'T"'‘) ■ * . ■ i. I ■ /;■ Kf- / MONDAY, OCTOBER SI, IMS PAGE SIXTEEN iiattrlf^Htpr lEn^ning ll^ralii DiocBsan Bureau of Social Service United Fuiid Member— See Page 14 Anthony D. Lupacchino, son iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH iiii • ■ - ! I n The Weather About Town of Mis. Mary Lupacchino, 162 OPEN h DAYS — l|i ATOnge Daily N«t Press Ron Forecast ot U. 8. Weather Bureaa Chestnut St., left Saturday for FREE MAIN ST. Wir llw Week Ended Los Angelea, Calif., and a TUESDAY cmd OotolMr 19. 1988 Partly rtoudy, oontlnned breecy month's tour of the West. 'and REAR of Temple Ohapteir, OfBS, ■ will THURSDAY tIH 9 p.m . and cool to n l^ t and Wednesday. meeit at 8 pjn. on Wednesday STORE PARKING! at the Masonic Temple. Visit- Marine Pfc. Thomas Rodgers, HALE 13,850 Low tonight In the 40s and the ittg Matrons and Patrons Nigiit son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. HOUSE high Wednesday near 60. will be observed. Mr. end Mrs. Rodgers, 104 Wafiiut St., re­ Member o t the Audit Joseph Posick of Meridian cently participated in landing ityii BurenM o f OlroelatloB Mahche$ter— A City o f VUlage Chanri, Clhapter, Meridcin. will preside exercises with the Second Ma­ at the initiation. Refreshments rine Division at Camp Lejeuna, (Clasalfted Advertising on Page 19) PRICE SEVEN CENTS wlil be served after the meet- ff- C. Your Store with The Village Charm on Main Street! VOL. LXXXIII, NO» 19 (FOURTEEN ^PAGES MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 22, 1963 ____ Mandhester PTA Coiincdl will ■if St. Bridget’a Rosary Society hold a meeting at the Buckley win sponsor a public military School Thursday at 7:30 p.m. whist and caird party tomorrow New England at 8 p.m. at the Knigivts of Co- Manchester Lodge of Masons iilli Brents lumln* Home. Refre.-<hments will meet tomorrow at 7:30 p.m. win be served. Tickets will be at Masonic Temple. After the Fire Danger available at the door. bueineas meeting a film on Communism will be shown. Famous Names in Sportswear In Stole V; _____ Held Critical Presbyterian Afen will meet Airlift Begins tonight‘at 7:30 at the church. MILITARY Guest speaker will be the Rev. Mansfield Fight BOSTON (AP)— “ We’re Isaac. Chase of the Open Hearth sitting on a powder keg, Miasion, Hartford. WHIST ^ Taken to Court waiting for someone to -WVT Beta Sdgma Phi aororiity will light the match,” was the 1^ V | / AlfD hold an initiation and reception MANSFI^D (AP) — A way one fire warden de- X AX 1 t Y d - ▼ Vy tonight at 8 at WirUe's Steak Superior Court challenge scribed the conditions today House. 446 Center St. was planned today against in most New England wood­ SETBACK a proposed action to strike The Immaculate Conception land areas. O f Troops 69 Mansfield Democrats And the latest U.S. Weather K of C HALL Mothers Circle will hold a meet­ bureau forecast offers no hope ing Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the from the party’s member- for relief. Tssedoy, Oct. 1% home of Mrs. Michael Edenburn. Bhip list. Cool, dry air prevailed over In Europe 166 Ludlow Rd. Co-hoatees is Charles Tarpinlan, Democrat­ 8 P3I. ' all but the extreme northern Mrs. John Connor. ic town chairman, seeks to re­ sections of the six-state area. Sponsored By move the 69 Democrats from the TTie weather bureau listed the FRANKFURT (AP) — xi Gamma Chapter of Beta party rolls on grounds that they forest fire danger in Massachu-1 St. Bridget’s Rosary Sigma Phi will meet tomorrow The vanguard of the trans- •upported first selectman Dan­ setts and southern New Hamp-1 pQj.j^ planes in “ Exercise Society at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. iel Graf, who ran as an Inde­ Prises and Refreshinents Louis Huffmire. Warehou.se pendent for re-election In Mans­ \BT\ded in Ger- Point. Members are reminded to field’s Oot. 7 town election. Cooler air moved into the area tonight ,with tho DONATION $1.00 leave articles for the rummage Graf won In the election. last night. Houlton, Maine, re- first of 16,000 American aale at the home of Mrs. Henry Leo Flaherty of Rockville, the Matson, 261 Spruce St. ported a low early today of 25. goldiers and airmen mov- attorney representing the 69 It wa.s 30 at Burlington, Vt., • .u „ Atlantic in 2 Democrats, said he will seek a and Millinocket. Maine. mg across tne A u a n iic in The obaita convention of the Superior Court Injunction Forestry officials estimate, a historic demonstration of Jaycee Wives Association wnll against Tarpinian’s planned that a soAclng rain toiaUng! military mobility. NOW be held Wednesday night at the move. aboutX inches would be needed The flr.st of 350 plane.s^ taking Grantmoor Reetaurant. Berlin. ’Tarpinlan conducted a bearing to alleviate the fire danger. part in a nia.saive teat move- Registration will be from 7:30 yesterday that broke up after an to 8 p.m. For transportation ’There were 62 fires reported ment of fighting men from Tex- FUEL OIL hour when Flaherty objected to In Massachusetts Monday.'RDIte^s. touched dowTi outside thi.s call Mrs. Gordon Eagdeson, 172 the town ohalrman's questions 40-acre tract burned in Essex' German' city, at 5:27 p.m. Porter St. on ths political activity of a wit­ 'Wr 13V2C®*'' County. All the other fires were plane after plane will follow John Mather Chapter, Order ness. He said Tarpinian’s tac­ 10 acres or less. across the ocean, bringing here tics amounted- to a witch hunt Adding to the fire danger to­ the main body of the 2nd Ar­ of DeMolay, wUl hold a meet­ aimed at harassing and embar­ ing ton i^ t at 7:30 at the Ma­ day were winds of up to 30 mored Division. ’The Joint Army- CASH SAVINGS sonic Temple after which a rassing the 69 Democrats. miles per hour. Air Force exercise is designed Flaherty said ’Tarpinlan ’The prolonged drought—to­ to test the ability of the United UP TO guest will speak on parachute Jumping. S h .p "’’ should first state ths nature of tal rainfall for the year in States to rush men halfway Quadrangle prints with your exact sleeve L; the (diarges he was bringing many areas is as much as 10 across the world in a military length. Slightly flared button-down collar against those whose party loy Hello, Operator-----? Inches below normal—is also emergency. with button in back, muted color combina- i\]\ ally was questioned. causing severe water shortage On hand to meet the first Tarpinlan ruled Flaherty out 'This telephone worker was photographed making a in many communities. sleek C135 Jet transport were tions. College classics in authentic university |:i of order, and the attorney with­ phone call today near the General Telephone Ck). in ’” rhe U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Air Force Secretary Eu­ styling. 100% long staple sanforized cotton. !=■• drew from the hearing after Long Beach, Calif., which she— a member of the reports that hi four of the 26 gene M. Zuckert. a host of PER LECLERC Men’G 5.00 Matching Lady Arrow, rollup > reading statement that his <di- observation wells it maintains American military bra.ss and Our “ Country Side” print in elegant Ameri- a Communications Workers of America— is picket­ GALLON FUNERAL HOME sleeve LOO. , •nts were registered as Demo­ in Massachusetts, the water German civilian and military U.S. Army tanks and armored vehicles are lined up at Spesbach, near Kaiserslau- lana fashion. This is the shirt-shape you’lP" ing. (AP Photofax.) ____________________________ _ level Is at an all-time low. officials. crats, intend^ to oontlniu as ter. West Germany, today awaiting crews flying from U.S. in “ Exercise Big FUNERAL love best this year. Tiny roses on solid MEN'S SHOP, MAIN FLOOR T such, and to support Democratic David B. Erickson, who op­ ’The 76 soldiers who landed in FUEL OIL ground foiins an enchanting print. Washable principles and qualified candi­ erates an IndustriAl and mu­ the first plane along with the Lift.” (AP Photofax.) dates. nicipal well drilling company, commander of the 2nd Armored SERVICE cotton fabric. Pink, rose, blue. Sizes 10-18. Flaherty said that this is all Jurors Probe Prices said he recently toured parts MaJ. Gen. Edwin H. Burba, COOPERATIVE WALTER N. thatN^e law requires of party of Massachusetts, Vermont and wasted no time in the purpose LECLERC m em b ^ . The attorney said New Hampshire and found of the maneuver. Tito Supports OIL COMPANY Director day thafshe wanted the injunc­ that in all communities farm­ ’They began unloading their Hurricane Aimless^ SINCE 1035 *4.99 tion to prevent 'Tarplnian from Of Eight Steel Firms ers were - hauling water for personal belongings and weap­ »15 BROAD STREET 23 Main Street, Manchester SPORTSWEAR, SECOND FLOOR striking theNw Democrats from livestock because wells were ons, prepared to take a quick Coexistence TEL. 643-1563 Call 649-5869 the rolls b e f ^ n e x t ’Tuesday’s dry. meal and then move across the Powerless Ship Safe town CSUK1U. \ NEW YORK (A P )— A federal grand jury moved t<v Erickson and other well drill­ nearby Rhine River to pick up Graf had been Nds^ied party ers report a rush of calls from heavy equipment waiting for In UN Speech SPORT backing in his bid foc^eelectlon, day to dig into the sensitive area of steel industry price persons asking them to install them there.
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