CLASS EMBLEMS MUST BE CLASS WEEK IS OCTOBER 21-25 WORN DURING CLASS WEEK THE ECHO CLASS DAY IS OCTOBER 21 VOL. XXIII TAYLOR UNIVERSITY, UPLAND, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1935 No. 3 'Les Miserables' Journalism Class John McCreery Prison Evangelist Vl ts Philos Present Is Basis of Thalo *' Meets Death In Describes Work Story Of Rich rroductionD i .. Marion Chronicle Chapel Addresses The journalism class combined Auto Accident Using a portion of John 14 as a „ i study and pleasure by a visit to the Young Ruler "THE BISHOP'S CANDLESTICKS scriptural base for his remarks Dr. office of the Marion Chronicle on MUNCIE CRASH IS FATAL TO GIVEN AS CLIMAX Thomas Noel Carter, converted con­ INSPIRATIONAL BIBICAL DRAMA i Monday, September 30. TAYLOR GRADUATE OF THALO DAY vict and noted prison evangelist, STIRS AUDIENCE I Just as the class arrived the last spoke to the Taylor student body in "The Richer.'* .. , • , ,, edition of the paper was coming off The Philalethean Literary Soeietv 1 he Bishop s Candlesticks, a ; the press. The editor of the morn- chapel on Wednesday, October 2. His drama based on Victor Hugo's ''JLes inn- i • j 4i message was one of personal testi­ brought a highly successful day to mony. Miserables," was presented by the [ volved in'getUng'a pap^r ready for a close Thursday October 3, will! the Born in a wonderful Christian presentation of "For He Had Great I'm™ ^pubiication climax of Thalo day October 4.edUorial roo the tel ' h room home, with a remarkable Christian Possessions. The play was based heritage, he drifted into a life of sin, upon the biblical story of the rich 1 he opening scene finds Per,somme, the library or morgue and the pro­ ? young ruler who found it so hard to file Bishop s sister, busily engaged ing detriment. cecame a dope fiend, committed a with the maid ,n preparing the In answer to the tion as t crime, and finally spent six and one- give up his riches for the great desire to follow the Man of Galilee. clining meal. Persomme is very much the value of a college education' for half years behind prison bars, a physical and almost mental wreck. The story was woven around the silver TaltTeZT® prized, newspaper work, the editor said that Al] this, he said, came about because heme life of the young ruler and his silver salt-cellars are missing. To gcneral knowledge of any kind was wife who lived in luxury. When an add to her worries, reports come in advantageous for anyone knticipatirm as a student in college he said no to that a fierce convict is at large in the newspaper work. P 3 God when called to preach the accident occurred killing his beloved Gospel. child, the young man was brought r | 6 , !Sh°P iS ate, in' T,le Marion Chronicle has a "2!i° , It is impossible to say no to God to realize that only the strange4, l e las unic 1 tarried at th T ? 'f ' l "' organization of its staff, there without paying the price," Mr. Galilean could help him. With the tar ried at the home of the maid's being in reality two separate staffs ailing mother. He calmly explains Carter continued. "Students, do not help of a dear friend he found his competing against each other, one how he sold the salt-cellars to pay make the tragic mistake of saving no Savior and forsook the life of ease putting out the morning paper and Rev. John J. McCreery the rent for a poor parishoner. to God." which had been his. the other, the evening paper. This After the meal Persomme leaves O X JT "I RevI\ John J. McCreery, twenty- Dr. Carter gave some startling The dramatic qualities and emo­ and the Bishop devotedly begins to five we k,,;,wn statistics concerning the proportion tional depths of the cast held the t:sis Z • r* ? •* " of criminals going behind prison bars audience throughout the entire per­ read from his Bible. As he reads, the ST TSSTZ mlmster readers. One staff is DemocraticIV.nI po and graduate of Taylor Uni- convict steals into the room by the versity, was instantly killed Thursday from high schools and colleges. This formance, and they are deserving of litically, the other Republican. Each unlocked door and in threatening afternoon when his car was struck proportion, he declared, "has in­ much praise for their work. Mr. staff' in trying to outdo the other manner demands food. Calm and un­ by an interurban car north of Muncie. creased 52% in the last three years Lauren T ork and Miss Alice Lovin works for a product of higher afraid, the Bishop confronts the alone. Additional data revealed that are also to be commended for their quality. Mr. McCreery, an intimate friend menacing intruder. Food is brought of many Taylor students, was return­ 92 out of every 100 men behind splendid work in directing this ac­ Each member of the visiting class and as the convict eats, the Bishop ing from a district meeting of the prison bars are from homes where complishment in dramatic art. had his name set in lead by the tries to learn his story. Methodist churches at Albany, and there are no family altars. The program was a fitting climax linotype machine. After the convict has satisfied his met death when a car of the Indiana -uiThe supreme need of ouruur nationi to the annual "Philo Day" and is hunger he is persuaded by the Bishop Railroad struck and dragged his t°day, said Dr. Carter,, is old considered by many prominent Thalos sang the old Thalo song. to rest there for the remainder of the automobile more than four hundred fasfl,fashioned'rmp'1 AmericanAme...-™,*. homes, old- Taylor students as one of the out­ After this a new Thalo song written night. The Bishop retires to his room feet at the crossing on state road 28, fashioned praying mothers, old- standing productions in the history by Gordon Herrmann, Thalo alum­ in the belief that the fellow will six miles north of Muncie. The car fashioned family altars. of the society. nus, was sung by the group. stay until morning. However, tiie molorman said that he saw Mr. The crime situation in America convict has noticed the candlesticks The next event of the day called McCreery look both ways before today was the subject of Dr. forth the professors and Dr. Stuart Philo Day Is and after some hesitancy he takes driving onto the tracks, evidently Carter's message in chapel on them and slips out. from a faculty meeting at four having failed to see the oncoming Wednesday morning. o'clock to witness the traditional air Acclaimed By \ ery soon after this two soldiers interurban. 'God has a plan in his Word for appear at the door with the convict plane feature. The Thalos made a 1 Known to Taylor students as a dealing with the crime situation," the Student Body and the candlesticks. The Bishop ac­ happy landing in their orange and sincere and devoted Christian, John sPeaker began, reading from Romans knowledges him as his friend and has black parachute just in time to see a received his A. B. degree from Tav- 913 as a basis for his talk, GOOD SHIP PHILO SETS OUT the guards let him go. most unique parade. The leader was lor in 1934 and his Master's degree The son of man is come to seek and ON YEAR'S CRUISE The Bishop's unselfishness finds no other than Wallace Scea dressed last June. Through great difficulties to save sinners. The most wretched its noble expression when he gives as a sandwich man. Behind him the he achieved his goal in education,' man behind prison bars and the The attention of all Taylor stu­ the beloved candlesticks, a last gift . P111 0 ° was happily riding allowing nothing to impede his morally good man who has not ac- dents was drawn last Thursday by of his dying mother, to the convict. in a baby carriage pushed by Earl progress in preparing for Christian cepted Christ are equal sinners before the activities of the Philalethean The hardened convict is touched by Hart who was cumbered with flowing service. While a student he earned God. "Whosoever will" may receive Literary Society. From the break of such love. He asks for the Bishop's gown and enormous bustle. Leon part of his expenses by working in a Jesus Christ as his redeemer." God dawn until long after the sunset blessing that he may thereafter lead 13 , eri ml^ ^ Thalo, was seated store. At the saime time he took upon hs not concerned with the past life on the Spirit of '35 float drawn by hour, the color schemes of blue and a better life and then slips out into himself the responsibility of two or the greatness of one's sins," the two noble horses. Directly in back of •hite predominated on the campus. the darkness. As the Bishop kneels in , . - churches, entering the Northernj speaker said, "but with what you do Attractive pennants, bright stream­ prayer the organ softly plays "Ave e oat, youthful Raymond Nelson | Indiana conference on trial in 1933! will with Jesus Christ, his son, ers, and gay Philo banners adorned Maria" and the curtain is drawn. rode his pony. This event which j and receiving his present charges in: today." the walls, while blue and white cos­ came as a surprise to the student | Delaware County last April.
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