01086822 Vol. 46, No. 9 Historic ordinations of four men to priesthood June 27 By Pamela Seal Caraway is the 29-year-old son of Julius Diocese of Lake Charles III and Ladonna (Ange) Caraway and pa- rishioner of St. John the Evangelist in Lac- LAKE CHARLES — The highly antici- assine, a mission of St. Charles Borromeo pated ordinations of four men to the priest- Catholic Church in Fenton. He has been as- hood for the Diocese of Lake Charles will sisting at St. Henry Catholic Church under take place at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 27, in the guidance of the Very Reverend Mat- the Cathedral of the Immaculate Concep- thew Cormier, Vicar Forane of the Central tion. The Most Reverend Glen John Pro- Deanery. vost, Bishop, will be the ordaining prelate Becoming a priest was never about Cara- with the Very Reverend Ruben J. Buller, way knowing he wanted to be one, but more Vicar General, serving as Master of Cer- about realizing that Christ wanted him to emonies. be a priest. During this 40th anniversary year of the The youngest of four, Caraway said, Diocese of Lake Charles, the Sacrament of “When I finally made an act of faith and Holy Orders for Deacons Samuel Bond, Jo- said, ‘yes’ and moved out of the stage of seph Caraway, Andrew DeRouen and Levi saying ‘maybe’ and being uncommitted, I Thompson will mark the largest group of felt a great freedom and joy.” men in the history of the Diocese to be or- For DeRouen, a calling to the priesthood dained to the priesthood at one time. was quite simple. He said he knew more or less that God called him in high school, but Due to the historic number of ordinands, he wanted something else for himself — a attendance will be by invitation only. career in architecture. The Mass will be streamed live for “It (architecture) was ultimately not viewing on www.youtube.com/lcdiocese enough to satisfy my thirst for fulfillment,” and www.facebook.com/lcdiocese. said DeRouen, the oldest of two. “God worked through my stubbornness and used The past several months have been any- the desire for beauty and meaning to call thing but ordinary for these men as their me to Himself as a priest. I exhausted every time in the seminary was cut short in early excuse before I finally admitted that God’s March while the entire nation began nec- call wasn’t against these good desires, but essary precautions amid the global pan- rather an invitation to their attainment. Deacon Samuel Bond Deacon Joseph Caraway demic. Extra time back in their home dio- And then I wanted to be a priest.” cese afforded opportunities not usually Ever since Thompson was a young child, experienced in a seminary setting. he said there was always a certain “nudge” “I think, in God’s providence, there’s on his heart to love God with his whole be- something valuable about that anomaly ing. which we shouldn’t overlook, namely the “This invitation grew to a desire to give formative capacity of parish life,” said my life to God, which required prayer and Deacon DeRouen, the 27-year-old son of docility,” said Thompson who is the third Marty and Julie (Cocchiara) DeRouen and of four siblings. “Just like a tree that slowly parishioner of the Cathedral. “It’s not that grows from a small seed, my initial desires we don’t understand this in a seminary grew into my desire for priesthood, to give setting, but we typically don’t get to expe- myself to Christ and His Church.” rience it so personally and tangibly until The youngest of three boys, Bond rec- after ordination.” ognized early on that priests believe that Deacon DeRouen has been assisting in what they are doing is helping people un- the parish of St. Pius X in Ragley under the derstand that their ultimate purpose in guidance of Father Jeffrey Starkovich, Di- life is to grow in relationship with God. rector of Vocations. “From an early age I can remember Setting the record straight for anyone hearing about the stories from missionary who thinks that seminary life is boring or priests and some of the amazing things that uneventful, Deacon Thompson said it has they endured, and I can remember think- been a complete adventure requiring radi- ing, that’s what I want to do,” said Bond. cal trust and openness to God. His advice to someone discerning priest- “Now in the COVID situation, I’ve seen hood is listening to the advice of wise peo- how sad it can be when people are deprived ple you look up to, pray daily and not be of the Sacraments, the power of prayer for afraid to reach out if you have a “persis- each other amid this time, and the treasure tent tug at the heart.” and gift of the Eucharist,” said the 28-year- Caraway agrees that prayer is important old son of Frank and Eva (Pettefer) Thomp- during the discernment process, but he son and parishioner of St. Theodore Catho- cautions one to not pray in a selfish way. lic Church in Moss Bluff. “God has enabled “Prayer about the priesthood should not the Church to grow through persecutions be, ‘Lord, do I want to be a priest?’ Instead, Deacon Andrew DeRouen Deacon Levi Thompson and plagues throughout the centuries. I the prayer should be, ‘Lord do you want me to be a priest?’ In today’s world, it is tempt- hope that he will also enable the Church to de Sales, Imitation of Christ by Thomas the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. grow today amid the pandemic through my ing to seek our own interest,” said Caraway, à Kempis, Abandonment to Divine Provi- future priesthood.” “and this can influence our prayer, but the Masses of Thanksgiving — the first ones dence by Jean-Pierre De Caussade; and Deacon Thompson has been assisting in priesthood is about Jesus’ interest.” to be celebrated by the newly ordained Man, The Saint by Jesus Urteaga. the parish of Our Lady Queen of Heaven Thompson echoes the importance of priests in their home parishes — will take While each journey has been filled with under the guidance of Monsignor Daniel A. prayer along with other suggestions. place in the following churches: Caraway, joys and sorrows for these four men, when Torres, Vicar General. “Pray. We cannot hear the call if we do St. John the Evangelist Mission in Lacas- asked what has been the best part of their Seeing the pandemic as an opportunity not stop and listen,” said Thompson. “God sine; DeRouen, Cathedral of the Immacu- seminary experience, they summed it up to help people focus on what is truly im- may be calling you now, but it may be lost if late Conception; and Thompson, St. Theo- portant in their lives, Deacon Bond finds you do not listen. Talk to a vocation direc- with the same sentiment: the friendships made with like-minded men, while being dore Catholic Church in Moss Bluff — all meaning for his future priesthood. tor. Get to know other young men who may on Sunday, June 28; and Bond, Our Lady “When things are out of our control, it is be discerning.” He also recommends daily challenged as they learn how to be ser- vants of Christ. of LaSalette Catholic Church in DeQuincy, the time to not be afraid but to put our trust Mass and frequent confession to prepare on the evening of Saturday, June 27. in God and His providence for us,” said the one’s self to receive the call. What do they all look forward to most about being a priest? Deacons Caraway, DeRouen and Thomp- 30-year-old son of Joseph and Mitzi (Tra- For anyone who is just not sure about son are each working towards diplomas han) Bond and parishioner of Our Lady of the priesthood as a vocation, DeRouen en- • Deacon Bond: Celebrating the Mass from the Pontifical University of St. Thom- LaSalette Catholic Church in DeQuincy. courages them to just give the seminary a and hearing confessions. I owe everything as Aquinas in Rome. Caraway’s degree is “The priest preaches Christ who both en- try. I am and have because of the grace of God in Thomistic Studies; DeRouen’s degree tered into our human sufferings and was “Do it because you love Jesus, and even poured out in the sacrifice of the Mass and is in Moral Theology; and Thompson’s de- victorious over human death by rising from if you don’t stay, you will not regret being the forgiveness in reconciliation. the dead. I look forward to offering this gree is in Dogmatic Theology. formed into the man you were called to • Deacon Thompson: Celebrating the message of hope as a future priest.” Deacon Bond continues his studies to- be,” DeRouen said. Sacraments, especially the most Holy Eu- Deacon Bond has been assisting Bishop Several books that proved helpful dur- ward a Licentiate in Sacramental Theol- charist, consecrating God within my own Provost with the Office of Worship under ing the discernment process for these ogy (S.T.L.) from the Liturgical Institute at hands, and hearing confessions, as an in- the guidance of Father Buller. seminarians include the Bible, A Priest is the University of St. Mary of the Lake in strument of God’s mercy. Fully aware of unexpected and difficult Not His Own by Venerable Fulton J. Sheen, Mundelein, Ill. He graduated from Notre situations on his priestly journey, Deacon To Save a Thousand Souls by Father Brett • Deacon DeRouen: I look forward to be- Dame Seminary in May with a Master of Caraway is sure of one thing.
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