Ref Details Cat P00001 Snow scene - village from southern rail bridge 2.3/1 P00002 Jordan's Crossing School Picnic 5.7/1 P00003 Calverley, Ben & Charlie 5.2/11 P00004 Calverley, Mrs Henrietta with daughters, Lillian & Ethel 5.2/11 P00005 Jack Mann & sister 5.2/17 P00006 Erith Coal Mine - abandoned workings 4.3/2 P00007 Fern Glen - Giovanardi Service 6.5/1 P00008 Fairy Bower Falls - Giovanardi Service 6.5/1 P00009 Glow Worm Glen 6.5/1 P00010 Constitution Hill ( 3 different photos) 2.1/0 P00011 Los Angeles - now The Pines 5.4/3 P00012 Braeside, Penrose 5.4/4 P00013 Erith Coal Mine & Cascade 4.3/2 P00014 Pheasant Vale - Kareela 5.4/2 P00015 Bennett Family 5.2/9 P00016 Bennett Family, circa 1917, The Pines, Kareela 5.2/9 P00017 Los Angeles with family out front 5.4/3 P00018 Sydney Royal Easter Show 4.4/1 P00019 Fruit Winning Apple Trophy - Royal Easter Show 4.4/1 P00020 Kareela Railway Station 4.5/1 P00021 Ferndale Guest House pre 1917. 6.1/21 P00022 Tooth Family photograph 5.2/4 P00023 Tooth Samuel - photograph 5.2/4 P00024 Tooth Reuben 5.2/4 P00025 Tooth, Herbert Albert, taken 22nd May 1907 5.2/4 P00026 Tooth, Reuben and four sons. 5.2/4 P00027 Tooth, Samuel and Emily. Photograph of grave 5.2/4 P00028 Farr, Reuben 5.2/11 P00029 Calverley, Ethel P00030 Dickenson, Keith 5.2/19 P00031 Short, Annie 5.2/10 P00032 Springvale Guest House 6.1/20 P00033 Exeter Railway Station 2.1/00 P00034 Exeter Views 2.1/00 P00035 Exeter Views 2.1/00 P00036 Coalmine Creek (Valentine series) 6.5/1 P00037 Children at play, Bundanoon Park 5.17/1 P00038 St Aiden's Church of England, Exeter 5.8/3 P00039 Public School, Bundanoon 5.7/2 P00040 Chinese Laundry, Bundanoon Village 5.18./1 P00041 Royal Hotel - First Hotel 5.2/1 1 P00042 Hiking in the Gullies 7.2/2 P00043 Riding on Consitution Hill 7.2/1 P00044 Riding 2.1/00 P00045 Horse Riding aound Bundanoon 7.2/1 P00046 Horse Riding - Gambells Rest 7.2/1 P00047 Riding School - Pat Cole 5.6/14 P00048 Walking & Hiking on Constitution Hill 7.2/2 P00049 Hiking in the Gullies 4.2/2 P00050 Fairy Bower steps 6.5/1 P00051 Gasthof Restaurant and Motel 6.2/2 P00052 Soldiers Memorial Hall & Shop 8.4/1 P00053 Bicycle Shop (Previously Post Office 1910) 5.6/00 P00054 Bundanoon sign with Memorial Hall behind 8.4/7 P00055 Westpac & ANZ Bank, Cnr Church St & Railway Ave. 5.6/10 P00056 Bundanoon Hotel 6.2/4 P00057 Snow - Fernmont Guest House 2.3/1 P00058 Garnida Guest House (later Cranbrook) 6.1/17 P00059 Grandview Flats - Postcard 6.1/10 P00060 Garnida Guest House (later Cranbrook) 6.1/12 P00061 Devonleigh Guest House 6.1/6 P00062 Summer Hill Guest House 6.1/9 P00063 Rosnel Guest House 6.1/14 P00064 Rosnel Guest House 6.1/14 P00065 Willamurra Guest House 6.1/7 P00066 Snow Scenes 2.3/1 P00067 Snow - Erith St and Shops (3/9/1931) 2.3/1 P00068 Snow Scenes 2.3/1 P00069 Bundanoon Village Views from Fernfield 5.18/1 P00070 Bundanoon Village Views from Fernfield 5.18/1 P00071 Hotel - Scene at rear 5.18/1 P00072 Houses - Bark Huts 5.4/00 P00073 View of Village from Fernfield/Killarney - 1900 6.1/35 P00074 Railway Avenue snow (taken 3/9/1931) 2.3/1 P00075 Terry's Royal Park Bowling Club 7.1/4 P00076 Postcard, Bundanoon Swimming Pool 7.1/5 P00077 Lovely Bundanoon" sign with Rifle Club 7.4/2 P00078 Counsell - Photo Cricket match - Cricket Club Fancy Dress 5.2/7 & 7.1/1 P00079 Football presentation dinner, 1961 7.1/3 P00080 Bundanoon Football team, 1961 7.1/3 P00081 Dulcie Morris, postgirl during WW II 5.9/1 P00082 Clyne, J.A. Bakery Van 5.6/1 2 P00083 Linkside after the fire 5.18/1 P00084 Barnett Ave/Old Wingello - view towards the village 5.18/1 P00085 Mills, George, Storekeeper 5.2/16 P00086 Fairy Bower steps 6.5/1 P00086a Fairy Bower steps. Early 1900s 6.5/1 P00087 Gillman's Royal Hotel 6.2/1 P00088 Layton - Stonemason 5.2/3 P00089 Cole, Pat. Bundanoon Riding School 5.6/16 P00090 Greason's Butchery, 26 Erith Street, Bundanoon 5.6 P00091 Sheathers Bakery Shop with residence 5.6/4 P00092 Railway Station - Snow 1931 2.3/1 P00093 Railway Ave, 1950's 5.18/1 P00094 Railway Station 4.5/1 P00095 Collins (Ringwood) Colliery Poppet head 4.3/1 P00096 St Aidan's Anglican Church, Exeter 5.8/3 P00097 Ringwood - Remains of main house 5.4/6 P00098 Bundanoon Emporium - Calverley's Store 5.6/8 P00099 Sawmill - Selens - Erith Street 4.1/2 P00100 Urgent delivery for Bundanoon - Hugh Akrigg 5.6/6 P00101 Taxi with gas producer (WW II) - Kingsbury 5.6/2 P00102 Taxi Service - Kingsbury 5.6/2 P00103 Bundanoon Hire Cars 5.6/1 P00104 Bundanoon Sign Board 6.00/00 P00106 Gasthoff and Bundanoon House Motel Opening 1965 6.2/2 P00107 Gasthoff and Bundanoon House Motel Opening 1965 6.2/2 P00108 Jordans Crossing School Opening 5.7/1 P00109 Cricket - Old Time Country Cricket 7.1/1 P00110 Opening of Exeter tennis courts - group photo 7.1/2 P00111 Opening of Exeter tennis courts - game in progress 7.1/2 P00112 Invergowrie - previously Searl & Co. nursery 5.4/13 P00113 Invergowrie - previously Searl & Co nursery 5.4/13 P00114 Crushing Plant. First opened 1908. 4.3/00 P00115 Butter factory - Vine Lodge, Exeter (Butter and Cheese factory) 4.7/2 P00116 Vine Lodge - Mrs Frank Badgery and son. 5.8/8 P00117 Picnic Party from Exeter. 5.16/1 P00118 Vine Lodge - First House 5.4/1 P00119 Bundanoon Golf Club opening 1932 7.1/6 P00120 Bundanoon Railway Station with "Flying Scotsman", 1988 4.5/1 P00121 Bundanoon Railway Station before signal box 4.5/1 P00122 Bundanoon Railway Station, 1920's. 4.5/1 P00123 Jordans Crossing railway station - first engine arrives 4.5/1 3 P00124 Bundanoon Railway Station after signal box 4.5/1 P00125 Holy Trinity Anglican Church - Opening 1879. 5.8/1 P00126 Golfers at ? Golf course 7.1/6 P00127 Grand Canyon 6.5/1 P00128 Greenways Guest House 6.1/15 P00129 Dulcie Shannon outside Jane Brown Coffee Inn 5.6/13 P00130 De Meyrick, N.C.Estate Agent and E.S.A. Bank 5.6/11 P00131 Carting logs in Railway Parade 4.1/1 P00132 Bundanoon Football Team, 1959 - 1960. 7.1/6 P00133 Phillips, Athlee. Daughter of Vivian 5.2/5 P00134 Hall and Shops 8.4/1& 5.6 P00135 Memorial Hall 8.4/1 P00136 Knoll, The - Guest House 6.1/8 P00137 Royal Hotel - First Hotel 6.1/8 P00138 Bundanoon Refreshment Rooms 5.6/7 P00139 Bundanoon Refreshment Rooms and Mountain View Guest House 5.6/7 P00140 Long View from N.E. of railway line 6.2/4 P00141 Bundanoon Railway Station 4.5/1 P00142 36 Class engine at Bundanoon station, 1950's 4.5/1 P00143 Exeter Rail Disaster - Temora Mail, 1914. 4.5/4 P00144 Snow scene at railway station, 3/9/1931 P00145 Bundanoon Railway Station track maintenance pre 1915 4.5/1 P00146 Duplicating the Southern Line 4.5/2 P00147 Tooth's tramway up from the Gullies 4.3/2 P00148 Tooth's tramway up from the Gullies 4.3/2 P00149 Fairy Bower Steps 6.5/1 P00150 Bundanoon Village - Snow Scene (2nd September, 1931) 5.18/1 P00151 Shopping Centre with snow 2/9/1931 (Bundanoon) 5.18/1 P00152 Railway Avenue 1928/29 5.18/3 P00153 Railway Avenue ? Date 5.18/3 P00154 Bus - Pictures, Circa 1950. 5.17/00 P00155 Lansdown, Dorothy; Tarrant, Gwen; Polsson, Frank & Eva. (5th June, 1988). 5.2/00 P00156 Erith Falls (Giovanardi Series) 2.1/00 P00157 Erith Coal Mine and Cascade 6.5/1 P00158 Ye Olde Bicycle Shoppe 5.6/3 P00159 Don Talintyre, sign writer, at work 2005 10.2 P00160 Police Station 2005 5.13 P00161 Rochester Park, 2005 (set of 6) 5.4 P00162 Spring Hill 2005 5.4 P00163 Coal being loaded at Collins Colliery 4.3/1 P00164 Post Office # 3. 5.9/1 4 P00165 Bundanoon Railway Station 4.5/1 P00166 Exeter Rail Disaster. Temora Mail 1914. 4.5/4 P00167 Lynbrook Guest House, now Bundanoon YHA 6.1/4 P00168 Solar Springs 6.1/8 P00169 Holiday Resort Motel 5.2/3 P00170 Golf House 6.1/10 P00171 Treetops Guest House (1930) 6.1/18 P00172 Gasthof (Previously Nicholas Powder Factory) 4.7/1 P00173 Bundanoon House (Now Gasthof). 5.1/14 P00174 Park Lodge Guest House. Photograph of a sketch 6.1/11 P00175 Sawmill - Tooths - Penrose Road 4.1/2 P00176 Fairy Bower 6.5/1 P00177 Morton National Park Entrance Gates 6.5/1 P00178 Riverview Lookout - Tooths Sawmill 4.1/2 P00179 Mr Clyne with Mr Gambell at Gambells Rest 5.2/13 P00180 Calverley, Lil at the organ, Methodist Church 5.8/2 P00181 Methodist Church, 1952 (inside view) 5.8/2 P00182 Milkman crossing Ready Creek 5.6/5 P00183 Local milk cart 5.6/5 P00184 Dog that drove the Milkman's Team 5.6/5 P00185 Dog that drove the Milkman's Team 5.6/5 P00186 Milkman's Team P00187 Carter's Tourist Coach 6.4/00 P00188 Carter's Tourist Coach - Tourist group 6.3/00 P00189 Railway Avenue from Post Office towards Railway Station (9 copies) 5.18/3 P00190 Youth Hostel previously Lynbrook Guest House 6.1/4 P00191 Linkside, re-built 6.1/1 P00192 The Shack Guest House 6.1/5 P00193 Idle a Wile Guest House 6.1/3 P00194 Glow Worm Glen P00195 Praying Nun - Burnt out stump 6.8/00 P00196 Hell Hole Farm 5.11/1 P00197 Willamurra Guest House 6.1/7 P00198 Devonleigh Guest House - Postcard 6.1/6 P00199 Bundanoon Public School - Opening new School 5.7/2 P00200 The Knoll Guest House 6.1/8 P00201 Log carting - Bullock team - Joe Tooth 4.1/1 P00202 Baby Health Centre opening 10.6/1 P00203 Post Office # 3 - 1945 (later a cafe) 5.9/1 P00204 Pupils assembled - first school 5.7/3 P00205 Miss Jenkins and two pupils 10.3/00 P00206 Cricket - Bill (Tiger) O ' Reilly, 1920.
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