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pp httpZZZfed sakaryaedutrarsivyayinOenmisBdergiOerBI0pdf >$ccessed $ugust @ $9øD I Veysel Erdemli provinces of $natolia such as IstanEul 6akarya and .ocaeli after the 2ttoman 5ussian :ar $lthough the neZ 2ttoman administration and the acceptance of Islam led to changes in the Georgian lifestyle Georgians have retained their language and several of their traditions It is knoZn that a large numEer of Georgians have Eeen living in Turkey for many years +oZever there is almost no research aEout Zhether they can Ee considered as diaspora or not $lthough the term µGeorgian diaspora¶ is not used Eroadly this study Zill attempt to identify Zhether the Georgians living in Turkey are a diasporic community or immigrants Zith features similar to diasporas Diasporas have distinctive features separating them from other communities such as refugee and immigrant 0ore particularly diaspora is a very signi¿cant concept that goes into constructing a national identity in a host country It comprises the endeavouring for the protection of national identity and recreating the social memory related to their homeland It also includes Zorking for the Eene¿t of the native country $ccording to %utler diaspora even reTuires the connection EetZeen identity and dynamic participation in the politics of the host country and homeland +ence this study Zill try to understand the process of identi¿cation for Georgian immigrants This study Zill also assist in looking at the Georgian community in a diasporic perspective The study Zill Ee divided into tZo main sections The ¿rst section starts Zith a literature revieZ that aims to de¿ne the meaning of diaspora in different aspects The second section sets out to identify Zhether the Georgian community living in Turkey are to Ee considered as a diaspora or not as Zell as providing a Erief historical Eackground of their immigration ,ELG . D %utler “De¿ning Diaspora 5e¿ning a Discourse´ 'LDVSRUD>online@ vol ; p >$ccessed $ugust @ ,ELG $VøD I Identifying the Georgians Living in Turkey as a Diasporic Community 'H¿QLQJ'LDVSRUD 'H¿QLWLRQ There are many different de¿nitions as Zell as a consideraEle numEer of dissimilar categories of diaspora that are used all over the Zorld Thus it might seem dif¿cult to appropriately de¿ne µdiaspora¶ and to identify its many categorisations This hoZever can Ee successfully accomplished upon a Erief analysis of hoZ the authors in the ¿eld have come to conceptualise the term )irstly 6afran de¿nes diaspora as people µliving outside the homeland¶ 6econdly according to %ra]iel diaspora µhistorically and typically denotes the scattering of people from their homelands into neZ communities across the Zorld¶ Thirdly according to %utler diaspora may Ee de¿ned µat its simplest as the dispersal of a people from its original homeland¶ There are several reasons Zhy many different de¿nitions regarding diasporas have emerged recently %utler e[plains tZo principal reasons for this The ¿rst is that there has Eeen an increase in mass movements of human Eeings in comparison to the ancient Zorld $nd the second addresses the development of communication and transportation technologies 7KH&RQFHSWRI'LDVSRUD $ccording to :ahlEeck the concept of diaspora Zas originally a reference to the dispersal of the -eZs from their ancestral homeland9 :hen e[ploring the historical records hoZever people have either one Ey one or in groups moved from homeland to host countries Today generally the term “diaspora´ de¿nes these kinds of movement from the country of origin to other countries 2n : 6afran “Diasporas in 0odern 6ocieties 0yths of +omeland and 5eturn´ 'LDVSRUD>online@ vol I 99 p >accessed $ugust @ - E %ra]iel 'LDVSRUD$Q,QWURGXFWLRQ 0alden p %utler RSFLW p 9 ,ELG p 9 9 g :ahlEeck “The concept of Diaspora as an $nalytical Tool in the 6tudy of 5efugee Comamunities´ -RXUQDORI(WKQLFDQG0LJUDWLRQ6WXGLHV>online@ vol ;VIII pp >$ccessed $ugust @ $VøD I Veysel Erdemli the other hand the e[amination of the motives Eehind the spread of diasporas is a dif¿cult task for tZo reasons )irstly people spread out to live in other countries for many different reasons 6econdly there are many distriEution types 2ne cannot categorise them easily Esman in his Eook “Diasporas in the Contemporary :orld´ states that µdiasporas¶ have emerged as a result of transnational migration +e asserts that throughout the last century diasporas have spread out from various ethnic and cultural Eackgrounds Zith different aEilities and purposes )or instance it has Eeen oEserved that one could consider the 6panish settlers in $merica as Eeing a diaspora likeZise they may Ee unemployed laEourers like the Turks in contemporary Europe for e[ample and they may Ee talented Zorkers or Zell educated professionals as the modern $sians in 6ilicon Valley and Vancouver illustrate It is clear that there are various refugee e[periences +ence Ze need to distinguish the refugee from the usual immigrant :ahlEeck makes the claim that it is not adeTuate to approach the speci¿c refugee e[perience as a kind of transnational migration $s a result the concept of diaspora has occurred in order to identify this sort of e[perience as Zell as provide a conceptual frameZork $lthough the e[act numEer of transnational migrants cannot Ee estimated e[actly the current ¿gures estimate that the diaspora population is increasing to a consideraEle amount $ccording to 8nited 1ations estimates in as many as million people lived in another country Eesides the one of their Eirth This population has constituted appro[imately per cent of the Zorld¶s population Esman claims that this increased numEer is the result of gloEali]ation - 0 Esman 'LDVSRUDVLQWKH&RQWHPSRUDU\:RUOG CamEridge 9 Esman RSFLW :ahlEeck RSFLW pp - C Dumont “GloEal 3ro¿le of Diasporas´ 7HQWK&RRUGLQDWLRQ0HHWLQJRQ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO0LJUDWLRQ>online@1eZ <ork 2ECD >$ccessed $ugust @ Esman RSFLW p $VøD I Identifying the Georgians Living in Turkey as a Diasporic Community 7KH'LI¿FXOW\RI&DWHJRULVDWLRQ 6afran suggests that diaspora seems to Ee utilised for several types of people in order for metaphoric designations 6afran suggests a classi¿cation Zithin the concept of diaspora for these types of people $ccording to 6afran¶s
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