^ ^ J ^ ! \ ^ '> ^ r r w a.:->v^. f^V' "$...kl^'SSjM H ■ 'Si:^ : m ^ '^’c~ :.U: f r i ^ t f r ; : r yoin UL, NO. 71. 80iriH»BfANCR891pR,\ ROOSEVELT ASSERTS 11 'Mariy Again A^tw ^tYaltra': HE Wni COOPERATE o ^ p ts i **?*^^*^^ 1 EipniiM Sorprite That BURGLARS BREAK biA-B(MKMg Pmton^ President Gare That b - INTO GAS STATION I CiOt tin Aimwin Ai- CwBecticit Ibpdbfcm ^ presiion— Wanted Hoe- AktioB To S j^ Qy Q r a r Ter To Name ConnnissioA|Get |4 6 h Cash and Ciga­ lbStulioB. ‘ ~ Actkm b Loit By Vote li rette Vending N adine Atl Chiimgo, Dec. 28 — (AF — TwpA Tha dead were Walter Braielr a 48 To 28 — Thb Piiri- Wartiingtwi, Deo. 28.—(AP' > _ , , , . men were burned to death and aev- laborer, and an unidehtifled man. An eaaohufe of vlewi between ,, X'' ' y* '/''.j'-A'i'aI' Pgris, Dele. 28.—(AP)—. Pregnler eral others were injured todky as a Wltneasea said they beUeved Preeldent Hoover and Governor Center and Adams Streets. < i U i ■>, .V Paul-Bonoour suddenly an<-dramatl- Bts-atory elevator crammed with Charlsa Duval, another worker in penes Action ^ Semite the elevator had been killed. Rooaevelt on notion^ to meet Inter- -Irtuyy laundirt debt « g o . ‘^'SLfU SSdtbS'tflSS^ wid natlopal problenu' found them Braari was believed to have been The RaokUffe Oil Company fllUng u^ons-Trith America today by per- probably a million bushels of wheat stendiBg a t the tiine of ,the explo­ Until A fter tlw New Yefei; •t.tlon loeaM M 6» o S « .i^ t sohally casing , on United States and otiier grains at a loss estb^ted sion a t a window or entrance u to m o th ^ but on tb . (juMtlon ^ ^ ^ ^ Ambaraador'Badge a t the-embassy■ a t 81.000,000. ui> in the elevator. His body was Vote Not Consklered Test O f ooK>peratlon aa welL broken into during the night and tossed to the river dock by the Within a few houra after Mr. -42f.taSi“lpS L X » blast Hoover bad laid that hie saicceieor- cash amounting to $46 was stolen f mere were 34 men in the elevator On Dry Issue Bot T int BN from a drawer in a desk in the sta- and warehouse building when the question. exidpsion occurred. At least six ^ e for to to lUMMitasse^ to*to ^^muTI chine“** recenUy ® Cigarette fUled withvending 100 pack-ma* V E dJ. hadL, letS ?it t b.be known ’toto Shwld Go Tbroogh Usml gestirms for co-operative action _ I qi cigarnttes was also were injured. the Govemor in Albany expressed bSding. tou ir^ S ^ ?* I ‘®» “ “ “y -ttucturwi. on. man wa. Police feared several bodies might regret and surprise a t the state- Jlnmw Window have' ben buried * in .toe llnmTni:di R o n tin e . mrat and assa^ he h^ m a^^ Entrance to the station was ■k'* SfALSji I rtavator and uotb.r:a body won struoturei delinito suggestion which he torn- t>y jimmying a large window “ ^ “®^ premier and thrown to a doqk on the ^ b y Chl- Damage was estirnated at a mini ?dS!^Su®*^‘iw a. , ®**° *>y explosion. mum:of 81,600,000. Firemen fought 6d E definite offer of oo-oi>eration. I qq west end of the buildl]^. The Washington, Dec. 28.—(AP)-«- Hie StEtement thieveSi unnble to pty open the _ ______ ... .vS. *®*^®*R® ^®c® Five tugs and motor apparatus for hours to control toe'flza from Twentyi-four years ago Charles Likes and Ills wife dridded t^ey ^®iy* brought by a half dosen fecial spreading to an adjaemt granary Tbe Seniite refused to take iq> beer Mr. Roosevelt’s statement last TOntalned I couldn’t get aloog’'togetherT I « tremendous volume which aLm contained about a mil­ legislation today.. night said: second mates dead. Ukes c ' water into the burning buiUQi^. lion bushels of wheat ^T am rather surprised at the M*® lifted ^e cigarette Lrithout each other. Here It rejected a move by Senator White House statement issued this “ ®chlne off ita stan<^ taking away j^marriage. Btogiiam <R., Conn,), aimed to get afternoon. It is a pity not only for the entire nmohlne. A small ^ y - ' ft toe l^bassy chaptolloiry in toe Immediate conrideration for toe 8J country but for the solution of I vending machine was ripped Rus Chaillot and asked to see Mr. beer passed by toe House. worid problems that any statement taken outride the mmmmm m -Edge.'.'' • WMIIIIENT KDLE or inttoation should be given th atP ^ ^ JJt w^^ A small] CHP A Fbir half aa hour M. Paul-Boncour the .vote was 48 against; 28 to 1 consider it undesirable to assent ^®f® tn the ma­ sad Mr. E ^ thrashed out toe en­ favor of taking up toe bill. te co-operative action on foreign ®^®* ^^® total in value taken was The Denuieratio orgahiaatloa op- tire debt problem. ON MIEN LABOR AT$25KlinSSIA poeed Bingham’s attempt to ehll w» mud. to tb. Pr«.l(tentL.'r&;. g“ i«: 'Asks AsatstoUto ^ bis beer bill for immediate oonrio* R ^ rm a y n ^from Amcriogh ecation on. the ground that rigUlar d ^ te suggestion that be «®- procedure of study by ooma|tte» leot hisbl. representativeswuMMiitbtlvM to make md Walton wliJ?.WdlM ot M MARCH TO HARTFOI® was dsrirsd. ' 7 : Sur frahiidy Alienciiis T o Be Bin*[Foreipiers Hare Hard Tune preliminary studies. I have “ ^sd I Center1 ^ street The station was The vote was decisively agalhiit Eei*of*tiLl?DiSmini5ef*I*£ave ®*°“ ‘**“ ^°*8^bt»tl0'20aad WeUeajf 'I iir;.i n J ..4 the tall Connecticut opponent hf governmantwbieh would *~sw5^to i ployed Ota Federal Jo b | To Get Them — Are For- thd proUbiUon iawe, nltbougb but «»®,5~ ‘Js;rtolsuu» ***!* HeadquarterslinomBite to take up toe debt solution of toa n few minutes before be bad Motor­ question a l soon gs posaibls ed that if toe meaeure went to thS -r- h New Hiren Girei Ont A lon| dp Borderi. Mdon To R utaua jUfttOk^ and financs eommittos for Zi is ctated toffs was,no *n«"««wg etu^ and hearlnge,' ”|t will just Igf T^rds tbrpufboul toe oonfarinos drag along.” Deiaib ei IDemoistiltMm fiioh WM riiaxaotfriifd torougbout ss^sfiJS?^? 7 ^ ja '‘sr^3r‘.2S!5,‘^ rs : Wnahtogtop, Dec 28.^(AP)—] Mosoow, Deab88*^(AP) -- With ^ it ^ ts back hero b; b making public toa suchanga j mfm*y draircr. b(f tha flhsit spirit, of good uW on dla ofr FPel eb ru w ws'U ba iiisKyi 8, andId.that .that rtoa ooavaria- PhuM of tha Treasury to promMI j ObrietnuM trsss selling at |25 each laid, aadd di ^ toM bs fsit^i O n A u p n 3 . r i j i ,|i m t djaal tp .OlMr iwtprl^, Hmulda’t. ta’t..k ba got tbroun n," ' MarCh 41 .”” ' Now BftPiPc « S i by tb. r,, armt of tha bull 43!T...a:. altar its atfJiiMtMSoSlhg S I iB iirrffid ' last ^Ughit'^^ 'that notpAbitaodlil^Ci^ liat^ ' of too property. poWant of ths D^m toAH i^it thsl|)reasary oould M p fir insist that ll is ignorsd4»y most dshce hhd hstoy' -OoywDoln Rootmlt opbild.i«{ * ’K otrartUng UM’¥wBum fhlian tn ' IqiuntM u$ la. tbli .l^: mftUbAd . AnartCan t^ T u ^ snpsoiivs ha wall a s 3 B e 5 t that |t Is.undarirab^.for Um to] M a^ar F^nnols Bohitbsl. andM^^yj'® ^OoRnaotlout march®, to hs pim d on m nsw' Post OBlos s o w the actual trtmnalngl aih aMsnt to «“y,^JW rtl« WsUm oould advanop no tb t l ^ to Ogpl'tol'at Hartford, JgB. Washington, iStireoVSS? Pmsidsnt Hoovsr*i I i t Portland, Matts, a!ntf|ooMsrhSd> ftudfsd’bssr bKi?^ ' oporativi aetlon on too foreign infonpatloD tble morning reanurilnc a . , would t o t h e Itrinf sat pohss rsgulationi pro- . Ths Mts WM not unridsrs4 problem! outlined iq »V recent the break, other than to say that *'a has bssn paoksd and . Whcl.. blWt tbs sals arsa of tbs ipausst •»ats Isi^rs u a,tort on ths' nMMagi to Congrsia. X will a swift trip southW;. government' so; ^ M LhSfolbai trsss to Rnsaiahs, but as a s ^ ^ b ,' l^ u ss auito Mbaators (OontlDiMd On Pnga Two) .mlUes”: bsgin!aUoiirdrif(io|(3hrii loubt dsvsiop inture, Bright bs coatmutountotomiptoi M ildsi ofitbriMs toslstsd ’Vituatlone will no doubt develo flihl^ oruiss' oiP tb MalnhiOlhsr palls a ^ r bW should la k s ths i wl I by the aq- Ih i tool •hd Riorida coast, and totooasi mlnlitration as theyev ariie,------— but of meets rivers. - ■ M. PaUlfOShh^C' call WM ths MUCH OPPOSITION of eOatoUftbd detlsn. on tbs fourth). first of a toriss of chUs ba mads to 'oluilvsly for thsm. Ths BeilL Ghil oourse no oommltmente will be Transportation by train has boon made for toe next administration.” HNDGRl’SBODT m btatenfsat said in parts I ths chlsfs ef dMoatotfo nklssloni. M roll eatt o a M ,lia |to B mo* Roosevelt Bxnlalns ’The marob is a eonunuatlon of zt WM theths mmt conc-'sts stop of to taka up.tbs bsbr bniioile#ii (Oonhnnad on (Nbr WHw) the n ^ ghvcriuttcnt to' fuUUBMntof I TO B o o m ’S PLAN riblleaas for tbs Bwtienr Ih the oommunioatmns Roosevelt tbs struffit begun by ths worksrs tbs nsCsiaryary adsdoranMot, which ie' tbroufh_ue Naltoyuu hungsr marob. Ita policy annojto^ ysitevday In . ..J h a m , Mains, Davis, Oram- fndloated bii desire to avoid fixed SnFFEDM BAt to continue virtually oOflM M w itCn i t here new.
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