1875. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. 1301 PETITIONS, ETC. dealers in Albany, New York, of similar import, to the same com- The following memorials, petitions, and other papers wore pre­ niittee. · Bented at the Clerk's desk, under the rule, and referred as stated: By 1\Ir. PARKER of Missouri : The petition of·Mrs. M. L. Connelly, By 1.1r. ARMSTRONG: Memorial of the Legisl:;ttur.e of Dakota, of Saint Joseph, ::Missouri, administr~trix of 'l:'homa.s Connelly, de­ praying for the division of Dakota and the orgamzat10n o~ a new ceased for relief to the Committee on War Cla1ms. Territory from the northern portion thereof, to the Committee on By ~Ir. PHILLIPS: Resolutions of the. Legislature of Kansas, me­ the Ten·itories. morializing Congress to grant the Atchison, T~peka and Santa . F6 Also, memorial of the Legislature of Dakota Territory, for an a~­ Railroad right of way through the ~dian T~rntory to Fort SIDith, ditional appropriation for the miJitary wagon-road froD?- t?e Big in Arkansas, to the Committee on Indtan Affatrs. Sioux River to Fort Randall, to the Committee on Appropnat10ns.. By Mr. ROBBINS: The petition of citizens of Yadkin and Forsyth By Mr. BRADLEY: Petitions of citizens of .A~ Sable, East Sagi­ Counties, North Carolina, for a post-route from East Bend to Betha­ naw and Bay City Michigan, for an appropnatJOn to construct a nia to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. harbor of refuge at Au Sable, in the State of Michigan, to the Com­ . By Mr. ROBINSON, of Ohio: The petition of citize?s of MoU?t mittee on Commerce. Gilead, Ohio, for the repeal of the 10 per cent. reductwn of _duties By Mr. BUTLER of Massachusetts: The petition of cit izens of made in 1872 and against a duty on tea and coffee and reVIval of Gloucester Massachusetts, for the donation of six bronzEYfield-guns internal taxes to the Committee on Ways and Means. for monum'ental purposes, to the Committee on Mili~ary Affa ir~. By ~1r. S~HTH, of North Carolina: Resolutio~s of ~he Legislature Also the petition of Caleb Tompkins, of Cartersville, Georgia, for of North Carolina concernin(J' the Freedman s Savmgs and Trust relief, to the Committee on W a1· Claims. · Company, to the C~mmittee mfBanking and Currenc_y. Also, re'solutio~ls Legisl~ture Carolm~ By Mr. CAIN: The pe.tition of depositors in the Fr~edman's Sav­ of the of North concernmg ings-Bank at Norfolk, Virginia, for relief, to the Committee on Bank­ pensions to surVIvors of the Mexwan war, to the Committee on Inva- ing and Currency. lid Pensions. By MJ.·. COBB, of Kansas: Resolutions of tl?-e Legislature of Kan­ Also resolutions of the Legislature of North Carolma, con~ernmg tax le~ed and collected on spirits of turpentine, to the Committee on sas1' memorializin(J' Con(J'ress to grant the Atchison, Topeka and Sa.nta F6 Railroad right of w""ay through the Ind.ian.Territory s~ a.s to c~>n­ Ways and ~leans. nect with Fort Smith, Arkansas, to the Committee on Indtan Affairs. Also, resolutions of the Legislatu_re of Nort~ Carolma, concernmg the New River Canal, to the CoiDIDlttee on RailwaY_s and Canals. By Mr. COBURN: _The petition of. citizens ?~New Je:sey, for Also resolutions of the Legislature of North Carolina, for an appro­ equalization of bounties, to the ComiDittee on M~litary Affarr~. By Mr. CRITTENDEN: Resolutions of the Legislature of MlS oun, priatidn to improve the Neuse River, to the Commit~ee on Commerce. protesting against the further increase of the tax upon tobacco, to Also resolutious of the Le(J'islature of North Carolina, for an appro­ the Committee on Ways and Means. priatidn to improve Edentont->Harbor, to the same committee. By Mr. DARRALL: Papers relating to the claim of Edmond A. By Mr. STARKWEATHER: The petition of citizens of .LeJyard, Guilbeau, of La Fayette Parish, Louisiana, to the Committee on War Connecticut for a donation of condemned cannon for a soldiers mon­ Claims. ument, to the Committee on Military Affairs. Also papers relating to the claim of Andre Broussard, of La Fa­ By Mr. STONE: Resolutions of the Genera~ Assembly of the State yette Parish, Louisiana, to the same committee. of Missouri, protesting against the further mcrease of the tax on By Mr. FORT: The petition of M. H. Peters and Zl ot~ers, of Wat­ tobacco, to the Committee on Ways and Means. seka illinois, for an appropriation to complete the Washington mon­ Also, the petition of the l)nion ~erchants' Excha;nge of t~e mty _of to the Select Committee on the Washington National Monu- Saint Louis Missouri for the locatiOn of a branch Dllnt at Samt Loms, ume~t, to the Comkittee on'Coinage, Weights, and Measures. m~~ . By Mr. FRYE : The pe!Jition of c~tiz~ns of Kingfield, Fra~klin By Mr. SWANN: Remonstrance o~ wholesal.e liquor d_E'.aJers and rec­ County, Maine, for a p~ns10n to BenJamm C. Webst.er, late pnva~e tifiers of Baltimore Maryland, agalllSt any mcrease m the tax on Company F, Eighth Marne Volunteers, to the Comm1ttee on Invalid whisky on hand to the Committee on Ways and Means. Pensions. By Mr. TAYLOR: The petit ion of Frederick Hoch,for a pensiOn, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. HANCOCK: :rhe memorial of Eug~ne Armend.iaz a~d others, praying for the n~ht to construct a bn~ge across the R10 By Mr. THOMAS, of :Virginia;: The. re~«;mstran~e of to~acco man­ Grancle River at Brownsville; Texas, to the CoiDIDittee on Commerce. ufacturers and dealers m DanVIlle, Vll'gmta, agalllSt an mcrease of By Mr. HAZELTON, of New Jersey: The petition of citizens of the tax upon tobacco, to the Committee on Ways and l\feans. Bridgeton, New Jersey, for the repeal of the 10 per cent. reduction of By ~1r. THOMPSON: Petitions of citizens of Freeport, Armstrong duties ma<l.e in 1872 and against a duty on tea and coffee, to the County, and of Etna, Allegheny C?unty, Pe~ylvania, for .the repeal Committee on W avs and Means. of the 10 per cent. reduction of duties made m 1872 and agamst a_duty By Mr. HUBBELL: The petition of citizens 'Of Munising, Michi­ on tea and coffee and revival of internal taxes, to the same comiDlttee. gan, of similar import, to the same committee. By Mr. WARD, of New Jersey: The petition ?f C~arles E. Boggs, By Mr. HUNTER: The petition of citizens of Monroe Co~t.y, I~­ to be restored to his proper place upon the active hst of the Navy, diana, for legislation to prevent the sale and manufacture of mton­ to the Committee on Naval Affairs. cating liquors within the United States, to the Committee on the By Mr. WELLS : Resolutions of the Legislature of Missoun, pro­ Judiciary. testing against a further. increase of the tax on tobacco, to the Com- By Mr. HUNTON: The petition of William Orndoff, of Winches­ mittee on Ways and Means. ter, Virginia, for a pension, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, the petition of the Union ~erchants' Excha~ge of Samt ~oUlS, By Mr. KELLEY: The petition of several hundred citizens of Phila­ for a branch mint at Saint LoUlS, to the CoiDIDittee on Comage, delphia, artisans, manufacturers, and workers in iron and coal, repre­ Weights, and Measures. senting that the stoppage of great works of improvement and general By Mr. WHITEHEAD: Remonstrance of the Tobacco Asso01at10n depression of business have greatly lessened the demand for labor, of Liberty, Virginia, against a further increase of the tax on tobacco, and praying Congress under proper guarantees to extend the national to the Committee on Ways and Means. .. credit. to the completion of a great southern line to the Pacific, to the Also two petitions of citizens of Botetourt County, Vrrgmia, for Committee on the Pacifie Railroad. the repeal of the 10 per cent. reduction of duties made} in 1872 and By Mr. LAWRENCE : The petition of Belva A. Lockwood and against a duty on tea and coffee and revival of internal taxes, to the others, of the District of Columbia, for extension of suffrage in the same commi~tee. District without regard to sex, to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. MAcDOUGALL: The petition of Hugo Hillebrandt, late major Thirty-ninth New York Volunteers, for arrears of pension, to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. IN SENATE. By Mr. MARSHALL~ The petition of citizens of Hardin County, illinois, for an appropriation for the improvement of the navigation TUESDAY, February 16, 1875. of the Ohio River, to the Committee on Commerce. Prayer by Rev. EDWARD PAYSON INGERSOLL, D. D., of Brooklyn, Also, a paper for the establishment of a post-route from Equality New York. · to Elizabethtown, in the State of Illinois, to the Committee on the The J o'nrnal of yes~rday's proceedings was read and approved. Post-Office and Post-Roads. By l\fr. MERRIAM: The petition of citizens of Little Falls, Ne EXECU'ITVE COM1tiUNICATION. York, for the repeal of the 10 per cent. reduction of duties made in The PRESIDENT pro tem,po1'e laid before the Senate a letter from 1872 and against a duty on tea and coffee and revival of internal the Secretary of War, transmitting, in obedien.ce to law, a copy of t~e taxes, to the Committee on Ways and Means. · report of Major F. W. Farquhar, Corps of Engmeers, upon t~e ~x~m1~ By :Mr.
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