t"°Fran kl in Franklin’sNews Oldest Community Newspaper recorD "eel.21. No. 46 Twosections, 30 pages Thursday,November 13, 1975 Phone:725-3300 Secondclasss postage paid in Princeton,N.J. 08540 $4.50/ycet 15 cents/copy Porro inquiry soug t ’~ The Franklin TownshipSewerage he waspaid outlandishfees for his work Mr. Porro was also paid another Eckardt will continue their in- Authorityhas suspendedits attorney, on the PhaseThree sewer bend,. $50,000for legal expensesconnected vcaligation into the attorney’s legal : Alfred Porto, and askedfor on in- with the authority so far this year, ac- workin Franklin,as they havebeen ! vestigationinto his activities as legal ACCORI)INGTOfigures released by cordingto the director, LarryGerber¯ doingfor sometime. counselto that authority¯ Mr. Koszkulios,the attorneyreceived Theattorney sent a letter to the In his letter tothe authority, Mr. ~/i+i Mr.Porro was also indictedlast weekover ~3,000for the PhaseThree ban- authority,assuring them that he wouldPorro said "no shame" would be by a BergenCounty grand jury which dine, a figurehe claimsis oneof the welcomethe investigationand denied broughttotheauthorRyasaresult,ofhts .: charged him with¯ conspiracy and highestever recordedfor a $5 million any wrongdoing both here and in legal representation. misconductin office¯He was accused of bondby the Institute for Analysisof BergenCounty¯ receivingmoney while he wasattorney PublicIssues in Princeton¯ Mr. Koszkultos said he and Mr. (See’PORRO,page 14-A) " ’ ’ "’" ........... to the East Rutherford Sewerage Authorityfrom some of the firms which underwrotethe authority’sbonds. ’ MONDAYNIGHT the Franklin authority suspendedMr. Porro and decidedto withholdhis paypending an Dem hits FTA impact investigation by SomersetCounty Prosecutor Stephen Champi. East ~’ Brunswickattorney Ella Schneiderwill by nrian Wand Mrs. Maklaryignored many expense, figures the municipalbudget has ac- act as the authority’,legal counselin ManagingEditor incurredby the organizationand said tually increased15.4 per cent between the meantime. that the real impactof the FTAon the the 1974and 1975 fiscal years. Mrs. Mr.Champi has said he will lookinto Franklin Township Democratic townhsiphas been"totally negativeand Maklaryresponded that inflation had the allegationsmade by the authority, MunicipalChairman Dennis Aucielin extravagantlyexpensive to the tax. reached 12 per cent over the same whichwere supposed toha mailedto the this weeklabeled a recentreport about payer." period. prosecutorthis week¯ the FranklinTaxpayers Association, Mrs.Maklary’s report, releasedtwo Mr. Porto has comeunder heavy released by CouncilwomanDorothy. weeksago at a councilmeeting, was a MIt. AUCIELLOASKED that, if the criticism lately fromCommissioners Maklary,as a "specious piece of responseto a questionraised by former FTAhad in fact savedthe township AlbertKoszkulics, George Eekardt and political propaganda." Republicancouncilman Leonard Viler, almost3.9 milliondollars, which he says CouncilmanJoseph Martian who claim Mr. Aucielinfurther chargedthat whohad asked her whatthe FTAhas is about70 per cent of this year’sbudget, actually savedthe townshipsince it whyhaven’t taxes decreased 70 percent started a fewyears ago. this year? Mrs. Maklarytold the News-Record TIlE FTA"IMPACT" on the town that herfigures showed that taxeshave had,according to her, (1) - savedthe in fact, beenlower the last three years taxpayersof the towncollectively, than they wouldhave been. if the $1,802,676;(2) - cut municipalspending Democratswere still in power. by over $1.5 million and supported The Democratchaeged that her schoolbudget cuts of over$500,000; (3) figures regardinglegal fees paid to reducedlegal expensespaid to townshiptownshipattorneys are misleading attorneysand (4) - "re-establishedthe becausethey do not reflect moneypaid principlesof citizens’rights and ethical to attorneysthat are not the township’s valuesin government¯"¯ legal counsel.Specifically, he pointed TheDemocratic chairman painted cut out threecases. that accordingto Mrs.Maklary’s own (SeeFTA, page 14-A) ’ Bondfate uncertain Dr.Joseph J. S’en+ec’aof Griggstownwasrecently ap- : professorbelieves that NewYork City’s’ financial ¯ pointedbY¯ Governor Brnedan Byrne to the state’s’ : . problomswillbefeltbyNewJerseytaxpayerstoo.. , ¯ Economicpolicy Council. Tt)e Rutgerscollage . (LindaAcasterphoto) Thedecision of whetherto provide raised new questions about the project Local economist warns some$75,000 by floating bend,for the Mondayngiht, claiminga $25,0~0grant constructionof a communitycenter for for the project fromthe RobertWood the Franklin HousingAuthority was Foundationdid not showup on the debated again Tuesdaynight by the paperssubmitted by the authorityto the Franklin TownshipCouncil but no council¯ decisionwas reached. HousingAuthority ChairmanLeon Theauthority needsthe moneyfrom Cohenproduced a newset of figuresat Default willhurt N.J. the townshipto qualifyfor a grantfrom the meeting,however, which he chimed the federal departmentof Housingand showedthe donation. "There is no UrbanDevelopment which will pay for problemor mysteryabout the money," hy PeggyRoeskc Frcund,Vice President of ihe NewYork slowlythan states witha lowerrata. mostof the estimated$428,000 cost to hesaid, "it’s all accountedfor," SpecialWriter StockExchange. Therefore,all economicproposals must buildthe buildingon Fuller Street. Mrs;Maklary also claimedshe hod TheEconomic Policy Councilmeets be examinedin the light of tbelreffects CouncilwomanDorothy Maklary informationthat showedthe authority "The consequences of NewYork withthe governorevery other month.on employment." had beenadvised last year that the City’sdefauR are alreadybeing felt In Thecouncil members also serve in an "Forexample, the EconomicPolicy townshiplegally couldnot float bondsNowJersey,"occordingtoDr.JesephJ,advisorycapacity of the Office of CouncilIs also now.stndy[ng a ’no Town wins for the projectand she wondered why Seneca,a Grlggstownresident whoIs EconomicPolicy, which provides growth’or ’limitedgrowth’ polley for theauthority pursued It anyway. chalrmannfthoEconomics Department economicinformation to both the the state. Whereasit has been Mr.Cohen responded that the coun- at RutgersCollege. governorand the state legislature, traditional fro’ states to encourage Reynolds cil’s latest investigation wasmore "NewYork will default without growth,some states suchas California extensiveand hadshowed information federalaid," Dr. Senecaasserts. "And TIlECOUNCIL will soonpresent its and Delawareare nowoontreliing the leadingto o conclusionthat the townshiptim fear ofdefault caused this state’s eighthannual reporl, Thereport will dircettonof their growth,throagh zoning voterstodefoatto four bendlssueslestinclude studies of long.range andouvlronmcntal regulations," appeal couldfloat the bends, week, TheNow York experience is mannfaeturingtrends in the state the CouncilmanRichard Messner com- eitherraising the cost of borrowingfor qualityof the NewJersey labor force, "ONEI)IIAWIIACI( of ’no growth’,"’ of The Franklin TownshipBoard pllOi~3dt~at "averytimewe look at the other states and municipalities,or andthoMt,Laurelhouslngdcclslon.Tho Dr. Senecacoatinuos, "is that It will Adjustment has been uphold in Igus f r tills projectthey dmngo, It makingIt impossible for them to bodyIs currentlyInvolved in studyinglikely hit low.Incomegroups the har- SomersetCounty Court on Its decisionto look. like somebodyhas beon Juggling borrow,orforcing n postponement,with migrationpattern, in tbestate a land dest,Moreevor It has heen argned that denyan application to build 242 con- themaround," theloss of hoodedservices." fill tax onsnlid waste and a revisionof youcan only Improve Ibe structnres of dom[nhlmson 2Oacres of land across CouncilmanJohn Cullon sharply ’ unemploymentcompensation taxes society whenyon have a growing tile street fromthe King,lames nursing criticizedIds followcouncil members ¯ I)ll, SENECA,32, wasappointed in whichwmlld ateeuragc employer,to economy,with a growingtax base, homoon EastonAvemle, for debatingthe Issue, Julyhy Governor Brendan Ilyrnc totbe hire moreworkers, , LImltad growth would also have Judge B, ThomasLcahy on Friday "Thenet resell of oil ridsquestioning three-mcmberEconom[cPolicyCounellRegardingthe ,taWs13 percent dontngraphleeffects -. II wealdcause ruledthat the zoningboard’s reasons for is that no actionIs taken,We’re not of NewJorsay. 1[o serves wlOi tester nnomplaymontrata, Dr, Senecapolnhi younglmopla to moveout, t11xlleave denyingtile applicationwore sound. actingIn goodfaith of thepnblle tlmt Chandler,Professor Emeritus of oat, "Weare worse Ihan the national Imhlndmore older Imoplo mid a lowered IMI,q *,fill,,, (SsoZONING, page I4,A) (SeaIIONI)3, page 14.A) PrincetonUniversity, and WilliamC, average,and we will recovermore hlrlhrlltO," Speakingaf hlxes,Professor Seneca favorsthe htcanlehlX, because it Is an Crowdedfields ? "ohlstlc" lax. AsIneemo goos up Smnllgamohuntlno saasml oponed Saturday In Naw Jorsoy, This illustration op- reVOnllesneroaso wt I anneento tax, poorodlnHarper’s Weakly In January,1877, It depictscrowded conditions In andthis Is notso wilh 11sates tax, NowJersey fields duringsmall game season, What clangors confront the Board okays conference $ "WhetherIt will comois a Im]ltlcal ,. Franklinhomeowner during huntln0 nansen? For a newsanalysl, of thatIssue, question,"he adds, ,aapage 3, hyIIrhulWood forencomust submit requests for ax. thing,nmko 111co social affairs," whoreIllllcrost Sehouiwas eloped after Dll,
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