.------------------------------------------------------- ---- Terrorist hunt continutJ Trudeau attends Quebec minister's funeral M 0 N TREAL (UPI) Pierre Laporte, the Quebec labor · Church-a smaller replica of the posted on rooftops in the ments plans for a state funeral LaPorte, murdered in quiet sub­ minister-slain while a hostage of , famous cathedral in Paris-in the neighborhood. Army helicopters for her husband, hailed by offi­ urban obscurity by social out­ the separatist Front de Libera- heart of Montreal's old French fluttered overhead, just above cials of the government as a casts, was attended in death yes­ tion du Quebec 'FLQ). Quarter. Celebrants of the fune- rooftop level, dodging between martyr in the cause of Canadian terday by the leaders of his na­ The hunt went on for the ral mass were Cardinal Maurice taller buildings. A 30 block area unity. tion, behind an extraordinary FLQ terrorists, who still hold Roy, primate of the Roman in the heart of the financial dis­ wall of security including police British Trade Commissioner Catholic Church in Canada, and trict was closed to auto traffic. dogs, steel fences and rooftop James R. Cross, kidnapped 15 Montreal Archbishop Paul Montreal police, Quebec provin­ Trudeau and some members sharpshooters. days ago. Police said that as of Gregoire. cial police, Royal Canadian of his cabinet came by helicop­ His funeral, strictly private at yesterday they had made I ,654 Police with dogs scoured the Mounted Police and some of the ter from Ottawa to the funeral. his widow's request, turned out raids, most of them in Montreal, church before the services for 4,000 moblized army troops in Officials concealed the landing to be almost a state funeral in all and rounded up 334 suspects persons hidden in the building, . combat gear ringed the square. place for security reasons . but name. under the suspensions of civil and checkt•d manholes and sewer l'lainclothes men circulated the Parliament adjourned early so Prime Minister Pierre Tru­ liberties granted by the lines in the Place d'Armes in area. about 100 members could emergency War Powers Act in- front of it. Steel fences were deau, reportedly ignoring warn­ Newsmen were barred from attend the ceremonies. ings from his own guards, led the voked by Trudeau. erected in the square to hold the funeral and burial at the re­ Quebec Premier Robert Laporte's funeral services back the public. parade of Canadian and Quebec quest of Laporte's wife, Fran­ (Continued on page 2) officials attending the funeral of were held at Notre Dame Army sharpshooters were coise. She resisted the govern- Vol. V. No.]Q__ Union loses TV contract ACC to show Ali fight called New York to talk with building (Stepan c~nter), equip­ by Dave McCarthy Mike Malitz of Sports Action, ment (screens and projectors), According to Student Unicn Inc., that controlled the rights to. and technicians (from WNDU) officials, the closed circuit tele­ closed circuit broadcasts of the needed and they were ready to vising of the October 26 non fight. According to Malitz, finalize the deal. 'title fight between Muhammed "Nothing was finalized" at that According to Malitz, he in­ Ali and Jerry Quarry, which will time. He informed the Student formed them at that time that be broadcast in the ACC, may Union of the arrangements the closed circuit rights had been have cost the Union an estima­ necessary before closing the contracted to the ACC thru ted $5000 profit. which would deal. "The Clay people"(Bill Margolis, have been used for further stu-.. Student Union called Malitz John Ali, et a!.), his affiliates in dent activities. again on October ? informing Chicago. On October 5 Student Union him that they had secured the John Plouff, managing direc­ tor of tho.:: ACC noted that he· had contracted with Margolis SMC urges print fee "In late September or early Oct­ ober.'' drawn up by the Publications When asked whether he by Sue Mullin Board. The proposal recom­ thought there had been a mix up At last night's Student Assem­ mended charging all students a either between New York or bly meeting Student Body Presi­ ten dollar publications fee with Chicago or betweeL StudePt Bob Pohl dent Ann Marie Tracey urged all their tuition. This money would Union and the ACC Malitz said, members of the Assembly to go to help finance the Observer, "Neither." He confirmed that he talk to the students in their dis­ the Blue Mantle, and the speaks, "almost every day" with tricts about proposed areas of Chimes. the people in Chicaeo, he was un­ Judicial Code settled concentration for student gov­ According to Miss Gorman, aware of the ACC contract at ernment. these puhlicatons are currently the time of the first call from SBVP Jean Gorman gave a subsidized by the college. Miss the Student Union. awaits final approval preliminary report on the Board Gorman said that by charging Malitz explained that contrac­ of Trustees meeting. Miss Gor­ the fee the publications may be ting to the ACC rather than the by Bro. Jim Shedlock the plan worked out hy the SLC man outlined the effects of the able to avoid getting into debt student Union was "making a is "fine." Dave Krashna, Student revision .of the Off-Campus Poli­ and the forced selling of individ­ choice between a wholly student The Judicial Code of the Uni­ Body President, rejected the Ap­ cy made by the board. A final ual copies ot" the publication. operated thing or a general pub­ veristy was finally settled at peals Board plan as approved, report on the meeting will be Another Assembly member, lic thing." He said that the Monday afternoon's meeting of and therefore, rejected the entire made when the minutes are re­ .Nan Albers, said she talked to people in the ACC were "profes­ the Student Life Council. The Judicial Code in a voice vote at leased. the Director of Financial Man­ sionals" and added that choosing code passed its final hurdle with Monday's meeting. Valerie Weller, an Assembly agement, Mr. Lindaeur, about the ACC was "business .. .r am the completion of an Appeals The Judicial Code i> to be pre­ member, reported on the form­ having a student sit on the Bud­ protecting myself, the fighters, Board plan. Official ratification sented within the w~ek to Fr. ing of a disruption policy. get Finance Committee. Accord­ and the promoters in Atlanta­ of the code now awaits approval llesburgh. If he approves the She said that she had sent in­ ing to Miss Albers, Mr. Lindauer the people who have money from Father Heshurgh and the Code, he will then present it to quiries to various colleges con­ said he would look into the mat­ wrapped up in this." Board of Trustees. the Board of Trustees for final cerning their disruption policies, ter. ·She added that she also re­ Malitz explained that he often React ions to the Appeals approval. Fr. Hesburgh is given but has not yet received any re­ l}uested a copy of the annual has to decide between two or Board jJlan in the Judicial Code ten to fourteen days to act on sponse. budget of the college and should the Code, according to the rules (Continued 011 page 3) have . been mixed. Fr. James Jean Gorman read a proposal have it soon. Riehle, Dean of Students, thinks of the Student Life Council. With the official approval of the President and the Trustees, the Cross evacuated bomb SLC can name members to the Holy by score after anonymous tip Appeals Board. The Code provides for a Uni­ by Charlie Myers The security force then saw to Seidel, rector of Holy Cross, was relationship here. the evacuation of the Holy Cross one of reflection. Father Seidel Father Seidel said that he versity Board, an Appeals Board The one hundred and fifty residents. By 4:25 a.m. the wondered whether the bomb doesn't think anything is ac­ and local Hall Boards. Hall residents of Holy Cross Hall people were allowed to return to scare was due partially to yester­ complished by publicity in such Boards would handle matters braved the cold and rain of early their rooms. An extensive search day's OBSERVER article. (The matters, and that it doesn't help that involved mem hers of a hall Tuesday morning in response to by the security force turned up article in question reported the the elimination bomb threats by community. Any actions of a the threat of a bomb in the nothing. recent influx of a Weatherman publicizing them. student outside a hall would fall building. Arthur Pears, Director of faction into the South Bend Officer McCormick of the St. into the jurisdiction of the Uni­ At approximately 3:45 a.m. Notre Dame Security, stated that area.) Mary's security department versity Board. the Notre Dame Security Office his office has no clues as to who "The more these things are denied rumors that similar The University Board of re~.:eived an anonymous tele­ placed the call. The office also kept in everyone's eyes, the threats had been made on the twelve members would hear phone tip to the effect that a has no indication as to the pur­ more these things take place," SMC campus. "This (bomb cases involving student acts out­ bomb was to go off in Holy pose of the bomb threat. he speculated. The rector did threat incident) is news to me," side the halls. The Board would Cross Hall at 4 a.m. The reaction of Rev. Thomas not rule out a cause and effect he said.
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