- ,..~. 1 I UNIVERSITY OJ.:J:iAWAII Ll6RAR'( a~i~nas %riety~1~; Micronesm's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 "~ - By Zaldy Dandan DeLay's visit will come on the CNMI, as recommended ography, De Lay consistently Variety News Staff the heels of two delegations by the Clinton administration. voted to reduce federal spend­ THE THIRD highest ranking of congressional staffers re­ A staunch conservative, ing, and this has earned him leader of the· U.S. House of Rep~ cently here to look into the Delay represents the 22nd Dis­ the "Taxpayers' Friend" resentatives is scheduled to arrive Commonwealth's immigra­ trict of Texas, which includes award from the National Tax­ j on Saipan before the end of De­ tion and minimum wage poli­ Brazoria, Fort Bend, and Har­ payers Union. cember, it was learned. cies. ris Counties. For his conservative voting U.S. House Majority WhipTom It was· DeLay and U.S. As party whip, he is respon­ record, he has received I 00 per­ DeLay (R-Texas), one of the key House Majority Leader Dick sible. for mustering the votes cent ratings from The New Ameri­ U.S. congressional leaders -op­ Armey (R-Texas) who reas­ needed to insure final passage of can and the Christian Voice maga­ posed to any "federal takeover" sured Gov. Froilan C. Tenorio legislation certified as urgent by zines. He has also received the legislation, will be visiting the that the Republican-controlled the Republican leadership. Watchdog of the Treasury's CNMI, buttheOfficeoftheGov­ Congress will block the ex­ DeLay also serves on the pow­ "Golden Bulldog Award" and emor yesterday said his arrival tension of federal immigration erful U.S. House Appropria­ the coalition of Peace Through date will not be made public. and minimu~ wage laws to Tom Delay tions Committee, which pro­ Strength's "National Security duces all spending legislation. Leadership" award. Torres: Judiciary 'did business' According to his official bi- Continued on page 56 Gov't checks 'bounce,' but with firm. owned by Taylor kin 'no problem,' says NMIRF is "profiting" from the By Gerr R. cayabyab, Jr. for two-month pay periods. judiciary's '!uncontrolled and The checks were returned un­ irresponsible" spending, which Variety News Staff THE NORTHERN Mariana Is­ paid by the Guam Savings and amounted to more than $40,000. Loan Association, he said. The Enclosed with Torres 's letter lands Retirement ·Fun<;l yester­ day said it will not take any problem was, however, rem­ is a letter of support from the edied when finance department relative during the time Taylor's action against the Department of Finance despite the latter's informed Manglona that the nomination to the Supreme recent issuance of "bouncing checks had been cleared as of Court was still being consid­ checks" amounting to $4.5 mil­ Dec. 5. ered by the Senate. lion. The incident seems to con­ · Torres claimed that a look at Marty W.K. Taylor According to NMIRF Admin­ firm speculation the CNMI gov­ Stanley T. Torres the letter of support and all the istration Edward H. Manglona, ernment is having cash flow subsequent purchases-the re­ By Zaldy Dandan owned by a relative of Supreme the Fund received and depos­ problems. ceipts for which were attached Vtiriety News Staff Court Chief Justice Marty W.K. ited last Nov. 25 four checks "The. DOF is an important to Torres's letter-will show REPRESENTATIVE Stanley Taylor. issued by the CNMI Treasury government department. Suing Ute "meaning" of conflict of in­ T. Torres (lnd.-Saipan) is ac­ The outgoing congressman, in Office in the total amount of that department means suing the teresL cusing the judiciary of making a letter to Legislature's presiding $4,483,443.75, representing CNMI governmen1. But CNMI He added that the judiciary "extensive and unnecessary officers, alleged that Taylor's rela­ government's retirement, health gov·ernment is our sponsor," purchases" from a company tive-through his wife Celina- Continued on page 74 and life insurance contributions Continued on page 74 !G~~ri;;~-rr~;--Typh~~~p~;;;-··-d~~t~ction I cl. :·l~ AGANA, Guam (AP)-A 12- ofGuam'sCivilDefenseAgency. ; 1 hour shredding by Typhoon Sustained wind reached 150 ; : Pal<a left residents of this tropi- mph (240 kmph) and instruments cal island picking up the pieces at Anderson Air Force Base re- i: i Thursday after fierce winds corded a gust to 236 mph (378 [,: drove "water through walls," kmph), said Tim Craig of the r leveling hoi:nes, knocking out National Weather Service in Ho- (, electricity and causing an esti- nolulu. The weather service 'sown · ' mated $200 million in dam- instruments were out of actio~ age. because of a power failure. No deaths were reported. If confirmed, that speed would i, At least 20 people suffered topple the record on the Earth's f. : minor injuries, mostly lacera- surface of 231 mph (370 kmph), ~,, tions fron:1 flying glass and set 63 years ago atop New r; 1 other dcbns. Hampshire's ~tormy Mount r Hospital officials said low Washington. · r: b~rometric pressure indu~ed Preliminary estimates by Gov. !is mne pregnant women to give Carl Gutierrez put the damage at '' birth more than $200 million. [;;: · While most of Guam's President-BillClinton,respond- ~l 135,000 residents are veterans ing to a request from Gutierrez, ~.., ~ of past typhoons, "I'm sure the declared the U.S. territory a fed- ~ .fJ shock will set in once they re- eraldisasterarea,openingtheway .:j :,H alize the de'v' ast. ation this one for federal relief including_ low- Nineteen automobiles were tossed about like toy cars by the 200-mile per hour winds of Typhoon Paka ~,'.,_ ., Thursday in the PIA Marine Hotel parking lot in Upper Tumon after the storm swept over Guam Tuesday : ,;,' has caused, said Dan Delong Continued on page 74 night. AP ,1 ~L~rr::.£~~~::j,.;..,.;,di::-.:..i:.:~~~:_·11,.Gi:..1.:"1.:;',i.:;J;~~'.:rr.::~EC.:.;..:~:i1L.'.~::~::..•:.~~-·.~:::::.~_::.~..:Z·.~:.i~·::.-_\'..l~L:._:i~;fuli&~~r:.:::ii~?:.:dk!;~§fL·~·~L~~.:.·~it~!];1f~~@M~G·.~~.t.S.:t:::T.!J.~·iii:Zi:;E1.t1~,ifoJ1fM~;iJ?~::?B.i:Gi.£c:L.i~[i,\._·~,.x:.. ~ ..~:·.~~~:; PAC NEWSPAPER STACKS "~~~ ----~---· -· ... -- - . -- .. 2-MARIANA.S VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- DECEMBER 19. 1997 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1997 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 So. Korea elects president Aloot may file appeal today eligible voter.;, or about 6 million ;md shock as their nation tumbled sloweconomicgrowthand raise ll.lXes By Zaldy Dandan The CNMI's only two-term people, told pollsters only a day ago flDm iL~ rank as the world's l I th and interest rates - measures that Variety News Staff governor, Tenorio sought and that they still had not made up their hu·gesteconomic gianttotl1ehumbled could cost up to a million jobs. AN APPEAL to reverse the Su­ won the Republican Party's minds. recipient of the world's largest eco­ The effect :~ready is being fell perior Court ruling on governor­ 11ubernatorial nomination last "I don't like U11Y of the cru1didates, nomic bailout. Hundreds of companies, small and elect Pedro P. Tenorio's eligibil­ year and went on to defeat but I will vote fora candidate who can Restoring the economy will be the big, have fallen. Unemployment is incumbent Gov. Froilan C. ( ity is expected to be filed today at save the economy, .. Kim Y oung-hee, newpresident'schiefjob-ataskaJJ rising. Prices are soruing. Chlistmas i· the Supreme Court even as law­ Tenorio and Lt. Gov. Jesus C. a 48-yeru'-old housewife, said before of the candidates acknowledged while carols that used• to ring throughout ·' Borja last Nov. I. I' yer Sebastian Aloot goes on a entering a polling station in BundU11g, offering few details on how they downtown Seoul at this time of year month-long off island trip. The govemor-elect's camp has ·a Seoul suburb. would do it. were all but missing. "People are Alootis counsel for former con­ maintained that the constitutional Several people waiting in line for But the winner's course of.action wonied and confused. gressman Manasses Borja, the amendment limiting the gover­ their turn to vote nodded their agree- . has already largely been set by the They always talk about the member of the Democratic Party nor to two terms was rati ficc.l c.lur­ ment. International Monetruy Fund. In re­ economy and what's going to happen leadership who filed the court Manasses Borja Sebastian Afoot Pedro P. Tenorio ing the Republican Tcnorio's in­ In the past month, South Korea's turn for iL~ record din; 57 billion loan, in the future,'' said Yang Hae-yoo, a challenge. · cumbency and thcrcfon: c.locs not 44 million people watched in dismay South Korea agreed this month to 23-yeru~old college student. His leave of absence, which counsel for the case, Timothy ments may still be required. decided they want (Tenorio apply to him. The first box of South Korean presidential ballots is opened for counting Superior Court Assoc i ale J us­ Thursday at a ballot counting station in Seoul. South Korean opposition began yesterday, was described Skinner, might handle the appeal, 'But whatever they're up to and Sablan) to be their new hopeful Kim Dae-Jung and majority party candidate Lee Hoi-chang are as "odd" by one of the lawyers of but Skinner's office yesterday we're ready," Villagomez said leaders." lice Edward Manibusan in his in a neck and neck race for the presidency. AP Tenorio and lieutenant governor­ declined to make any comments. yesterday. More than a month after the Dec.
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