Index A Airway obstruction Aberrant right subclavian artery , 118 diagnosis , 175 Absent tracheal rings , 84 extrinsic Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education bronchogenic cyst , 172–174 (ACGME) , 346 cervical lymphangioma , 169, 171–172 Acquired lobar emphysema , 252 cervical teratoma , 172–173 Acquired subglottic stenosis congenital epulis , 168, 170 adjuvant endoscopic therapy , 61 cystic pulmonary airway malformations , 174 anterior cricoid split , 61 epignathus , 167–169 clinical presentation , 59 evaluation and intervention , 174–175 cricotracheal resection , 61–62 intra-thoracic teratoma , 173 diagnosis and management , 60 micrognathia , 168–171 endoscopic balloon dilation , 61 ex utero intrapartum treatment , 177–178 epidemiology , 59 fetal MRI , 177 laryngotracheal reconstruction , 61–62 intrinsic , 175–176 medical management , 60 postnatal management , 178–179 pathogenesis , 59–60 ultrasound and differential diagnosis , 168, 177 tracheostomy , 62 Airway safety program , 385–386 Aerodigestive tract , 59 Airway safety rounds , 387–388 Aftab, S. , 307–317 Airway training Airtraq™ , 232–233 bag mask ventilation , 348–350 AirwayCart , 302 cadaver and animal airway models , 348 Airway emergencies conjoined twin intubation , 348–349 cricothyroidotomy , 303 debriefi ng , 358–359 direct/indirect laryngoscopy equipment diffi cult airway management simulation , 354–356 fi ber optic , 302–303 educational venues , 357 neonatal laryngoscope , 303 high fi delity simulation center , 347 education/simulation , 300 infant care providers , 346 neonatal specifi c algorithms , 297–299 intubation training , 350–353 noninvasive equipment manikin modifi cations , 348 bag mask ventilation , 300 Neonatal Resuscitation Program , 346 laryngeal mask airway , 301–302 nontechnical skills training , 356–357 nasal pharyngeal airways , 301 Pediatric Residency Review Committee , 345 quality improvement physician training , 345 airway safety program , 385–386 side-lying intubation , 348–349 airway safety rounds , 387–388 simulation outcome measurement , 357–358 emergency airway tracking sheet , 386–387 task trainer model , 346–347 high reliability organizations , 385 tracheostomy training , 353–354 live communication , 385 video enhanced laryngoscopy , 353 patient safety , 389 Akinbi, H. , 263–277 perioperative communications , 387 Alpha feto protein (AFP) , 172 strategy implementation American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) , 223 anticipation , 297 Anderson, J. , 25–33 execution , 298, 300 Andreoli, S. , 121–130 identifi cation , 298 Anesthesia mobilization , 298 intraoperative management preparation , 298 AirQ® , 227 Airway fl uoroscopy , 202 Airtraq camera , 228 neonatal stridor , 195 ASA diffi cult airway algorithm , 224–225 tracheobronchomalacia evaluation , 201 CHOP diffi cult airway algorithm , 224, 226 J. Lioy and S.E. Sobol (eds.), Disorders of the Neonatal Airway: Fundamentals for Practice, 391 DOI 10.1007/978-1-4939-1610-8, © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015 392 Index Anesthesia (cont.) Chest X-ray (CXR) , 252 drugs , 224, 227 Choanal atresia , 135 laryngeal mask airways , 224, 226 clinical presentation , 6–7, 122 micrognathia anesthesia , 223 considerations , 8, 122 Rendell–Baker mask , 226 diagnosis , 7, 122 rescue device , 226, 227 epidemiology , 6, 121 sedation regimen comparison , 224, 227 etiology , 4, 6, 121 video and optical laryngoscopes , 229–234 genetic disorders , 159–160 postoperative management , 234 management , 7, 122 preoperative preparation pathogenesis , 6–7, 122 abnormal anatomy and physiology , 222–223 posterior , 37–38 normal anatomy and physiology , 221–222 surgical challenges , 238–239 rapid sequence intubation , 222 CHOP diffi cult airway algorithm , 224, 226 role of anesthesiologist , 234–235 Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) , 98, 150 Anterior cricoid split (ACS) , 61 Chuo, J. , 385–389 Antley–Bixler syndrome , 157 CNPAS. See Congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis (CNPAS) Aortopexy , 93 Com, G. , 271 Apert, E. , 27 Complete high airway obstruction syndrome (CHAOS) , 126 Apert syndrome , 17–18, 147–148 Complete tracheal rings (CTRs) , 21–22, 82, 127–128 clinical presentation , 27 Computed tomography (CT) , 253–254 diagnosis , 27 advantages , 202–203 epidemiology , 27 curved planar reformatting , 203 etiology , 27 external rendering method , 203 management , 27 minimum intensity projection , 203 multidisciplinary consideration , 28 neonatal stridor , 196–197 pathogenesis , 27 techniques , 203 Arrhinia. See Congenital arhinia volume rendering method , 203, 204 ASA diffi cult airway algorithm , 224–225 Congenital airway disorders in larynx clefts , 8–10 B congenital subglottic stenosis , 11–12 Bag mask ventilation (BMV) , 300, 348–350 laryngeal webs and atresia , 10–11 Baxter, J.D. , 87, 89 in nasal Beattie, C. , 234 choanal atresia , 4, 6–8 Beckwith Weidmann syndrome , 136 congenital nasal piriform aperture stenosis , 3–6 Benjamin, B. , 9, 89 in trachea , 12–13 Berg, E.E. , 87–94 Congenital arhinia , 36 Bethanechol , 93 Congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation (CCAM) , 187 Bhutani, V.K. , 252 Congenital epulis , 168, 170 Bifi d epiglottis , 123–124, 161–162 Congenital high airway obstruction syndrome (CHAOS) Bilateral choanal atresia , 37 clinical presentation , 64 Bilateral vocal cord paralysis , 125, 263, 265 diagnosis and management , 64–65 Biomarkers , 285 epidemiology , 64 Biphasic stridor , 189 multidisciplinary considerations , 65 Birth trauma , 36 pathogenesis , 64 Blair, G.K. , 89 Congenital laryngomalacia Blinman, T. , 281–292 clinical presentation , 52–53 Bronchioalveolar lavage (BAL) , 216 diagnosis , 52–54 Bronchogenic cyst , 172–174 epidemiology , 52–53 Bronchomalacia , 87, 253 etiology , 51–52 Bronchoscopes , 215–217 management , 54–55 Bronchoscopy , 255, 284–285 multidisciplinary considerations Bucher, U. , 248 cardiac disease , 56 Burke, R.P. , 119 congenital anomalies and genetic disorders , 56 Busato, G.-M. , 3–13 gastrointestinal disease , 55–56 neurologic disease , 56 pathogenesis , 51–52 C Congenital malformations Campisi, P. , 3–13 acquired abnormalities , 207 Cardiac disease , 56 branching anomalies , 205 Cervical lymphangioma , 169, 171–172 congenital tracheal stenosis , 205–206 Cervical teratomas , 172–173, 181–182, 240 developmental anomalies , 205 CHAOS. See Congenital high airway obstruction syndrome (CHAOS) vascular compression , 206–207 CHARGE syndrome , 17 Congenital nasal pyriform aperture stenosis (CNPAS) Chaudhry, A.P. , 30 clinical presentation , 4, 15 Cheng, J. , 67–74 diagnosis , 4, 6, 15–16 Chest radiographs , 195, 196, 201–202 epidemiology , 3, 15 Index 393 etiology , 3, 15 multidisciplinary consideration , 18 management , 4, 16 pathogenesis , 18 multidisciplinary consideration , 4–6, 17 Cricoid cartilage , 138 pathogenesis , 3–5, 15 Cricothyroidotomy , 303 Congenital pharyngeal mass , 239 Cricotracheal resection (CTR) , 61–62 Congenital pyriform sinus aperture stenosis , 135 Crisis resource management , 357 Congenital subglottic stenosis Critically ill neonate transportation clinical presentation , 11–12, 63 acute decompensations , 341 diagnosis , 12, 63 advanced airway and ventilation , 340–341 epidemiology , 11, 62 ambulance/aircraft , 335–336 etiology , 11 consent , 334 grade III–IV lesions , 63 considerations , 332–333 grade I–II lesions , 63 EMTALA , 319–320 management , 12 fi xed-wing transports , 337–339 multidisciplinary considerations , 63–64 ground transport considerations , 335–336 pathogenesis , 11, 62–63 initial triage , 330–331 Congenital tracheal cartilaginous sleeve , 164 isolette transfer , 334–335 Congenital tracheal stenosis medical records and consents , 322 clinical presentation , 12 mode of transport , 320–322 absent tracheal rings , 84 parental accompaniment , 334–335 biphasic stridor , 81 pre-dispatch preparation , 331–332 complete tracheal rings , 82 pre-hospital decision-making , 320 diagnostic workup , 82–83 referring hospital , 334 sleeve trachea , 83–84 rotor-wing transport considerations , 336–337 considerations , 12–13, 85–86 sedation and paralysis , 339–340 diagnosis , 12–13 team composition , 320–321 epidemiology , 12, 81 transfer of responsibility , 322 etiology , 12 unstable tracheostomy , 341–342 management , 12, 84–85 Crombleholme, T.M. , 167–179 overview , 81 Crouzon, O. , 26 pathogenesis , 12 Crouzon syndrome , 17–18, 147–148 Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) , 319 clinical presentation , 26–27 Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) , 92–93 diagnosis , 27 Contrast esophagogram , 201 epidemiology , 26 Contrast esophagography , 202 etiology , 26 Contrast esophagrams , 196 management , 27 Coppit, G.L. , 30 multidisciplinary considerations , 27 Corbett , 266 pathogenesis , 26 Cotton, R.T. , 60 Curved planar reformatting (CPR) , 203 Cough , 79 Cystic pulmonary airway malformations Craniofacial microsomia (CPAMs) , 174 clinical presentation , 20 diagnosis , 20 epidemiology , 20 D etiology , 20 da Silva, O.P. , 59 management , 20 Dacryocystocele. See Nasolacrimal duct cyst multidisciplinary consideration , 20–21 Darrow, D.H. , 97–108 pathogenesis , 20 deAlarcón, A. , 81–86 Craniofacial syndromes DeMauro, S.B. , 263–277 laryngotracheal Derkay, C. , 209–220 Down syndrome , 21–22 Deshmuhk, H. , 133–143 tracheal cartilaginous sleeve , 22–23 Deshmunkh, H. , 297–303 nasal cavity and midface Diffi cult airway management simulation , 354–356 CHARGE syndrome , 17 Direct laryngoscopy/bronchoscopy , 194–195 CNPAS , 15–17 Downing, G.J. , 246 craniosynostosis syndrome , 17–18 Down syndrome oromandibular clinical
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