September 16,1864

September 16,1864

if ... <rN?~' • af’- 'A-a ;• ,_PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. VOLUME PORTLAND, FRIDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 16, 1864. IV._ WHOLE NO. 684 THE CROPS OF THE AORTHERM AMD WESTER* AMD THE WB8T ▼IROHNIA. STATES, CAMADAS. _ "" ^ UltAT. ~ ~ of oU the Northern and the | CeORK._ j k»Xt. 1'UTAlUU iiAKLIT ~|| ^ cards. BUSINESS f ta,ba'‘r reP?rt® nearly Western States, and Canadas. Tha tables have COL’STIE3' CARPS. J^XWI!'r<C!;Vn ‘he authorities in the localities q»-» J ^business hy bestugricultural stated, and can be relied upon for general accuracy. quW.jlWF S^my q^tity quality q^o.lty guilty the ranous thoroughly !-Llty' quanS7?“qTSiiy PAPER BOX 8CC,ioD9 ‘be by the of the Associated and ail of jq^Smyj jWhT/ qWtffj ^UfrfWiVy |l%slSb MANUFACTORY. BRAVUr, MOULTON t ROGIBI ™J®?J*P<Jrts k*L\b*?.r‘ °^Tifru“ country agency Pre£, nearly them extra 4th more ^ ■ 1 werecareftJly trsis'nmed to NewYork free of to the lw» P0<1 ra'1^ letter 4th more expense press, over the wires of the the Western the Marabal'. and Pirn*'( j equal good good equal gool equal better mV* American, Union, People'“id SS good dry. WholhIlk OuLm in les will be found to —— |l-» legraph Companies. possess great Talue to all interested in the of our — J. P• general farming products country. IOWA. * Libby.^ _ _~~ KmrAoroua op Grain and MAINE. Flour, Provisions, sx-s.*?* nrr? Lii-■ Paper ■ psaw ^Fuy,-iaaii«"< ~.»wmore amaU Boxes.9 W Commercial treat, Thomu earne *1 mure superior <1 more extra more extra Ol every inch u Slock, ~~ [better tx* ueual usual tit tore tat,.“ description, I bth mure good 4thmore gool iM m,to good (Br* BOBBBT I luaual ga<A 3,1 mora'good poor .£*• 8hoe Boxee, Jewelry Boxge, Drnggut Boxm MMA.LWT, ) C°” lareer liner double exc.-ll nt double B. K. PUS °M Rnt PoTiTO“' B‘,L‘T H«- exeetl'nt double SthlM* fair equal good l-8moreaood"r«u^'i^."”“7'amor# Collar Boxee, Shelf Boxee, MODLTOB, TLAXD.MM. *h more 3d more extra more good 1-X lea rala. C'oncdologioalBoxe. J ! COCNTIXS. TOWNS. ! I % .$ good |8d extra ,t T good A. a. BOW BBS. ---1 Jj“ PowderBoxee, Card Caeee, Cigar Boxee, ac ) atv rage rixhI 1-2 more good aver Age good .#t* !’**"***]*. [* ** ivcnm^ .. j -*---| ,nsu«l usual flaraer tetter usual .dir. 144 Middle _—yMtr good u fair.!”*!.}“***“***. St.. (Dp Stain) Portland, Mr. ‘)n*n ** __qa*1' I11*1- qua*1- qo»'- qnan. qaal. qnan qaal. qaan. qaal. quan. qual. ■* 8th more '4thmore HHh me good .tv-..••••-• nlo. qnan. qoil. ,'Osd i't“lA«‘ fdir h ^ JuueldJat 4thmow! 1-2more 3d more good • ^ 1T0 S" ■«'* «x>d ....i4th lost fair equsl 11 m’ro rood’”* Joual T. W. W. CARR & A U .Vqoal jc-xtr* 1-2 lesa usual better superior 24 extra more . CO., AKMMosk*!^!" towns!.!!!?! aquii'!.“*U“I *J* 24.more X* extra uaual equal !<atr 4th more fair token larg-r good 1-Smoro better moro ". ■avlBg the Fruit Eton formerly nocapied k j8d good arerago good 1-X leas good average gvwd Dana & Co. r ekis? isst.w 3,1 more ** ssl.isa ishtks sss tin,t .3d more 8,1 lose 'good fair 4th l»h« poor .«tj goal **qu*l :average 4th m'rt ^x'ra small equal usual bettor" raraiv Q. SAWYER. *” F*rS?nedAle Jms poor good 4th leu 8tb mre ’sth 1*m goal tvm nod 4th m're u .. ifwiiowSl*’*’*'’??? •••»/« ly^ttal good good extra ax-eraze taxi 1-2 I 4th more extra 14 more, average g,a>d 4tli more good average good 4th more .' Fish and Salt, Wo. a equal ,'better 24 more superior 24 more 24 more lextra ttsual ttlr ■ Exchange Street, equal fcl, .^.. .W : average go,»l I-jure goad average good Are FOM ^.r~j8e~..msfe. SSB .I.I. average good to Offer to to* trad* a large aad W*K Lather 1 P«rtUBd, ~ Dana. •elected .HRS: tss’"“..r' SEi • rtook #f as Dana, 1 __ £ssr■■-■■sis;*'■■■■&&*■ 4th I'e Wr 4th lea, 8-4 leas 1-2 leu fair“ Woodbary ®*®*,**t.V »CC,**a.l-JJmcpnor i»»r pour i-9 Icon poor ivt-ra"* exc-rU'nt 8-4 l.-a wot ______INDIANA. John A. 8. Dana. MSlllC. *l» I*. 1-S lets less good 1-2 was '■* teaa ) *>od l»««lAlh s-otI p.»r smaller 1.2 1c* Mere** 4th “re .alia 'trailer i*11"”..4U1 ir“ 1.4th ,.,l-x 4th lera ...TT'Tidentp"-^sTSaa-:- Foreign and Domestie Fruit I L?tStV“. s 'S-JIass {hot Imneldtf Ijtj'4lli I less xood S-4 less ,8d less _ Waldo.■ .I S‘*ol poorerilth pour aintllur 1-Slew averaso 4th m’re extra sroa'ler Door : -« soud -msll T-2 I A i*"": Wholeeale tad pox lee, b* ,4th lyU av,™. Me,.*, *“£ CM ££ u 4tb less 3SLrf....T,r.fe4 h nr rriil£=”'«£ 552“. J-*l--j«oo. * !;.hl« IJdlw. less u>ual fsir f* '*’• 8-4 Iocs poor «™1- 1-9 food 4th less ™ J. IF!0*1 *“"* lias avenge average lua small .jUhinow good .1 Soor Smltn cb » Kaonabiink., f1!1,.' if11?* poor m'rt 4th more 4th m >w Oo.f «■«. U»e|M ffoan.t'ln.t-2 poor good *oor .. ^i*** ?***?*• MxnurxcTraxaaon Iwwrylteod, Caadlaa. t-iftapoor .I-2I>S fair .Ml extra .*“*.* gsrnAnkpert. J 'f.;r ismall goj nr„.:: UmnStr*,, Benef, .k-f: p"*! Cacae Cumberland. ,84 lew 8d lea tesod |8<! Im fair 11-9 lees >8.1 Pee Leather Nate, ftma, geod (nod fur 1-8 less ‘fair Ml -better 1.2 lens run. : •• Card :::::::: : !: : : : Belting, Clothing, £**!••» Nale. all klmda, Dates, Lm led Lealker kkak Olive*. Kalnlma, Tetece*. __ MASSACHUSETTS. : : “ir *T •W Stnpi. Ua _ Putnani..:.: ! .w,!«r "..dry. Bardlaa*. Clear*. small JoMsph .usual -mall poor poor 1-X leas' poor 1-2 leas 1-X Iw L_ LEATHER TP'MMIXOS, Fancy Caadlo* ef all dwaerlpitea. |t. 4»l» 1p*s bond » 4% poor"" TV F? ®T- fe., Com. Titinermuoe.*-ouat , | m m Wheat. 1 Oata. Rta Potatoes. Baelbt. SJ fc u ** Mtffdtf IIat. Arris*. 4 ^•oA'h 41 Itm ..... Hanaon’a 144 .4(hMow j 1-2 leu r.iod i_u u., v M Block, Middle Bt„ Portland, •OUNTIES. m *°°<* food Wtrrcn. 1-2 h tor a' 4ilionorA: 4th les.s poor 4Lb mow 4th leas itioor I 4wj. TOWNS._|_j_ ~~ Or at the j j 1 j |h| 4th !r» Card Clothing Xanulhctory, Lewieton, 1 *"**«*? ..U«Rl .. Vi Z rr .n^;- AtK-t™ ™ J«L *?* I I j | j H. X. IRA quality ‘gun Ity quality quantity quality -** Bum, (jnldim) D. T. Noma. WINN, Agent, _quantity, quanUty quality quantity quality quaatlty quality quantity quality quantity qna’lty KENTUCKY. _ 11 Barwly... laa. good 5tlimore fcl lraa M.teMiw...Il-a 1c » g.1.1 wt full No. Union \ good good k» lt»t loa extra .. I'averate | 1 Igo..! | >m»H .mall St., _..4'h * 3d_l««o yud |A good dry | good | [ poor | average | good I full I better I .... JOHK T. KOOERS St 'Newburyport average * h lew Mr flail * *> | pon,'~|-££- CO., I* to faralah .1 *• av.rago lull 4Ui laaa fair prepared faleui t« Iwl *• Tobacco crop I. abort H Southern ow.og to dKurbance.; but the Ohio river the t arerage good 1-3 |<44 extra 3d law t.J l.o n e.r Kcloeky along crop wiU be more’ than last Dealersireawra Commission Stato from to year. estiinataesuma-a thains wholewho* elopercron of thathe Merchants, uneqaartor one b If that of laa;>ear; but much depndaupon weather before Its ttSS : "s41 : VS& *-*" °*^ : ^ L, autiaequent maturity. AKD WUOLH0ALK DIAL SKA IM 8TXAII uonrss and SOILXtS, 4th l«»t th to* •* MARYLAND. Hy.utira J Xorthsmpt ! 1*3 m’re doubto good lets flair '!«** extra le-s cood 44 of rnrlooe die* aad Btsltioe. rt-. 2-21 *a mr. fair Provisions & gplterae, #qual e<iaAl '*<*** .5th less boiler 5th less average 'good 'ptotr ,4th averse good average .11-2 more Flour, Groceries, U*U4‘usua’ fair rtu igood .average poor-dry- I I2!j£.anton-be ter Wf1 •* 44 superior'1-2 low god m're l-l leet .1 U Mttdtotex. j l>gy!L., .(4 ......1-2 1-3 L;4''."'1.1 •* good good Loos .,av«rac* lew *■ No. 61 I.;. toss.equal j r re. l.r *• * u *• Commercial ns wtua liutod^ sytat * rswwreM..— 4 h la* or. '* •* rk. gol -l-Jlv-a j • Street, rri^ia m .. i*»er*fo good rage 4th lew .8 n,«r yter 44 poor good good h lees 4th Imo .I I_ 44 Ilsrf Td..4'h lees .better i-J * « 15th hw IKmIUpt llfrthmV^44 I Adless 44 j to-tr.- better 4th leea better por 1th m're i.o toon. Of!!£^. —P-J _^-Lllihn>t^>urt le^aal lAq—l poor overog© (good larger Lnoll *■ Lmbt Uotrna Wou of all aad aB poor 4 h I«st bal !M leas 44 leas • POBTLAKD, XK. description*, Montgomery.*<i.e. average .average 4th m're rood cSj-B.K^ } kind* of work la St- llary le-s t* ter sversg*.Stli less repaired baildlM NEW HAMPSHIRE. ;poor tm.ll poor small ..!.larga ooor Juaeldtm _ ktannuinoM. _ _a_ less poor Uh less'pair 1-2 less .average good .I.I >*4 Vs « tiiaahlr. .:. 4th lew Mpu-raet..[1-2 .| .equal ..1*3 Um i.... Worcester .4th leas 1-9 leas1 14 th m*iw Igood eneit • * Walpole.4thraorejfo.j4Tth i........{«{«*! I....f4Uimore,., equal ..totfc tots 5nT“ gad Igood *.IT.small avorago'avorago IroaHuun aad other Architectural Work.

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