IOBC / WPRS Working Group “Integrated Control in Protected Crops, Temperate Climate” OILB / SROP Groupe de Travail “Lutte Intégrée en Cultures Protegées, Climat Tempéré” Preceedings of the meeting at Sint Michielsgestel (The Netherlands) 21 – 25 April, 2008 Editor: Annie Enkegaard IOBC wprs Bulletin Bulletin OILB srop Vol. 32, 2008 The content of the contributions is the responsibility of the authors The IOBC/WPRS Bulletin is published by the International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants, West Palearctic Regional Section (IOBC/WPRS) Le Bulletin OILB/SROP est publié par l’organisation Internationale de Lutte Biologique et Intégrée contre les Animaux et les Plantes Nuisibles, section Régionale Ouest Paléarctique (OILB/SROP) Copyright: IOBC/WPRS 2008 The Publication Commission: Dr. Horst Bathon Prof. Dr. Luc Tirry Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI) University of Gent Federal Research Center for Cultivated Plants Laboratory of Agrozoology Institute for Biological Control Department of Crop Protection Heinrichstrasse 243 Coupure Links 653 D-64287 Darmstadt (Germany) B-9000 Gent (Belgium) Tel +49 6151 407-225, Fax+49 6151 407-290 Tel. +32 9 2646152, Fax +32 2646239 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Address General Secretariat: Dr. Philippe C. Nicot INRA – Unité de Pathologie Végétale Domaine St. Maurice – B.P. 94 F-84143 Montfavet Cedex France ISBN 978-92-9067-206-7 www.iobc-wprs.org Meeting support Biobest, BE Biological Crop Protection, UK Certis, NL Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Koppert, NL Syngenta Bioline, UK The Royal Netherlands Society of Plant Pathology (KNPV) Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture International Biocontrol Manufacturers Association Preface This Bulletin contains the preceedings of the triennial meeting of the IOBC/wprs Working Group “Integrated Control in Protected Crops, Temperate Climate” (the 13th full meeting) held in Sint Michielsgestel, The Netherlands, 21-25 April, 2008. The Bulletin contains 64 contributions authored by ca. 125 people from more than 25 countries/states on numerous aspects of biological and integrated pest management in protected crops. I welcome all the contributions including the contributions from the students who participated in the student competition. The local organisation of the meeting was excellently handled by Gerben Messelink, Pierre Ramakers, Marieke van der Staaij, Anton van der Linden (Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture) and Jeroen van Schelt (Koppert Biological Systems). I thank the team for their hard work and their enthusiasm aimed at scientifically and socially successful meeting. Finally, I am indebted to Sonja Graugaard, Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Integrated Pest Management, for her considerable efforts in correcting and adjusting the manuscripts and compiling this Bulletin. This is my final year as convenor of our working group and I would like to take the opportunity to thank all who has supported me during my term of office both at and between meetings. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to undertake this task. I convey my best wishes to the new convenor and my best hopes for the Working Group in the future. Annie Enkegaard, Working Group Convenor 30th January 2008 i ii Subject index Pest Natural Enemy Subject 1st Author Aphids Adalia bipunctata effect of flightless morphs Lommen Aphis gossypii Beauveria bassiana effect of formulation Filotas - effect of insecticidal soap Baniameri Bemisia tabaci Isaria fumosorosea potential during shipping Osborne Bulb mites - interactions with Fusarium Hanuny oxysporum Dipteran pests - species composition, Kondratenko monitoring Frankliniella occidentalis Amblyseius swirskii control efficacy in presence Messelink 1 of whiteflies Amblyseius swirskii, Orius biocontrol on roses Chow insidiosus Euseius ovalis, Amblyseius biocontrol potential in roses Pijnakker swirskii, Neoseiulus cucumeris, Amblyseius andersoni Macrocheles robustulus control efficacy Messelink 2 Orius insidiosus release rates Carvalho, A. Fungus gnats - association with plant Arnold pathogens Liriomyza trifolii Diglyphus isaea synergism with sterile insects Kaspi - efficacy of anti-desiccant Conroy 1 - insecticide resistance Conroy 2 - anti-desiccants as repellents Conroy (poster) Myzus persicae Lecanicillium lecanii strain activity Prischepa Plant pathogens Mycostop® (Streptomyces) application methods Lahdenperä Prestop® (Gliocladium catenulatum) - integrated management in Haggag (poster) pepper Powdery mildew Mycophagous ladybird predictive comsumption Sutherland (Psyllobora vigintimaculata) model Tetranychus urticae Neoseiulus californicus effects in cucumber Ferguson Phytoseiulus persimilis Scolothrips longicornis prey-stage preference Pakyari Scolothrips longicornis occurrence of specialist Kheradpir Stethorus gilvifrons predators - effect of Eradicoat Root iii Pest Natural Enemy Subject 1st Author Thrips Typhlodromips swirskii efficacy in cucumber Trottin-Caudal Typhlodromalus limonicus predation and oviposition van Houten - thrips fauna on ornamentals Baniameri (poster) Trialeurodes Amblyseius swirskii prey preference van Maanen vaporariorum - influence of continuous Johansen lighting - eggplant as trap crop in Hyung Lee poinsettia Whiteflies Encarsia formosa, Eretmocerus biocontrol in Poinsettia Murphy mundus Typhlodromalus limonicus predation and oviposition van Houten Typhlodromips swirskii efficacy in cucumber Trottin-Caudal Topic Subject 1st Author Greenhouse technologies Developments in greenhouse productions systems Bakker Plant health in innovative growing systems van der Lans Continuous lighting, influence on whitefly biology Johansen Organic production in greenhouses Pest problems and solutions Nedstam Strategies for aphid control in organic sweet pepper Bloemhard IPM in organic tomato Jacobson Mass rearing Effect of low-temperature storage on 2 Orius species Carvalho, L. Fruit flies as alternative food for Macrolophus caliginosus Nannini 1, 2 (posters) Artificial production of beneficials De Clercq Development and application of biological and integrated control Market demands and the role of IPM van der Linden, Arie Use of predatory mites for biocontrol – review Sabelis IPM strategies in Columbian cut flower industry Lee Recent progress in IPM and biocontrol, Japan Yano Eradicoat – effect and side-effects Root Knowledge transfer of IPM Vanninen IPM in cut-chrysanthemum Beerling Crop solutions in chrysanthemum Zuijderwijk Interactions between beneficials IGP between Amblyseius swirskii and Neoseiulus cucumeris Buitenhuis IGP – a preliminary review Jandricic Sterile Insect Technique Leafminer control, synergism with parasitoids Kaspi iv Topic Subject 1st Author Bumblebees Dissemination of multiple fungal agents Shipp Effect of reduced risk pesticides Gradish Plant-derived food for predators and parasitoids Consequences fot biological control Wäckers Alternative food Assisting establishment of Macrolophus caliginosus Nannini 2 (poster) Alternative food to enable establishment of Amblyseius swirskii Hoogerbrugge Alternative prey to enable establishment /conservation of Orius Bueno insidiosus Release methods A grower rearing-release system for Atheta coriaria Bennison A new air blower van Schelt Side effects On Typhlodromips swirskii Trottin-Caudal Of Eradicoat Root IPM in Outdoor and Hardy Nursery Stocks Prospects for biocontrol of pests in Canada Lanthier 1 Status of IPM in Canada Lanthier 2 Biological control of spider mites Rosetta Survey of plant protection in organic production Hommes Bugs Gardens – education and research Nakano Commercial application of beneficials in Canada Spencer Silene dioica – a predator reservoir van der Linden, Anton 1 Natural occurrence and establishment of predatory mites van der Linden, Anton 2 v vi Contents Preface.....................................................................................................................................i Subject index........................................................................................................................ iii Association of fungus gnats with oomycetal plant pathogens ...............................................1 Sarah Arnold, Stephen Wraight, Eric Nelson & John Sanderson Developments in greenhouse horticultural production systems.............................................5 J.C. (Sjaak) Bakker Study of the efficacy of different concentrations of insecticidal soap, in comparison oxydemeton-methyl (Metasystox) to control Aphis gossypii in greenhouse cucumber.......13 Valiollah Baniameri The switch to IPM in cut-chrysanthemum in the Netherlands.............................................17 Ellen Beerling Development of a grower rearing-release system for Atheta coriaria, for low cost biological control of ground-dwelling pest life stages.........................................................21 Jude Bennison, Kerry Maulden, Heather Maher & Monique Tomiczek Strategies for aphid control in organically grown sweet pepper in the Netherlands............25 Chantal Bloemhard & Pierre Ramakers Potential of alternative prey in the conservation and establishment of Orius insidiosus (Say) (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) ........................................................................................29 Vanda H.P. Bueno, Lívia M. Carvalho & Alessandra R. Carvalho Intra-guild predation between Amblyseius swirskii (Athias-Henriot) and Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans) (Acari: Phytoseiidae)...................................................33
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