An Associated Collegiate Press Pacemaker Award Winner THE Kevin Smith on "Jersey ·women's basketball lo e Girl" and Bennifer, in CAA tournament, B3 Cl 250 University Center University of Delaware Newark, DE 19716 Tuesday & Friday • • FREE Volume 130, Issue 38 · www.review.udel.edu · · March 16, 2004 Sig Ep returns to campus after suspension BY JOCELY:\ JO:\ES 1907. and has the large ·t alumni data­ "\\'e're trying to start somethmg S1;; Ep sold Jb ongmal hou-,e that off the tloor... he sJtd Copt E h/1 ~r base. including notable uni,ersit} alum­ ne\\ and different:· Jacob~en s~11d. "and was ad1a~:ent to the Carpenter Spons Instead. Stg l·r 1s stn\ ing to S1gma Phi Epsilon. a fraternity sus­ ni like Rich Gannon. qua11erback for the in order to do that. we \\anted to offer a Buiidm back to the unJ\ ersll). and it become a lcader,htp 1 academicall)­ pended from campus m 200 I. has Oakland Raiders. foundmg father expencncc ... remams boarded up. Ja~:obsen said. focu~ed omanJLJtlon. redefining \\hat recent!;. been reinstated and is in the Sig Ep ·s suspension ''as due to a He said S1g Ep does not ha\ e a \\hen ';1g Ep gams a Lhartcr 111 the "fun" IS. Ja~~1bsen aJll. - proces~ of recruiting new members with lack of chapter performance. manpO\\­ pledging process. and all men \\·ill be ne\.t l\\ o or three yLar ... the fratcrmt;. .. tg Ep 1sn 't ~oing to be the ne\.t expectatiOns of a ne\\ beginning. cr. failure to achieve adequate grades full member> '' nh 'oting pnYileges hope~ to work with the uni' er.,ity to frat to thro\\ Fnda;. night and Saturday Greg Barra. incoming director of and poor risk management. mcluding from the da} they jom. either budd or bu) a hou e. he said. night keg parties ... he sa1d. recruitment for S1g Ep headquarters. binge drinking. he sa1d. "If you haYen 't pro Yen yourself in The house. which ''ill be knO\\ n as The fraterntt) is more mterested in satd the fratern1t;. is the nation's largest '·The members of the old chapter the first 18 to 19 year~ of )OUr life. a residential lcarnin~ Lommunlt\, social programmmg. Jacobsen ... aid. as \\ 1th 212.000 li\·ing alumm and 14.500 weren't really li\·ing up to our \a lues you're not gomg to do tt in a six-to­ Jacobsen ~a1d. will he ·substance free. well as personal and professiOnal semi­ current college member~ on 260 cam­ and standards that \\·e espouse for all of eight-\\·cek pledge process." Jacobsen with no drinkmg or tobau.:o. and \\Ill nan•. puses. our chapters acros the country... said include a IIbrar;. stud) lounge and Denms Kaps. dm:~Lil1r of nC\\ chap­ Ryan Jacobsen. director of new Jacobsen said. "l1neteen men have alread) been \\'eight facilitv. ter recruitment for Stg Ep headquancrs. chapter de\ clopmcnt for Sig Ep head­ With hope to clean the ~late and recruited. he satd. and they expect to -··we \\ a~t to create a place. too. sa1d S1g [p mm to nm programs. such quarters. ~a1d Sig Ep wa · one of the first stan fresh. he said. old members \\ill ha\ e a total first year membership of where the members don't h<l\ e io '' OIT) as s:-mphon) date m~ht. etiquette train- !'ratern1ties at the unJ\ersit}. founded in not be asked back. approximately 30 men. a· out picking beer cans or ptzza bo"es 'ce FRAT page A.- U.S. gas Senior ift wil prices reach replace damaged record high Old College trees B\ E. KL:LHA~EK B\ CHRISTI~..\ HER:\A:\DEZ \\'cb 'lie Sta/j Rqnrter ·r den tta~r, I '· r Senii:lr~ arc fn·e t-. 'I\;: a'l\ amount Gas pnces 111 the lJmted States reached a record high The tree~ on Old Colll'!!C destrm ed or not gi\ c at all, he ~.11d. Semors \\ ho 1 pnce tim week nt 5 l. 77 per gallon, according to dunng Hurncane Isabel 111 t 1e tall \nll donate to the gift fund \\111 get their Lund burg Sun ey, Inc. be replaced as the 2004 ~emvr e!,1~s gift. name in the graduntwn program Kendra Basner, assi tant attorney general in the con­ In addition to the tree replacement. La,t \ear. Stull said. mum studcnh sumer protection dJ\ Ision for Delaware, satd the a\erage the gift optiOJb \\We a _dwl..! 'htp fund. gave S20 ~03 to tht: iund to commemo­ pnce for a gallon of ga m Dda\' are ts 1.69. a walkwnv in front pf 1orns Lihrarv rate their l!rJduatJllll \ear and a \\ aik\\'a\ from the new \!arnoit Flonda. one of the states that reached all-time high The n'ionev left O\ er from th t!ift 1. Hotel to CJa,ton Hall. t!eneralh added to a fi. nd m the Office pnces Js recel\mg complaints from citizens. she said. Online -\ OliiH! for the !!Jft ended of Annual Gl\ 111!.!. he ,lJ(i becau~e the U\ erage price for a gallon of gas is htgher than :\larch 5 after 695~-;tudents. 494 of them the national aYerage There arc!](~ o;peeJ!ics regard , !' t c senior,;. \ nted on the four choices. Implementation of the g1ft ) ct '-,Hill Delaware has not: et had any negative feedback from Senior ,\m\ Stull. marketinl.! .md snid. as the commttlce must solidi!\ 1ts nsmg p tces. Basner satd. but there is little the state can pub! icll) d1air t'or the Sen10r C.l.1s':. Gift propLlsal \\ Jth tht: llllJ\ erslt) ,tdmm ~tr 1- do to combat the increase:>. Comn,ittee. said she rt:LCI\ ed pllslll\ e tJon "\\e ha\·e not recetved any complaints as of yet," she feedbad. renardnl" the ne\\ online oift Barron -,au.! the gilt ''Ill he Imple­ sa1d. "It Is our role to monnor the marketplace, but unfor­ THE REVIE\\ .Je,;"..:a Duome \ otmg ~: srem. ~ · hieh repl:.ll.:cd ~he mented as S0\~11 ds pO-,sJbJC. Senior Class Gift Comnuttcc thi~ :ear tunntcl;.. \\'C ha' e no control over it." Oil prices continue to rise both domestically "I don't th111k 1t's s llncthlll!! !hat's James Butkie\\ 1cz. economics profe or. said the as the decision maker forth gift gomg tO take a lOll!! tunc.'" she ,.aid. "\\'e heard from people the) fault for the record h1gh prices lies with oil-producing and worldvl'ide, reaching new highs in the ~that ~ - enwr :\III Gam Ot'd. co-ehmr of United States this week. liked knowmg the;. h<Id input ... she said the Senior Class G1ft Committee. said countries and the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Heather Barron. ad\ iser for the Countnes. the committee 1s gomg to choose \\hat "Domestic oil companies reported record-high profit· Senlllr C.lass G1ft C,Hnmlttcc. said "The o. l issue i · the price of oil has gone up world­ they \\ant to plant to replace the trees last year:· he said. appro\.Imatel) 20 percent of the ~enll)r "\\'e'rc <'l'lllg tl' tr) to replace them wide:· he said. "As the world economy grows. the oil China docs not have as big a problem with high gas clas~ \ oted for the gift Ll!llmc. '' nh trees that ure more disense resist­ pnces are going to go up.'' "I think that"~ great number." ,.he prices because of its usc of hybrid cars. which use elec­ a ant.'' she said Another big factor nppears to be the increase of oil sa1d. ~ tricity as well as ga" power. Cooper said. Gaf\\ood ,,l!d 'he Is happ) \\ ith the demand 111 China. Butkiewicz said. Stt.ll snid underLiassmen and grad­ number of studenb \\ ho \ oted. although ''American car companies real!) mi~sed out on that "OPEC i~ rai~ing the price of oil because the demand u::tte stLdcnts wen! <Jbll alle to \ ote for the number 1-. rc!Jti\el) small compared one. and the Chinese are selling those car~ hand O\ er fi~t." is so great. .. he said. the !.!ift online. althougl \llllll!! \\as to the sizt: l)f the.. st!nior das~. However. :\lark Cooper. director of research for the he said. onl) -publicized to '(lliOr~ \\ho made up "It's bt!tter th;lll I1llbOd\· \ oting.'' To help aile\ iate the problem. he sa1d there needs to Consumer Federation of America. said the problem can be 71 percent of the tot II \ o she sa1d · - be a program in place that require~ Amencan car compa­ Barron -.a1d unJe1 LIJ smcn were attributed to domestic oil companies. Scmor C'nsC\ O"Bncn sa1d she thd nies to produce more fuel efficient cars. able to ,·otc onlme so tht: eommntee The rise in cost is due to the domestic spread, or the 11\)t \ otc for the- !!I ft. hut was rdad to ''Until that happens. Americans need to reduce thetr could dctenmnc possible gift options share of the pump pnce that goes toward domestic oil ha\ c.. th~ optwn - . - dependency on oil." he sa1d. "Consumption 1s a prob­ for foliO\\ mg wars. It s a good Idea. she said. companies. he said. lem.·· Stull sa1d the tree replacement '"becaw;e th;:rc~ \\a' ~o much contrO\ cr­ ''The; spent the Ia t four years blaming OPEC when ed Gamson. an economist for the Energ) n?ccl\ cd 40 percent of the total ,·otc s;. Ia t vear with '' ho .:hl1SC the gift ... the fact Js that for e\'ery penny the foreign producers \\ ith the ,cholarship at 2S percent and Information Admmistration.
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