FACULTY oF MUSIC COURSE AND SUBJECT GUIDE 1991 UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS University Statutes referred to or quoted in this handbook are the revised set of statutes, which are available in the 1989 University Calendar. Prizes, scholarships, bursaries and other endowments (formerly listed in Chapters 6 and 7 of the replaced Statutes and Regulations) have become Standing Resolutions of Council and may be identified by the Regulation numbers used in 1988. SUSPENSION OF SUBJECTS In exceptional circumstances the Council is empowered to suspend subjects and vary the syllabus of a subject. For example, insufficient enrolments may be a ground for suspending an optional subject. Details of any such alteration will be available from the appropriate Faculty Office and will be announced on department notice-boards. PROPOSED AMALGAMATIONS AND AFFILIATIONS WITH OTHER TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS The University of Melbourne is conducting negotiations with the Victorian College of the Arts for the amalgamation of the two institutions from dates to be determined, but likely to be in 1991. It is envisaged that the present Faculty of Music will become The University of Melbourne School of Music within a larger Faculty of Music, Visual and Performing Arts. Students entering award courses at either institution may, subject to the amalgamation arrangements, quality for awards of the University of Melbourne. THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE FACULTY OF MUSIC COURSE & SUBJECT GUIDE 1991 TABLE OF CONTENTS Faculty of Music - Administration 4 The Chairs of Music 4 Faculty of Music Membership 4 Academic Staff 5 Instrumental and Singing Teachers 8 Section1: General information 10 Enquiries 10 Student Diary 1 0 Undergraduate Degrees Available 10 Postgraduate Degrees AvailaЫe 10 Quotas and Applications 10 Principles of Selection 10 Enrolment 1 1 Re-enrolment 1 1 Course Planning and Approval 1 1 The Building 12 Important Dates 12 Section 2: Standing Resolutions of Council for Music Degrees - Undergraduate 13 Standing Resolution 3.56 - Degree of Bachelor of Music 13 Standing Resolution 3.56А- Degree of Bachelor of Music Education 14 Section 3: Course Structure - Bachelor of Music 15 General Information 1 5 Programmes for Specialisation 15 Composition 16 Instrumental and Vocal Teaching 17 Musicology 18 Music Performance 19 Music Therapy 20 Music Education 21 Elective Subjects 22 Honours 23 Section 4: Degree of Bachelor of Music [Pre 1989] 24 Bachelor of Music 24 Bachelor of Music (Music Therapy) 25 Bachelor of Music (Honours) 25 Bachelor of Music Education 27 Section 5: Details of Subjects - Undergraduate degrees- 28 Year 1- Subject information and outlines 28 Year 2 - Subject outlines 34 Years 3 and 4 - Subject outlines 40 Section 6: Study Related Matters 63 6.1 Deferment of Place 63 6.2 Course Changes 63 6.3 Part-time study 63 6.4 External Studies 63 6.5 Leave of Absence 63 6.6 External Musical Studies 63 6.7 Method of Assessment 63 6.8 Study Difficulties 64 6.9 Special consideration 64 6.10 Special Examinations 64 6.11 Supplementary Examinations 64 6.12 Faculty Progress Rules 64 6.12.1 Study Progress 64 3 6.12.2. Supplementary Examinations 65 6.12 .3. Leave of Absence 65 6.12.4. Unsatisfactory Progress 65 6.12.5. Course Progress 65 6.13 Rules of Unsatisfactory Progress 65 6.14 Directions to examiners relating to assessment 65 6.15 Discontinuation 65 Section 7: Other Information 66 Single Subjects 66 Orchestral Bursaries 66 Matriculation Roll 66 Summer School in Basic Music Theory 66 Activities 66 Facilities 66 Library 66 Instruments 67 Grainger Museum 67 The Electronic Music Studio 67 Use of Piańos in Melba Hall and Heinze Room 67 Practice Rooms 67 Music Students Society 68 Section 8: Exhibitions, Scholarships, Prizes and Financial Assistance 69 Section 9: 800klfsts 72 Section 10: Postgraduate Studies 81 10.1 University General Principles of Selection to Postgraduate Courses 81 10.2 Standing Resolutions of Council for Music Degrees • Postgraduate 84 Standing Resolution 3.122 • Graduate Diploma of Music Therapy 84 Standing Resolution 3.63 • Degree of Master of Music 84 Standing Resolution 3.60 - Degree of Doctor of Philosophy 86 Standing Resolution 3.57 - Degree of Doctor of Music 86 10.3 Course Structure 87 Graduate Diploma of Music Therapy 87 Degree of Master of Music 88 Degree of Doctor of Philosophy 88 Section 11: Music Courses at the Victorian College of the Arts 90 Appendix: Alumni Association 91 4 THE FACULTY OF MUSIC - ADMINISTRATION Dean: Assoc. PROF. RONALD FARREN-PRICE Deputy Dean: DR JOHN GRIFFITHs Assodate Dean: MR GRAHAM BARTLE Assistant Registrar (Music): MR DAVID BURD Administrative Officers: MS SYLVIA EDWARDS MRS HILDE SCHMIDT THE CHAIRS OF MUSIC The Ormond Chair of Music was founded In the University of Melbourne by the generous endowment (£20,000) of Francis Ormond in 1888. In 1894, a Conservatorium of Music was established. A second Chair of Music was founded in 1973, and first filled in August 1975. THE FACULTY OF MUSIC MEMBERSHIP (Information as at 16.11.90) The Dean: АSSOCIАТЕ PROFESSOR R FARREN-PRICE The Deputy Dean: DRJA GRIFFПHs The Associate Dean (Students): MR G A R BARTLE The Viice-Chancellor PROFESSOR D G PEN INGTON The Deputy Vice-Chancellors: PROFESSORJ R POYNTER PROFESSORS, READERS, SENIOR LECTURERS AND LECTURERS OF THE FULL-TIME ACADEMIC STAFF DR JA GRIFFITHS MR CJMARTIN MR D W THORNTON MRS DE ERDONMEZ DR M G W GILLIEs DR B BROADSTOCK MR A SEMETSKY MR J ODONNELL MR G GERHARD Members of the part-time staff, elected annually. Mentors of the full-time tutorial staff elected annually. MR G. DIKMANS MR K. PURCELL Nominated annually by the Faculty of Education Mr W G S sill Four Student members, appointed annually Nominated annually by the Committee of Convocation MISS G NORTHEY Member appointed by the Academic Board PROFESSOR L K STEVENS Members appointed by Council MR N BOURKE DR E L SURGE DR K DREYFUS 5 MR E JENSEN DR E G MUIRHEAD DR J L PRESSING MR W D RICHARDSON MR GTIBBITS MR M S WILLIAMS PROFESSOR I P WILLIAMSON MR B WORLAND ACADEMIC STAFF (information as at 16.11.90) Chairman it Department and Reader: RONALD FARREN-PRICE, Dip Mus. Ormond Professor: vacant Professor: vacant Senior Lecturers: GRAHAM ALFRED REGINALD BARTLE, BA MMus DipEd FTCL MIMI DENISE ELIZABETH ERDONMEZ, BMus Melb & Mich MMus LMusA RMT CMT MALCOLM GEORGE WILLIAM GILLIES, BA ANU MA Cant MMus PhD Lind Dip.Ed LMusA LTCL FLCM MACE JOHN ANTHONY GRIFFITHS, BA PhD Monash CHRISTOPHER JOHN MARTIN DONALD WILLIAM THORNTON, BMus Lend. BSc W Aust MMus JOHN O'DONNELL, В Mus Durham ADCM FRCO Chm LTCL DSCM L'usA Lecturers: ALEXANDER SЕМЕТSKY, Diplbme Moscow Con. ØRENTON BROADSTOCK, BA Monash M Mus Memphis D Mus Dip Mus Syd AMusTCL GRAEME GERRARD, MA La T KERRY MURPHY, MA PhD THOMAS REINER, MMus Research Fellow: KERRY MURPHY, MA PhD Senior Associate: MAXWELL J L COOKS, M Mus DipMus Perfectionnement 62mе degré Ecole Normale de Musique, FACE MIMT Tutors: GREG DIKMANS BMus Syd DipBaroqueFlute Brussels (Recorder) KEVIN PURCELL BMus Pап-umе Staff: ELIZABETH ANDERSON (Harpsichord) MARY ANDERSON (Harp) FREDA ASH (Music Education) DAVID ASHTON-SMITH (Singing) ROBERT ВILSВOROUGH BMus BEd Monash Dalcrozer Licentiate (Music Education) PAMELA BLOOM (Clarinet) RHONDA BRUCE (Singing) KEVIN CASEY DipMus (Singing) ALISON CATANACH (Flute) ROBERT CHAMBERLAIN hus (Piano) MAY CLIFFORD IAM BMus Dip Ed LRSM (Piano) PETER CLINCH PhD Monash MMus LMus A (Saxophone and Clarinet) 6 MAX 000КE (Piапo) NELSON COOKS (Violoncello) DARRYL COOTE MMus AMusA MPiT (Piano) WENDY COUCH (Percussion) GEOFFREY COX BA Old BMus Old D Phil Oxon FTCL ARCO (Organ) JEFFREY CRELLIN (Oboe) ROGER DAVIES (Тготboпе) PRUDENCE DAVIS (Flute) JENNIFER DRUERY BMus Syd (Double Bass) КАУЕ DUFFELL (Flute) PETER EDGE (Flute) SUSAN ELLIS (Guitar) GRAEME EVANS (French Horn) HAROLD EVANS (Bassoon) DAVID FARRANDS (Trumpet) MANUEL GELMAN MA BEd (Music Education) ELIZABETH GLAB (Piano) BMus DipEd MMus Warsaw PHILLIP GREEN BMus (Violoncello) ALEX GRIEVE (French Horn) JUDITH GRIEVE (Oboe) NATHAN GUTMAN DipMus MusBac MLaw Warsaw (Violin) ANDRE НADGES (Violin) ALAN HARDY (Flute) IAN HARRISON DipMus ARC' Lind AdvDipMEd Kodaly Inst (Music Education) ROGER HEAGNEY MMus (Harpsichord) ANTHONY HICKS BEd (Saxophone) DAVIN HOLT (Double Bass) IAN HoLTHAM, PhD (Piano) MARIANNE HUNT BMus (Violoncello) HUW JONES (Harp) MACK JOSТ AM BMus Dipilus LRAM (Piano) IAN KING (Tuba) DOUGLAS LAWRENCE MMus (Organ) BRIAN LONG (Music Education) PETER LYNCH DCSM LTCM LMusA (Guitar) BETTINE MСCAUGHAN (Singing) KENNETH McCLIMONT (Trombone) JOHN МALLINSON BMus ARC' LRAM ARCO (Organ) JEANNIE MARSH Dip Op & Mus BMus Ed Theatre (Singing) CHRISTOFF MAUBACH BMus Dance Ed (Music Education) HANS-DIETER MICHATZ (Baroque Flute) PHILLIP MIECHEL MMus (Clarinet) ANDREW MITCHELL (Clarinet) IAN MORGAN MMus (Clarinet) MIRIAM MORRIS (Viol da GaØ) WENDY MORRISON MMus RCM LMusA ARC' (Piano) BRENTON MOUY BEd (Percussion) HARTLEY NEWNHAM (singing) THOMAS NICOLL (French Horn) JUNE NIXON BMus DipMus FRCO (CHI) ARC' (Organ) LINDSAY O'NEILL BMus Adel FRCO (CH M) ARCM (Organ) MICHELLE PICKER ARC' (Double Bass) CARL PINI (Violin) THOMAS PINSCHOF (Flute) CAVELL POLI (Singing) SPIROS RАNтоs (Violin) GLEN RIDDLE Mlus (Piano) STEPHEN ROBINSON (Oboe) MERYL ROSS Blus (Piano) JUANITA SAN MARTIN (Music Education) 7 PAUL SARCICH (Percussion) ROBERT SEDERGREEN ()azz) FREDERICK SHADE BA AMusA (Flute) HELEN SHOЕМАRK BMus (Music Therapy) ROBERT SIMS BMusEd BMus (Trumpet) ROBERT SMITHIES (Trumpet) GREG STEBBlNG (Music Education) LORIS SYNAN
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