/v>>«%«!|^««4A««^«u%..i).^«.»^ « - J--. V «.ajH.-J«nJii" '^ ^^^^^2:^ •,f^VYt)ilffW-f)^^mi Ungamau Library Fap;e Eight THE BRANFORD REVIEW, THOBBDAY, APHIL 13, 1030 Eo.st HavGii, Conn Rules Governing THE MOVIE GUYED GOSSIP-GRAMS NORTH BRA'NFORD THE HOME NEWSPAPER IS A News and Views on Air Personalities Continued from page one VITAL FORCE IN EVERY TOWN THE HOME TOWN rAPEIl Services In the churches on Sun­ Through the Interest of the North L ., ...... ,.,., rORTBAYI^G AS IT DOES — of — HOLLYWOOD QOSSIP: Watch for "Tho Flying Irishman" oa tho (Irsl Umo In more than light Sonala," favorite of Walter day will be: ,.„,,. , ,, .. , , In the case ot toilet facilities pro- BRANFORD — NORTH BRANFORD Damroscli. noted conductor, and Branford Civic Association the o'.<V .^ , , . ,„ , ,. Freddie Bartholomew giving a pro with Douglas (Wrong Way) Corri- F 13 years of conllnnouH broad- St. Augustine's R. C. Church, Rev. LOCAL HAPPENINGS IN STONY CREEK — PINE ORCUARD gan In tho lead, also Tony Martin canting Cltleii "Ucrccuno" selected by Dorothy flagpole which was erected on tl 3 vlded tor the public, separate priv­ birthday party for Ills "gang"— Service Ifl pro- TliompBon. tho program's news com­ William Brewer, pastor, Mrs. Ed­ FAMILUR LANGUAGE SHORT BEACH — INDIAN NECK eleven boys and one girl. In "Winner Take All" and "The Hcnting a <Iruma mentator. Weekly cash prizes ot ward Daly, organist and choir di­ church green in 1902 and badly iemes no anr toiletd womens shal. Nl ob toilee providet shaldl opfor­ Clje Pranforb iUbieln GRANNIS CORNER — MORRIS Lives of Vernon and Irene Castle" iliirlnK lis resu- tlOO and an I.K.S. lamp will bo of­ damaged In the hurricane ot 1038 COVE — EAST IIAVKN Walter Pldgoon fully recovered rector; Mass win be celebrated at en directly oft the kitchen nor shall with Ginger Rogers and Fred As- . lur Friday cvo- fered for the best lOO-wordKjssflya AND EAST HAVEN NEWS and back at work In M a M's ' nlng concert on the topic: "My Favorite Song 9:18 o'clock, Sunday School will has been taken down and a new be so located that flies would have "0000 Enemies." talre. lionr. and Why" . Entries should he follow. one will be erected before the Mem­ ready access from toilet to food. VOL. xn—NO. 2 See you In the movies addressed to tho Hour ot Charm, Branford, Connecticut, Tliursday, April 20, 1930 Ilarpo Marx naming his adopted ' , Tho now fea- orial Day services. Note: Before beginning work or Your Movie Guyed I'liro Is called (Icncral Electric Illdg., Now York Price Five Cents son alter no less a distinguished ' "Tho noinaneo City. Zion Episcopal Church, Rev. after visiting the toilet employees Francis J. Smith, Rector, Mrs, Paul should wash their hands thoroughly personage than Alexandor Wool- of Oil" and cacli The North Branford Parent-Tea­ ohaiitcr unfoldn F,nSTEn. It seems, has a word R. Hawkins, organist and choir di­ In clean water. caott, Woolcott was rocDntly Ihclr for Frank Morgan. Whilo work­ cher Association met on Monday Malleable Iron DIES IN 79th YEAR , nn cxcltlnp: story W rector. Holy Eucharist will be cel­ (c) Garbage shall be stored In fly Bill Would Give house guest. I based on tho fus- ing on Morgan's night In the Center School. It was Captctains Tea Tomorrow Personals script for Good! ebrated at 9:30 o'clock. Church tight depositories and premises Clark Gable reserving luncheon clnatlni; drama voted to consider the consolidation Board Of Education liehind tho groat Mown of 1039,1 School will follow. shall be kept clean of any accumu­ Gives Land For space at the M.a.M. commissary LiJCllte Mannora tho comedian's fl of the two units In town and have Selectmen Right potroloum indus­ lation of garbage or rubbish. each noon In splto of the fact ho try. Tho Iromendoua growth ot tho writers, Phlll joint ottlcers. This matter will come is working at another studio. Mr. and Mrs. Klasson of Harbor Rapp and Sam I North Branford Congregational (d) Floors, walls, celling, windows Inaugurates Visiting Better Housing Industry In nUtlllully portrayed, and before the next regular meeting and Moore, diacovcr-r counters, tables and chairs shall be Over Grounds Accepts Resignation Bpencer Tracy packing his lug­ Street have moved to Grove Street, tho Important pan It plays In our Church, Rev. G. DUlard Lessley, pas a vote by ballot will be taken. Due everyday lite In providing modern cd tho word "scI-1 kept clean. Windows and doors gage for a lew days in Sun Valley, Short Beach. , oIlBf, In thol tor, Mrs. Douglas B. Holabird, or to this matter the usual annual el­ A very commendable movement conveniences and dally essentials Is shall be screened against files. Blanket endorsement of a bill Idaho. colorfully presontod. dictionary. Al ganist and choir director, Miss ection of officers will be delayed Nurse Drive For Fundsfir belter housing Is taking place giving Branford solcolmen Jurisdic­ BCIOIIHI la do. r (e) All foodstuffs stored or ex­ Mickey Rooncy spending spare James Moore, of Short Beach is Lovely Luclllo Manners, Ross Ethel Maynard, assistant; Morning one month. among the nogroe group that tion over certain shell-Ilsh grounds Of Miss Ella McGrail fined as "a man t posed for sale must be protected minutes working on a sueccssor to recovering from an Illness. Oralinm, hnrllonu, n mixed chorus of superficial^ worship will be at 11 o'clock. have come to Branford during In adjoining waters was left with his song hit "Have A Heart." or 12 voices and a ao-pleco orches­ Sunday School will convene in tra under tho direction o( Dr. Frank knowledge; The Home Making Club met today 1^^^°"^ "'"=' ^^^ <*"«' ^V S"=l» screens, unusual times and who have the General Assembly's Shell-Flsh- Edward Baldwin is onroutc for protondor of^ the chapel at 10 o'clock. Miss Edna - I fans, covers or tight containers, as Annual Appeal For Support Begins With Tea In Baptist James Stewart sending his dog to Illack oro all regularly featured on with Mrs. Mrs. G. Dlllard Lessley remained with us for the most part, crlcs Committee Wednesday by tho All Toaclicrs In The System Reappointed For The School a canine school for lessons in disci Branford after Classing several weeks tho program. knowledge." Grlswold, superlntendant. may be approved by the local health Church For Workers Who Will Be Assigned Districts Frank Morgan for instructions In making slip cov and this effort toward self help town officers, representatives and Term .1939-1940—Bills Aggregating $2,151.69 Voted pUne. in Miami, Pla. Morgan con- officer. The term "foodstuffs" In should be strongly commended. spokesmen for tho Stote Sheli-Plsli /HEN "Criminal Case nislorlcs," tlnucB, nevertheloaa. to amazo his ers for chairs and divans. This was eludes both raw and cooked foods. And Given Instructions. Ann Rutherford pulling on her colleagues on Good News ot 1930....' Easter Day was observed in all atiail day meeting with a covered!'='"">-•= """* '"" "•"* r";~~ 1"','^ It should be remembered that as Commission. Paid—State Enumeration Grant Received. John Alden Birch of Quackor- W'l Friday night hnlMiour ton- eyelashes to" prove to Mickey Roon­ turo over NBC, Now he clnlniB to belong to a yacht the churches and masses of potted dish luncheon at noon. Mrs. Charles f^^^y ^"^ '"'f °*'}l^''J°^ "°''?'^ A tea In the First Baptist Church a race in coming to any town The bill provides that tho select­ cy that they are her own, after too town. Pa., spent tho week end with hows out for tIl^ F club In which all of tho members plants and cut flo.wers adorned the Gedney will preside at the business;'" ''"^le f rvlce iy-tlght contaln- At its last meeting the Board of arc oinccrn, except one. Morgan, as will usher In the annual drive of In the North they have many men shall have charge of all sholl- many taunts on set of "The Hardy's his parents Mr, and Mrs, John H. summer this! altars. Special Easter music was a meetlng this afternoon. • !»"• e=«:ept food In the process ot Frank Brainerd things against them and because of month, It will > judge advocate of tho Emerald Bay cooking. AH exposed food shall be the Branford Visiting Nurses. flshcrlos and all shell-fish grounds Rev. T. Bergquist Education accepted with regret tho Ride High." Birch of Cedar Street. Yaclit Club, has such follow mem- feature and Easter messages were the shortage of housing and now marlt tho end of j stored at leost eighteen inches Captains and canvassers will lying in Branford between tho cen­ resignation of Miss Ella McGrail. Bovou years of, horn as Warner Baxter. Geno Mar- given by the pastors as their ser­ Passes Away In conditions of climate are frequent­ ter lino ot the East Haven River and Miss Elizabeth Hoadley of Somor- proBcntntlons hy ' key, Preston Foster, John Wayno Several from North Branford are above the floor. meet from 3 to 5 tomorrow after­ Will Represent The following resolution wos ad­ HOT TIP OP THE WEEK: mons. ly sheltered In very miserable quar­ tho Guilford town line and below opted. villo, N. J. spent her Easter vaca­ Warden Lowls and others. Tho lono member Is planniiig to attend the annual semi- (f) Single service cups, dishes, noon. Mrs. Frank J. Kinney and If Sherlock Holmes Is a real de­ Owon Churchill, well known racing ters. mean high water mark. tion with lier mother, Mrs. Harriet E. LaWos of fac­ formal dance at the New Haven Y. spoons, and drinking straws shall be Mrs.
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