"^CKCvOioi^s;:-- 1^1 J ^ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from National Library of Scotland http://www.archive.org/details/fowlerspaisleyjo185354pai FOWLER'S PAISLEY AND JOHNSTONE COMMERCIAL DIRECTORY AND GENERAL ADYERTISER, FOE E853 " S4l o CONTAmiNG COMPEEHENSIYE KSB ACCTJEATE DIRECTORIES OP PAISLEY, ELDERSLIE, JOHNSTONE, QUARRELTON, AND LINWOOD; ALSO, * A COPIOUS STREET GUIDE OF PAISLEY, AND AN APPENDIX, CONTAINING MANY USEFUL LISTS AND TABLES. t'OURTEENTH PUBIilCATION. PAI S L E Y : ,> PUBLISHED AND SOLD BY G. FOWLER, PUBLISHER, BOOKSELLER, AND BOOKBINDER, 38, NEW STREET. "V THE FOURTEENTH EDITION OWLER'S DIRECTORY GENERAL ADVERTISER, IS MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED TO ROBERT WALLACE, Esq., Late M.P. fob Geeenock, For his valuable services to his Country in the cause of Civil and Religious Liberty ; and for his zealous co-operation in obtaining for the Country that blessed boon, a Uniform Penny Postage. PEOYOST, MAGISTRATES, KEJ) TOWN COUNCIL OE PAISLEY, BY THEIB MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT. GEORGE FOWLER. Rbnprbwshiee Dibectobt Office, Paisley, July, 1853. ADDEESS, G. rOWLEE, in ushering to the Public the Fourteenth Edition of the Directory and General Advertiser, begs to return his sincere thanks for the patronage he has hitherto enjoyed, and trusts that the present Work will be found equally deserving their countenance and support. To the Magistrates, the Clergy, Merchants, Manufacturers, Agents, and Office-hearers of Public Institutions, he offers his respeetful thanks ; and to all those who have favoured him with their punctual attention to his notices. Every person is aware that the chief value of a work of this kind consists in the accuracy of its details, and the distinct arrangement of its several parts. In securing these essential requisites, he has in this, as in all former editions of his Directory, spared neither labour nor expense ; and as this can only be compensated by an extensive sale of the Work, he trusts he will meet with his usual encouragement from a discerning Public. — 67 5 CONTENTS. Page Page PAISLEY DIRECTOEY 13 Deaf and Dumb, (Society for Additional Names . end the education of ) . 131 ADVERTISING LIST . 179 Dues, (River and Harbour) 147 Appendix . .109 Do. rTown) . .145 ' Address and Notices . 4 Pairs . .152 Agricultural Society (Ren- Piremen & Eire Engines 1 50, 1 51 frewshire) . 154, 156 Furnished Lodgings . .138 Annual Licenses . ,114 Gas Light Company . .120 Artizans' Institution . 127 Grain Mills . .152 Assembly Rooms • .129 Grave Diggers . .137 Assessed Taxes . .114 Infirmary and Dispensary 123 Athenseum . .126 Inspectors of Poor and Col- Appraisers . .121 lectors of Rates . 138 Auctioneers and Appraisers 121 Inspectors of Weights and Band, Instrumental . 157 Measures . .151 Banking Houses Insurance Offices and Agents 1 50 Brit. Linen Co. (branch of) 122 Justices of the Peace . 115 Scotland,West. (branch of) 122 Lieutenancy of Renfrewshire 1 1 Scotland Union (branch of) 122 Literary and Convivial Asso- National Security's (Sav- ciation . ,128 (Wil- ings) . .123 Lodge, Odd EeUows, . Scotland (branch of) . 121 son's) .156 . 153 Bill Card . , . 7 Lodge, (St. Mirren's) Council 1 10 Boats, Steam . .143 Magistrates & Town &c., Do. Canal Luggage . 14 5 Managers of Societies, Bowling Greens 155, 156, 157 (Notice to) . .152 Burying Ground, Grave Dig- Markets and Stores . .151 Institution . 127 gers, &c. .137 Mechanics' Canal Company, (Glasgow, Medical Practitioners . 123 Paisley, & Ardrossan) 145, 154 Messengers at Arms . 121 . Carriers' Quarters . .141 Midwives . .123 Coaches, (Stage) . .143 Ministers . .133 Coal Merchants and Agents 151 News Rooms . 129 Pre- Coffee and News Rooms . 126 Officers, (Church) and Commissrs. for Court House centors . .135 . and Public Offices . 119 Officers, CSheriff) .118 Commissrs. for Income Tax 1 1 Do. (Town) . .119 137 Commissioners of Supply 1 1 Paisley Cemetery Company Constituency and Voters 109 Paisley Coffee Room . 126 Conveyance by Land and Paisley Library . .129 Sneddon Mission . 137 Water . .138 Paisley Insti- Courts, Commissary . 119 Paisley Social Eriends . .128 Do. Burgh . .118 tution Do. Justices of the Peace 116 Parliamentary Boundaries 158 (Burgh) 1 24 Do. Quarter Sessions . 119 Parochial Board, (Abbey) 125 Do. Sheriff . .118 Do. do. Do. do. Small Debt 118 Police Commissrs. of Burgh 110 Curling Club, (Paisley Ice- Do. do. of Suburbs 110 Regulations . .111 land) . .156 Do. a2 — ' 6 Page Page Police Eates of Assessment 1 12 Veterinary Surgeons 123 Do. Ward Divisions for Water Company 121 Burgh . .112 Do- do. New Town 113 JOHNSTONE Directory 159 Population . .109 Appendix . .174 Porters, Barrowmen, &c. 158 Agricultural Society, (John- Posts, ( Arr. and Dispatch of) 1 38 stone) .... 177 Presbytery . Meetings 134 Assembly Rooms . .175 Prison Board for Eeufrew- Banking Houses shire . .119 Scotland Union (Branch of) 1 75 Procurators, (Faculty of) 117 City of Glasgow . 175 Procurators for the Poor . 117 Boats^ (Canal Luggage) . 177 Public Offices, &c. 148, 149 Carriers' Quarters . .177 Quarterly Meetings, Burgh Coffee and News Room . 175 and Suburbs . .112 Committee of Town Manage- Eailway Companies . 142-145 ment . .174 Reform Eegistration Asso- Conveyance by Land and ciation . .155 Water . .176 Eoad Committee, New Town Court, (Justice of the Peace) 174 (1792) . ,153 Fairs . .178 Renfrewshire Militia . 126 Fire Brigade . .175 Renfrewshire Trustees for Gas Light Company . .177 Glasgow Bridge . .126 Grave Digger & Town Crier 176 Sacramental Fast Days . 135 Inspectors of Imperial Schools, Abbey Parish . 130 Weights and Measures 175 • * Do. Dickson (The) . 131 Insurance Offices and Agents 175 Do. English (Town's) 130 Justices of the Peace . 174 Do. Low Parish . 130 Mechanics' Institution . 177 Do. Govmnt. of Design 1 2-9 Medical Practitioners . 175 Do. Grammar . .130 Midwives . .175 Do. Educational Assoc. 131 Ministers . .175 Do. Episcopal Church 133 Officers, (Church) and Pre- Do. Hutchison's Charity 130 centors . .176 Do. Infant . .131 Officers, (Sheriff) . .175 Do, Neilson Institution 131 Post Office, Arriv. &Dispat. 176 Do. Paisley Sab. Union 132 Postage, (Rates of) in Great Do. Ragged or Industrial 130 Britain. See Paisley Di- Do. Town's Mercan. &c. 130 rectory . .140 Session Clerks . .135 Railway, (Glasgow & South- Societies, Distrib. of Tracts 138 western) . .176 Do. Friendly, &c. 1 52 Schools, (Sabbath) . .178 Do. Total Abstin. 156,157 Session- Clerk . .176 Stamp Duties ... 8 Societies, (Friendly, Reli- Statute Labour Trustees, gious), &c. .177 (Burgh) . .110 Total Abstinence Society 177 Stores, (see Markets) . 151 Writers . .174 Street Guide . 9 Temperance Coffee Houses QUARRELTON, ELDER- and News Eooms , .128 SLIE, LIN WOOD Di- Trustees, River Cart, and for rectories, &c. .170 Burgh Creditors . 118,145 Appendix . .174 Regulations of do. 146 lilST OF ADVERTISEMENTS, ETC Confectionary Establishment, Robert Jamieson 209 Paisley Grammar School, Dr. Brunton, LL.D. 210 David F. Guthrie, Appraiser and Valuator 210 Watch and Jewellery Establishment, James Hannay 211 John Gilmour, Brass Founder 211 G. & H, Todd, Brass Founders 212 John M'Queen, Ironmonger 212 Eobert C. Forrester, Boot and Shoe Warehouse 212 213 Wm. F. Booth, Wine and Spirit Merchant . Paisley Herald, Weekly Newspaper 213 214 Craig & Arneil, Joiners, Cartwrights, and Smiths . George Morrison, Auctioneer and Appraiser 214 Wm. Pollock, Accountant, House-Factor, &c. 214 Buck's Head Inn, John Duff 215 Fashionable Clothing Establishment, Thos. Smith . 215 Letter-Press Printing, &c., J. & R. Parlane 216 Wm. Wilson, Bookbinder, Paper-Ruler, &c. 216 Hanna, Donald, & Wilson, Engineers and Millwrights 217 Shawl Cutting and Washing Establishment, Archd. Hogg 217 Andrew Arthur, House Factor 217 Yorkshire Fire and Life Insurance Company, W. M'Intyre 218-219 219 John M'Laren, Brassfounder, &c. Dundas S. Porteous, Engineer, Machinist, &c. 220 John Carswell, Lithographer and Engraver Last page. ADDITIONAL NAMES, &c., SENT IN SINCE THE WORK WENT TO PRESS. Craig, Robert, foreman letterpress printer, 101 High st. —house 7 West Croft street Gumming, John D., at Henry & Fulton, draper, 102 High street Dunlop, Misses, dressmakers, 4 Stow place Gibson, Robert, spirit dealer, Half-way house, Glasgow road Henderson, Peter, late of Reid & Henderson, Sheriff Clerk of Renfrewshire, County Buildings—ho. 87 High st. Houstoun, W. L., writer, late Sheriff Clerk Depute, office, 17 Gilmour st —house 28 George street Inland Revenue Office (Excise Branch), for James Black- bourn, read " Blackburn " M'Farlane, Duncan, architect and civil engineer, 4 Smith- hills—house 51 Caledonia street Page 42, for Hagarty, John, hairdresser, 2 New street, read " Haggarty, Joseph" LIST OF ADVERTISEMENTS, «&c. West of England Assurance, Mr. Pollock and Mr. Nairn . 179 Arden Lime, Wm. M'Lintock, Lochinch . .180 Glasgow & South Western Railway . .180-181 Thomas Graham, Printer and Lithographer . 182 Daniel Begg, House Factor, &c. 1 82 Caledonian Insurance Company, Messrs. Melvin & Water ston, and Mr. Dalziel .... .183-184 Scottish Amicable Life Assurance Society, Mr. J. Crawford 185 Abercorn Livery Stables, and Newtown Inn, Mrs. F, M'Padyen, ..... John Kilpatrick's Funeral Establishment . Alex. Browning s Timber Yards, &c., &c. Henry M'Pherson, Dyer .... Robert Brown, manufacturer of Drain Pipes, &c. Hamilton, Crawford, Gasfitting Establishment, &c. Accidental Death Insurance Company, Mr. John Crawford Adam M'Lellan, Clothier and Hatter, Peter F. Slater, Shirt Maker, Hosier, &c., &c. Peter Hay, Dyer and Dresser, &c. James Smith,
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