HARIYO BAN PROGRAM Quarterly Performance Report 1 April - 30 June 2013 (Cooperative Agreement No: AID-367-A-11-00003) Submitted to THE UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (USAID) NEPAL MISSION Maharajgunj, Kathmandu, Nepal Submitted by Judy Oglethorpe, Chief of Party, Hariyo Ban Program WWF in partnership with CARE, FECOFUN and NTNC P.O. Box 7660, Kathmandu Baluwatar, Kathmandu, Nepal 31 July 2013 Disclaimer: This Quarterly Performance Report is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents of this Report are the responsibility of WWF Nepal and its consortium partners and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ......................................................................... II 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 1 2. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................... 2 3. OVERVIEW OF BENEFICIARIES AND STAKEHOLDERS ............................................ 3 4. WORKING AREAS ............................................................................................................... 4 5. MAJOR HIGHLIGHTS OF THE REPORTING PERIOD .................................................. 5 5.1 Administrative and Operations Activities .............................................................................. 5 5.1.1 Hariyo Ban Program Committees ............................................................................................. 5 5.2 Progress on Annual Work Plans............................................................................................. 6 Biodiversity Conservation ................................................................................................................... 6 Sub-IR 1.1: Threats to focal species reduced .........................................................................23 Sub IR 1.2: Threat to targeted landscapes reduced ................................................................25 Sub-IR 1.3 : Internal Governance of Community Groups Responsible for Ecosystem Management Strengthened ................................................................................26 Sub IR 1.4: Income from sustainable sources of livelihoods for forest dependent communities increased ......................................................................................28 Sustainable Landscape Management ................................................................................................ 30 Sub IR 2.2: Capacity for forest inventory and GHG monitoring, and equitable benefit sharing developed ..................................................................................................... 42 Sub-IR 2.3: Drivers of deforestation and forest degradation analyzed and addressed ........... 42 Climate Change Adaptation .............................................................................................................. 46 Sub IR 3.1: Government and civil society understanding of climate change vulnerability and gender-equitable and socially inclusive adaptation practices increased ................................................................................................... 54 Sub IR 3.2: Pilot demonstration actions for vulnerability reduction conducted and expanded ................................................................................................................... 55 Sub IR 3.3 : Participatory and simplified system for vulnerability monitoring established ................................................................................................................. 58 Sub IR 3.4 : Creation, amendment and execution of adaptation policies and strategies supported ................................................................................................................... 58 5.3 Cross Cutting Interventions: .................................................................................................60 5.3.1 Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) ....................................................................... 60 5.3.2 Improved governance: ............................................................................................................. 65 5.3.2 Livelihoods improvement:....................................................................................................... 65 5.4 Overarching Themes and Activities ......................................................................................65 5.5 Monitoring and evaluation ....................................................................................................66 5.6 Communications ………………………………………………………………………. ............70 6. WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY .........................................................................................74 7. INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EXAMINATION ................................................................75 8. MANAGEMENT REPORT ..................................................................................................75 9. OPERATING ENVIRONMENT...........................................................................................76 ANNEXES………………………… .................................................................................................. B LIST OF ANNEXES Annex-1 Working Districts and VDCs/Municipalities of the Hariyo Ban Program Annex-2 Results of CHAL watershed level assessment of biodiversity threats and drivers of deforestation/forest degradation Annex-3 Profile of citizen scientists Annex-4 List of skill based training participants Annex-5 Details of seedling production Annex-6 List of Local Resource Persons (LRPs) mobilized Annex-7 Report on Initial Environmental Examination and Framework Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring (attached separately) Annex-8 Hariyo Ban Program staff list Annex-9 Winning songs and poems from the Hariyo Ban competition on International Women’s Day (hard copy) Annex-10 Briefing sheets on governance tools and climate adaptation (hard copy, and electronic – attached separately) i LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ACA Annapurna Conservation Area ACAP Annapurna Conservation Area Project AEPC Alternative Energy Promotion Centre AWP Annual Work Plan BAFER Balchaur Forest and Environment Resource Development Centre, Nepal BaNP Banke National Park BCC Biodiversity Conservation Center BCT Bahun, Chhetri, Thakuri BNP Bardia National Park BZ Buffer Zone BZCF Buffer Zone Community Forest BZCFUGs Buffer Zone Community Forest User Groups BZMC Buffer Zone Management Council BZUC Buffer Zone User Committee CA Conservation Area CAMC Conservation Area Management Committee CAPA Community Adaptation Plan of Action CARE Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere CB Community Based CBAPU Community Based Anti-Poaching Unit CBO Community Based Organization CC Climate Change CCA Climate Change Adaptation CCN Climate Change Network CF Community Forest CFCC Community Forest Coordination Committee CFD Community Forestry Development CFOP Community Forest Operational Plan CFUG Community Forest User Group CHAL Chitwan Annapurna Landscape CIN Conservation Information Network CLAC Community Learning and Action Center CLCC Cluster Level Coordination Committee CNP Chitwan National Park CO2 Carbon Dioxide CS Civil Society CSO Civil Society Organization ii CTEVT Council for Technical Education and Vocational Training CUG Community Users Group DANAR Dalit Alliance for Natural Resources DDC District Development Committee DFO District Forest Office DFRS Department of Forest Research and Survey DNPWC Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation DoF Department of Forests DSCO District Soil Conservation Office EFN Education for Nature EMMP Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan ER-PIN Emission Reduction Project Idea Note FCPF Forest Carbon Partnership Facility FECOFUN Federation of Community Forestry Users in Nepal FEMMP Framework Environmental Mitigation and Monitoring Plan FM Frequency Modulation FNCCI Federation of Nepali Chambers of Commerce and Industry FOP Forestry Operational Plan FPIC Free Prior and Informed Consent FRA Forest Resource Assessment GESI Gender and Social Inclusion GHG Greenhouse Gas GLA Government Line Agency GoN Government of Nepal GPS Global Positioning System H4L Health for Life HIMAWANTI Himalayan Grassroots Women’s Network Nepal HWC Human Wildlife Conflict I/NGO International/ Non-Government Organization IAPS Invasive Alien Plant Species ICCA Initiative for Climate Change Adaptation ICIMOD International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development ICS Improved Cooking Stove ICVCA Integrated Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment ID Identity iDE International Development Enterprises IEC Information Education and Communication IGA Income Generating Activity InVEST Integrated Valuation of Environmental Services and Tradeoffs Tool iii IoF Institute of Forestry IR Intermediate Result IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature KISAN Knowledge-based Integrated Sustainable Agriculture and Nutrition LAPA Local Adaptation Plan of Action LDRMP Local Disaster Risk Management Planning Guideline LIP Livelihood Improvement Plan LRP Local Resource Person M&E Monitoring and Evaluation MCA Manaslu Conservation Area MCAP Manaslu Conservation Area Project MFA Ministry of Foreign Affairs
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