QoTTBiaHT,THE 1883, BY THE SPORTINO IjIPB FPBLISHiy 8 Op. SPORTING^—>*^ _J^__^^LIFE ^Jk> ^flh^r •JL^^g 0 EJTBRBD AT POST ognon AT PHILA.DBI.PHIA AS SWJOYD CLASS MA ypLUME 2. KUMBER 17. PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 6, 1884. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. not a cent was put up. Both are employed bv the same company of billiard table worked Ywill gnaux in Chicago for any saumed the defensive, and LIFE. ±LSCK?efer and V1 ATHLETIC. itter losing his grip once succeeded in throw- each!" amou«- I wi" play them three games PUBLISHED WEEKLY ng Uufur over his head and rolled him LATE NEWS. la3tDmatc'h->"VereqUal the'r avera«e mad« in the Wrestling, Pedestrianism, and other Ath­ ver, but this was no fall. Then, both re- AT ovenng themselves by a herculean uffort, i nnl^N1 ?ave averased in practice loo in 600 and letic Sports Chronicled. Sporting Matters tiathered by Telegraph BJ. 202 South Ninth Street, Philada. l£00-ppint games. Let the Frenchman and Jacob McLaughlin threw Dufur over his back eome backlioro and 1 will make it interesting for -vgam like lightning, but as he landed on the For Our Readers. AND fh?tS" T ac? not har"ltcapped by any table mami- back the latter raised his hips from the rloor facturers. I am free to make matches with anyone BOSTON ATHLETICS. .mi the referee declared no fall again, and to play on anybody's tabie." imally In a grapevine lock McLanghliu jfo. 23 Park Bo^w, New York. Annual Winter Games of the Union [Below will be found the latent sporting uewtvip (BJ. WIILUM MORRISOS, New York Agent.) and hrew Dufur squarely on his back in nine to Sunday marnintj, gathered by Menraah. Caroma. South Boston Clubg. minutes. In the third round the excitement correspondents, and reporter*. This news mi E.'H. Nelms and Chris Bird are on toe mend The fifth annual winter games of the was intense. At the tirst move the contest­ nned too late for proper departmental cla»»i»- Two dollars and fifty cents a year, once more. Boston Union Amateur Athletic Club were ants ripped the carpet, which caused them cotton, ] In advance. Single copies, nve cents. rouble all through. In this last bout Dufur e in the United States. aeld at the Institute Building, Boston, Jan. ook the offensive till just at the close, the noBKESPONDENCEon sporting topics, from any 30. Over 5,000 people were present, including Inal struggle lasting two minutes and thu UIUHYTHHOWN HY A MINKK. Mellon of the City, State or country, solicited. many ladies, and everything passed off suc­ ull was backward. McLaughlin twined his OOKMUNICATIONS. Manuscript Intended for The thirdird McLaughlituHelscr ga:ame will be eg inside Dufur's and threw him squarely; John Vonnen, of nonunion. Uefeatii the Chain Plication should be written on one side of the played t Madisou Square Hull, New cessfully. The results were: ime, York. fifty minutes. Then through tho plon In One Bound. MMT only, and must be accompanied by the Suttoo and Mnlone are to play their joint pool Middle-weight sparring, 1-. T. Oormley, of Bos- master of ceremonies, Major IVnnlman, jnjnr'i name and address, not necessarily for SquKn* matC" °D Mar°h 13 "»««&«>' vhM., 1' ""'"""If h'Kh kick wns won by W S SCICANTON, Penn., Feb. 2. On.- of the publication, but as a private guarantee of good Sf «ilps' M- A;,A;,C-' "" llln' ; J- K- Siunon, ad Jufur acknowledged that h« was squarely ^itb, and all communications, upon any sub- 8ft. 8in. Mr. I'hllllps attempted to beat the best >eateu, that he had sprained himself in the greatest wrestling matchos of recent record (get, or for any department, must be addressed John Hoberts Jr., was, on Jan is, to have been Irst fall and offered to Itet f 1,000 that h« took place hero last night at the Providenco the recipient of a complimentary benefit exhibition could throw McLaughlin In Boston, Now FRANCIS C. RICHTEK, at the Aquarium, London. fork or Philadelphia. He was surprised at armory b«twe«n Edwin IJIbby, tlin celebrated Helser is hard at work practicing for the third Onvco-IComan wrestler, and John Connors, Managing Editor THK SPORTING LI»B, game with McLaughlin. He means to win this McLaughlin's wonderful strength and to No. 202 S. Ninth St., Philada., Pa. game if there is any possibility. j>no mue wain, handicap, had seven starters, F. V .hat attributed his defeat. of Scratiton, in the presence of 1,500 personn, ".John Armstrong, of the Arcade, Detroit, pro- n"nrearoin^rkahTbUrB J-) V'' 8criltcn' w°n and rnsultedln Connors complntely crushing oses to have a professional pool tournament at I'KUKOKMANCK. ipTEKTISING KATES. Nonpareil type m«a- is room in March or April next. nan 160 .yards nrdsfrom from the finish;finish? W.w'i" f. Bolchoru«iM,n> Urr CRAFT'S Ulbby on tin. tlrst fall, In which hodislo.'ated E Al.A;.Vv. l59y?ra?.*'- "inning high jump was his li-ttHnouIderund spralnnd his wrist. The icn,!! lines to an Inch, 15 cents per fine for Smith and Watson, PIttaburg local players tried nob and every insertion. oonclusions at French caroms. 100 points for $126 Walking 308 Mile* In 1OO Consecutive Hour* match was contested on thn cutch-as-nitch- IDVERTISEMENTS and letters of Correspon- a side, Jan. 26th, and Smith won easily. ' ut Hyraoune, N. Y. cnn principle best two in threw falls, for Itnti, to insure insertion, should be mailed so as ,iT,ne re8ular monthly meeting of the National A telegraphic dispatch of Jan. 27th says: H,(MX). Tb« obsi'tirlty of Connors contributed Breach us by 6 P.M., Saturday, as this paper Billiard Association will take plaso on Sunday no l«ss Mum the farms of Hlbby to the Interest 3d inst., at 2 i-. M., at Continental Hotel, Phlla. In very fine shape; tttno, 1m. SB'/rs Heavy­ 'William H. Craft has accomplished tho feat In tlir contest, and somn heavy betting wait EVERY SATURDAY EVENING-. weight dumb-hell exhibition by Charles 'f walking :iUU miles lu 100 coimocutlve ImlulgiMl In during the day, large odds being In Rochester, N. Y., James Holden defeated O- Breed, Lynn Y. M. C. A. Cfymnnsluiu. John Bessunger In a series of pool games, played followed. Mr. Breed wont through many exerolsen hours, without sleep. He startod Tuesday laid on Bibby. at the opening of a new billiard room, on Jan 23 wllh 76 and 106 pound belln. Ho put the 126 pound When tun wn-Ntlera Ht»|)j»id upon , Drafts, Money Orders and Remittance! venlng, Jan. '.'2d, at 7 o'clock and finished th« Hta«« th«y wi'ro Mil IK made payable to the order of The billiard tournament hetwon Oonnecticut and bell up once wtth tho loft hand, but filled to do It riidtud with Western Masssaohusetts flayers, at the new apace with the right hand. Pole vauUIng was wor, by ast evening at 10:15, with forty-live mln- wild chnBrs. Blbby looked wiry, Jle Sporting Life Publishing Company. game, 300 points up, began at Hartford, Oonn Jan H. H. Baxter, N. Y. A. C., tfft. 8ln. One mile run, Ues to spare. After tho Mulsh, hi< was and wury, and w«l({li«l imi I>I>IIIII|H. 2Utlr. handicap, was won eaally hy E. H. Thomson, Man­ <'»nnorn primnntnd a nolld appuarancii, aiid There is a prospect of Heiaer and Mnlone being hattan A. ()., N. Y., scratch: time, 4m. WA.».\ W. J. determined to go on and walk smne more, wolKheil 1K2 pouiutt. lloth w«ru utrlppuil t.i th» fKLADELPHIA AND NEW YORK, FEB. 8. matched at bank shots, seventy -five points up fo Cognn, Union Oym., 100yds., 2d; time, 4m. 50a. lint was restrained by his trainers. April I!,",, walilaml wor» tlghti.. Connorn ihowuil n nook $2bo a side, to play in the Madlvon Square llal Sparring, heavy-weight, waa very good and tu llko 11 hurrol, bin, brawny arum, u deepclivm uuil after the Syracuse tournament In finished. evenly matched wero the men that the judges dis­ IHM'J, he Injircd his l«ft Ing by jumping Inr,) agreed and a fourth round was nooe.Wry to Mettle a reservoir In that city, but this did nut Im- HCUIIIO.I to liuvo a pnwiirful liolil on hi* rout The The fact that Slmcfer and Daly wore ouch beaten men i-auie together at 8 o'uKxJk, Connors snonrlng tho question of superiority; tho winner was N F lo his walking as h«i first thought it a ml, Ml,, hold, kocplnn Blbliy In that ponltlun for BILLIARDS. twice, consecutively, by Vlgnaux and Onrnler Dohcrty, B. Y. M. C. A. Oyui. Final tug.of-war would. A number of others Hlitrtnd with proves that the games woro bona fide contests, ai between U. A. A. Olub and L.ynn Y. M. O. A a lull liimran IflnM.I in a vino. U WM a doKiierate hippodromes are not arranged lu that way. him but full out early. Hit was in hail run- ntruuxl", anil at th" and of tint hour th» wan Uym. was won by tho letter. The games woro iltlon, Ings swollen mill !'. t bllstiircd, unit mxlnil I'or Hi inlnuliiii and then renamed In ihunamo lifts and Fancies Concerning the "Gentle­ The prl7e won hy Malono in the pool tonrnamon closed by n bicycle club drill >>y tho lloslon Uamb rolutlvn punltlon*. after wlilnh (.'onnorn fumed the bad not been paid him up to the close of Jan.
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