Danone – Palm oil Suppliers & Mills list update - H2 2019 PALM OIL SUPPLIERS & MILLS LIST 10-2020 2019 Palm Oil Tier 1 Suppliers and Mills Danone is committed to eliminating deforestation from its supply chain by end of 2020, and to the principles of no deforestation, no development on peat, and no exploitation of rights of workers, indigenous peoples and local communities (NDPE). We signed the New York Declaration on Forests and are a member of the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), the Palm Oil Innovation Group (POIG), the Southeast Asia Alliance for Sustainable Palm Oil (SASPO) and the North America Sustainable Palm Oil Network (NASPON). We also support the Consumer Goods Forum (CGF) resolution to achieve zero net deforestation in key commodity sectors, including palm oil, by 2020. Danone issued its latest Palm Oil Policy in 2015. As part of our commitment to eliminating deforestation, Danone is committed to sourcing 100% RSPO segregated palm oil by end 2020. RSPO segregated oil provides greater traceability and influence over our supply chain. We have put in place a traceability system allowing us to map our supply chain each year, with the support of Earthworm (formerly The Forest Trust). We recognize that transparency is important to making tangible progress on responsible palm oil. For this reason, Danone is publishing the results of our mapping exercise for H1 2019 and H2 2019. Danone has put in place a grievance process, designed with the support of the Earthworm Foundation, to enhance transparency and its capacity to act. In 2019, Danone purchased a total of 68 Ktons of palm oil, 48% of which were RSPO segregated (i.e., (33 Ktons) and 51% of which were RSPO mass balanced (i.e., 35 Ktons). In 2020, Danone has worked with two traders to create the first-ever segregated palm oil supply in the US (Cargill and AAK). This new supply chain will be fully implemented before end of 2020. 2019 Danone’s Tier 1 suppliers: Danone – Palm oil Suppliers & Mills list update - H2 2019 Supplier AAK Bakels Bunge Cargill Fuji Oil Graincorp Oleofinos Presco Sania United Plantations Berhad Wahana Citra Nabati Wilmar H2 2019 Mills: Mill Other Parent RSPO UML Mill Province/ Company Name Mill Company Name Mill Name Certifi Country Latitude Longitude Number State (Company Group) ed? (Y/N) Aathi Bagawathi Manufacturing Aathi Bagawathi Manufacturing Abdi Budi Mulia 2 N Sumatera Utara Indonesia 2,11272 100,27311 PO1000004269 ABDI BUDI MULIA PKS 1 ABDI BUDI MULIA PKS 1 N Sumatera Utara Indonesia 2,0512694 100,252339 PO1000003828 KRETAM HOLDING BERHAD ABEDON MILL N Sabah Malaysia 5,311076 117,974284 PO1000003712 ACE OIL MILL SDN BHD ACE OIL MILL N Pahang Malaysia 2,91192 102,77981 PO1000003979 Agropecuaria Santa Maria Aceites Cimarrones Y Colombia 3,03559389 -73,111466 PO1000002459 Grupo Litoral Aceydesa Y Honduras 15,825861 -85,896861 Adei Plantation And Industry PO1000000411 Kuala Lumpur Kepong (Mandau) Y Riau Indonesia 1,08225 101,333083 PO1000001418 Kuala Lumpur Kepong Adei Plantation Nilo 2 Y Indonesia 0,3525 102,094722 PO1000001417 KUALA LUMPUR KEPONG BHD ADEL PLANTATION NILO N Riau Indonesia 0,349381 101,974275 PO1000000236 Felda Global Ventures Adela Y Johor Malaysia 1,552768 104,1873 PO1000004102 Eagle High Plantations Adhyaksa Dharmasatya N Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia -1,588931 112,861883 Danone – Palm oil Suppliers & Mills list update - H2 2019 PO1000010257 Adimulia Palmo Lestari Adimulia Palmo Lestari N Indonesia -1,710214 102,779896 Golden Agri Resources Golden Agri Resources Aditunggal Mahajaya N Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia -2,0356 112,2387 PO1000004497 PTPN III PERKEBUNAN NUSANTARA IV ADOLINA Y NORTH SUMATRA INDONESIA 3,56853 98,94805 PO1000001252 Socfin Group Aek Loba Y Sumatera Utara Indonesia 2,651389 99,617778 PO1000001564 PTPN III PERKEBUNAN NUSANTARA III AEK NABARA SELATAN Y NORTH SUMATRA INDONESIA 2,05806 99,95528 PO1000006247 Kencana Inti Perkasa Aek Nopan N Sumatera Utara Indonesia 2,567464 99,578325 PO1000001566 PTPN III PERKEBUNAN NUSANTARA III AEK RASO Y NORTH SUMATRA INDONESIA 1,70388 100,17222 PO1000004461 MAJU INDO RAYA AEK SIBIRONG N Sumatera Utara Indonesia 1,409317 98,85825 PO1000000284 SAMPOERNA AGRO Aek Tarum (Belida) N Sumatera Selatan Indonesia -3,836633 104,969517 PO1000004246 Mandiri Sawit Bersama Aek Tinga N Sumatera Utara Indonesia 1,07363056 99,9951194 PO1000001565 Perkebunan Nusantara III Aek Torop Y Sumatera Utara Indonesia 1,792778 100,155833 PO1000010255 TH Plantations Agatis N Indonesia 0,103597 103,034586 PO1000008176 AGRA SAWITINDO AGRA SAWITINDO N Bengkulu Indonesia -3,777871 102,40261 PO1000004554 AGRI ANDALAS AGRI ANDALAS N Bengkulu Indonesia -3,99852 102,4301 PO1000008156 PT JA WATTIE AGRI BUMI SENTOSA N Kalimantan Selatan Indonesia -2,96285 114,711301 PO1000007528 KENCANA AGRI GROUP AGRI EASTBORNEO KENCANA Y Kalimantan Timur Indonesia 0,1341667 116,9161 PO1000004072 AGRICINAL AGRICINAL Y Bengkulu Indonesia -3,200972 101,630139 PO1000008580 AGRINA SAWIT PERDANA AGRINA SAWIT PERDANA N Kalimantan Barat Indonesia 0,069911 110,696437 PO1000004556 WILMAR GROUP AGRINDO INDA PERSASA 3 N Bengkulu Indonesia -4,010267 102,496717 PO1000004243 WILMAR GROUP AGRINDO INDAH PERSADA N Sumatera Utara Indonesia 2,778667 99,393433 PO1000004507 WILMAR GROUP AGRINDO INDAH PERSADA 2 N Jambi Indonesia -1,963888 102,301111 PO1000010047 AGRINDO SAWIT MANDIRI AGRINDO SAWIT MANDIRI N Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia -2,3454811 112,306181 PO1000008215 Panca Eka Agro Abadi N Riau Indonesia 0,346002 101,475229 PO1000003333 Goodhope Asia Holdings Agro Bukit Y Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia -2,56225 112,768067 PO1000002677 Goodhope Asia Holdings Agro Indomas I (Terawan) Y Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia -2,559975 112,373611 PO1000002676 Goodhope Asia Holdings Agro Indomas II (Sungai Purun) Y Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia -2,5238944 112,416831 PO1000004858 KENCANA AGRI GROUP AGRO INTI KENCANA MAS N Kalimantan Timur Indonesia -2,222667 116,35678 Agro Mekar Lestari Agro Mekar Lestari Agro Mekar Lestari N Kepulauan Riau Indonesia 0,82946667 103,376017 PO1000000884 Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Agro Mitra Madani (Agrowiyana) Y Jambi Indonesia -1,077625 103,109411 PO1000001278 Sipef Agro Muko Y Bengkulu Indonesia -2,601342 101,277978 PO1000004093 ASTRA GROUP AGRO NUSA ABADI N Sulawesi Tengah Indonesia -2,129994 121,485231 Wilmar International Wilmar International Agro Palindo Sakti 2 N Kalimantan Barat Indonesia 0,303004 110,195959 PO1000004392 TRI BAKTI SARIMAS AGRO SARIMAS INDONESIA N Riau Indonesia -0,521267 102,9207 PO1000007547 INCASI RAYA AGRO SUKSES LESTARI N Kalimantan Barat Indonesia 0,2295 111,6659 PO1000003927 Goodhope Asia Holdings Agro Wana Lestari (Bukit Santuai) Y Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia -1,8572806 112,397775 Danone – Palm oil Suppliers & Mills list update - H2 2019 PO1000008386 AGRO WIJAYA INDUSTRI AGRO WIJAYA INDUSTRI Y Jambi Indonesia -1,76069 102,243891 PO1000008158 AGRO WIRA LIGATSA AGRO WIRA LIGATSA N Sumatera Barat Indonesia 0,224338 99,71557 Golden Agri Resources Golden Agri Resources Agrokarya Primalestari (Kuayan) N Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia -1,970503 112,370324 PO1000001637 AGROLESTARI MANDIRI AGROLESTARI MANDIRI N Kalimantan Barat Indonesia -1,521222 110,458915 PO1000002130 WILMAR GROUP AGRONUSA INVESTAMA (SAMBAS) N Kalimantan Barat Indonesia 1,353458 109,507753 PO1000004475 WILMAR GROUP AGRONUSA INVESTAMA 2 N Kalimantan Barat Indonesia 0,27688 109,73267 Wilmar International Wilmar International Agronusa Investama 3 N Kalimantan Barat Indonesia 1,42149 109,53715 PO1000000092 Musim Mas Agrowiratama (Pasaman) Y Sumatera Barat Indonesia 0,198958 99,626589 PO1000000106 Musim Mas Agrowiratama Sukajadi Sawit Mekar 1 Y Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia -2,378258 112,542356 PO1000000134 Musim Mas Agrowiratama Sukajadi Sawit Mekar 2 Y Kalimantan Tengah Indonesia -2,369861 112,598639 PO1000004218 AGUNG AGRO LESTARI AGUNG AGRO LESTARI N Sumatera Utara Indonesia 2,541258 99,88067 PO1000004365 Bakrie Sumatera Plantations Air Balam N Sumatera Barat Indonesia 0,22833333 99,4752778 PO1000004280 PTPN III PERKEBUNAN NUSANTARA IV AIR BATU Y NORTH SUMATRA INDONESIA 2,85975 99,63832 PO1000002543 Tian Siang Holding Air Kuning Y Malaysia 4,161412 101,165029 PO1000003414 Felda Global Ventures Air Tawar N Johor Malaysia 1,666879 104,0269 PO1000004202 PTPN III PERKEBUNAN NUSANTARA IV AJAMU-I Y NORTH SUMATRA INDONESIA 2,45718 100,16065 ALAM PERMAI MAKMUR RAYA PO1000004092 PT PADASA ENAM UTAMA PASERS N Kalimantan Timur Indonesia -2,149639 116,082056 PO1000004194 Kencana Agri Alam Raya Kencana Mas N Indonesia -2,4009167 115,990014 PO1000003714 ALAMBUMI PALM OIL MILL ALAMBUMI N Sarawak Malaysia 3,585436 113,670645 PO1000004194 KENCANA AGRI GROUP ALAMRAYA KENCANA MAS N Kalimantan Selatan Indonesia -2,400317 115,988167 PO1000003992 Palmeras La Carolina Alianza Oriental Y Colombia 3,995075 -73,58075 PO1000004215 ANGLO EASTERN PLANTATIONS ALNO AGRO UTAMA SUMINDO N Bengkulu Indonesia -3,13358 101,87569 PO1000004308 PT MOPOLI RAYA ALUE KUYUN MILL Jl N Aceh Indonesia 4,45744167 96,1614722 PO1000000601 WILMAR GROUP AMP PLANTATION N Sumatera Barat Indonesia -0,154717 100,029167 PO1000006295 SUTOMO ANAKTUHA SAWIT MANDIRI N Lampung Indonesia -5,0954583 105,186819 PO1000004340 TSH RESOURCES ANDALAS AGRO INDUSTRI N Sumatera Barat Indonesia -0,053408 99,972549 PO1000005202 ANDIKA ANDIKA PERMATA SAWIT LESTARI N Riau Indonesia 1,089 100,776 PO1000004080 META EPSI ANDIRA AGRO N Sumatera Selatan Indonesia -2,820965 104,966879 PO1000000317 Sime Darby Plantation Aneka Intipersada (Teluk Siak) Y Riau Indonesia 0,591389 101,658889 PO1000004842 ANEKAPURA MULTIKERTA
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