I I I I I I FIELD TRIP GUIDEBOOK FOR I PALEOZOIC AND MESOZOIC ROCKS I OF SOUTHEASTERN MINNESOTA I PREPARED FOR THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA AND ASSOCIATED SOCIETIES I MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, 1972 I I I I I I MINNESOTA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA I ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55108 GUIDEBOOK SERIES NO.4 I I I APPROXIMATE GEOCHRONOLOGIC CHRONOSTR ATIGRAPH IC LITHOSTRATIGRAPHIC DOMINANT LITHOLOGY MAXIMUM THICKNESS IN FEET ERA PERIOO EPOCH SYSTEM SERIES STAGE GROUP FORMATION MEMBER I I Z Z 22 CORALVILLE li5' <! <! «« W (!)U Z ---.J Z O 2 Cl CEDAR VALLEY 305 I o Cl o 2 « RAP I D 55' :c :c > ::;;: > (!) (!) w w ~ « o o Of- SOLON 70' f- I ..z CLERMONT 20' ~ 70 .. MAOUOKETA ELGIN z z: 1 __ 1- - '-' Z DUBUQUE 35 _§~__ 1 ~f- - '-' 1 I STEWARTVILLE 95 2 « /' 230 2 GALENA PROSSER 75 ~ --;T 2 CUMMINGSVILLE 75 I W a::: f- DECORAH 95 W 1- -- ~-==--=-=Un............................... =.. ---.J Z Z CARIMONA <! Cl <! - - -1 " Cl 2 PLATTEVILLE McGREGOR 35 22 I « • I A u u a::: w GLENWOOD 18 > > > o o cr: o o 0:: 0:: ..... :.. ..... I o o st PETER ., 155 : " o CHAZYAN 1 o - - - -! -- I 240 N 2 SHAKOPEE 240 « o Cl m~ ""'I~ o NEW RICHMOND W « W ~ 1--+--,6~5_i 2 I .....J « 0:: U « 0:: ONEOTA 170 <! a. 0... II BL~;S~~=r;E~;os --- I:l 6 SUNSET POINT '~!,.: ... : .. :. : ~ 20 . ' ,. ' ., ' .. I JORDAN VAN OSER . : . .' 115 90 I-- N-O"'-RW- A"-L- K-+-':":(·. ::: ::.. ~:.\ 55 LODI - - - - - - I· "''''Ow. 65Ht= Wo:: ST LAWRENCE 65 0::1- BLACK EARTH 65 I- .. - . -- - I {M, l 115 115 2 (To) o FRANCONIA 190 I U 140 Z Z 2 2 <! <! « « 'BU X a::: 65 W LL 0:: f­ 0:: o £D « CD a::: IRONTON 45 I ~ ---.J ~ u <! <! GALESVILLE 95 U U I EAU CLAIRE :c u« CD (f) w I a::: Cl MT SIMON 315 I I I I I MINNESOTA GEOLOGICAL SURVEY UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA I P. K. Sims, Director I FIELD TRIP GUIDE BOOK FOR PALEOZOIC AND MESOZOIC ROCKS OF SOUTHEASTERN MINNESOTA I Leaders I G. F. Webers and G. S. Austin Special Papers I PALEOZOIC LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY OF SOUTHEASTERN MINNESOTA, G. S. Austin I PALEOECOLOGY OF THE ORDOVICIAN STRATA OF SOUTH­ EASTERN MINNESOTA, G. F. Webers NOTES ON THE PLATTEVILLE FORMATION, SOUTH­ I EASTERN MINNESOTA, Robert E. Sloan PRECAMBRIAN QUARTZITE AND CRETACEOUS ROCKS OF I SOUTHERN MINNESOTA, G. S. Austin I I I Prepared for the Annual Meeting of THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA I and I ASSOCIATED SOCIETIES Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1972 I Available from the Minnesota Geological Survey, University of Minnesota, I 1633 Eustis Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55108. Price $3.00 (plus tax). I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS PALEOZOIC LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY OF SOUTHEASTERN MINNESOTA I George S. Austin INTRODUCTION I PRE-MT. SIMON ROCKS PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS I Cambrian 4 I Lower Ordovician 8 Rock Stratigraphy of the Black Riveran Stage 11 I Rock Stratigraphy of the Trentonian Stage 12 Upper Ordovician 14 I Devonian 15 I POST-CEDAR VALLEY ROCKS 15 SUMMATION OF THE LITHIC ENVIRONMENT DURING THE DEPOSITION OF PALEOZOIC STRATA IN SOUTHEASTERN MINNESOTA 15 I Cyclic Sedimentation 15 I Direction of Sediment Transport 19 Development of the Large-Scale Structural Features in I Southeastern Minnesota 20 CONCLUSIONS 21 I REFERENCES 22 PALEOECOLOGY OF THE ORDOVICIAN STRATA OF SOUTHEASTERN MINNESOTA I Gerald F. Webers 25 INTRODUCTION 25 I CANADIAN SERIES 25 CHAMPLAIN IAN AND CINCINNATIAN SERIES 28 I Southeastern Minnesota 28 I St. Peter Sandstone 28 Glenwood Formation 30 I I iii I Platteville Formation 31 I Decorah Shale 32 Galena Formation 33 I Dubuque Formation 34 I Maquoketa Formation 34 DIVERSITY OF SPECIES IN THE ORDOVICIAN OF MINNESOTA 36 I REFERENCES 40 NOTES ON THE PLATTEVILLE FORMATION, SOUTHEASTERN MINNESOTA I Robert E. Sloan 43 PRECAMBRIAN SIOUX QUARTZITE AND CRETACEOUS ROCKS OF SOUTHERN I MINNESOTA, George S. Austin 55 INTRODUCTION 55 I SIOUX QUARTZ ITE 55 New Ulm Area 57 I CRETACEOUS ROCKS IN SOUTHERN MINNESOTA 60 I Southeastern Minnesota 60 Southwestern Minnesota 61 I Age of Minnesota Cretaceous Rocks 62 REFERENCES 63 I ROAD LOGS AND STOP DESCRIPTIONS, Gerald F. Webers and George S. Austin 65 I I I I I I iv I I I PALEOZOIC LITHOSTRATIGRAPHY OF SOUTHEASTERN MINNESOTA I George S. Austinl I INTRODUCTION I The Paleozoic rocks of southeastern Minnesota (fig. 1) were deposited from a marine sea which occupied the Hollandale Embayment (fig. 2), a shallow depression that extended northward from the Ancestral Forest City I Basin (Iowa Basin) onto the cratonic shelf and into Minnesota and Wiscon­ sin in Early and Middle Paleozoic time. The rocks that now remain within the embayment in Minnesota are bordered to the east by nearshore-facies Paleozoic rocks on the Wisconsin Arch, to the northeast by Precambrian I rocks that constitute the Wisconsin Dome, and to the north and west by nearshore-facies Paleozoic rocks lying near the margins of the Hollandale Embayment and the Precambrian rocks of the Transcontinental Arch. The I embayment overlies older basins and horsts that are bounded by large­ scale Precambrian faults (Sims and Zietz, 1967). Many smaller Paleozoic basins, depositional barriers, and faults within the embayment probably I have resulted from relatively minor recurrent movements along Precambrian faults during Paleozoic time (Craddock and others, 1963). I PRE-MT. SIMON ROCKS I Several types of older rocks, mainly Keweenawan in age, lie directly beneath the Cambrian Mt. Simon Sandstone in southeastern Minnesota. These are principally the Hinckley Sandstone and arkosic sandstones and I shales of the Red Clastic Series, considered to be Late Keweenawan in age, and basalt and rhyolite flows of Middle Keweenawan age. Near the margins of the embayment and on the Wisconsin Arch older granitic rocks I directly underlie the Mt. Simon. I PALEOZOIC FORMATIONS The Paleozoic lithostratigraphic nomenclature for southeastern Min­ nesota (fig. 3) has developed primarily from a study of outcrops near the I St. Croix and Mississippi Rivers along the eastern border of Minnesota. Recently, deep cores within the Hollandale Embayment have become available I and the stratigraphy has been revised (Austin, 1969; 1970). lIndiana Geological Survey, Bloomington, Indiana I I I I I EXPLANATION I c:::J CRE TACEOUS f!!!lIlllj OEVON IAN c::::::::::J OROOVIC IAN I ~ CAMBRIAN ~ PRECAMBRIAN o K) 20 )Q 1If, Il I I I I Figure 1 . Generalized bedrock geol­ I ogic map of southeastern Minnesota. I I WISCONSIN D OME I , , " g'1,!} .," ~ : 11'§\ I ",.:-0 ~ : &~" -/,0"" . Hollandale IIIl1nnesota -. ---.. - --10-."0- I /--- ................... ./ ANCESTA A L ~O"~ST C I TY I eASIN I Figure 2. Map s howing the location of large structural ele­ ments i n southeastern I Mi nnesota and adjacent stat es. I 2 I CHRC,NGSTRATIGRAPHY Afler MlnnesGlo Afler Sioufier ond After I~SlrlJm, j%6 Aller :'- ..,',I,r;, j'jf)'J rJ€oioglcai and f'io!urQl I I (Mter Austin 1969) Geoioglcoi ;jurvey ,1932 Thiel, r:14i H [':,!r;ry ~ijr iey, 137(j System Series Stage Southea5tern Southea5tern SouthenSlern SV"i::f:I)S(ern Soulhws!ern I MlDne50ta Mlnne50ta MiTlEE$O\G Mi:HjESf)(Q W!5~GnSjn I I DubuqUE: Member Oubuqt,;e Formallon Dubuque Member Dubuque FormatIOn Dubuque Member - -? - -? - ---------+-~---------+--,-------~ g r------------t--~------------1 Stewarlville Member StewQrlvd Ie Member c Stewartville Member Wise Lake c SlewOrTv\lle Member '0 Wise Lake Z g ~ r----.----; g 1---------1 g ~ ~ Member g,g § Member I <J: • 0 Prosser - Prosser ~ E Prosser Member ~ r---------1,,~ E Prosser Member ~ r---------t " E Z (')~ o Member j Member "' ~ C"~~';"bg:i'"' g Dunleith "' ~ c"mM~~6~:"1e Dunleith f-­ o Z Z S Member t? 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