l&ttntb *• Serving Westfield, Scotch Plains and Fanwood Vol. 18,1 Friday, December 26, 2003 50 cents County and township move to cooperate on deer issues cials have been waiting for the THE RECORD-PRESS county to conduct a deer census for the Ashbrook reservation SCOTCH PLAINS — before agreeing to request a per- Increased cooperation between mit to authorize a hunt in the the township and Union County Watchung Reservation. government may result in profes- "Our contention is that the sional deer hunts on both the deer problem is higher from north and south sides of Scotch Ashbrook," Marks said. Scotch Plains, Plains has requested that a deer The animals have proliferated census be performed in the to such an extent they arc a safe- Ashbrook reservation area for ty hazard, according to local offi- more than a year, and until this cials. At the township's regular week, no action had been taken on in tk0 meeting Dec. 16, Mayor Martin on the issue. Marks said that there were 70 "We do plan to conduct a deer deer-related auto accidents in the census in January," said John rimtfoat township in the last year. Salerno, a spokesman for Union Lance Thomas and the Scotch A little In order for Union County to County. Salerno said that in past Plains-Fanwood boys basketball conduct a deer hunt, the state years deer censuses have been team started the season with a must receive a formal application conducted by helicopter, using bang Sunday night, defeating for a permit from individual Cranford 64-47 in the Tip-Off holiday municipalities. Scotch Plains offi- (Continued on page A-2) Classic at Seton Hall University, Standout sophomore Derrick Caracter had 20 points and 17 rebounds in the victory. For cover- age, see Page C-1 spirit Rule will allow everywhere town to regulate PHOTOS BY JOHN FEI. GEORGE PACCIEU.0 AND 8RAD BISHOP train whistles Irttot th« Mason was on display In TthlB past wart. At tha Mlltsr-lory and gates to alert approaching Housa In Wcatflald, which waa dackad out THE RECORD-PRESS vehicles and pedestrians. for Chrtstmaa, WaatflaM raaManta Nicholas "While train whistles are a Forno and his mom JannHar halp them- WESTFIELD — A new federal key component to railroad safety, ,• selves to cookies Sunday while Laurie and regulation may ease noise pollu- this new regulation injects need/ Amy Mills look on (top). Meanwhile, at the tion problems for residents in the ed common sense to balance th>!' Westfield Community Center, Zayid southeastern part of town. At a safety and quality of life concern^ Muhammad and Brians Qorrell were among gathering Tuesday morning, for our neighbors," Ferguson said. the parctlcjtanta In the annual Kwaniaa Republican Rep. Mike Ferguson Previously, municipalities had iff tht hMMsys ceremony Dec. 17. More candle-lighting announced a ruling by the to proceed through a more com- waa happening at tha Weetfteld train sta- Federal Railroad Administration plex process involving state offi- The members of the DECA chapter tion, where representatives from the Union at Scotch Plains-Fanwood High (FRA) that will allow local com- cials to implement whistle buns, County ffrrah Center held a menorah light- munities to _________ School recently hosted a holiday ing ceremony Sunday evening to celebrate without the party in Piainlleld at which they dis- the return of Hanukkah. silence train safety measures tributed gifts to area children. For horns at rail- "White train whistles associated withi the story, see Page B-1. road crossings. are a key component to establishing a! Residents railroad safety, this new quiet zone. The! have long com- previous federal plained that the regulation injects needed regulations] AT&T cell tower approved sound of train common sense to bal- requiring loud) whistles at the ance the safety and qual- truin whistles! "The application met the borough's master plan, railroad cross- were likely! In a related case, which (prefers) cell antennas to use existing tow- ing on Rahway ity of life concerns for our designed for lessf ers," said Jack Molenaar, a board member who Avenue affects neighbors." densely populat- voted to npprovethe cell tower. He emphasized that their quality of ed ureas thanl Verizon files appeal AT&T will not be constructing a new tower, but will life. Trains pass- — Mike Ferguson suburban New] ing through the " instead attach cell antennas to a PSE&G tower and y construct equipment housing at the base of the area are required by law to sound two short horns nnd one long one Several years tigo, the town THE HKCOHll-I'HKSS tower. The equipment area will be landscaped for planned to put u four-qundran aesthetic purposes. at a minimum of 96,5 decibels, a level that often ntnrtleN residents Kate IIK well tw a curbed island a FANWOOD Hy a fi-2 vote, the Planning Board The AT&T tower expansion will be erected in the (Tosning to prevent cars from KMt NlMfeMti approved the insinuation of cell antennas to be con- lnte at night and in the parly PSK&G'a large right-of-way area; the nearest resi- hours of the morning. maneuvering around barrier nected to an exiting PSK&(1 elect heal tower on dence is 160 fcpt away from the tower. rails. The fedi'nil govurnment IIIMIMW LuGrnnde Avenue at its Dec. 17 meeting. The AT&T evil tower application did not fnee the The new regulation will allow approved the measures, but there Studtnto at MfesfWW* Jefferson At the met'tinn, applicant AT&T'H fourth before opposition a proposed Verizon tower did enrlinr this local authorities* to apply to the wan never follow-up action by tho £l*m«ntnry School recently present- the plunnlnji bonnl, board members heard ti'stinio- year. That tower, which would have been built onto railroad administration to create shite, nn element of tho prommi ed domttont of food to tht Mtndy ny related to AT&T'H service gap needs. Salient another PSE&G tower in the nren encompassed by "quiet zones," where train whin HOIVIH! hy (he new regulation. R'ilchman Turkey Drive and Cranford A«Hoi'inles, an entsinecrinK firm hired by the bor- Onk Court, Pattemon Komi. Elm Avenue, and North t ICH can h<> bnnned all day or only An FHA windy of whi»tU) ban Fimlfy Can, For tht full story, $«§ ough to review HIM company'H application, con- Avtuitip, was npprovtul by the {'limning Bonnl on at night. T» qualify t\» a quiet between H)HH nnd 1094 nhowtxl] /.one, the railroad [TONHUIK taunt PtOtA-3. firmed thr exixletice of a half -mile nap in cell phone (Continued on pngo A-2) be (•quipped with flitMhitiK light H (Continued on page A 2) Weather a setback, but most retailers optimistic REMINDER Nelledn (tooilwin owner of lUuiiitil'iil TIIIIIR^ in Ugggy ilfeflttl^MM Scotch Plain*, —>*ii*I tlmt mi»» thiril of her utorn'ti hunt nrsH cmnpft ihiHnj; fhf holltluy wennon Imaginarium, Nine West While fiffM t'Miiil»'t'« nt'kiutwirrijjp tlinl iiicipinPiit "It WHW ilpviintntlnK," «!IP «nitt. "Whpn you Icwe n flu ttitt of tht RmtttPm* WNtthrr duriiuj Ihe holiday nltonping si-nsim bus SatiirdMV liffoo' ('lii-iotman it> iihttoM lttipOMihl«> li» our tmtm a hippy mJ (withy holi hnil H negative iinpai t on IIHRIHI'»» Iteiivy miow rptntiti tinit "<}tn«iwln «IIMI thni thn nlmp hns ntber are headed out of Westfield 1 fay lull it ltd » tliumi'MinM siuxi'tl |iri<i'ipittttimi'hil Hie wiisi nei'ii IiiIF>V whwi thn wt«ntlt*»r IIMB IIPPII ronpMr- nr*Hi on the ciniHiTtiltVf" wcukftHt's ln>ylnnink{ tipe, ft HliVl' 12 MlUhV lni^iiH' = q|irri|,|ti oiiv o;i!i'o (uiVc Mut I'm tht' limn! part, sttire tiwnpro WPIP pan •Imtdv iiml ovucnll |M'n!lln roulil l»' Iti line guilt" about !lif< siMinun i'mii (lordlh ol (iiitdiu A with |>h*vlmip VfuM Mntim nHid lt(|«iinpsfi wm> tltiwn only about 10 ji^rrpiil, WKHTK.IKl,J» Hpttnnlli-BB of thp «»!««»•«« nf thpit hull«l»ty 1 , Iwn ttfiwntnwii tuitiUPoapB run li'dvitig Wp»thp|fi. "WP wpfp ftiMnnuli' u» t|i;.i WPa ,,|! ,<,|tt wtMitlit'l- if at nil II* snid thf »\nff wa<* rltwul dtif to tnp «MH>W rttttl 1'P!«*PII il«'in«i.' =.(t<l .IMP NJ,,-J , inn, itinnngrrr att Ht HtPP Ii|««'iiMtt! elBti" iiiitnidp the ImngliiMHiim find Nltif WP«I INDEX y tlmi MiP Iwo tirp going out n| IMIHIIIPBB Wlftld tendeted r Stui.St - VVVV» ItiaI t z-,,tw hitlulitv simp "Th«> WPPIXMIMI Mif l>p«' f"M |IM( n i\nmi»'t tut l.n»»l- NltiP W«°l Hit I lie Iwivihy il= Hit (C.HBI Mtoml Mttnnt tnlt **• =oM ntlij iv.Ii(t|lr| ilti|its tike lj|t.nt((!l npqp, ini! |i*jit|t|p nrp ifltrhluu up »ntw." Haiti 1 by !>«' 'M Art'tirilihH tn 'MHIPI Wnn!. thp tnvupt nf'tlip g Commmitary M t'huntpllp MfhfH'k, inaiiHHPt til f'l«««iif Thytn* in t(ip rntr)pfiiiv'E fiv ypnt* |fn«p into p*pltp»l Ftiitl (>p h«f> dpi tiU**\ p «nn\ Unit fv. rv vr,i| innip niBhiitipr Wt'otHplfl Mho itomfibpil (IIP «»HIP no liil«>V. nml iiiitll UtP Ins* minut" »n •{>< ih«<ir =linp|iiijy, mi ilt titft ttl l^PttPw tliP |fft«p It wilt <i lutiitlipae ,lp, jajufj" Wnrd onid ) SMIPP (o rtiliUhtip niul itti rpiia*> 'ill thf Community Lite........l"1 with thpff!t>(f« n| ilin I,VI, „.. Uf'ii'U titrtv not h '*Nit»p W*»«t i«h't (prtviitg b*=i«nap titP atorp w«« ilttiJip bmllv, H« Sports ,..,, C-1 tTl MM Mir !,t!,.|, i m,.rf>« lrithmti "\VK WPI-P (iffpi'twl aiibqimitlnllv, btit WP \m<\ "IP'I ju*t ttirtt I trth tin n lot i)Htff with irtimtliPr tpnnrit l" «>'»•»• n tin <i*ul t*i t|prl>u- ttl wjlll |it|a|tM>S«." "Mt\ Wfiffl «t»vs hi* Utit aigftpd n flPW SPSISP w(t)i hP cfpfittt rft-Hlpr i»mnr)(iPt o( Nttmbnv lit ('nltl Mtum* ('rnampi'V.
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