10 Saturday 10th December, 2011 “I know monks, am an Accomplished One Araham a supremely Enlightened One Samma-sam-Buddho. I attained supreme enlightenment under the fig tree assathas- sa mule adhisambuddbo” (Mahapadana sutta Digha Nikaya). Ven. Theri Sanghamitta THE SRI MAHA BODHI The advent of Buddhism to Ceylon and the planting of the south sapling of the Sri Maha Bodhi tree, at Anuradhapura, are most sacred moments in Sinhala history, and the accounts of them excite deep feeling. Writers on Ceylon and historians and Sri Maha Bodhi (most of them foreigners) never forgot to mention these events, and their accounts of them are so lively and fascinating that they are not out of place here; Significance ands importance of the Unduvap Full Moon Dr. Paul E. Peiris (of Ceylon) writes: “It is doubtful if-any other single incident The arrival of the much revered Maha Maha Bodhi, at Anuradhapura is the oldest in the long history of their race has seized Theri Sanghamitta with a sapling of the Sri and most venerated Tree, of great spiritual upon the imagination of the Sinhalese Maha Bodhi from Gaya, on a Unduwap Full value to the Buddhists of the world. with such tenacity as this of the planting of the aged tree. Moon day, led to the emancipation of The annual seasonal Buddhist pilgrimage H. G. Wells observes: “In Ceylon there Buddhist women, and the establishment of to the world renowned sacred summit of Sri grows to this day a tree, the oldest histori- the Bhikkhuni Order in Sri Lanka. Pada commences on the Unduwap fill Moon cal tree in the world which we know cer- Today, historians reckon that the Sri day. tainly to have been planted as a cutting from the Bo Tree in the year 245 B.C. From, that time to this it has been careful- known as Tamralipti (Tamluk). It is said ly tended and watered. Its great branches that Emperor Asoka was at the port gaz- are supported by pillars. It helps us to ing at the departing vessel with feelings of realize the shortness of all human history deep emotions until, it passed out of to see so many generations spanned by sight. the endurance of one single tree” The vessel arrived at the port of Where the age of the Bo-tree is a mat- ‘Jambukola’ in North of Ceylon in seven ter of record, its conservancy has been an days. King Devanampiya Tissa received object of solicitude to successive dynas- the sapling with great honour and full of ties, and the story of its vicissitudes has devout feelings. He caused the sapling to been preserved in a series of continuous be deposited in a pavilion on the beach. chronicles amongst the most authentic Ceremonies were performed in its honour that have been handed down by mankind. Maha Theri Sanghamitta bringing a sapling of the Sri Maha Bodhi to Lanka and on the 10th day the sapling was placed BHIKKUNI ORDER on a chariot and taken with pomp and Sanghamitta made the Upasika- aha Mahinda, an able exponent of tion conveyed this message; pageantry to Anuradhapura the capital. Vihare, a nunnery within the city, her the clear-worded exposition of the Asoka was overcome by grief There it was planted with magnificent abode. When the planting of the Bodhi MBuddha, delivered many inspiring over losing his daughter when sapling and the ceremonies connected splendour and ceremony in the Maha discourses. He instructed, enlightened his son, too, had left him and Megha garden where it still flourishes and with it were all over, Anula and her and gladdened both the king and the com- the country. Asoka was not an receives the veneration of millions of women were ordained, and the Bhikkhuni moner. People in. large numbers sought Arhat, a perfect one, who had devotees. It is also the oldest recorded Order was set up under the able guidance refuge in the Buddha, Dhamma and the eradicated all personal attach- tree in the world. Saplings from this and leadership of the Arhat Theri Sangha. The members of the royalty too, ments and it was in accord with tree we planted at various places in Sanghamitta. The Bhikkhuni Order thus were there to listen to his illuminating human nature that he tried to the island. It is interesting to no established nourished in this country for sermons which were ‘all new to them’ for dissuade his daughter from that some have been planted in for- several centuries. History tells us that they had not hitherto heard the word of leaving him. Sanghamitta eign lands, too. Sinhala Bhikkhunis even sailed to far the Buddha. however, consoled her father In this connection it must be away China and established the Queens Anula, the consort of an upara- by explaining to him that the borne in mind that whatever rev- Bhikkbuni Order in that country during ja (sub-king; named Mahanaga, with 500 request had come from her erence or homage a devotee pays the time of Yuan chic 429 A.C. of her attendant ladies having listened to noble brother and that she while under the shadow of Bodhi The passing away of the Venerable the discourses, gained mental attainments would have the rare opportuni- tree, is paid not to an inanimate Theri Sanghamitta took place at the age of and implored Arhat Mahinda to grant ty and good fortune to estab- tree, but to what the tree repre- seventy nine, while she dwelt in the peace- them ordination. There was, however, no lish the Bhikkhuni Order in sents, namely the supreme ful Hatthalhaka nunnery. Her funeral, too, Bhikkhuni Order then in Ceylon, and Ceylon, and thus be of serv- Buddha who attained enlighten- was performed by Uttiya with honour and according to Vinaya rules, Maha Mahinda ice to the sasana and the peo- ment under a Bodhi tree. The tree proper solemnity at a spot not far from was not permitted to give Ordination to ple of Ceylon, to the women symbolises in a vivid way the the Bodhi tree. A monument in her hon- women folk. This could be done only by a folk in particular. enlightenment. our was built there. Buddha or by the member of the Finally the Emperor agreed, and as The tree is known in These great saints are no more. But Bhikkhuni Order. Hence the Venerable requested by Maha Mahinda, suggested Pali as assattha, the they still speak to us through the work Maha Mahinda suggested, to King Tissa that she take with her a sapling of the Sri sacred fig tree, ficus reli- they did. Their good names will remain that his sister Sanghamitta, who was then Maha-Bodhi tree under whose shelter the giosa. Since enlighten- ever green in our memory. The people of a Bhikkhuni in India, be invited to Ceylon Bodhisatta Gotama gained full ment took place under this Ceylon are ever grateful to these great for bestowing ordination on those Enlightenement. A sapling from the particular; tree it became beings, and even today thousands of pil- desirous and thus establish the southern side of the tree was obtained popularly known as Bodhi grims ascend. 1840 steps hewn out of rock Bhikkhuni Order in Ceylon and Asoka made all arrangements for (in Sinhala ‘Bo’) which to reach the holy spot, Mihintale, where THE ARRIVAL OF SANGHAMITTA Sanghamitta to take it to Ceylon in the means enlightenment. the great brother and sister lived propa- King Devanampiya Tissa, glad at heart company of eleven Arhat Bhikkhunis. Bodhi tree, therefore, liter- gating the Buddha Dhamma and setting made all arrangements to despatch a dep- Also, members of the kshatriya families, ally means “Tree of an example by their own conduct to the utation headed by Arittha one of his min- brahnims, ministers and noble men in Enlightenment” or “Tree of people of this country. isters of Emperor Asoka, intimating to Asoka’s court accompanied the Bodhi. As Wisdom” Ven. Piyadassi Nayake Thera him the wish of Maha Mahinda and him- the books mention, it was a solemn cere- The Buddha himself (Article abridged. Courtesy - VESAK self. mony and Sanghamitta left the country refers to the tree at Gaya: LIPI BUDDHIST DIGEST) It is reported that when the deputa- from the port BY WALTER WIJENAYAKE . oday, the Full Moon Poya Day of Unduvap in the Buddhist year 2555, falls The importance Ton December 10, 2011 as per the Gergorian Calendar. This particular day signifies the introduc- tion of the Buddhist Order of nuns or of Unduvap Poya Bhikkuni Sangha to Sri Lanka by the Arahath Therini Sangamitta, the daughter of Pretty, pleasant and charming Emperor Asoka of India, as well as the sister BY PREMASARA EPASINGHE Princess Sanghamitta at the age of of Arahath Thera Maha Mahinda, 16, married a Prince namely the son of the Emperor Asoka, 2318 ri Lankan Buddhists lay Aggribrahama. They were blessed years ago. special emphasis on with a son. They named him Princess Sangamitta ordained as SPura Pasalosvaka Full Sumana. Emperor Asoka’s brother a Bhikkuni at her prime age of Moon Poya Days. Each Poya Prince Tissa entered the Buddhist twenty, she an Arahath Bhikkuni day is connected with some Unduvap signifies order. He was followed by Prince consented to and magnificently significant event connected responded to accept the invitation of with the life of Siddhartha Aggribrahama. After he entered the king of Sri Lanka, the King Gautama Buddha or his disci- the Buddhist order, the little Prince Devanampiyatissa and her brother ples. There are twelve (12), Sumana too entered the Buddhist the introduction of Full Moon Poya Days, name- order at the age of seven (7) years.
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