University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-6-1922 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-06-1922 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 05-06-1922." (1922). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/557 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CITY. ft I! CITY V li? EDITION ALBUQITER MOBNING JU 0 EDITION n a, mm -- YEAH. I'X)RrY THIRD Dally Carrier or Mull. 85c n Month VOL. CLXXUI. No. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Saturday, May 6, 1922. nj 3i. Single Copies 6c BABE HERMAN TAKES TARIFF MEASURE GEN. WU PEIFU TENDLER GIVEN BRIGHT THE COUNT AGAIN IN fort W orth Flooded OUTLOOK A BOUT WITH CUPID by Irinity HELD UP DRIVES CHANG'S DECISION BEING New York, May 6. Dan River Swollen by Rains OVER IS REPORTED BY "Kid" Cupid, who battles suc- Heavy cessfully In all classes, today added Babe Herman, Los An- THE SENATE geles featherweight to his list SOLDIERS FRO! JOHNNY DUNDEE of victims. BiK EXAMINERS It was the second time this J Herman had week that tasted STATES defeat. On Tuesday night he PEKING EGION Philadelphia Lightweight De went out In the first round TO THEIR CHIEF, ITSf from the sling shot punches of feats Veteran 130-Poun- d Martin of Vincent "Pepper" in 15-Rou- Brooklyn. Victor Is Champion Indiana Senator Declares! to- Recognized By the Babe's defense was poor Bout at New York. Crissinger Is Told There Is As- -I There Is a Filibuster; night. The "Kid" penetrated j Governor As Having soon a General Strengthening Administra- liis guard after the gong sumed (It The AhmicIiiIihI rrrnn.) Against the rang and landed a terrific Control; President New York, May 5. Low Teud-ler- , of the Economic Machin- punch to the heart. Babe went tlic tion Bill in Upper HQiise.j in to Stay in Office. Philadelphia lightweight, of down and the magistrate tonight defeated Johnny Dundee, ery the Nation, hall counted ten seconds city REORGANIZATION tho UO pound champion, In a HOLDING oTlGHT in this way: OF content at MadiKon Square REC0VERYWILL BE "Do-yo- u - take - this - woman, L Garden. Tendlor received tho SESSIONS IS URGED, e ?" CABINET EXPEr Judges' decision. GRADUAL, IS CLAIM "Kid" Cupid carried Babe to Wary of Tendler's left in the Pass-- his corner to Mrs. Babe, form- t n - - .. y . fir.t round, Dundee in close Is to Its ! II ,c- - stayed Object Delay Miss Edna Beely. .ouiibiiwuuiiair:i..i! o o v ' and a Restoration of Normal Con- erly to- took lot of body punish- age As Close to the Day j Babe entered the ring Will Be Called as ment. ditions Will Not Be An under his real name, as'' In the of Election As Possible,! night no second round he started Herman J. Sousea. He had tne Military his famous .lumping tactics ntnl Accomplish- excuse for his defeat. JTams landed Overnight He Asserts. j a number of right, nod left Is navy putjii piy swings to tho Philndelphian's j iw ment, General Belief, out- - (By The Amoclnteil Freaa.) in the third Dundee again (By The AmcT i The Aaaociatrri 5. Frequent '.) pointed Tendler. Hights and left'; (By Preia.) Washington, May CUNNINGHAM Peking. May 5 (by Associat- :to the head seems to disconcert Washington, May 5 (by the and somewhat discussion ed ; prolonged Press.) The forces of Genernl Tendler, although at the end of the Press.) General strength- In as to whether Chang Tso-Li- the Munchuririn today the senate round ho staggered Dundee with a ening ot the cconomio machinery there was in the leader, have been completely driv- left to the ribs. unnecessary delay en short of tho nation was today to consideration of the tariff till!, from the region of Poking, and The fourth round was about reported AT MEADOW General Wu Pei-F- u now is in con- Comptroller of the Currencey Cris- culminated in a charge by DIES (An with both men landing a finally trol of the situation. number of effective In singer by the twelve chief national Senator Watson, republican, Indi- in punches. Chang's authority Peking was the fifth Dundee took more body hank examiners representing th ana, that there was a filibuster eliminated with the disarm- federal reserve of ' today blows thnn in tho other rounds, districts the against the measure. ing of his) guard Inside the capital but did not seem to mind country at their annual meeting in 78 and it, and "There is no other object and no CITUGED General Wu was recognized in the sixth he again showered Washington. by the as hav- Jn the main examiners J' other purpose In the measures be- Peking government Tendler's Jaws with long swings. the said ing assumed control. Danny Frush, the Cleveland, n., there had been a notable Improve- ing adopted to delay its passage,'' It is understood that President Two mile expanse of water flooding section of Fort Worth. knocked out ment in business conditions Had Lived in New Mexico Shih-Chan- Arlington Heights featherweight, Tonv Senator Watson declared. "The Hsu g will remain in of- Caponl of Rock Island, Ills.. In the throughout the country, together of fice until A of inches forty-seve- n in- semi-fina- with restored confidence a object is to delay the passage 47 Years and Was One the end of his term in rainfall eleven ing eight deaths, feet of water and in some seventh round of tho l. and the bill as close to the of elec October, 1923. General Wu says caused Trinity river th flood the missing and property damr. .o of stances the water reached almost outlook for the future. Th'i day of the Best Known Bank- ha does not intend to belief was expressed, however, tliur. tion as is possible. Nobody Is be interfere Arlington Heights section, f 1,500,000. The Heights residen- to the eaves. Hundreds are liv- with him. A reorganization of the ing 3,000 homeless, caus tial section was under several in INTERCOLLEGIATE PRO progress towards normal conditions ing fooled and if 1 have my way ers in the Southwest. persons ing tents. would he and not an over- cabinet is expected. Premier ASSOCIATION TO HOLD gradual we will be holding sessions daily Liang Shih-Y- i, who is us night accomplishment. AL OISPATCH TO MORNIN9 JOUMNALJ regarded .Marked from 11 o'clock In the morning un 'BMC a supporter of General Chang, will MEETING AT TORONTO improvement in Ne'.v Las Vegas. N. M., May 6. Dr. bo Ihigland business conditions was til 11 o'clock at night." of the automatically eliminated. The J. M. Cunningham, president at Is in Tientsin. reported by Herbert W. Scott, ot Senator Watson, democrat, Geor- bank and one of the premier present INDIC 25 MEN HEALTH CRUSADE HARRISON RAPS (By The Aasnciiitril Prr.k.) tho lUiston district. First National Premier Chow Tsu-Cl- ii most pop- Acting Chicago, May 5. Tho executive gia, Interrupted to Bay that Senior best known bankers and will He conferred sIiowh Wholesome Trend. died hero probably resign. committee ot the Intercollegiate In New busi- Simmons, of North Carolina, in ular men in the state today with General Wu's the York district of on lato afternoon a plenipo- Prohibition association, meeting ness shows a wholesomu charge the democratic fight this following tentiaries with to in- generally Dr. Cunning- regard the gov- ON A CHARGE OF SAVED here today, decided to hold an trend, still the measure, had asked certain stroke of paralysis. ernment. General Wu re- NOMINATION OE although depressed in came has 700,000 ternational convention at Toronto all lines, to D. C. minority senators to present their ham was 76 years old. He mained outsid fur Canada In according Borden. views on the to New Mexico 47 to Peking thus November. This conven Considerable decrease in tlio particular items in years ago join and has given no Indications of tion will be held in connection with bill, but declared that It was In Frank Springer and W. K. Morhy, an grain on hand in the Chicago dis- intention to enter tho city. He tho meeting or tin. World League trict was Fred tended that the presentation should locating engineer for the Santa o it MAILS NAT in reported by Brown, be without filibuster and with no purposes call constitutional MISUSING LIVES, ASSERTS GOLDSTEIN Against Alcoholism Toronto, as well as heavior exports. Stock Ke railway, boyhood acquaint- convention as soon November 24-2- r. of in as tho military American and bond prices are h purpose delay. ances. He practiced medicine in- Canadian advancing. nd problems are solved. It is his students and thoso from declared, ma- L'nnceessnry Delay. Cimarron for a short time tention to countries Ameri- automotive, steel, it was immaterial unite north and soutn The AMnHnted foreign attending chinery and allied lines Declaring that then located in Las Vegas. For China. The c As nr Prmi.) Be can and universities to expanding, as to what agreement had been he was connected with wention probably Accused Reside Far East Wahina-ton- ftlnv 5. Aonroxl- - Man Chosen to Internal colleges are and belief in the revival of th many years will bo held in Central China.
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