Scientific Review – Engineering and Environmental Sciences (2020), 29 (3), 289–297 Sci. Rev. Eng. Env. Sci. (2020), 29 (3) Przegląd Naukowy – Inżynieria i Kształtowanie Środowiska (2020), 29 (3), 289–297 Prz. Nauk. Inż. Kszt. Środ. (2020), 29 (3) http://iks.pn.sggw.pl DOI 10.22630/PNIKS.2020.29.3.24 Eva SINGOVSZKA, Magdalena BALINTOVA Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Civil Engineering Year over year comparison of sediment quality in the rivers of Eastern Slovakia Key words: bottom sediment, potential eco- & Babaei, 2008). Metals enter river wa- logical risk assessment, heavy metals ter from mining areas through various means such as mine discharge, runoff, chemical weathering of rocks and soils, Introduction wet and dry fallout of atmospheric partic- ulate matter (Macklin et al., 2003; Bird et Trace metals entering the river origi- al., 2003; Kraft, Tumpling & Zachman, nate from either natural or anthropogenic 2006; Singh et al., 2008; Venugopal et sources (Bem, Gallorini, Rizzio & Krze- al., 2009). The mine water, runoff from min, 2003; Wong, Li, Zhang, Qi & Peng, abandoned watersheds and associated in- 2003; Adaikpoh, Nwejai & Ogala, 2005; dustrial discharges are the major source Akoto, Bruce & Darko 2008). In unaf- of heavy metal contamination, total dis- fected environments, the concentration solved solid and low pH of streams in of most metals is very low and is typic- mining area (US EPA, 1998; Mohanty, ally derived from mineralogy and the Misra & Nayak, 2001; Cravotta, 2008; weathering processes (Karbassi, Mona- Shahtaheri, Abdollahi, Golbabaei, Rahi- vari, Nabi Bidhendi, Nouri & Nemat- mi-Froshani & Ghamari, 2008). pour, 2008). The main anthropogenic The anthropological influences (i.e. sources of heavy metal contamination urban, industrial and agricultural activ- are due to mining, disposal of untreated ities) as well as the natural processes (i.e. and partially treated effluents con- changes in precipitation amounts, erosion taining toxic metals, as well as metal and weathering of crustal materials) de- chelates from different industries and grade surface water quality and impair the indiscriminate use of heavy metal its use for drinking, industrial, agricul- – containing fertilizer and pesticides tural, recreational and other purposes. in agriculture fields (Hatje, Bidone & Due to spatial and temporal variations in Maddock, 1998; Nouri, Mahvi, Jahed water chemistry, a monitoring program Year over year comparison of sediment quality in the rivers of Eastern Slovakia 289 that provides a representative and reliab- Ten groundwater bodies exist in the ba- le estimation of the quality of surface wa- sin while one is in quaternary sediment, ters has become an important necessity. two is geothermal waters and seven are Consequently, comprehensive monitor- in pre-quaternary rocks. Hornad has ing programs that include frequent water 11 transverse structures without fishpass sampling at numerous sites and include a in operation. From the point of view of full analysis of a large number of physi- environmental loads, there are 11 high- cochemical parameters designed for the -risk localities which have been identi- proper management of water quality in fied in the river basin. Diffuse pollution surface waters are required. is from agriculture and municipalities Potential ecological risk index without sewerage. The upper stretch of (PERI), proposed by Hakanson (1980), Hornad to Spišská Nová Ves is in good is used as a quick and practical tool for ecological status while the lower stretch environmental assessment, obtaining is changed to poor status. From the as results the pollution classification of Ružín Water Reservoir, Hornad achieves areas and the identification of the toxic moderate ecological status. According substances of interest, supporting actions to chemical status assessment, Hornad for pollution control of limnic aquatic is in good status. Fifty six water bodies systems. Potential ecological risk index (34%) are failing to achieve good eco- provides a fast and simple quantitative logical status in Hornad river basin. The value for PER of a given contamina- water body of intergranular ground wa- tion situation. This model, despite being ters of quaternary alluviums of Hornad formulated in 1980s and for limnic sys- river basin achieves poor chemical sta- tems, has an organized structure based tus (pollution from the point and dif- on simple algorithms, including the most fuse sources) and poor quantitative status important environmental parameters for identified on the base of long-term de- an ecological risk assessment, and also crease of groundwater levels. The water includes the mathematical relationships body of pre-quaternary rocks is in good between them. status – quantitative and chemical (SEA, 2015). Poprad is in Vistula river basin dis- Material and methods trict and is the only Slovak river that drains their waters into Baltic Sea. It Study area sources in High Tatras over Popradské Hornad belongs to Danube river ba- Lake. It flows to the southeast direction sin. Area of Hornad is 4,414 km2. In the up to city of Svit. The river mouths into basin is 27.6% of arable land, 15.7% of Dunajec from the right side, in Poland, other agricultural land, 47.4% of forests, river km 117.00. It drains the area of 2.7% shrubs and grasses and 6.6% is 1,890 km2. There are 83 surface water other land. There is 164 surface water bo- bodies all in the category of the flow- dies while 162 are in the category of the ing waters/rivers. Five groundwater bo- flowing waters/rivers and two are in the dies exist in the basin while one is in category of standing waters/reservoirs. quaternary sediment, one is geothermal 290 E. Singovszka, M. Balintova waters and three are in pre-quaternary Sampling materials rocks. Poprad has 27 transverse struc- tures without fishpass in operation. Sig- Sediment was sampled according nificant industrial and other pollution to standard ISO 5667-6 which outlines sources are: Chemosvit Energochem, the principles and design of sampling a.s., Svit, Whirlpool Slovakia, s.r.o., Po- programs and manipulation, as well as prad, screw factory Exim, Stará Ľubo- the preservation of samples. Monitoring vňa, Východoslovenské stavebné hmoty was carried out in the 2017–2018. The a.s (closed in 2013). From the point of samples of sediment were air-dried and view of environmental loads, there are ground using a planetary mill to a fraction 17 high-risk localities which have been of 0.063 mm. The chemical composi- identified in the river basin. Diffuse pollu- tion of sediments was determined by tion is from agriculture and municipalities means of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) without sewerage (Ondruš, 1991). using SPECTRO iQ II (Ametek, Germa- Laborec is a river in Eastern Slova- ny, 2000). Sediment samples were prepa- kia that flows through the districts of red as pressed tablets with a diameter of Medzilaborce, Humenné, and Michalov- 32 mm by mixing 5 g of sediment and 1 g ce in Košice Region, and Prešov Region. of dilution material (Hoechs Wax C Mic- The river drains the Laborec Highlands. ropowder – M-HWC-C38H76N2O2) Tributaries of Laborec include Uh which and compressing them at a pressure of joins Laborec near the city of Drahňov in 0.1 MPa·m–2. The mean total concen- Michalovce District, and Cirocha. Labo- trations of 8 heavy metals in sediment rec itself is a tributary, flowing into La- of sediments samples are presented in torica. Catchment area of Ižkovce hydro- Table 1. metric profile at Laborec is 4,364 km2 Results of XRF analysis of sediments and it is situated at 94.36 m a.s.l. (SEA, were compared with the limited values 2015). according to the Slovak Act 188/2003 FIGURE 1. Situation of three investigation rivers in Eastern Slovakia Year over year comparison of sediment quality in the rivers of Eastern Slovakia 291 TABLE 1. Results of chemical analyses of sediment from the rivers of Eastern Slovakia in 2017–2018 Sam- As Cd Cr Cu Hg Ni Pb Zn pling Year –1 River point mg·kg S1 14.9 < 5.1 35.8 110.3 < 2 59.4 < 2 167.0 S3 82.3 < 5.1 141.2 233.0 < 2 130.5 37.9 360.4 S4 < 1 < 5.1 169.9 108.4 < 2 45.2 51.1 177.4 Hornád S5 12.6 < 5.1 189.9 188.0 < 2 64.6 < 2 202.7 S1 < 1 < 5.1 52.6 18.4 < 2 51.7 < 2 36.3 S2 < 1 < 5.1 28.1 30.1 < 2 66.5 < 2 51.7 2017 S3 < 1 < 5.1 36.6 35.8 < 2 54.0 < 2 33.7 Laborec S4 1.3 < 5.1 28.0 38.0 < 2 64.6 < 2 61.1 S1 < 1 < 5.1 124.7 51.6 < 2 65.7 < 2 100.4 S2 < 1 < 5.1 28.7 24.7 < 2 50.3 < 2 58.1 S3 < 1 < 5.1 56.9 2.9 < 2 35.5 < 2 118.6 Poprad S4 < 1 < 5.1 38.5 5.6 < 2 20.0 < 2 105.6 S1 < 1 < 5.1 122.0 36.2 < 2 39.4 < 2 85.6 S2 < 1 < 5.1 28.7 29.4 < 2 40.3 2.5 179.7 S3 < 1 < 5.1 34.1 27.5 < 2 37.4 < 2 55.9 Hornád S4 < 1 < 5.1 50.9 62.9 < 2 33.9 < 2 71.2 S1 < 1 < 5.1 5.0 8.4 < 2 19.7 < 2 < 1 S2 < 1 < 5.1 5.0 10.1 2.2 17.7 < 2 < 1 2018 S3 < 1 < 5.1 5.0 1.5 < 2 13.4 < 2 < 1 Laborec S4 < 1 < 5.1 5.0 10.7 < 2 15.5 < 2 < 1 S1 < 1 < 5.1 5.0 8.1 < 2 2.2 < 2 122.7 S2 < 1 < 5.1 44.7 14.9 < 2 20.9 < 2 39.4 S3 < 1 < 5.1 5.0 32.7 < 2 34.5 < 2 49.5 Poprad S4 < 1 < 5.1 5.0 11.5 < 2 2.0 < 2 71.0 Limits × 20 10 1 000 1 000 10 300 750 2 500 Coll.
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