DECUS U. S. C H A P T E R SI Gs Your best connection for: peer-to-peer interaction technical exchange DECEMBER v . OECUS Printed in the U.S.A. "The Following are Trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation" ALL-IN-1 Digital RSX-llM CDA LA 50 (et al.) RSX-llM-PLUS CDD LNOl (et al.) RT-11 CDD/ PLUS LSI-11 VAX DATATRIEVE MicroVAX VAXPAC DATATRIEVE-11 (et al.) PCSA VAXcluster DEC PDT VAXimage DECnet PDP-11 VAX MACRO DECprinter Q-BUS VAX notes DECreporter Rainbow VAXset DECserver 200 RALLY VAXstation DECUS RSTS VAX/VMS DECUS logo RSX VMS DECwindows Copyright©DECUS and Digital Equipment Corporation 1990 All Rights Reserved The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equip­ ment Corporation or DECUS. Digital Equipment Corporation and DECUS assume no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document. It is assumed that all articles [or letters] submitted to theeditor[s] of this newsletter are with the authors' permission to publish in any DECUS publication. The articles are the responsibility of the authors and, therefore, DECUS Digital Equipment Corporation, and the editor[s) assume no responsibility or liability for articles or information appearing in the document. The views herein expressed are [necessarily] those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of DECUS or Digital Equipment Corporation. [Replies to any articles or editorials may be sent to the appropriate SIG editor or to the Newsletter chair. Edito~' addresses may be found in the s peci~ sections: Replies can also be s.ent to the DE~US office.] . Apple 1s a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.; ACCENT R 1s a trademark of Nat10nal Information Systems, Inc. ; Ethernet 1s a trademark of Xerox Corporation; FOCUS is a trademark of Information Builders; MacDraw is a registered trademark of Claris Corporation; Mac240 is a registered trademark of White Pine Software, Inc.; MS-DOS is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation; ORACLE is a trademark of Oracle Corporation; PostScript is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems, Inc.; SMARTSTAR is a registered trademark of Signal Technology, Inc.; TSX-PLUS is a trademark of S&H Computer Systems, Inc.; UNIX is a registered trademark of American Telephone & Telegraph Company; X Window System is a trademark of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Production Staff: Clyde Poole: Communications Committee Chair The University of Texas at Austin Frank Borger: SIG Publications Chair Michael Reese Hospital Judy Mulvey: Publications Manager DECUS Judy Tessier: Phototypographer/ Graphics Designer DECUS ( Address general correspondence to: Address editorial replies to: DECUS U.S. Chapter Frank R. Borger SIGs Newsletters Physics Division 219 Boston Post Road, BP02 Michael Reese Hospital Marlboro, MA 01752-4605 Lake Shore Dr. @31 St. Chicago, IL 60616 Circulation: 5302 NETWORKS SIG .From the Editor's COBWEB, Rick Carter . .NTw-1 .Best Node Names Contest Update, Rick Carter. .NTW-1 .TCP/IP and the Internet, L. Stuart Vance .... .NTW-2 .Testing DCL Command Lines for Command Files, Allen Jay Bennett . .NTW-7 .Terminal Server Notes Conclusion, DECUS Spring Symposium NOTES. .NTW-8 .DATAGRAM ............................... .QU-7 OFFICE AUTOMATION .From the Editor, Continued ............ OA-2 .Index of Articles for 1989 . OA-3 .WPS-PLUS FORUM: What's That Number Again? . .OA-4 Diana McLeod, Mustang Fuel Corporation .Memories of Symposia Past and Present .OA-6 .Name the Newsletter, Continued . OA-7 .Pictures from Anaheim . OA-8 .System Improvement Request Form. .QU-9 .Questionnaire ........... QU-11 .Index of Articles for 1989 OA SIG Newsletter. QU-13 PERSONAL COMPUTER SIG .In the PRO Mailbag This Month . PC-1 .DEC Contributes Software to the Public Domain . PC-2 .Mark Sebem Awarded Board Medal . PC-3 .DEC Licenses Rainbow News to Distribute (some) Rainbow Software . PC-3 .Rainbow Bibliography - Part 5: the Letter G . PC-5 .DEC's Replies to PCSA Wish List Top 10 . PC-12 .PCSA System Administration . PC-13 .Alisa Systems, Inc., Pacer Software, Inc. -A Comparitive Analysis. PC-25 RT SIG .From the Editor ..... RT-1 .Minitasker Subject Index . RT-2 .Minitasker Author Index . RT-6 .Symposium Trip Report. RT-8 .Mounting Logical Disks . RT-19 UNISIG .From the Editor . UNI-1 .How do I Remove a File Whose Name Begins with A'-'? ..... UNI-2 .How do I Remove a File With Funny Characters in the Filename ? UNI-3 VAX SIG .Editor's Note. VAX-2 .Ask the Wizzard . VAX-3 .Ask Digital. VAX-7 .SIG Tape Review 4 & 5 VAX-10 .Intercept Technology . VAX-40 .Bo Knows VAX? . VAX-48 .Working Group Volunteer Application QU-15 .Wishlist Questionnaire ....... QU-17 .System Improvement Request Submission Form . QU-19 .Masters Application . QU-21 LIBRARY .DECUS Library Reviews LASERS, QUEUES and Other Fun Things - V00425 .LIB-1 ., .New Library Programs Available .LIB-4 .Revisions to Library Programs . .LIB-6 GENERAL TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTIONS ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SIG .From the Editor . AI-1 .AI in Denmark. AI-1 .AI in Switzerland ...... AI-2 .Sensory ANNs and Symbolic DEComposition. AI-3 DATATRIEVE/4GL SIG .Chairman's Corner.............. DTR-1 .DTR/SIG SIG News of the Anaheim Symposium . DTR-1 .First Annual Newsletter Awards for Excellence .. DTR-2 .Product Status Report .............. DTR-3 .DECreporter to be Submitted to DECUS Library. DTR-4 .Accent R Working Group Report . DTR-4 .Cortex Working Group Report. DTR-4 .FOCUS Working Group Report . DTR-5 .INGRES Working Group Report. DTR-5 .ORACLE Working Group Report . DTR-6 .PowerHouse Working Group Report. DTR-6 .RALLY Working Group Report . DTR-7 .SMARTSTAR Working Group Report. DTR-7 .The RALLY Check Point....... DTR-8 .1989 Fall DECUS DATATRIEVE Problem . DTR-8 .Product Improvement Request Submission Form . .. QU-1 GRAPIDCS SIG .A Personal Look at the Fall Symposium. GRA-1 .From the Editor . GRA-2 .From the Chair's Desk. GRA-2 .Minutes from the GAPSIG Fall Woods Meeting . GRA-3 .A Decade of Computer Graphics. GRA-9 .Campground Report, Anaheim 1989 ...... GRA-11 .AnimationNisualization Working Group Report GRA-11 .Computer Graphics Committee Meeting (ANSI X3H3) . GRA-12 LANGUAGES AND TOOLS SIG .Editor's Notes . L&T-1 .Software Tools in VAX Macro . L&T-2 .Trip Report - ANSI Pascal Standards Committee. L&T-8 .PDP-11 Symbolic Debugger Version 2.1 .. L&T-10 .Fall 1989 DIBOL Working Group Meeting L&T-12 .ANSI X3J4 COBOL Committee Meeting L&T-13 .Languages and Tools Masters Directory. L&T-14 MUMPS SIG .$View (Editor) . .MMP-1 .$View (Chair) .MMP-1 .$Data .... .MMP-2 .$Horolog ... .MMP-6 .$Order ("imply/infer") . .MMP-6 .$Next .. .MMP-6 .$Random ....... .MMP-6 SIG INFORMATION SECTION .Special Interest Committee List. .SIC-1 QUESTIONNAIRE SECTION .DATATRIEVE/4GL Product Improvement Request Submission form .QU-1 .E-Pubs Software Improvement Request and Wishlist Form .QU-3 .HMS Submission Form - A SIG Information Interchange. .QU-5 .Networks DATAGRAM . .QU-7 .OA System Improvement Request Form . .QU-9 .OA Questionnaire .............. QU-11 .Index of Articles for 1989 OA SIG Newsletter. QU-13 .VTX Working Group Volunteer Application .. QU-15 .VTX Working Group Wishlist Questionaire . QU-17 .VAX System Improvement Request Submission Form QU-19 .VTX Working Group Masters Application ...... QU-21 SUBSCRIPTION AND MEMBERSHIP FORMS .Newsletter Order Form .................................... S&M-1 DUE TO A PRICE INCREASE, SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE FEE IS NOW $40.00 .Application for Membership . S&M-3 ENCE "Sloths are so human in appearance-­ and in some of their ways-- that inevitably one tends to judge them by human standards." --Hermann Tirler, A Sloth in the Family DECUS Al SIG NEWSLETTER Curt Snyder - Editor Symposia is over and isn't that a relief. The This month we have some notes from the Neural Networks PSS and the Intelligent Data­ European AI SIG groups, both in Switzerland bases PSS were both filled to capacity. This and Denmark. These two groups are compara­ may indicate that DECUS in general is becom­ tively small, but appear to be accomplishing a ing more AI knowledgeable. Perhaps its time great deal anyway. In addition we have an to get more highly technical sessions. Person­ article on Neural Networks from Van Hulle ally I like the application sessions. I find them Marc of Belgium. This paper was presented at to be informative and it's interesting to see the 1988 Decus Europe Symposium in Cannes, what others are doing with AI tools. France. This makes the entire issue a European issue! AI IN DENMARK During last year we had two activities during For the future I am planning a visit to the the year and two sessions at the Danish DE­ Danish defense departments R&D section, who CUS symposium. One of the activities during are working with many different tools. Further, the year was a whole day meeting during which my plan is to look for interesting things in the AI and AI-techniques were discussed, as well south of Sweden as I have heard some interest­ as the AI activities by the differentparticipant.s ing rumors, but first of all I will contact the The second meeting was an introduction to swedish Decus to hear if they have an AI-SIG. Neural Network, techniques and possibilities. At the DK-symposium we had an paper on I think that's what had happened here in Den­ image processing and a training seminar on Al, mark, but I hope we will be able to have a as well as reusing the paper on Neural Net­ higher activity level in the future. works. AI- 1 DECUS Al SIG NEWSLETTER Curt Snvder - Editor '/ AI IN SWITZERLAND The Swiss Artificial Intelligence SIG French, all others were in English. was formed in 1987 at the Neuchatel sympo­ sium. During the past eighteen months, we To complete the first day, the KADS have organised 2 SIG meetings and taken part methodology (derived from the European at the DECUS national symposium of St.
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