I,. , , AND ADVOC.ATE " .J ti N.c.c.e s ~ ti\· i'Ls ' i\t II ita s,. ,1It tID 1t b i i s j1 i b h t n s, 1U ® m nib tt s .. <!t '\l ri t lllJ." REV. )<J:[jWARDPURCELL,EDITOR.] 1 , TTE~MS---$2.50 PER , ANNBM---1N' ADVANCE. "VOL.XVIIL-~-WO. 51. CINCINNATI, THURSDA , Y, DECEMBEll 20, 1849. '. --=\\ . 'I , C 0 ~ M.E ReI A L. 'Fl'ance. strength, which apathy alone made appear to imperilled by the h ~pocr'tic al devices anl expe­ ================-=-===_ The person\ll q,uarrefs of members of the be united, into h,ating' Hnd hO,stile factions; and ,gients of the kn9-V@, Of 8Itame--that'qny DUrn­ . TRA-VELING FA()ILITIES. Legislatiye Assembly ·terminat.ed in some half the old taunts, and bitternesses, ,and inflam- b e~, however small, of ;Irish11)cn pretendi'ng to . , ----- ., a dozzen duels,. M. P ierre {1gur e~ in three or matory appeals are 'again being' heal'd-inst¢ad pat~iot.is.m, : could ' be found fqr onG : Jn~tan:t , to By Railroad-A passcjJger ' train leaves thi~ de,Dot, .fOUl' 'of these encounters: NOlle terminated ' of a voice callirig ori the Il~ish ~at ion , in tqe tolerate a Ipove'ment no'\)' admittedly based upon , corner ' of FroIlt ,and :Kilgol1 11 streets fatally. r Measures for modifying the ConsLitu- ' name of its sacred sorrows, to ot' at peace~ a despicable abandonment of all that is imper­ for Springfield, Saudusky and Bufluio, tion are .still disc u~sed, It is now E~ggested to instead of an appeal ,t o aU Irishmen ,vho )vould i§ha?ly .sacn; d an~ great, vjrl'!-ous ahd " s.1If- ~ a<i- at 510 k.)\1 ,; and 3 o'clock, P.lY!'. I lL' I' A bl' By Canal Packets-G. W, Piver\s Daily Pacl{ et, arc lange tie . 'egls atIVe, 8sem y 1I1tO a con- serve Ireland, and desire to relleem 11l'r from ' nficmg lil' our past,., , 1" ," • . Whitewater Canal,. leaves at 3 o'cl( ck stituent body, to be jnvested with the power of her shame and her bon4age, tc:> loye one ":from the first,we rqg<J.rd f d thE)"pro:nd,tCl-S ,of "P,M. " electing the President and extending the term f1nothe r, the "National ·ConfEHlence" with ·' suspicion, By Stea,mboat-D"ioly Mor.ning Fackets leave for M, ys· of his ofl1c'e to snch a pe[:iod as maya void the ----- Ho\vev,er," we guarded'Iy', rerr~ined ' from . c ~m- " , ' ville alId LOllisville, 'at 11 Q'clocIr"A.M , Ditto. '., P~ily , P" itts~Jrgh . Pa.ckets leave.. ever' necessi.ty of frequ£:nt appeal to universal suf- AGGREGATE MEETING OF 'hiE JR I S~ NATWN' .mitting om;selves to any 'oflinion, until wE) llad " day, at 10 o'clock; , J frag~,,' e, ALISTs,--The l,lggr~g'a.te·' me~tiiig bf"Irish' Na7 ~ ometh\ng to 'justify oursuspiciolls, Evi~ezice \ . , TUl'key. Bit~o ' Di ,{T\na .leaV ~~ fbr Frankfbrt, Lexing[on, tionalists, convened by requisition, was held in soon: ,crowded upon us; and we forthwith l uttel~'ed .Drennon and Harrodsbur,gh Springs, ' ;From Oon·stantin.opl", we learn 'that nothing th e Music Hall, Lower Abbey st~eet, on Tues- om' , warn,ings, ~ .We found 'a. cliqlle, pr'esided . every SundlLy and Wednesday mom' ljaq tram;pired to change the pre\'ious pacific day night. Admission wasl by tiqket, ah,d the over by ~1.r, CJ1,ARL!,S G,4 VAN ,DUFFY, un¢erta· . i ng' at 10,0'clock. ' • " course of events. .It is confidently stated that attendance was very n\lmerOUs, < TIle building kirig ,to 'speak in the name of the Irish pe~,pleL: ­ ";;' , th,e British fleet has orders to ,vithdra\v from was densely crowded ·in', ' everY"part-; the' re- pr'9tessing to desire , th~e ; union ' of all N ' atiO~lal ists THE- MARKET, the Dal'darl'nelles, . served seats were well f1lled, ' and a large nqm- at the very time they.wel;e excluding freml their Embracing tile sa.lcs' reported on the bool~s . of the Merehan ts' 1._ ' , Exchange to the latest'hour. ' ~~ ber of ladies occupied . seats in the boxe~ 'and sec'i"et meeti!lgs . mflny tried. and, f~ithfur ~en, \' " ". galleries" Cheers W,ere re,peatedly /'9nd v en, whose hones,ty, We pj'esume; ,yas feare.d~'HlOse Flour-Several lot" were r er,ei~ed by canal to-day ', ,.' , <1CUir!3.t frDm .§nl a-n 0+ thusiastically given for Jolin Mitchel ~ aDlrthe devotion ' to"N atibnality has c be~n , tested by' the ande,,,e noticed sales from landing of 50-and 75 brls at ' other "convicts" fOl: Repeal, '&c," c, ; , ordeal. '" ) 4:50; 500 do. mixed brands' at 4:iJS(ii)4:40.; and 400 do, The Chair \yas occup'led ' by Dr: Grattrm . "At. these cliq:u€ me~tin'g~ Mr. D' u":i;:y ' app,~ar - ,fro In 'store at 4:60 delivered : W, ,.E, hfIVe I:eceived our usual fi le of Irish 'fh I ' 'Y k ' M' ,'"L '" d M. ed' w Itll I·soe I u tnIons a "a programmes, read ' J cu.' 32~rain -A s~le ' of 3UO b ,~lSh, Oats from landing at p ~pers" ,dated I 24th Noyember. Dissension, e c Jle spea ers )ve r~ , r.:. 1ey~e, a~ ,. ,I,:. .and dry, 'and at onc'e it · b'ecam'e appanint that' . Provisions-Thel.e was ' considerable Inquiry for -tlw ' cllrse ,of our country, is still l,lt work, Duffy, There was nothmg eIther m the style the 'pbject was· to ''''et up ' fl movement' {Ol' the Mess,.Po'rk ~o dhy, but ,the',vielVs of sellers were above , swee'pinO' o",er', the land and leavino. its effects of the meeting, or in the 'topics ' introdilc ~' d ; dif- mere purpose of 'ltpholdi'ng the ~ew , .LV:~tio:n., in bnr.ers, whlch.'cFl(!cked sale., O:f Lard 100 brls, grease " , "" , . " . "' . "I, ferent from Conciliation ,Hall, .. ' The ne)v move, its, erratic and react\ontj.ry eO,une, Many" who spill at ·5c., and 42,brls. N02 at 5%c, VI SIble to all men, ' UntIl, the I1'1sh learn to . ."., t fi t tt d' 'd" . 'tl 1 tl t ., ' d 00G d d ment is to be called the" I,rislj AHi1lllce." The au's, a" en, e m:' lC lOpe . la , ~o me gpo l'allaw-.-A, salc"o'f 8 ,Ibs. prime city reI! ere ' at turn their mutual jealousy of each other into v ' .,,' '. would f61Jow"--that honestyiwol1'ld !wide, arid 6%c. ,A ' , ", 1'reeman remarks ;__ , " ' , . ,." , . .. ., ..w, ' . " ' , llogs..:c..The rmlrket was lip ten to Mte,en . cents qjl' lov:e, , U ntil'they' leani to forget and forgive, , I, " pnnrlple, rfgulate,the pToceedmg;; ot t!le, pro- 100 I"s. t o - ~ay; ando seH ~ rs generally demanded$3, but to let hye-Q'ol1es qe bye-gones, and to unite ' We have,carefully peru.se~ ,·,the proceedl11gs illoters, soon oOthinrd'a 'galling seI\se ,of tli,e,in- , there Were few buyers 'at over 2:85(ii)2;!)O forf'm lots, u of t?e c0n~erence- , or. as I ~ ISl n0~v callea-thEt sincerity that was in actionHu .rne~ fl:om, the 'rhe sal es as fur '. As · reported c.omprised 212 , head , ,av.. tl)gether,' all the efforts which t1lOse who love " Ir;sh. AllIance," ,w. e can., se,~ , m,~ 91em {I'?n:' mqvement in disgJlst, "N9thizig , m~r~' for.Gibiy fb~~ ~~~2 :~~~aiQ3J;, , ::: ggg llt~. ~\~,,~~; 3t2 J: .. : .. ~~~ th e il~ country may make, wi]] be attended with be$'111nmg to end ,noL}ungllew or, o~'lglI ~ al. J: ,~le i!lustrates the deep designs of the promoters Jb ~ . at 2:87; 89 d~, av.230 lbs 2:9,,\; 100@clo .'av. 209at , no good result, . If ever there was a time when ?bJect~ prop?sed ~,? De sought :ue old ,~~~ fa~UIl t '[han the alarm that was e~: inced when it,becamo 2: 8 7~ ~pl '.' and .2~0 d? ?i"idil)g on 200 lbs, at 2:75(ii) union was required it is the present and yet we lar objects Qf deSIre to the I1'1sh natIon. rh~ known that Mr. FEAHGUS O'CONNOR would at- 2:80, rbIS, reactIOn 111 the marlq)t was callsed by, the ), " achievement. o,'f.llfitiona1. l)gl.its-the est.a,bli sh:. tencl. ', t" h, ~ "i1g'g']!e!(ate m" eeti,il ~ ;" .,' he,', ~,: a, s _8el{1:.e.~b' advance in the pr,ice o'(1'o1'k in New York, ' nevel' reGoliect the natIOnal. party to be , so t f I J 1 f ~ u . , u .. Of 7/ men". 0 re ~gloUS e'qua Ity-t le '· recogmt.lOn 0 writteri fo n'otC'!6 corne, 'and 1V' heh that '1!I'oul'd ",Su ,g~r-~a t es of 25 ,<\nq 36 hhds. good fair at 4/8e, 'divided and' split' up into factions. The Dublin ' h 'I f 1 !' f I I " ·, .. tlIm and 20 dO. common at 4~c, cash" . , r: t. e 1'Ig; Its 0 . t Ie , ten~ntry~t1e ex~enslOn 0 t Je nQt il..v'ai,I, · MT, 'DUFFY openly att?-cliedhiWlnliis . Butter--Sa/0s'or 100 It'egs' gpo9 pac][iilgat ll.h;'1aJ 91l, ; .lilreematz thlS speaks: , [ fI "11;('f1.';e-:- the s us~alDment of natll:e manufac-, Jast l.'.;ratio n~ ' 'Tbey fem:ed MI", O'CONNOR'S p'lain 15 do.
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