FRONT PAGE A1 www.tooeletranscript.com TUESDAY TOOELETRANSCRIPT BEST non-daily Buffs blow out Paper ScotsScots,, 61-13 in SeeSee A10 Utah Utah Press BULLETIN ASSOCIATION September 8, 2009 SERVING TOOELE COUNTY SINCE 1894 VOL. 116 NO. 29 50¢ Grantsville candidates spell out positions At the primary election on Sept. ing the northern end of our city; 15, voters from Grantsville will obtained funding for a new fire sta- trim down the field of candidates tion from the Community Impact for mayor from four to two. They Board at a low, 3.5 percent interest also will bump one person off from rate; led the work in obtaining a the list of prospective city council $1.5 million grant to upgrade our members, whittling a five-person sewer plant. I was educated at the field down to four candidates vying University of Utah and Weber State for two open seats. University, and I have an associate’s The Transcript-Bulletin sent the degree in electronics from Salt Lake following five questions to all nine Community College. Grantsville candidates. Responses 2. What are your top three priori- were limited to less than 200 words. ties? Please explain each in detail. In some cases, candidates were First, city finances. In order to contacted and asked to clarify balance the current budget, the city responses. council was forced to make deep Maegan Burr cuts in the general fund operating expenses, which will cause many Students file out of the Tooele High School band room after listening to President Barack Obama’s speech about staying in school and setting goals Tuesday Mayoral Candidates changes in how we do business and morning. Some parents were concerned about the president coming into the classroom and decided to not allow their children to watch the speech. Byron Anderson provide services. We have already 1. Explain how your education, made numerous changes in staff professional background or previ- assignments, put off buying needed ous public service make you quali- equipment and frozen any nones- fied for this office. sential spending. The second half of District lets teachers decide I have served as Grantsville City financial management is trying to mayor for the past eight years and secure a revenue stream over time. on the city council four years before. Second, economic development. I worked for 30 years for the U.S. Up to now, we have worked very whether to show Obama speech government for the Department of hard on bringing new industry and Defense, supervising several pro- retail into our city and have been by Tim Gillie — what you look like, where to determine where you’ll end Curtis Beckstrom, a Tooele res- gram management and control very successful, with the Wal-Mart STAFF WRITER you come from, how much up. No one’s written your des- ident with a child in Middle operations. Grantsville has been my Distribution Center, Bonnie Plants money you have, what you’ve tiny for you. Here in America, Canyon Elementary. home for my entire life. As mayor, greenhouses and 44 new retail and President Barack Obama got going on at home — that’s you write your own destiny.” After reading the speech I have served on the Economic service businesses in commercial delivered an address to school- no excuse for neglecting your In the days leading up to online over the weekend, how- Development Corporation of Utah zones within the last eight years. We children today calling upon homework or having a bad atti- President Obama’s speech, ever, Beckstrom changed his board of advisors; acted as chair of also are in final consideration on a them to work hard, set goals tude,” Obama said. “That’s no some people were concerned mind. the County Council of Government $1.5 billion paper manufacturing for their education, and take excuse for talking back to your his comments might be too “His comments aren’t too (COG) for two years; represent COG plant that would provide 1,200 new responsibility for their learn- teacher, or cutting class, or political for some students. political. He is encouraging on the Wasatch Front Regional jobs. Third, keep our basic services ing. dropping out of school. That’s “I just don’t trust him not kids to stay in school and do Council (WFRC) board of advisors; maintained and upgraded to meet “But at the end of the day, no excuse for not trying. Where to try and sneak in some of represented Grantsville on the Rural citizen expectations. Currently, our the circumstances of your life you are right now doesn’t have his left-wing philosophy,” said SEE OBAMA PAGE A5 ➤ Planning Organization, an arm of police and fire protection is second the WFRC that plans transporta- to none. We have been able to nego- tion needs for Tooele County; was tiate upgraded ambulance service responsible for negotiations that for our city from basically none four brought the Wal-Mart Distribution years ago. In addition, construc- Center to Grantsville, which created tion on our sewer plant upgrade 1000 new jobs, over $15 million in St. Marguerite’s Catholic School payroll, and a new sewer line serv- SEE CANDIDATES PAGE A3 ➤ expanding despite competition by Sarah Miley STAFF WRITER St. Marguerite’s Catholic School is add- ing new grades, academic credentials and students, despite the opening of the Tooele Valley’s first charter school. Tooele’s only private school currently enrolls 144 students — up five students Erik Stromberg Colleen Brunson Shawn Bennett from last year. “We lost five students to the charter school, but we picked up 10, so we actually ended up with a plus-five in total enroll- ment,” said Marcella Burden, principal and part-time fifth- and sixth-grade teacher. “We knew we’d lose a few.” SUN AND MOON SEVEN-DAY FORECAST FOR TOOELE The school has 10 full-time teachers, a UV INDEX full-time aide, a part-time aide, and two The Sun Rise Set WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY Wednesday 7:04 a.m. 7:48 p.m. office employees. Last year, it added fourth Thursday 7:05 a.m. 7:46 p.m. and fifth grades to its preschool-through- 7 7 7 7 7 Friday 7:06 a.m. 7:45 p.m. 6 6 Saturday 7:07 a.m. 7:43 p.m. third format. This year, it added a sixth Sunday 7:08 a.m. 7:41 p.m. grade. Monday 7:09 a.m. 7:40 p.m. Burden has plans to expand the school Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Brent Marshall Tuesday 7:10 a.m. 7:38 p.m. The higher the AccuWeather.com UV Index™ Maegan Burr Jill Thomas Mike Colson The Moon Rise Set through eighth grade, though that would number, the greater the need for eye and skin Wednesday 10:05 p.m. 12:27 p.m. require long-awaited expansion plans to St Marguerite’s Catholic Schoolprotection. student0-2 Low; 3-5Cecilia Moderate; Child 6-7 High; works 8-10 on a worksheet Friday afternoon. The Thursday 10:50 p.m. 1:36 p.m. private school only has 144 Verystudents High; 11+ enrolled,Extreme but has added sixth grade this year. Friday 11:46 p.m. 2:42 p.m. come to fruition. Saturday none 3:41 p.m. “We’re already out of room,” Burden ALMANAC Sunday 12:51 a.m. 4:31 p.m. Statistics for the week ending Sept. 7. said.Pleasant with plenty of Pleasant with plenty of we’re real close to meeting minimum goals. age groups and grade levels — a library Monday 2:04 a.m. 5:13 p.m. Plenty of sun Plenty of sun Partly sunny Sunny Sun and some clouds Temperatures Tuesday 3:20 a.m. 5:49 p.m. Somesunshine grades havesunshine been combined The hope is to put shovels in the ground and media resource room, a multipurpose High/Low past week 92/60 Last New First Full together, with teachers instructing differ- this fall and to at least moveNormal halfway high/low past into week room 84/55and office space. The building will 85 59 85 56 85 54 ent grade82 levels53 and ages82 in 53the same class-84 58the building83 by next56 schoolAverage year.” temp past week also feature 76.9 a courtyard and an enclosed TOOELEroom. COUNTY A storage WEATHER room was renovated and The $2.4 million, 13,900-square-footNormal average temp past weekwalkway 69.3 at the main entrance, and an turned into a classroom for preschoolers. building will be a stand-aloneDaily Temperatures structure improvedHigh Low parking lot with pick-up and Sep 11 Sep 18 Sep 25 Oct 4 Shown is Wednesday’s Another preschool class is located in the built on the south side of the church at drop-off zones. Forecasts and graphics provided by weather. Temperatures are 92 92 Wednesday night’s lows and 88 89 86 89 AccuWeather, Inc. ©2009 rectory. the corner of Vine and Seventh streets. Burden84 said the parish has contracted Wednesday’s highs. “We’re raising money right now to build Plans include 10 classrooms — which will ➤ a new building,” Burden said. “It looks like allow students to be split into their own SEE SCHOOL PAGE A5 Christopher Fields Byron Anderson James Vera 67 66 68 70 UTAH WEATHER 63 63 60 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Logan Grouse 85/42 Wendover Precipitation (in inches) INSIDE Creek 87/60 Knolls Clive WEATHER Lake Point 84/49 BULLETIN87/60 BOARD87/60 A8 88/60 12.16 13.17 Ogden CLASSIFIEDS B7 Stansbury Park 86/60 Erda 88/60 South Willow Lake Ralph’s Catering Vernal Grantsville 87/61 Pine Canyon changes hands Salt Lake City 85/50 HOMETOWN B1 88/60 76/53 0.00 0.28 0.00 0.28 offers serene views Tooele 88/60 Bauer 85/59 Last Normal Month Normal Year Normal See A3 OBITUARIES A6 See 84/58 Tooele Week for week to date M-T-D to date Y-T-D See B1 Provo Roosevelt 85/59 86/50 87/54 OPEN FORUM A4 Complete Stockton Pollen Index Price 84/58 86/54 High Nephi SPORTS A10 Forecast Rush Valley 85/54 83/57 Ophir Moderate on A9 76/51 Low Delta Manti Absent 90/56 84/53 Green River Tu W Th F Sa Su M 92/59 Dugway Source: Intermountain Allergy & Asthma Richfield Gold Hill 85/57 85/54 Moab 84/52 RIVERS AND LAKES Hanksville 92/60 Beaver 89/59 Vernon In feet as of 7 a.m.
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