T he Courier-Gazette. W.I TWO AMR A VF.AB ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, M Ai.CU 2, 1897. Entered ne (Second Claee Wall Matter. NC’MKRH 0 . V OLUMK OZ. 1I» AOVAWOM. I'll.* <Jourier-O«i'SR«’!tte O oo» I< I n t o M o r e in Knox Gounty Than /Vny O ther Pfiper I >nl»liMliod election W illiam Malcolm, Richard Davis and gressman, received 34 vote*; Ebenezer Her A SEA STORY Adam Wiley each received one vote, Joel rick, a farmer of Lewiston, received 15; and M iller 2, Bartholomew K ilieran IO, and Edward Kilieran, a farmer and teacher of Robert McIntyre 20. Apparently there was Cushing, received one vote. A Bright, Intereiling Sketch from One Who no choice at this election as a fourth one war A meeting was held, Monday, June 30, to Former!} Llred In These Parti held Monday, October 28, when Robert Me consider the location of the several school Intyre received 9 votes, and J »seph Gillchrest districts. Edward Kilieran was chosen Items of Interest Gathered in a Political and Municipal Doings and W illiam Malcolm one each. M r. M c In ­ moderator. A fter discussing the suhject M y old ancestors were all seafaring men. tyre was the successful candidate at this at length it was voted not to choose a Good Maine City. 1 have in my possession an old nail keg full of documentary evidence showing that way election as his name appears among the list committee to divide the town into school dis ol Our Forefathers, back in the morning twilight of the settle­ of representatives who were members of the tricts, or to choose any person to make Every Hem May Not Interest Eveiy Legislature which assembled at Portland, any plan of the same. At a meeting ment ot Massachusetts Bay Colony .my great- January, 1823. held M ondiy, September 8, at which Header bat There Are None Thai great-grandfather commanded a square rigged vessel which was engaged in carrying ox hides 1828. A t the annual town meeting held Edward K ilieran war moderator, it was voted Will Not be Head by Somebody— Granting of Liquor L1c*»n*e* Enter* Inlo at the meeting house, Monday, March 10, to annex John Hawthorn, Joseph Grafton and bark from Castine to some tanyard up to 1823, the following officers were elected; and Daniel Davis, including their property to Occurrence* In a City Famous for Us the head of the tide in Belfast. These old (lie Town’* History—License Fee Wa« papers came down to me from my grandfather, Moderator, Richard Davis; Clerk, Andrew the sixth school district, Product Ion of Lime. Lar|fe Smn of Four Hollar*—Town Robinson; Selectmen, W illiam Malcolm, At the annual state election, Albion K. who ran a “long boat” up the Kennebec river Refuse* to Reimburse Man for Taking 'Richard Davis and Darius Norton; Asses Parris received 39, and M ark L. H ill one when Arnold and his command moved into sors, W illiam Malcolm, Richard Davis and the timber to cross over into Canada and vote for Governor. For Senators, Benjamin The annual meeting of the Bodwell Granite Care of III* Koi her. Furnis Kirby; Trea urer, Robert McIntyre; whale some of the Labrador natives, or some Ames received 16 votes, Benjim in J. Porter Company was held this morning at 10 o'clock. School Committee, William Rice, Cyrus 18, Parker McCohb 16, Jonas Wheeler 16, other polar citizens, for being hostile to the Hills and James M alcolm ; School Agents, Joel M iller 12, Edward KtUeran 17, John A. W. Butler and Thomas Hawken went to colonies. My Uncle Bill was the skipper of POWDER the good ship Nancy which made her last trip William Vote, Joseph Gilchrest, John Lewis, Dole 18 and Henry Whitney 18; for Rep Portland, Friday, where they took Masonic from the end of Long wharf, Boston, bound Absolutely Pure. XVII. Thomas Seavey, Josiah Bradford and George sentative to the Legislature, John Watts of degrees. for the Pacific Ocean. H er fate was never 1822. At a meeting of the inhabitants of Young; Road Surveyors, Jacob H yler, St. George had 16, and Robert M cIntyre of The following change of time of the made clear, it is supposed, however, she ran healihfulnees. Amum-a the f.iorl ag.itnet 1 the town of Cushing held at the dwelling , Haunce Robinson, Edward Kilieran, John Cushing 11; lor County Treasurer, Payn steamer Vinalhaven went into eftect yester­ on to some island in the night time and the all forma of adulteration aonunon to the eneap house of Andrew Robinson, Tuesday, Janu­ Montgomery, Thomas Seavey, John Young Elwell had <27 and William M B »yd 14; for brands. SmiloR produced nt our store, day; w ill leave Swan’s island every week day brave sailors sank to rise no more, or perhaps ary i, Bartholomew K ilieran was drawn to and Alexander Robinson; Surveyor of Lum Representative to Congress, Ebenezer Herrick can only produce s smile in ono way, for Green's Landing, North Haven, Vinal­ ■ome pirate brig or schooner might have KOVAL BAKING IN) WOK It GO., NKW YORK seive as traverse juror, and Thomas F. Kilieran her, John Montgomery; Pound Keeper, Sara had 23 votes, and M ark L. H ill 19 Parris through satisfaction. That is what our haven and Rockland at 5 45 a m.; returning feloniously assaulted the Nancy. as petit juror to attend the Court o( Common uel Payson; Fence View e-t, E Iward Killer- was elected Governor; Ames, Wheeler, Me watch-work is doing for us and our w ill leave Rockland for Sw an’s island, stop­ A t that period salt water guerrillas and jay THE STATE LEGISLATURE- Pleas at W arren, on the second Monday of an, John Lewis and Elijah Norton; Field Cobb and Miller, Senators; Watts, Repre­ ping at the same places as on the other trip, hawkers and marine bummers and raiders in­ priceR for our customers. We will Drivers, Daniel Payson and George Young; sentative to the Legislature; and Herrick, January. at 2 p. m. fested the seas from the banks of the Atlantic clean yonr w alchfor $1 00 or put in a On the 10th of January, the selectmen Hog Reeves, Furnis K irby, Thomas Burton Representative to Congress. Builnm Tiintmlid Whloh li ol Pulloilir li- to the Indian Ocean. The pirate business new mainspring tor SI.00 warranted and Andrew Malcolm ; Tythingmen, Joseph Cornelius Davis was chosen grand juror, George W. Macomber of Augusta, John F. granted a license to Capt. Moses Robinson was laid off a great maay years ago, although leretl lo Knot Count}- for two years. Bring us your old to retail spirituous liquors and wines for Gilchrest and W illiam W iley; Overseers of and John Lewis traverse juror at a meeting Hill of Augusta, H. L. Shepherd of Rock­ now and then a few of them are to be seen, silver spoons thimbles, watch caseR, twelve months, commencing September the Poor, W illi'm Malcolm , Richard Davis held at the house of Andrew R tbinson, M on­ port and F. E. Richards of Portland, a quar­ io, but they arc retired pirates and are as gentle In the state legislature Tuesday a hot de­ gold rings, bracelets, chains, we pay 1821, on the payment ol lour dollars to the and Furnis K irby; Constable and Collector, day, September 8, to attend the September tet of capitalists well known in this city have as convent nuns. When I was a boy I used bate followed the motion of Mr. Walton of yon cash for them. town treasurer. Edward Kilieran, and voted four cents on tbe term o f the Supreme Judicial Court at Wiscas­ bought the electric light plant and water to read a great many sad stories about the Skowhegan to indefinitely postpone the The annual town meeting lor 1822 was dollar for collecting. set on the third Tuesday of the month. powers in the village ol Norway, owned by cruelty of pirates and can even now recall tbe resolve for £300,000 for the Eastern M aine held at the school house at the head ol Broad Edward K ilieran was chosen agent for the September 8, licenses were granted to Rochester N . Y. parties. They have applied DANIELS, The Jew eler, opening hymn, or glee, or song, made up of Insane hospital and long and able speeches Cove Thursday, March 14. The following town. It was voted to raise £50 for the sup­ William Rice, John McIntyre, Simon Robin­ to the legislature lor a charter. port of the poor, £30 for town charges, >600 about how a pirate captain murdered his cab­ were made by the members, pro and con. Thorndike Houte Block. officers were e le c t I: M oderator, Edward son and Moses Robinson to sell spirituous Among the changes in the postal service for the repair of highways of which £150 was in boy, poor little Richard Pevey, whoever he One of the most eloquent efToi’s was that of Kilieran; Clerk, Andrew Robinson; Select­ liquors at retail f >r the term of one year, At recently announced, is the following: Route to be expended in the W inter. Voted that was. Col. Fogler. men, William Malcolm, George Young and a jury draft held Saturday, December 6, 1094. Vinalhaven, by Hurricane Island, to the compensation for labor on tbe highway The ode commences thus. This is what the John M cIntyre; Assessors, W illiam Malcolm, Thomas Jameson was drawn at traverse juror Rockland, Me.
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