C jOD READING THE There is absorbing reading; in your own AUSTRALIAN BANK OF COMMERCE LIMITED. Bank Pass Book. Authorised Capital - S5.000.000 It is not fiction, but hard fact, and will tell Capital Paid-up and Reserves • 12.085.303 Aggregate Assets at 30th Jane. 1926 -116.789.590 you much about yourself if you study it faith- Directors: Slit MAKK SHKI.DON. K. U.K., Chairman ; FKANK N. YAKWOOD: DUNCAN (JAUSON : fully and intelligently. H. R. LVSAQHT. O.H.K GKOKOK J. SL.V. LI*I).; LIBUT.COI. T L. F RUTLKDGK. Do that and it will make you think. Goiural MANAKER: C. M. (J. SHANNON. Chief Inspector for New South Walex: \V. G. HUM- If you have a steady job; keep it! Get yourself a Bank Account and keep Head Office, Sydney (Comer George and King Streets) BKANCHKS AND EKCKIVING OPF1CKS AT 151 that too. HLACK8 IN NKW SOUTH WALKS. Kept growing, it will eventually mean more UKISHANK:—2Ht Queen *t. Chief Innpeclor for QUEENSLAND-L. AVKYAKU. XIimager-O. H. HOWKM- The N&vy League Journal to your family than anything you can buy BKANCHKS AND RKCKIVING OFFICKS AT 27 nou> with the money. FLACKS IN QUKKN8LANI). M KLHOUKNK:—9t!i COIHUK-HL. ManaKer-M. ». KINNKY. Vol.. VII. No. 12. SVDNKV. APRIL, 1927. l'wcie 3D. And it is so easy. A Savings Account costs ADKLAIDK:—S5 Kundle-»t. ManaKer—It. T. MOOIHK. PKRTH: -73 St. George* Tcrrace. ManaKor— A. C. I)IBDIN you nothing and every Post Office in Australia LONDON :—37 Thread needle si . K.C. 1 is an agency of the Manager—A. F. JKNKINS. Ageul* llnotigliotil the rest of Australia. Tasmania and Limitation of Armaments. New Zealand, and at all Chief Citiex IhroiiKhont the World KVKRY DESCRIPTION OF HANKING (Tommonwealth JBank of Hustralia. , HUSINKSS TRANSACTKD. HE recent proposal of President Coolidge for conference. a further limitation in naval building pro- (Guaranteed by the Commonwejlth Government) T No doubt much saving of the world's money has grammes has been received with a good deal of been accomplished by the Washington Treaty. It mixed feelings. No doubt at Geneva a Convention accomplished a certain truce, which has been will meet with at least the representation of Great adhered to in naval armament. Britain, U.S.A., and Japan, who have signified The service, so far as the Empire is concerned, their readiness to discuss the matter in any reason- is now cut down to the present margin of safety; able way. and it is hard to see in what manner discussion When Making Your Will Appoint The Washington Treaty still stands and affects can have a successful issue unless the British as Your Trustee capital ships and aircraft cruisers by establishing Empire's dependence on large and mobile fleets of quotas. cruisers is admitted by the other parties to it. an organisation whose experience and integrity lend themselves to capable and In regard to cruisers, the limitation was directed The U.S A , admittedly, is weak in numerical secure administration of trust Estates. to tonnage displacement; hence ship designers strength of cruisers in comparison with us; but if and naval authorities of the various sea powers a quota is to be settled. at all, the fact that our THE PERMANENT TRUSTEE have been rivalling each other to produce the economic positions are entirely dissimilar must be most effective ships within the displacement allow- conceded. The Empire's life's blood is the sea Achieving COMPANY OF N.S.W. LTD. Beauty and Permanence ance. and communication by sea which-depend again on has estates under control exceeding OMEBUILDERS everywhere are Elsewhere in the JOURNAL will be seen the such a state of protection as to be reasonably suffi- achieving permanent Ceiling £11,000.000. A special Act of Parliament beauty, by installing Wunder- present strength of fleets of naval nations so cient should war break out. America's largest renders the whole of the Company's Hlich Art Metal Ceilings. Reasonable prices and low coat of fixing place our arranged that a comparison may be readily drawn. market is domestic and self-contained ; our's is capital and assets — over one million Ceilinga within the means of even tne pounds—liable for the protection of modest Home builder. In capital ships we are behind the U.S.A. at wideflung and mainly overseas. The degree of clients' interests, thus ensuring absolute Send to-day for our free CatalogueMj present, and this descrepancy is in no way made need must be the sole criterion ; and it is hoped security. After 39 years' service, the WUNDERLICH LIMITED up by our battle cruisers; but in the near future that, with all our desires for the furtherance of Company possesses a wealth of experi- Baptist Street. Redfem. Sydney ence rarely acquired by an ' dividual. WUNDERLICH this position will be rectified, and we will have goodwill and peace in the world, and understand-jj Arrange an interview. Booklet free on , Art Metfj Ceilings come back to the 5, 5, 3 basis of the Treaty. In ing one another, no flaccid acceptance of terms! j request. L cruiser strength we are pre-eminent, and it is to may result which would in any way endanger our J. W. BA*NI», E. V. T. WHITTLE, J Manager. Assistant Manager. regulate and establish a quota for this class that main security of life within the Empire—that of President Coolidge has thought fit to call a the Navy. 25 KIIHELL STREET, SYDNEY. THE NAVY LEAGUE JOURNAL. 19 THE NAVY I^EAGUE JOURNAL. INSURE WITH THE Nipping Piracy in the Bud. MERCANTILE MUTUAL An Incident in the Career of Jonathan Griffith, a Sea Pioneer. INSURANCE CO, LTD. An Australian Insurance Co. Established 1878 When Public Spirit Did Not Pay. BY THOMAS DUNBABIN. T is true that Parramatta has her river, but thej servitude, and another man whose name is not Fire, Accident, Marine and I old town does not appear specially fitted by recorded, left Cockle Bay. They promised to nature to be the nurse of hardy mariners. Yet, at return that evening. WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE least, two men who played a great part in the early sea history of Australia, were born in Parramatta. ENCOUNTER AT TWOFOLD BAY. MOTOR CAR, PUBLIC RISK, BOILER EXPLOSION, PLATE GLASS, BURGLARY They did not return that evening, nor the next, One was James Kelly, who circumnavigated Tas- ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS, LOSS OF RENTS, LOSS OF PROFITS, mania in a whaleboat in 1815-1816 ; the other was nor the next. Nfcxt day, however, Lawrie's vessel, FIDELITY GUARANTEE, PLUVIUS (RAINFALL) INSURANCE Jonathan Griffiths. which had been lying ready for sea, and cleared for AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE, CROPS, HAYSTACKS, FENCING, Newcastle, passed out through the Heads. It As seaman and shipowner, shipbuilder, whaler soon became known or suspected that both Lawrie WOOL FROM SHEEP'S BACK TO WAREHOUSE. and pioneer, Jonathan Griffiths lived a life full of and Child were deeply in debt, while Oldfield, as adventure, and did much service - now almost a prisoner, had obvious reasons for getting away. Be Patriotic Insure Australian Property in an Australian Insurance Co. forgotten—to Australia. In the early twenties of last century he settled at Launceston. Like many Griffiths was about to sa:l from Sydney in his HEAD OFFICE: 16 MARTIN PLACE, SYDNEY, "•KS.SS10 other residents of that town he engaged in whaling brig, and to him came Ternen, who asked him to Agencies In all Suburban and Country Centres. and sealing along the southern coasts of Aus- keep a look-out for the missi.ig boat. On his way tralia, and became one of the pioneers of Victoria. to the southward Griffiths put into Twofold Bay, a Long before the Hentys went there he built a place often visited by whalers and others, but as house at Portland Bay, and spent nearly a year yet with no permanent settlement round it. there whaling. He was, too, one of the earliest to Here Griffiths fell in with Lawrie and his party. begin bay whaling at Port Fairy (Vic). They still had Ternen's boat in their possession, Interstate Steamship Sailings Jonathan Griffiths built ships as well as sailed but the name had recently been painted out This them. In his yards at the Tamar he turned out was not the only suspicious thing about the party. some fine deep-sea vessels. Some of these were For instance, their vessel had been cleared for of 300 tons or more, and made voyages to Eng- Newcastle, to the north of Sydney ; yet, here they Modem Passenger land. were, over 200 miles to the southward. The Regular Passenger and Freight Services As might be expected from bis record, Jonathan master of Lawrie's vessel, who was apparently not Steamers: was a man of quick, decisive action. Hidden in the plot, told Griffiths that ti ».y were really going to all Australian Ports. away amongst the files of official papers for a to Port Dalrymple. Even this hardly seemed to century—and recently published in the "Historical be their ultimate destination, since they had laid Records of Australia"—is the story of how he in three months' provisions. The master had BUILT FOR SPEED AND COMFORT. seized a vessel at Twofold Bay, and so nipped in heard Lawrie and one or two of the others say that the bud some very promising schemes of villainy. they had paper money with them, and his belief Incidentally, his interposition on the side of law was that they intended to leave Australia all- and order proved expensive to himself.
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