News report November 2018 The objective of the news report is to give an update on your action plan. What activities were completed, what are under the process of being completed, what new initiatives are being created, and what activities did not take place. Monthly Report November 2018 1. Comments on development of action plan (if any) NC members are currently sending their planned actions in digital skills for 2019. The final form of the Action Plan 2019 will be the outcome of the members’ proposals and ad hoc technical meetings between the Unit of Innovation and Best Practices, competent for drafting of and monitoring the Action Plan 2019,and each member of the National Coalition. The actions are articulated in 5 pillars: Digital skills for citizens and businesses Digital skills in public sector Digital skills in education (coding, internet safety) Digital skills for women and girls (horizontal) Policy experimentation and innovation skills in the Greek Public Sector 2. National Coalition structure and contact details: emails, website, social media update The coordination of the overall policy at national level belongs to the realm of competences of the Ministry of Administrative Reconstruction. Specifically, the General Directorate of Public Organizations is competent for the strategic management of the National Coalition whereas Unit of Innovation and Best Practices has the responsibility to support the Committee in organizational and operational issues, to monitor and assess the actions about digital skills included in the annual Action Plan of the Committee and to communicate with the Secretariat of Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition and the relevant agents of the European Union (PD 133, GOG 161/A/30.10.2017). The communication channels are the following: A. for the general public: 1. The contact form through our website www.nationalcoalition.gr, 2. e-mail: [email protected], 3. Twitter account: @nationcoalition, 4. a list of Frequently Asked Questions on our website, 5. LinkedIn account: Greek National Coalition, B. for the NC members: A collaborative space has been created in the National Coalition website. The space is accessible only by the members and intends to enhance cooperation among them and promote visibility since it offers the following functions: online reporting of the members’ actions on a monthly basis, [2] Monthly Report November 2018 uploading and processing files. C. for the target groups of certain policies related to the NC: A. “Digital Opportunity Traineeship” to facilitate companies interested in participating in Digital Opportunity Traineeships project, the relevant form has been translated in Greek and promoted through the following link: http://www.nationalcoalition.gov.gr/business-internship/ Unit of Innovation is planning to held a series of seminars on DOT to facilitate the participation of SMEs in the project. Consequently, a new section entitled “NC seminars on DOT” has been launched on NC website:http://www.nationalcoalition.gov.gr/digital-opportunities-traineeships/ B. “EU Code Week” publicizing the survey for leading teachers http://www.nationalcoalition.gov.gr/code- week-2018/ so as to diffuse Code Week actions. On line survey for the participants of the “Getting started with Java using Alice” https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1XVIDPhCBWznrkmKR12ljgc- kfS_Bh4jIYhZiM1Ra6cM/edit http://www.nationalcoalition.gov.gr/workshop-questionnaire-29_10_2018_en/ Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/682634735469326/?ref=bookmarks Unit of Innovation, aiming at promoting the inclusion of coding in school curriculum, has engaged participants of “Let’s code, girls ‘n’ boys!!!” in the project “Code my city.” The project will last from November 2018 to March 2019 and the students will practise their coding ability in classrooms by presenting a cultural aspect of their city at an event end of March beginning of April. General comments: The first amendment of the Ministerial Decision on the establishment of the NC Committee has been publicised in the National Gazette (GOG 4607/B/18.10.2018). A second amendment is currently pending. http://www.nationalcoalition.gov.gr/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/1st-Amendment-on- M.D.-N.C.-Committee-1.pdf. The amendment relates to the enlargement of the National Coalition members. [3] Monthly Report November 2018 3. Key actions and milestones (events that took place and are upcoming) Completed events and projects in progress Name of the Organization: Unit of Innovation and Best Practices (Ministry of Administrative Reconstruction) 1.Title of the Action: Innovation Gov Lab: Co-creation of the National Coalition Action Plan on Digital Skills and Jobs 2019 (Completed) Description of the Action On November 22nd, Unit of Innovation and Best Practices held the first Innovation Gov Lab: Co-create the National Coalition on Digital Skills and Jobs Action Plan 2019. objectives of the action: forging bonds and enhancing synergies among all NC members (public, private, third sector),promoting creative thinking in order to improve proposed actions,brainstorming so that both new synergies and new actions would emerge target group: members of the National Coalition type of action: Innovation Lab type of digital skills: digital skills for: businesses and citizens, public sector, education and women number of participants: 20 (representatives of the NC members from public, private and third sector) number of beneficiaries: direct beneficiaries: digital skills officers of the Unit of Innovation and members of the NC, beneficiaries in the long term: recipients of the actions included in the NC Action Plan 2019 Information on the event: the event took place on November 22th. The lab was hosted at Serafio, City of Athens. The agenda and further details can be retrieved by: http://www.nationalcoalition.gov.gr/event/%CE%A3%CF%85%CE%BD- %CE%B4%CE%B9%CE%B1%CE%BC%CF%8C%CF%81%CF%86%CF%89%CF%83%CE%B7- %CF%84%CE%BF%CF%85-%CE%A3%CF%87%CE%B5%CE%B4%CE%AF%CE%BF%CF%85- %CE%94%CF%81%CE%AC%CF%83%CE%B7%CF%82-2019-%CF%84%CE%B7/ [4] Monthly Report November 2018 Benefits the outcome of the Innovation Lab was a considerable amount of potential actions for the Action Plan, what was highlighted was the innovative concept of the National Coalition, depicted in deliberation, collaboration, co-creation so that common solutions to common problems would emerge with the contribution of every sector of economy and society and a space for brainstorming was formed. Partnerships Unit of Innovation and Best Practices held the role of the project manager of the event. The event was supported by City of Athens (member of the NC). Communication activities Add photos of the action, promotion material, news articles, social media posts etc. [5] Monthly Report November 2018 More information can be found at: http://www.nationalcoalition.gov.gr/innovation-lab-co-create-the-national- coalition-on-digital-skills-and-jobs/ and https://www.facebook.com/327318551163583/photos/pcb.345938079301630/ 345937969301641/?type=3&theater 2. Title of the Action: Event to promote National Coalition partnership and Digital Skills at the Region of Thessaly (Completed) Description of the Action: One day event to promote digital skills policy and the role of the Greek National Coalition to the regional level. The event was organised by Unit of Innovation (MAR) and attended to this the Director General responsible for eGovernment in the Public Administration and Greek Digital Champion. target group : local Chambers, businesses in the field of tourism (with emphasis on SMEs) type of action: Communication of the Action Plan of the Greek National Coalition and announcement of initiatives at the regional level type of digital skills: Foster digital marketing skills to SMEs number of beneficiaries: local businesses in the field of tourism Information on the event (location, agendaetc.)the event took place on November 29th at the City of Trikala (member of the NC). The Governor of the Region of Thessaly and the Mayor of the City of Trikala and the Director General of Google Hellas also participated in the event. The agenda and further details can be retrieved by:http://www.nationalcoalition.gov.gr/event/%CE%A8%CE%B7%CF%86%CE%B9%CE% B1%CE%BA%CE%AD%CF%82- %CE%94%CE%B5%CE%BE%CE%B9%CF%8C%CF%84%CE%B7%CF%84%CE%B5%CF%82- %CF%83%CF%84%CE%B7%CE%BD- %CE%A0%CE%B5%CF%81%CE%B9%CF%86%CE%AD%CF%81%CE%B5%CE%B9%CE%B1/ [6] Monthly Report November 2018 Benefits Bring european and national digital skills policy closer to regional level multiplier effects on local economy and society Partnerships Unit of Innovation and Best Practices held the role of the project manager of the event. The following partnerships were formed: Google Hellas City of Trikala The event was also supported by the Region of Thessaly. Communication activities Badges and T-shirts for the participants were produced and other souvenirs were offered. A. Photos [7] Monthly Report November 2018 The Governor of the Region of Thessaly t The Mayor of the City of Trikala Coverage (media, social media): http://www.epixeiro.gr/article/105459 https://www.businessnews.gr/article/126745/i-google-sta-trikala https://www.aftodioikisi.gr/ota/dimoi/d-trikkaion-dorean-psifiako-seminario-kai- ypostirixi-stoys-epicheirimaties-tis-thessalias/ http://www.trikalaola.gr/%CE%95%CE%BA%CE%B4%CE%B7%CE%BB%CF%8E%CF%8 3%CE%B5%CE%B9%CF%82/%CE%97-google-%CF%83%CF%84%CE%B1- %CE%A4%CF%81%CE%AF%CE%BA%CE%B1%CE%BB%CE%B1/ http://epixeireite.duth.gr/?q=node/30904#.W_z7dbEzbIU [8] Monthly Report November 2018 https://trikalavoice.gr/%CF%84%CE%BF%CF%80%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%AC/%CE%B7-
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