308 THE BELFAST GAZETTE, DECEMBER 21, 1945. Joseph") Powell, of St. Saviour's Priory, Water- The Residue of the Estate (after payment of certain ford, Eii'e, • Dominican Clergyman, and Michael legacies, debts, funeral and testamentary Joseph McAteer, of Hill Street, Newry, aforesaid, expenses), to the President for the time being of Carpenter, the Executors named in the said Will. the Dungiven Branch cf the St. Vincent De Dated this 13th day of December, 1945. Paul Society upon the trust contained in said Will. LUKE CURRAN, Solicitor for said Execu- The said Testator died on the 23rd day of tors, 25 Chichester Street, Belfast, and 7 October, 1943, and Probate of his said Will was on '" Marcus Square, Newry. the 22nd day of March, 1945, granted forth of the To the Secretary, Ministry of Finance for Northern Principal Registry, King's Bench Division (Probate), Ireland, and all others concerned. of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, to John Kealey (Junior), of Killerfaith, Dungiven, aforesaid, Farmer, one of the Executors named in the said Will of the said deceased, the other Execu- NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. tor having duly renounced. In the Goods of SIR WILLIAM MC!LROY, K.C.S.G., Dated this 17th day of December, 1945. late of Hilden Cottage, Hilden, in the County P. J. AGNEW & SONS, Solicitors ior said of Antrim, Gentleman, deceased. Executor, Mayfair, Arthur Square, Belfast; NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute 30 and Limavady. and 31 Vic., Cap. 54, that the above-named deceased, To the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland who died on the 5th day of May, 1945, by his Will (Charities Branch), and all others concerned. dated 15th day of May, 1941, and two Codicils dated respectively 19th May, 1941, and 20th April, 1945, bequeathed the - following charitable bequests :— NOTICE" OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. £1,000 for the purpose of the celebration of a weekly Foundation Mass or Masses to be celebrated in In the Goods of ELIZABETH MAGEE, late of 108 Dera- Lisburn as in said Will stated. more Avenue, Belfast, Spinster, deceased. £1,000 to the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Lisburn. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute £1,000 to the Mater Infirmorium Hospital, Belfast. 30/31 Vic., Chap. 54, Sec. 19, that the above-named £250 to the Sisters of Bon Seccour, Falls Road. Elizabeth Magee, who died on the 26th day of Belfast. June, 1945, by her last Will dated the 8th day of £250 to the Convent of the Good Shepherd, Bally- November, 1943, left, upon the determination of the nafeigh, Belfast. life interest therein mentioned, amongst other be- The residue of the estate to be divided equally quests, the following charitable legacies :— between Nazareth House, Belfast; Nazareth Ledge, To the Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Five Hun- Belfast; Good Shepherd Convent, Belfast; Dawn dred Pounds (£500); and Connor Roman Catholic Orphan Society; St. To Dr. Barnardo's Homes, for the Belfast Branch. Brigid's House for the Blind, Whitcabbey, Co. Two Hundred Pounds (£200); Antrim; Deaf and Dumb Institute (Catholic), Ozan- To the Cripples' Institute, Belfast, Two Hundred ham House, Sultan Street, Belfast, and St. Peter's Pounds (£200); Branch of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Belfast. To the Protestant Orphan Society for the Counties Probate of the said Will and Codicils was on the of Antrim and Down (Incorporated), Two Hun- 16th day of July, 1945, granted forth of the dred Pounds (£200); Principal Registry of the High Court of Justice in And the residue to the Belfast Hospital for Sick Northern Ireland King's Bench Division (Probate) Children (Incorporated). to the Executor therein named Probate of deceased's Will was on the 9th day of Dated this 18th day of December, 1945. October, 1945, granted forth of the Principal Registry of the King's Bench Division (Probate), JOSEPH DONNELLY & CO., Solicitors for of the High Court of Justice in Northern Ireland, the Executor. 2 Mayfair, Arthur Square, to Charles Wesley James, of 28 Cheltenham Park, Belfast. Ortneau Road, Accountant, and David McAlpin, of To the Ministry of Finance for Northern Ireland 23 Ballygomartin Road, Commercial Traveller, both and all others whom it may concern. in Belfast, the Executors named in said Will. Dated this 18th day of December, 1945. GEO. McILDOWIE & SONS, Solicitors for NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. said Execulors, 26 Corn Market, Belfast. In the Goods of HUGH O'NEILL, late of Main Street, To the Ministry of Finance (Charities Branch) Dungiven, County Londonderry, Farmer, de- Northern Ireland, and all others concerned. ceased. NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant 1o the Statute 30 and 31 Vic., Cap. 54, that the said Hugh O'Neill NOTICE OF CHARITABLE BEQUESTS. by his Will dated the 25th day of August, 1943, In the Goods of VERY REVEREND RICHARD CANON devised and bequeathed :— * RAWE, P.P., V.F., late of Cushendall, in the His house and land situate at Dungiven aforesaid, County of Antrim, Parish Priest, deceased. to the Director for the time being of the May- NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Statute 30 nooth Mission to China, upon the trusts and and 31 Victoria, Chap. 54, Se.e. 19, that the above- subject as in said Will; named Very Reverend Richard Canon Rawe, P.P., Twenty Pounds each to Father Tom Hesavty, C.C.. V.F.. who died on or about the 28th day of May, Derry, and Father McHugh, C.C., Banagher, for 1945, by his Will dated the 29th day of August, Masses for intentions as in said Will; 1935, bequeathed the following charitable legacies :— Eighty Pounds to Father D. Brcnnan, C.C.. Dun- 1. To his Executor the sum of £100 to be applied given, for Masses for intentions as in said Will. by him for Masses for the repose of Testator's Twenty Pounds to said Father Brcnnan and Ten soul, and the souls of his (Testator's) deceased Pounds each to said Father Tom Heparty and relatives, said Masses to be said publicly in a Father A. Gillespie, C.C., Dungiven. for Masses Church or Chapel open for public worship in for intentions as in 'said Will. Ireland. Twenty-five Pounds each to said Father Brennan 2. To hisi (Executor the sum of £10 to1 be applied and said Father Gillespie for Masses for in- by him for Masses to be said publicly in a tentions as in said Will; Church or Chapel open for public worship in Thirty Pounds to the Superioress of the Convent Ireland for any intentions which he (Testator) at Limavady upon the trust contained in said " may have overlooked. Will; 3. The sum of £50 to St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Twenty-five Pounds to the Superioress cf the Orphan Society for the Diocese of Down and Nazareth House, Derry, upon the trust contained Connor for the objects of the said Society in in said Will; the 'said Diocese. Twenty-five Pounds to the Superioress of the Good 4. The sum of £25 to the Community of Shepherd Convent, Waterside, Derry, upon the Nazareth House, Ballynafeigh, Belfast, for the trust contained in said Will; objects of the said Community..
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