The College of Wooster Open Works The oV ice: 1951-1960 "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection 5-13-1955 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1955-05-13 Wooster Voice Editors Follow this and additional works at: https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1951-1960 Recommended Citation Editors, Wooster Voice, "The oosW ter Voice (Wooster, OH), 1955-05-13" (1955). The Voice: 1951-1960. 101. https://openworks.wooster.edu/voice1951-1960/101 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the "The oV ice" Student Newspaper Collection at Open Works, a service of The oC llege of Wooster Libraries. It has been accepted for inclusion in The oV ice: 1951-1960 by an authorized administrator of Open Works. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Wooster Voice Published by the Students of the College of Wooster Volume LXIX Wooster, Ohio, Friday, May 13, 1955 No. 28 Her Royal Highness, Queen Cortelyou, Travels The White Way Jo Coronation by Nancy Geiger the-Galpin-woo- and Anna Mae Lovell Road in Princton, New Jersey. It Talent, Regal and ? ? ds idea and the ever, will become insignificant is here, with the house, landscap- "Oh, 'tis a glorious thing, I ween, In addition to Pris' enthusiasm Faculty Club Christmas gift pro- when relatives and Wooster stu- ing, tennis courts, sunken garden, To be a regular Royal Queen! for jilterbugging and charleston-ing- , ject. dents, faculty, guests, and alumni and fish pond all designed by her No half and half affair, I mean, which not traditionally Although ma- are seated in the stands tomorrow, father, a retired banker, that Pris are Pris selected her But a right-dow- n regular Royal associated with regal society, she of European and pages Sue Stewart and Nancy learned fundamentals of jor history before Queen!" the has other more queenly musical Color Day elections, it is Geiger herald the royal proces- queenship with the ample assist- generally (Cilbert, The Gondoliers, I) abilities. A church choir director suspected that there ulter- sion. ance of an older sister and four was an all through high school, Pris trans- behind A visitor to Holden 228 would brothers and the guidance of her ior motive the choice. The And Next Her Court ferred her musical talent to the next generation of high school be likely to hear this song as Miss parents. Following next in the path of Girls' Chorus, of which she is li- students will undoubtedly be sub- Priscilla Cortelyou, 1955 Color the white carpet will be candi- Competition Conquers brarian, as a floor to ceiling stack jected to lectures on Camelot's Day Queen, sits in the middle of dates Sally Davis, Carolyn Fisher, of music in her room visibly at- Queen Guinevere, Marie Antoin- the floor sorting stacks of multi- The home courts and family Sandy Siegfried, and Ackerly, tests. Her "Surrey with the Fringe ette's lost head, Bloody Mary, and Jan colored R.S.V.P.'s and best wishes competition may account for Pris' with their escorts Bob Black, on Top" pantomime and "I Can a modern, but equally famous, for the Queen's Ball tonight. Royal continued participation in Prince- Bucky Smith, John Muir, and Dream" duet in the recent concert College of Wooster queen whose activities began last night for Pris ton's tennis tournaments, and her Jerry Carlisle. The queen's escort, were far removed from the re- castle had drawbridges but no and her court as they banqueted daily walk to school, and for her Dave Little, will walk with her jected, dejected heroine lead in ivory towers. in Holden, balanced coffee cups in selection to the state all-sta- r hoc- Attendant, Anna Mae Lovell. The the operetta "Trial By Jury." Andrews, and applauded for key team. This vitality and coord- Although Pris sacrificed many Maid of Honor, dark, glossy-haire- d Sabrina Fair in Taylor. ination has also been valuable in The church choir director has delightful duties to her Color Day Mary Squibbs from nearby At the same time, our busy college, since she is one of the few more recently become an active manager, Dave Dungan, she soon Rittman, will proceed to her spe- visitor might profit by stopping Holden waitresses daring enough participant in UCF as Witness discovered that being a queen is cial place behind her personal At- at a comfortable brick home at to manipulate a tray with one Commission director. In this ca- - more than interviews, photographs, tendants, Joan Lloyd and Rod the end of tree-shade- d Jefferson hand. I pacity she initiated the chapel-in- - and handshakes. The work, how Matter. FACULTY PA EDUCTION! E REQUIR EMENTS by Peg Williams The Faculty of the College of Wooster has approved a set of recommendations calling for a reduction of the total specific and group course requirements from 70-7- 8 credits to 57-6- 0 credits. A six-hou- r course entitled "Introduction to Liberal Studies" will replace the present freshman English and Speech courses. The only other specific course require- ment will be four hours of physical education. All other course requirements will be dis- tributed among three groups: humanities, natural science and mathematics, and social sciences. This program Mill go into effect in September of 1956 with the Dean being empowered to resolve interim differences between the present program and the new one. The distribution of group re- - quirements will be set up as fol- MA Ticket Sale Deans Appoint 17 lows: In Group 1 will be included Sets New Record Religion (6 credits) ; Philosophy Junior Residents of Psychology (3 credits) ; For- Bob Schneider, President of the eign Language (6-- 9 credits) ; Lit- L, reports that a record was es- Mrs. Margory Golder, Dean of erature (3 credits) ; Fine Arts (3 tablished this year when approxi- Women, announces that five sopho- credits; undesignated (3 credits. mately 750 tickets were sold for more women have been selected The second group calls for 11 1p; the Serenade Contest. as next year's junior residents in credits, four of which will be in The new MA Council will meet freshmen dormitories. These wo- a laboratory science. The work is next Monday to elect its officers men, who are expected to help the to be done in two departments. for the coming year. This organi- frosh adjust to college life and Group 3 requires 12 credits in zation is composed of the presi- help them become an integral part Economics, History, Political Sci- dents of the eight Sections and the of the Scot community, are Sue ence, or Sociology, with a maxi- president of Douglass. The newly Allen, Hoover; Kay Demmon, mum of six credits in any one de- elected members of the MA Coun- Miller; Sheila Mclsaac, Bowman; partment. '.ueen cil are Tom Johnson, Bob Dodd, Joan McKenzie, Westminster; and Organizes Courses Bob Black, Chuck Kinzie, Bob Gretchen Mayer, Hoover. The President has been re- In Woosterland' Weaver, Dave Wolff, Bob Hum- The Office of Dean of Men, quested to appoint a committee to Presentation Of 'Alice phreys, and Don Hatch. Ralph A. Young, has also named organize the proposed introduc- upperclass residents in the men's tory course in Liberal Studies. It Marks 35th Anniversary Of First Pageant dormitories for the coming year. will probably be patterned on a Interclub Chooses John Muir will serve as senior Freshman Studies course that has by Joel Stedman resident in Andrews Hall. Resi- been in effect at Lawrence College Stewart As Prexy Douglass and the Doug- in Wisconsin since 1945. The annually Wooster's "big" weekend. This year is dents for Color Day is Sue Stewart, new president of lass Units will be Pete Crosby, committee proposing the plan ot activities have been scneauiea inciuunig exception. All sorts Trumps social club, has been Dick Evans, Al Edel, Bob Haas, feels that it will "furnish the stu- the and pageant. coronation of the 1955-5- 6 Fred Meyer-hoefe- r, dent with choosing the Color Day festivities elected president Bob McQuilken, criteria for At Plus-quelle- Interclub Council. Sue has served Pete Mortenson, Ken c, among the alternative ways of tomorrow morning, the crowning vice-preside- nt of Trumps, presi- Bob Rafos, and Ned Wol- satisfying other requirements, and of the Color Day Queen will be as Anthony, Schubert of Holden, and is also a is activities di- at the same time will provide a followed by the traditional May- dent fe. Jack Hornfeldt member of Girls' Chorus and the distinctive intellectual challenge pole Dance, with the choreography rector. Religion-in-Lif- e Week Committee. and an introduction to the diver- Take Senate Posts the direction of Miss Mary under officers are Nancy sity and unity of knowledge." Senate Buccalo. Chief choreographer Other Interclub Jean vice-preside- Winners of the recent nt '00 Through '50 Wooster-land- , Geiger, Sphinx president; Under the Lawrence plan stu- Vice-Preside- nt and for the pageant, Alice in election for and Jan Douglas, presi- - dents read, discuss, and write es- Anthony and is Selma Hokanson, who is Treasurer are Sally Flock To Reunion says on a maximum of 14 books assisted by Harriet Win-fiel- d. Bob Schubert, respectively. being Noughts and fives will be favor- during the year. These books are as of- The choreography for the Sally, who will now act All students whose fathers ed at class reunions this June. Al- selected from the fields of philos- ficial for the first scene, "Introduction to Woos- to NSA coordinator are Rotarians are invited though it is hard to explain why, ophy, the arts, natural sciences, re- the is the direction of campus, has been active in terland" under be luncheon guests of the these classes generally bring more ligion, and the social sciences.
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