DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA JOURNALISM OF COURAGE TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2020, KOLKATA, LATE CITY, 12 PAGES SINCE 1932 `5.00/EX-KOLKATA `6.00(`12INNORTH EAST STATES&ANDAMAN)WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM Army got politicalsignal NEW PARLIAMENT First details of to identify, occupy ‘6-7 CentralVista:SC immunisation locations’ on LAC in May emerge: shots in batches of vred Chinese troops in August- cautions,makes KRISHNKAUSHIK end to occupythe heights, includ- NEWDELHI,DECEMBER7 ing Mukhpari, Rezang La, Rechin 100 people; 30 La andGurung Hillamongothers, THEARMY'S move to occupy and the south bank of Pangong Govthitpause minutes each dominantheights in theChushul Tsointhe sub-sector. sub-sectorand bolsterits position The political leadership “had in the border face-offwith China giveninstructions to the forces No work until pleas decided, cango KAUNAINSHERIFFM in eastern Ladakhwastaken after in Mayitself, to identifysix to Farmersatthe Singhu border in NewDelhi on Monday. Praveen Khanna NEWDELHI,DECEMBER7 apolitical go-ahead in Maytooc- sevenlocations wherewecan ahead withDec 10 foundation laying cupy“six to sevenlocations” go”, the official said. Underlining ■100individuals will be admin- along the Line of Actual Control the significance of these posi- isteredthe vaccine duringeach (LAC), asenior government offi- tions, the official said severalof Ahead of Bharat bandh today, war EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE ED session at avaccination centre. cial told The Indian Express. them arebeyondthe LAC. “It has NEWDELHI,DECEMBER7 Onhold ■ The vaccinator will take at Following these directions, givenIndia something to bargain PLAIN E least30minutes to complete the ● fornow the topofficial said, theArmyfor- with,” the official said. of words betweenBJP, Congress EXPRESSINGITS concern at the EX process of vaccinating eachre- mulated plans and outmanoeu- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Government proceeding “ag- cipient,toensuretracking of a gressively” with the Central Vista THE SUPREMECourtor- possible adverseevent. EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE INSIDE BUSINESSASUSUAL redevelopment while petitions der comes at atime when ■ Both government and private NEWDELHI,DECEMBER7 againstthe project arepending, the government is aiming healthcare facilities willberoped FARMERS APPEAL BY UNNY the Supreme CourtMondaygave to complete thenew in to conduct the firstroundof ADAY afteraunited Opposition FOR PEACEFUL itsgo-ahead forthe foundation- Parliament building by immunisations forfrontline extendedsupporttothe PROTESTS laying ceremonyonDecember August2022. Forthe gov- healthcareworkers. December 8Bharat Bandh called 10 forthe newParliament build- ernment, the advantages As vaccines thatare expected by protesting farmer groups, the ATHLETES RETURN ing onlyafter it wasassured that of the project aremany: to finallydefeat the novelcoro- ruling BJPonMondayhit out at AWARDS no construction, demolition, or security,technology and navirus that has sickened67mil- the politicalparties foropposing PAGE 5 translocation of trees will be car- the cost-benefit of lion peopleand killedover1.5 the farm reform laws and, citing riedout at the sitetillitdecides integrated offices. It will million aroundthe worldseems theirearlier supporttomanyof the various pleas. nowhavetoput itsplans increasingly close, the high-level the provisions, accusedthem of tirade, wastrying to hide the “sin” “Afterinteracting with the on holdtill the court expertgroup working on the lo- "shameful double standards". of attempting to snatchthe liveli- SolicitorGeneral, and when the clears the way. gistics of administering it to The Congress hit back, saying hood of farmers and handing it CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Indians has firmedupsome key Police use teargasshells to disperse protesters, Monday. Express theBJP,bylaunchinga“senseless” overto its“cronycapitalistfriends”. decisions. and “mindless” anti-Congress CONTINUEDONPAGE2 AfterSerumInstitute of India sought emergency use authori- Onekilled as BJP workers sation forCovishield, aversion of EXPRESS NETWORK the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine In UP, ‘love jihad’ has two faces: man jailedin candidatethat it is manufactur- clash with police in Siliguri ing under licence, Hyderabad- basedBharat Biotech ap- The BJP has calleda12-hour one case, womangets police escort in other proachedthe regulator on EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE bandh in north Bengal on Mondayseeking similar ap- KOLKATA,DECEMBER7 Tuesdaytoprotest againstthe al- present asharp contrast—and police arrested and jaileda the father of 22-year-old Alisha, proval forCovaxin, the country's leged policebrutality. MANISHSAHU show howpolice have wielded Muslim man under the anti- lodgedanFIR at Prem Nagarpo- indigenous Covid-19vaccine A50-YEAR-OLD man waskilled While the police firedteargas LUCKNOW,DECEMBER7 the newlaw selectively. conversion lawdespitehis wife lice station in Bareillystating that candidate. in SiligurionMondayasBJP shells, usedwater cannons and In BareillySaturday, police saying thattheygot marriedin his daughter had been kid- “Bharat Biotech hasapplied workers clashedwiththe police resortedtoabaton-charge to UTTAR PRADESH police have did notentertain the complaint July. The man'sbrother wasalso nappedbythree persons, includ- CONTINUEDONPAGE2 aftertheywereallegedly stopped control the situation, BJP work- recordedfivecases so farinthe of afather that his daughter had arrested and jailed. ing the owner of afirm where from moving pastbarricades at ers pelted stones and allegedly nine days since the state's anti- marriedaHindu man aftercon- In Bareilly, police said they she had worked. EXPERT PANEL TO twopointsnear thestate secre- vandalisedbarricades. PHASE4:BOYCOTT conversionlaw,whichimposes version. Police said theywentby droppedthe woman backather Besides SiddharthSaxena tariat’s NorthBengal branch BJP state president Dilip HITS TURNOUT IN stringent conditions on inter- the woman's testimonythat she husband's home. In Moradabad, alias Aman (24),who married REVIEW VACCINE “UttarKanya”duringaprotest Ghosh claimedthat the man SOUTH KASHMIR faith marriages, came into force. got marriedinSeptember before police said the woman has been Alisha, the FIR namedhis sister APPLICATIONS rallyagainstthe Trinamool killedwas aparty worker who PAGE 4 But twoofthese cases, lodged the lawcame intoforce. lodgedin astate protection home. Chanchal, who washer colleague TOMORROW Congress (TMC) government. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 within 24 hours of eachother, But in Moradabad Sunday, On Saturday, Shahid Mian, CONTINUEDONPAGE2 PAGE 4 Kolkata WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM 2 THE SECOND PAGE THEINDIANEXPRESS,TUESDAY,DECEMBER8,2020 DOWNLOADAPP WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM ■ VISUALSTORIES ■ DAILY BRIEFING ■ PODCASTS BENGALURULOCALITYASKEDTOSTAYINDOORSAFTERSUNSETAMIDLEOPARDSCARE ■ CUSTOMIZABLE WithresidentsandshepherdsintheVeerabhadraNagarareapanicking,thepolicehaveinstructedpeoplenot Why2vaccine makers NEWS EXPERIENCE totraveloutsidealoneinthedarkandtobemorevigilant WEB areseeking emergency Indian Express EXCLUSIVE ★★★★★■4.6 authorisation VIDEOOFTHEDAY EXPRESSEXPLAINED NEWEPISODEEVERYDAY PROTESTS OVER WHAT IS ‘HAVANA In today’s episode, we’relooking at why FARM LAWS OF INDIA SYNDROME’ twopharmaceutical firms areseeking People from Australia, In 2016,USstaff in emergency authorisation fortheir vaccine SCANTHISQRCODETO Britain and Canada Havana reported candidates DOWNLOADTHEAPP took to the streets hearing sounds NCRB reporton FROMPAGEONE prison data to Siliguri “Regardingthedeath,theadmin- Rasheedand Saleem have include category istrationandpolicewillbeableto been remandedinjudicial cus- suffered headinjuriesinthe ba- say. However, theBJPhasbeenin- todyfor14days.Whencontacted, for transgender ton-chargenear Phulbaricross- stigating the police. BJP workers SC cautions, Govt presses pause ADGP (Bareillyzone), Avinash ing.HewasidentifiedasUlenRoy. resortedtoviolence.Theytriedto Chandra,said:“Ihave to checkun- persons,HCtold The party claimedthat40ofits remove barricades and setfireto der whichcircumstances the ar- workers, including six Mahila the barricades. As if theywanted concern of the Courtwas ex- complete construction by regarding changes in land use quirementsinterms of space, rest wasmadeby Moradabadpo- Morchamembers, were injured the policetofire. But police pressed, on instructions, the 2022, in time forthe 75th an- forthe redevelopment. amenities and technology.The lice.” EXPRESSNEWSSERVICE in the policeviolence. showedrestraint.BJP believesin Solicitor General stated that niversaryofIndependence. Defending the project, the building structurealsodoesnot TheUttarPradeshProhibition NEWDELHI,DECEMBER7 “Ulen Roy, our worker from the politics of violenceand is try- therewill be no construction The Benchdid notrefer to Centre had told the courtthat satisfy the upgraded earth- of Unlawful Conversion of Gajaldoba, wasbeaten up by po- ingto spreadtroubleinthestate,” activity of anynatureonthe the announcement but said it the existing Parliament build- quakeZone IV provisionsre- Religion Ordinance, 2020, prom- THE CENTRE on Mondaytold the lice with lathis. He sufferedin- he said. concernedsite(s) nor demoli- had listedthe mattersuo motu. ing had manydeficiencies, such garding safety,”ithad said. ulgatedonNovember28,seeksto Delhi High Courtitwill include juries on the head and body.He Later in the day, adelegation tion of anystructurewill be While clarifying that it had not as inadequacy of space, struc- The CPWD said the Central endconversion through unlaw- transgenderpersonsasaseparate alsohadpelletmarksonhisbody. of
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