1949 CONGRESSIONAL .RECORD-HOUSE 202tS NOMINATIONS The Journal of the proceedings of yes. THE LATE HONORABLE" SOL BLOOM Executive nominations received by the terday was read and approved. Mr. CELLER. Mr; Speaker; it fs with Senate March 8 (legislative day of Feb­ CALENDAR WEDNESDAY genuine sorrow that we have learned of ruary 21), 1949: Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I the demise of a distinguished colleague INTERSTATE COMMERCE. COMMISSION -of ours, the gentleman from New York, ask unanimous consent that busine~ in Hugh W. Cross, of lllinois, to be an Inter­ order on Calendar Wednesday of this Mr. SoL BLOOM. state Commerce Commissioner for the re­ week be dispensed with. A kindly man has left us. A life dedi· mainder of the term expiring December 31, cated to service is no more. A gentle be­ 1950. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Mas­ ing who ever helped the helpless and . MUNICIPAL COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF sachusetts?· hopeless passed on his way to an undis­ COLUMBIA covered country. A man high in his fel­ Milton S. Kronheim, Jr., of the District of There was' no objection. lows' esteem can no longer strive and Columbia, to be an associate judge of the HOUR OF MEETING TOMORROW struggle for his country's weal. He municipal court for the District of Columbia, might have disagreed with you but never vice Hon. John P. Mc¥ahon, deceased. Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that when the was disagreeable. His distinguished UNITED STATES ATTORNEY House adjourns today it adjourn to meet service on the Foreign Affairs Commit­ John Brown, of Tennessee, to be United at 11 o'clock a. m. tomorrow, March 9, tee under Presidents Truman, Roosevelt, States attorney for the western district of Hoover, and Coolidge, as member and Tennessee, vfce William McClanahan, re­ 1949. Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. chairman, where he participated in fash· signed. ioning and passing bills affecting war UNITED STATES MARSHALS Speaker, reserving the right to object, I understand the first order of business and peace, made him the cynosure of all Bernard Fitch, of Connecticut, to be United be the appropriation bill. eyes. Stat es marshal for the district of Connec­ will The name SoL BLooM was known the ticut. He Is now serving in this office under Mr. McCORMACK. The first order of world over for patriotism and gallant en­ an appointment which expired June 29, 1948. business will be the appropriation bilf; deavor. With an early awareness of the Dimitre A. Batchoff, of Montana, to be and when that is disposed of it wm be United States marshal for the district of value of reasoned and reasonable public followed by the bills we had scheduled relations he built up reputation that Montana, vice George A. Wright, term ex­ and programed for today. a pired. spread from London to New Delhi, from Raymond A. Morgan, of New York, to be Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Mr. New York to San Francisco, from Paris ' United States Marshal for the western dis­ Speaker, I withdraw my reservation of to Rio.. trict of New York, vice Frank C. Blackford, objection. He leaves behind a good name, and as retired. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the Psalmist says: Larry M. Morph_is, of Tennessee, to be the request of the gentleman from Mas­ United States marshal for the middle district Better is the fragrance of a good. name sachusetts, that when the House ad­ than the perfume of precious oils. of Tennessee, vice Reed Sharp, term expired. journs today it adjourn to meet at 11 IN THE ARMY o'clock tomorrow? In true Horatio Alger fashion he lift­ Col. James Lowe Harbaugh, Jr., 01233'9, There was no objection. ed himself from humble beginnings to Judge Advocate General's Corps, Untted LABOR-FEDERAL SECURrrY APPROPRIA­ heights of fame and power. Friend of States Army, for temporary appointment as kings and potentates, he nontheless nev­ brlgadi.er general in the Army of the United TION BILL States under the provisions of section 515 er lost the common touch. of the Officer Personnel Act of 1947. Mr. FOGARTY, from the Committee Guest of ambassadors and ministers, on Appropriations, reported the bill decorated by many rulers, frequently <H. R. 3333) making appropriations for signally honored in his own land, he the Department of Labor, the Federal Se­ never forgot those in low estate, here or HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES curity Agency, and related independent abroad. He bravelY. and courageously agencies, for the fiscal year ending June espoused just, although at times unpopu­ TuESDAY, MARCH 8, 1949 30, 1950, and for other purposes (Rept. lar, causes. He fought for the stateless, No, 228)., which was read a first and sec­ the homeless, the displaced~those The House met at 12 o'clock noon. ond time, and, with the accompanying whose fate was like one on a ship on a The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera papers, referred to the Committee of the sea without a shore. Ever a Zionist he Montgomery, D. D., offered the following Whole House on the State of the Union aided in implementing the aim of his prayer: and ordered to be printed. people in Israel. He was at home with Almighty God, in the name of Him Mr. KEEFE reserved all points of order tycoons or tanners, with bankers and whom Thou hast highly exalted, we pray on the bill. clerks, with millionaires, and, as well, that we may catch the still small whisper Mr. FOGARTY. Mr. Speaker, I ask with the poor and lowly constituents of of Thy voice. Thou hast said if any unanimous consent that notwithstand­ Tenth and Eleventh Avenues. man lack wisdom let him ask of God, ing the rules of the House, the bill <H. R. The universality. of his endeavors and who giveth to all men liberally and up­ 3333) making appropriations for the De­ works is striking, braideth not. Thou knowest our frame partment of Labor, the Federal Security Our Constitution, the life of Washing­ and rememberest that we are dust. · Re­ Agency, and related independent ·agen­ ton, numerous centennials in our his­ strain us and bless us with pure and cies, for the fiscal year ending June 30, tory, were dwelt upon by him. He has humble hearts. · 1950, and for other purposes, may be written well upon the tablets of our lit­ If we have wronged any man, if we considered tomorrow. , erature. Humorist, stor~- teller, philoso­ have been false to ourselves, 0 Lord God, The SPEAKER. Is there objection to pher, statesman, wit-he was much make us true. Deliver us from all things the request of the gentleman from Rhode sought after for radio, television, and that blight and blur; search us and Island? the public platform. know our hearts, and see if there be any One of his last acts was preparation There was no objection. for his annual birthday party which was wicked way in us, and lead us in the way Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, everlasting. Through Jesus Christ our always celebrated with the St. Ann or­ may I ask the gentleman from Rhode phans, of Washington. Lord. Amen. Island [Mr. FOGARTY] if time has been We pause in deep sorrow this morning, We pray that the Lord God of Hosts agreed on ·with respect to the Labor­ may assuage the anguish of the bereave­ in memory of one distinguished in pub­ Federal Security appropriation bill? lic service, and the friend of man. ment of his surviving daughter, Vera. Mr. FOGARTY. I conferred with the She must take comfort in a cherished "This be the verse you grave for me; ranking member of the minority and we memory of the loved and lost. Here he lies where he longed to be; have agr-eed on 2 hours' general debate. Well might we recall a passage in Home is the sailor, home from the sea, The SPEAKER. The Chair recog­ Proverbs: And the hunter home from the hill." nizes the gentleman from New York [Mr. A little sleep, a little s1umber, a lit tle Amen. CELLER), folding of the hands to sleep. 2026 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE MARCH 8 I yield to the gentleman from New interested in him as a unique character to work with and talk with. When I York [Mr. LYNCH]. which could develop only in this country, think of him, I feel that James Whitcomb Mr. LYNCH. Mr. Speaker, last night He was absolutely without academic edu­ Riley, the Hoosier poet, must have had a in New York I learned with deep regret cation. He had one of the most acute man of his character in mind when he of the death of our distinguished and be­ natural intelligences I have ever known said: loved colleague, SoL BLooM. He was a in or out of Congress. He was a remark­ The kind of a man for you and q1e! character in New York life. He had rep­ able man in l:~s resources of mind and He faces the world unflinchingly, resented his district, originally the Nine­ character and in what he accomplished And smites, as long as the wrong resists, teenth and later through reapportion­ in life. With a knuckled faith and force like fists: Mr. Speaker, his message to us today He lives the life he is preaching of, ment the Twentieth District, since 1923, And loves where most is the need of love; and on the 3d of March of that year he would be his great debt to America. America gave him his opportunity and took his oath of office in this House for The latch is clicked at the hovel door the first time.
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