CORNELL ALVMNI NEWS VOL. III.—NO. 12. ITHACA, N. Y., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1900. PRICE TEN CENTS. CHRISTMAS TRIP OF THE MUS- may be procured at Hamilton's on WARNER ELECTED CAPTAIN OF Huffcut. Professor Durand was also ICAL CLUBS. Fifth Avenue. THE FOOTBALL TEAM. appointed advisory member for the Most of Christmas Day will be Interscholastic League of New York spent travelling. The clubs will leave Oilier Proceedings of the Athletic State. The graduate treasurer was p M ne Details oί tlie Preparations.—An Pittsburg at 2:45 by ^ Atlan- Council-Former Cornell Cap- authorized to open an account for the Unusually Successful Trip tic Express and will arrive at Wash- tains. Interscholastic League and take Expected. ington via the Pennsylvania railroad charge of its funds. The election of at 1:00 p. M. While in Washington The election of football captain W. J. Warner, '03, as captain of the The final arrangements are nowthe Riggs will be headquarters for for next year occurred Saturday, football team was ratified. being made for what should be the Cornell men. The concert will be December 8, and resulted in the The president, the treasurer, and most successful Christmas trip the given in the National Rifles Armory choice of William J. Warner, '03, left the four managers were constituted a Cornell Musical Clubs have ever tickets may be had at Sanders & Stay- guard for the past two years. committee to determine ways and taken. With five rehearsals a week man's, 1327 F St. The following men voted in themeans to raise from both the grad- the men are making good progress In Wilmington, which will be vis-election: R. D. Starbuck, '01; E. R.uate and undergraduate body a sum leaders Morrison, Dresser,and Beltaire ited on December 26, the alumni, Alexander, '01; A. A. Brewster, '04; of money sufficient to defray the have spared no pains to drill the men, though few in number, have awakened C. W. Cross, Όi; W. F. Dorner, Όi; necessary expenditures for the ensu- and hope to have their work as nearly a great deal of enthusiasm among the T. R. Finucane, '03; S. B. Hunt, '04; ing year. perfect as possible by Christmas people and a rousing reception is ex- A. B. Morrison, Όi; W. H. Namack, The council decided to appropriate time. The music has been selected pected. A subscription dance has '02 Henry Purcell, '03 Henry a sufficient amount from the general with the greatest care, being catchy, been planned to follow the concert, Schoellkopf, '02 C. A. Taussig, '02; fund to construct a twelve-lap board yet not too light, making a very fine which will be held at the New Cen- W. J. Warner, '03 G. S. Whitney, Όi. track for the use of the track men repertoire for the purpose. A further tury Club on Delaware Avenue. this winter. This track is to be a account of the program together with Tickets will be on sale at J. B. Rob- permanent affair, constructed in sec- a list of all who will go on the trip inson's, 718 Market Street. The tions, so that it may be taken up dur- will be published in the next issue of clubs will stay at the Clayton House ing the summer. The exact location the NEWS. while in Wilmington, where they will has not yet been determined upon, A well planned trip often makes arrive at 11:45 A. M. by the Pennsyl- but it will be somewhere near the the difference between success and vania railroad and leave at 9:00 A. M. Armory. This will be definitely de- failure in an enterprise of this kind. the day following. cided when the trustees meet, as their Manager Senior deserves the highest The twenty-seventh and twenty- consent is necessary before it can be praise for the way in which he haseighth will be spent in New York City. laid. seen to the preparations. He hasThe clubs will stay at the Gilsey House The football committee recommend- visited in person every city at which while there. On the twenty-seventh a ed that fifteen C's be awarded to the Clubs will stop, talked over the concert will be given at the Waldorf- seven old and eight new players. plans with the Cornell alumni living Astoria under the auspices of the The new men receiving C's are Henry there, and made the necessary ar- Cornell University Club, tickets for Purcell, '03, Henry Schoellkopf, '02, rangements while on the ground. In which may be purchased at all New S. B. Hunt, '04, C. A. Lueder, '03, those cities where there are organized York hotels and at the Cornell Uni- A. A. Brewster, '04, T. R. Finucane, Cornell associations, the arrangement versity Club, 49 West 43rd Street. '03, C. S. Whitney, Όi, and W. H. Na- of details has' been given to their The following night the men will mack, '02. executive committees, while in thecross the East River, stopping at Permission was granted to the remaining towns the alumni have Memorial Hall, corner of Schermer- Track Team to hold a handicap road taken up the matter as a body and horn and Flatbush Avenue, to give a race at Cornell on January 12, open appointed committees for the purpose. concert before starting on the home to all universities and preparatory The work of these committees will be track. Tickets will be sold at F. H. schools in New York State. securing the concert hall, placing the Chandler's, 439 Fulton Street. A The following is a list of former Cor- advertisements, inviting patronesses, dance will be given in Pouch Gallery nell football captains : arranging all social features, and other after the concert. 1887, Sheldon. local matters. Every concert will The clubs will leave New York by CAPTAIN WARNER. 1888, Howell, halfback. have a large number of patronesses special train via Lehigh Valley rail- 1889, Upton, tackle. and in many cases a dance will follow. road at 4 A. M., stopping at Scranton William Jay Warner, '03, the newly 1890, Yawger, quarterback. The first concert of the trip will be for the last concert of the trip. This elected captain of the football team, 1891, Johanson, tackle. given at Rochester, in the Lyceum will be in the Bicycle Club House, prepared for college in the high 1892, Johanson, tackle. Theater, on December 21. The clubs and tickets may be bought at L. B. school at Springville, N. Y. During 1893, Barr, tackle. leave Ithaca that afternoon by thePowell's Music Store on Washington the last two years of his preparatory 1894, Warner, guard. Lehigh Valley railroad, arriving in Avenue. A dance will follow the work he played left guard on the high 1895, Wyckoff, quarterback. Rochester at 4:30 P. M. The Cornell concert. While in Scranton the men school eleven and proved himself the 1896, Beacham, halfback. alumni of Rochester have undertaken mainstay of the team. may be found at the Hotel Jermyn, wα n ne 1897, McKeever. end. extensive preparations to make the Other social events are being In the fall of 1899, ^ entered 1898, Whiting, halfback. concert a most successful social event. planned for various points in the trip, the University, he had no difficulty 1899, Starbuck, fullback. Last year the Yale alumni won honors by alumni and friends, which if defi- in making left guard on the 'Varsity, 1900, Starbuck, fullback. by the way they entertained their nitely decided upon will be announced which position he has held ever since. -Φ~Φ~^ clubs and this year Cornell is going in the next issue of the NEWS. As a line man, Warner has proved Cheering and Victory. to test her ability in the same line. A sixty-foot baggage car, with at- one of the strongest players on the After the concert a dance will be tendant, will be taken throughout the team. His form has shown steady The following note from a New York given in Powers Block. While in trip to enable the men to take trunks. improvement during the two years he alnmnus is self explanatory ί Rochester the clubs will stay at the With the exception of one journey all has been on the team, and today he Its its description of Cornell's Powers House. Tickets for the con- the travelling will be done by regular is undoubtedly one of the strongest magnificent win of the intercollegiate cert will be on sale at the Lyceum trains, although special sleeping cars guards in the country. cross country race at Morris Park box office. Warner has played in every big yesterday, a New "York morning will be used from Pittsburg to Wash- # Bradford, Pennsylvania, will be the ington and from New York to Ithaca. game that the team has engaged in paper said : "* the Cornell cheer- next place visited. The journey will Much attention has been paid to the for the past two seasons,—the two ing brigade whooped it up as the be made in the morning, leaving comfort of the men and, as far as pos- victories over Princeton, the twomen wearing the red 'C dashed over Rochester at 7:45 on the twenty-sec- sible, meals will be eaten at regular defeats by Pennsylvania and bythe water jump on each lap, and this; ond and arriving at Bradford at 12:10 hours at hotels. Lafayette, and the games last year stimulation may have had the effect p. M. via the Buffalo, Rochester and A very large amount of advertising with Columbia and Chicago. of squeezing out the two extra points Pittsburg railroad.
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