uunra AMD wroiLT pmoDuno wmxr MWIFOU m umoi OOUVTT YEAR—No. 3,, WESTFIELD, NEW JEfcBgY, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1959 Committee Council, Planning BoardCouncil Introduces Sign :•[•/)• For New School Issues Facts9 Statement Collrgr Club to Hold An estimated ultimate Inciease burden for achoo) and still main- in tax revenue of ipproilmiteiy tain W*«tfield'a high standards, Despite P Qpen Mrtting On 1254,000 H year would result from compatible with * town of homes," Anal adoption of the new xaning Tfce : views of the Council and tion By Celkge Bond tnue ordinance io permit e*tat>)ish<nent Planning Board are being distrib- of campus -type office - research uted to civic groups and other or- Seeks County 3 The referendum recardini; • facilities In certain designated ganisations for advance Informa- V1962 bond liiur'for the conitruction of areas on the outskirts of West- tion and for public discussion of addition*! lacilitlea for higher ed- Aeld, 'according to • "statement the new ordinance upon which Unexpired Board Aid To Alleviate ucation In the IState of N*w Jeriey of facts," tstued yesterday by the Westfleld voters will be given an which win be voted on Nov. 3, wUl Town Council and Planning Board. taiftoiwe classroom needs opportunity to express their opin- Of Health Term Flood Conditions be'the iubject of a meeting open • • '.: ' • <•£ . L'[feWd elementary grades If, on the other hanct, the game ion in a referendum at the Novem- to the public Oct. ! in the Grant «reas proposed for orTle* research ber general election. Sehool. Dr, Sanford M. Reisg of 840 An ordinance regulaUac uw Mtin. • It has reconirnejid- establishments were used for home WWle offering a detailed analy- Village green was appointed to d construction of tmafaW-M^d I i (i«f elementary acho«l, the Collate H«n'i Club of Wot- development, a net loss in tax ii« of the Economic data on the the Board df Health Monday night advertliins signs WH ilrt«dn«*4 ^^.jjVUssroonis, be erected fold, the sponsor of thl» meeting, revenue of fl3,S4S would result, office-research* development vevaus by the Town Council. He will fill by the Town Coumll Lffl£»Grove site." Itfur- hma invited Dr, E. D. Partridie, the town officials estimated, ex- development for homes, the itate- the unexplied term of the late Dr. night detDite "no" and M " ided that "prcpara- president of the Monklair Stale plaining that the "Increased tax«s ment answered questions which L. H, Leggett which runs through HEV. necessary to support additional votes from two eaundlrafn. atln Immediately to ColleKf, U> prtMnt the facta nl»t- have been raised by cltirsnt and Dec. 1. ; inf; to the n«d for tnEreawd col- school facilities required for fam- The pr»pfl»d ardlnanf*,!—„ ,t J will be completed civic group) especially as to the Dr, KeisB, whose offices are at will come up f OF aaeand «a4 isU - lege f»clliti*s" in New Jersey. A ilies of home owners, plus the cost effect of the ordinance on the resi- September, 1962." 440 East Broad street,-has lived rending Sept, 28; iroutd frthrift pKh*l discussion will follow the of new municipal services would dential character of the town and rr«d to is near T»- Baptist Pastor exceed .the tax yield by this esti- and practiced in Westfleld since algns In EeMdeiWe A, B «nd (hiv;; Taiti • 1^ is one of three talk, during which question! on on property values. 1958. He Is a specialist in internal this istue may be asked. mated amount." den Apartment icinet, eictpi WH> .'. lt*M* Mt aside for achool Resigns Post In answer to the question, "Will imedlclnu and gastro - intestinal der Kpeeial condition*. It weuidUb : The college bond issue ia of vital The Council and Planning Board office-research tones change tho diseases. o prohibit "free sUndinf" afetih ; interest to every tititen of New said that in their opinion, the new eommltt** we: character of Westfleld," it ivns He received his AM and MD iarjrer than 16 aojuar* f#*t .•*'• Jeriey, who will have an oppor- zoning ordinance "Is the moat Rev. Gates Accepts stated that only two and a half per from Corntll University, and -was igher than IS feet. r -. -,,' «ji- r 7;BWy Jr- »"* J>. P- tunity to An<! out the fact* for equitable way of affecting a sub- lt, tad Pr. Richard N. Rho- cent or 110 acres o\it of the i,02b an Intern st New York Hoipital, EDWIN A. LAKE htnuelf Oct. 8. stantial saving of tax dollars for Tt would prohtbit fta«Wil» »%••. kii* Council of PTAs; Ed- Hong Kong Position' acres of the area of the town is ^oi-noH University Medical Cen- the cltiiens. Only in this way can r any aifiu which might tot*tf*r« •-• it AUn, Joseph B. Connsll involved, equally divided between ter. Ho has been an Instructor In with tralNi or safety atgnlb. All > lICllfAUhol The Rev. Elbert E. Gates Jr., the land be Used by tho owners f or the North and South sidea. Be- medic In o itt that hospital since tax r a tables that will not impose Postmaster To marquee >i(rns would have t» fcf -itfoni Mrs. Bruce E. pastor of the First Baptist Church, cause of the rigid restrictions of 1055. pproved by the eouiwII, .. ' ;':•_'• Borough Council has resigned to accept a position continued Increase in the tax _l Thomas H, Bennett and the ordinance, requiring a mini- lie k a diplomats of the Ameri- Most controversial seetton of tht '' •a director of Church World Serv- |A. Ctrlson for the .Board mum area of four acres to a build- can Board of Internal Medicine, Discuss 'Filth' irdinance, to which a aommiUei of , ice in Hong Kong. This is a tmjor Mr. Bennett aerved Gets 2nd Petition Ing surrounded by a large expanse and a .member of the AMA and relief program In behalf of refu- ;he Chtunl.tr of Commerce )«* ob. of attractively landscaped grounds the Union County Medical Asso- gees sponsortd by Church World eeted, is Section IS, whfeh ptt» Peak Advance and the control of anode und ciation, tin belongs to Temple Public Invited To ipecUl committee, which Service under the National Coun- ides that all sign* built lwfow tie iwt time June 28," Seeks Pension fumes, noise, glare, odors "the Emunu-EI. tassBge of the ordln»nce Trirtch -•' cil of Churches of Christ in Amer- character of Wsstfleld wculd ra- Tuesday Meeting t ; H. Mulrsany, president For Retired Clerk ica. Ho und Ills wife, Beatrice, have all to conform to the ordinanee, r _ lo«rd of Education, "has Registration Noted his in unchanged," the document may remain aUndin^iorfl" ytarl, ' stated. three diildnn, Monica, Fraud and Itocontly Foalmuster General wiring throughout the sum* MOUNTAINSIDE — The Bor- ilr. "Gatus is just completing ten David. Arthur E. SummorfleH asked for bm then must be destroyed, t'; population growth years as pastor of the West field Dealing with tha effect on prop- ough Council Tuesday night wan Personal Sign Up For tougher lawa against those per- Councilman A, Turner Bwraie^ V available in ex- church. During this period the erty values in adjacent areas, the ked to act on a new petition in iona, who, ho said, are pouring 'ho said the meattUre warthe T*i;-: new and proposed church has grown from a member- statement cited a report of two in- behalf of a pension for retired Adult School Monday '•pornographic filth into tho fam- lult of three or tour y T ktkl Wilding, finances, and ship of .400 io nearly 1,000. The dependent real estate authorities PTACouncilfo Borough Clerk Robert Laing. Bor- ily mailbox." oted against its passage. He data, in ordar to budget has increased from $14,- that office-research development ough Attorney Irvine B. John- Tho largest advance registra- In carrying out a study of this eeted Io destruction of ypff nuit the elementary claes- 000 to $70,0(10, and the full time "will have no advorao effect on stone Jr. has advised that tho tion in the history of the Westfleld 'problem the civics and legislation 'to satisfy the aesthetic t*it*t of : imdi on both sides of to*n. staff now numtors seven people. values of existing properties." Sponsor Lecture council tacks "the legal power to Adult School was announced to- department of the Womans 'Club ,he council." He said Mutt In <Ji»- k b»rd Is grateful to this Pour years ago a new Children's Comprising use of tho land for act." , . , • day by Wepman 0. Steengrafe, of Weatnelu has scheduled West- ussion -with residents who did not iJtaffrr its'painstaking re- Building was erected at a cost of homes versus office-research pur. director. Over 1,000 applications Physical Fitness Held Postmaster Edwin A. Lake own eomrnerciil property In town, ft ml thcughtful report Be- Austin H. Johnson presented the $200,000 which is regarded as one poses, town officials estimated that were received by the deadline for (3 speaker on the subject at Its mostly commutera,' he found no (rtiai upon it, however, we petition. It requested that the of the finest of its' kind, and two 307 homes could be developed on Authority to Speak mail registration Tuesday. At least first fall nioctinB to be toeld Tues- ovldence that they were o(Mn<!*d" lold ail open meeting in the council place the pension question parcels of ground were also pur- the tracts sgalnst 21 business six additional classes are being day at 10 a.m. in the clubhouse.
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