NATIONS UNIES UNITED NATIONS WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION DE LA SANTÉ EXECUTIVE BOARD ЕВЗ/60 21 February 1949 ORIGINAL: ENGLISH Second Session /. STATUS OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO 1948 BUDGET 1 Despite the resolution of the Health Assembly calling upon all Members to pay their contributions to the 1948 budget before 31 December 2 . 1948, and the Board's resolution on the same matter, there is still a considerable sum to be collected as will be seen by the attached state- ment (Annex I). The Board may wish to consider the adoption of a resolution along the following lines :. "The Executive Board, Conscious of the necessity for funds to be provided in good time by the Members, and Recalling the resolution of the Health Assembly on this subject; REAFFIRMS its resolution at its second session; ENJOINS upon Members who have not yet done so to pay their contributions to the 1948 budget and the working capital fund immediately; DIRECTS THE ATTENTION of Governments which are delinquent in their contributions to the provisions of Article 7 of the Constitution; and REQUESTS the Director-General to transmit this resolution to all delinquent Governments.“ The Board will recollect that the Health Assembly also approved a resolution reading as follows : 1 0ff. Rec. World Hlth Org. 13 item 7 p. 315 2 Off. Rec. World Hlth Org. 14, item 7。1.1 p.30 ""Whereas the United Nations have loaned to the Interim Commission of WHO sums totalling approximately $2,150,000, and Whereas the Interim Commission will cease to exist by resolution of the World Health Assembly BE IT RESOLVED THAT: There shall be included in the budget of the World Health Organization for the year 1948, provision for the repayment of the sums loaned to the Interim Coiranission by the United Nations, with the understanding that signatories to the Arrangement of July 22nd 5 1946, establishing the Interim Commission, who have not yet joined the World Health Organization, shall be expected to bear their appropriate share of such repayment." This decision of the Assembly was communicated to the signatories to the Arrangement of 22 July . 1946. and those countries which had riot yet ratified the Constitution of the World Health Organization were advised that the amount which they were asked to pay represented only their appropriate share in the repayment of the loan received by the Interim Commission from the United Nations. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Guatemala^ in response to the communication regarding the foregoing, replied аз follows 2 "I acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 19 last in which you communicate to this Ministry a copy of your note, dated September 20 of this year, and having reference to the resolution adopted by the Executive Board of the World Health Organization during its session of October 30, 1948• Mention is made, regarding the World Health Organization's budgetary estimate for the fiscal year ending jl December 1948, tfof the sum to be covered by Guatemala^ in accordance with resolution A"并 of the first World Health Asscnbly; In this regard 工 can only repeat the ideas expressed in Dispatch number 16089, of Septembe1 r 3〇 last, and state that, due to provisions laid down in Guatemala s legislation, this Government is unable to furnish any money for the support of the World Health Organization, so long as the constitution of the said Organization has not been ratified." _ The Director- Ge ne ral did not reply to this communication., in the expectation that Guatemala would become a. Member of WHO in the near future and at that time would recognize and settle its obligations to the Organization. The Board will probably be of the opinion that no action need be taken at this time. That is to say, the Assembly's resolution mentioned above. ANNEX I EB3/60 page 3 ' STATEMENT OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE 1948 BUDGET assessed and collected up to the end of the week ending 19 February 1949* COUNTRY AMOUNT IN US DOLLARS ASSESSED COLLECTED Afghanistan 2,332 - Albania 1,944 1,944 Argentine 86,300 一 Australia 91,742 91,742 Austria 8,552 - Belgium 62,976 . _ Bolivia 1,705 - Brazil 86,300 - Bulgaria 6,608 - Burma 2,332 2,332 Byelorussia 10,107 一 Cangida 149,275 149,275 Ceylon 1,944 1,944 Chile 20,992 - China 279,891 - Colombia 7,504 - Costa Rica 853 _ Cuba 5,969 - Czechoslovakia 41,983 41,983 Denmark 36,930 - Dominican Republic 2,332 2,332 Ecuador 1,023 - Eire 16,716 16,716 Egypt 36,930 36,930 El Salvador 2,332 . - Ethiopia 3,887 - Finland 6,608 6,608 France 279,891 '- Greece 7,775 _ Guatemala 1,023 - Haiti 1,944 1,944 Honduras 853 _ Hun ai g T 9,330 3,100 Iceland 1,944 1,944 India 151,608 « should be noted that the collections shown are those of which official ad vice had been reôeived from the bankers of the Organization up to Friday. 19 February 1949 T COUNTRY AMOUNT IN U.S. DOLIARS AS甜SSED COLLECTED Iran 20,992 - 士 raq 7,775 - Italy 97,96.2 LebanoA 1,194 - Liberia 1,944 1,944 Luxembourg 1,023 1,023 léxico 29,544 - Monaco 1,944 1,944 Netherlands 65,308 65,308 New Zealand 23,324 23,324 Nicaragua 853 - Norway- 23,324 23,324 Pakistan 32,653 32,653 Panama .1,023 - Paraguay 853 - Peru 4,093 - Riilippines 13,606 13,606 Poland 44,316 - Portugal 18,270 18,000 Rovunania 16,327 16,327 Saudi Arabia 3,887 3,887 Si am 12,439 12,439 Sweden 95,240 '95,240 Switzerland 46,649 46,649 Syria 5,443 Transjordan 1,944 1,944 Turkey 42,372 mm Ukraine 39,263 MOUNT IN US DOLLARS ASSESSED COLLECTED Carried forward 2,431,919 768,496 United Kingdom 535,679 535,679 United States 1,860,884 1,860,884 Uruguay- 3,752 . — Venezuela 12-439 一 Yugoslavia 15,550 15,550 Totals ф 4;860,223 * $ ЗД80,609 The total of assessments exceeds that of the voted budget (viz. $4^800,000) because Argentine and Chile completed their ratification during 1948 and thereby became assessable to their proportionate shares in the 1948 budget proper (i.e. in addition to their proportionate shares in the UN loan to the Interim Commission). The respective amounts are: Argentine | 48,440 Chile 11,783 Total I 60,223 UNITED NATIONS NATIONS UNIES WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION MONDIALE ORGANIZATION DELA SANTÉ EXECUTIVE BOARD ЕВЗ/бО.Согг.1 一 —— 23 February 1949 Third Session ENGLISH ONLY STATUS OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO 1948 BUDGET Note by the Director-General J It is regretted that in document EB3/60, page 5, the names and particulars regarding tw) countries viere omitted. Attached hereto is an amended page 5 uriiich should be substituted for the corresponding page in the original document• ЗВЗ/60 .СоггД page 5 MOUNT IN US DOLLARS ASSESSED COLLECTED и 3 Л Д r 295,829 Union of South Africa 52,090 52,090 United Kingdom 535,679 535,679 United States 1,860,884 1,860,884 Uruguay- 3,752 Venezuela 12,439 Yugoslavia 15,550 15,550 Totals $ 4,860,223 * # 3,180,609 itsrsararssss ssrssssssss * The total of assessments exceeds that of the voted budget (viz. $4,800,000) because Argentine and Chile completed their ratification during 1948 and thereby became assessable to their proportionate shares in the 1948 budget proper (i.e. in addition to their proportionate shares in the Ш loan to the Interim Commission). The respective amounts ares Argentine $ 48,440 Chile 11,783 Total ф 60¡223 .
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