "Caravan Trail" with Eddie Dean. ston Hibler. Also seen are cartoons 10 Western Trails Theater 11 Jalopy Derby-2 /12 hrs. showing perils of the ocean and a "Bough Riders uf Cheyenne" With Bill Welsh from Gardena Stadium study of various kinds uf plants Sunset Carson. 3:00 4 Get the Facts and fish found on the fluor of the 11 John Wayne Theater With Jimmy Wallington. ocean. "king of the Pecos." 6 Western Theater-2 1/z hrs. 13 A Date With Trude-15m. 12:30 2 Adventure-30m. 4:15 2 Sports for the Family Charles Cullingwood, host, pre- 13 Western Movie "Western Renegades." Bud Wilkinson describes sports sents William U. Clark, assistant for the layman and the profess- curator of invertabrates uf the 3:30 2 Cavalcade of Books ional. American Museum of Natural His- lieorgiana Hardy and Turnley tory who attempts tu ascertain how Walker present Reverend John 13 Short Story-30m. far the biologist of today is from Fletcher Flee, Episcopal chaplin 4:30 2 Cartoon Corral-60m. the answer of life itself. He dis- uf the University of Southern Cali- Burk Sureshot with tall tales from cusses responses, ability to repro - fornia who discusses the book the West and new cartoons. Page Twelve .
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